Category: 6) Demonosophy, Dieties, Dark Lords, and Companions


Demonic Military Ranks

A lot of people don’t know there is a difference between between military demonic ranks and Social demonic ranks. There is some confusion here. Military Demonic Ranks are like Demon Commander, Legionnaire, Legion Commander, and Council Commander. They are level that are attained through working in the demonic military and working hard to attain their…
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Demonosophy – What does it mean to be respectful?

Respect… it is a very important thing when working with demons. Demons are individual…  Demonosopy path we recognize that each demon is unique, just like each god on other pantheons is unique.  They all have their own likes and dislikes, we honour that, we don’t try to use them to justify our habits and behaviours…
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Demon Companions

What are Demon Companions?

What Are Demon Companions? People have asked me many times what demons are, and it is a very good question, everything that is dark seems to get categorized as a demon when really there are thousands of different dark creatures and entities out there, some that are incredibly dangerous and destructive, and they are not…
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Demon Familiars

Journey with the Demons

When I was a child I talked to a Demon who was there for me and protected me from the monsters under my bed. At that age any children talked to their “friends.” As we grew we were told that they were make believe and the other children stopped talking to them. I work now…
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Satan's Academy Cover

Lessons from Lord Satan

I have learned many things from Lord Satan over the years about freedom, self-love, connection and empowerment. I first met the Demon Lord Satan when I was 15 years old.  I was a teenager and still exploring and trying to find myself in the spiritual world.  I had dabbled with Wiccan and Paganism, but knew…
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Demonosophy – Methods for Connecting with Demons

Over the years I have found that one of the most effective ways to connect and work with demons is just through honouring them and inviting them to join me. Some people think this is an easy lazy way, but it isn’t. It is not a cake walk! This is because my focus is not…
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Demonic Social and Military Ranks

We have seen the names;  Commanders, Generals,  Legions, Dukes, Duchesses, Marquis, Princes.  But what do they all mean? I want to break down the rankings here in a way that is easier to understand and my understanding of the structure thus far of both Social and Military Ranks.  They are two completely different things.  I also…
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Demonosophy – Working with Demons through Respect

What does it mean to work with demons from a place of respect? This is a question that I have been asked many times. Well the answer to that question is, on the Demonosopy path we recognize that each demon is unique, just like each god on other pantheons is unique. Demons they are a…
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Demon Companions

Demon Familiars – Questions about Familiars

Do Demons and spiritual beings love? Of course they do! in fact I would say their range of emotions are more vast and deeper them our own, that is why at times we have a hard time understanding them and the depth of their emotions and energies. The spiritual world is vaster then our own…
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Demonosophy – Demon Offerings – Tea

Great offerings for Demons – Tea. Why is tea such an incredible and important offering? This is simple. Tea and the serving of tea is a ritaul process in itself. Offering tea when someone enters your home is a sign of respect. It is a very wonderful offering for Demonosophers as we alwasy approach demons…
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Dark Entities

Demons, Daeva’s and Classification of Dark Entities

Demonic Dark Energy (or DDE) was a phrase coined by our coven from our research into how to identify demons, so it is based on our definition of what demons are, yes the spiritual world is very subjective, and people do have different definitions, but from our research, this is the definition we have come…
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