Blog Posts

Advice From Lord Mammon if you are Feeling Down from Haters.

If you are feeling down because of people saying mean things about you online or mean things about you in general. King Mammon offers these tips to overcome the haters and move into a mindset of success and determination! 1) Develop Inner Strength: Mammon emphasizes the importance of developing inner strength. He encourages you to…
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Unethical Practises – Commenting on the Bindings of Other Conjurers 

There have been times where people have asked me to comment on the bindings and spirit keeping practises of other conjures.  I will never comment on the work and craft of another conjurer or discuss whether their bindings are good or not.  This is something that I just will not do.   This is because……
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The Key to Manifesting in Turbulent Times

The world is changing, it is shifting and the energies are in a state of turmoil and chaos.  Many of us have experienced this: the crazy ups and downs, the challenging and destructive times, the days when it feels like the world sludge is the supreme overload of everything and destined to make life a…
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Outer Spiritual World Demons Don’t Die

There have been some people who are very concerned that their companions have passed away or have been killed. I want to discuss how death works from the Outer Spiritual World and why you do not have to worry about this with the companions that we conjure.  I also want to say that if anyone…
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Steps to take in a Mental Health Crisis

**TRIGGER WARNING** Suicide On our journey, we have met many who are struggling and many who are having mental health challenges. Life is challenging and many people at times find themselves in horrible and awful places. Many people struggle with depression and disruptive thoughts. It is nothing to be ashamed of and it is very…
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Delightfully Dark Discussions ~ Companions, Familiars, and Guardians

Defining Demonosophy & Demon Companions In Demonosophy, which is the path that our Coven walks, we walk side by side with the Dark Lords and with Demons. There are many spiritual paths that have different forms of guides, much like angelic guardians, spirit guides, animal familiar spirits, entities, and more. There are many different ways…
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Delightfully Dark Discussion ~ Lucifuge Rofocale

Demonic Enns and Meditations What is an Enn?  When first starting working with a demon, specially the Dark Lord and Dark Ladies, this is a common question asked. An Enn is a phrase that is particular to a demon that is connected with them energetically. It can be used as a call or invitation of…
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Delightfully Dark Discussion – Spiritual Callings

The following post is from the above video. Spiritual Foundation “What exactly is the spiritual foundation work? How do I work on my spiritual foundation? Are there any courses or ways I can start to strengthen my spiritual foundation?” A very big question that is asked frequently, but is also one of the most important…
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The Dangers of Channeling

Channeling is where you allow the energies of a spiritual being to take over you so that you can translate and interpret messages from that being.  Channeling is not an exact science and it takes a LONG time to learn to channel from a place where no personal bias or personal influence gets in.  I have been…
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So Satan and Suns/Sons is a Cult?

We get attacked all the time online, Mammon tells me that you know you are doing something right when you get hate. I still notice that we get different types of haters.  There are many who identify as Christians who openly attack us online.  Many accuse us of being a cult.  I want to say,…
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The Outer Spiritual World is Fake??? 

Apparently, the Outer Spiritual World is Fake.. and I made it all up… Well, that’s news to me 🤔 The spiritual world is a vast and giant place. It is a place that is very layered and has multiple dimensions and realms.  It also is a place that many people have worked to map and…
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