Demonosophy – What does it mean to be respectful?

Demonosophy – What does it mean to be respectful?


Respect… it is a very important thing when working with demons.

Demons are individual…  Demonosopy path we recognize that each demon is unique, just like each god on other pantheons is unique.  They all have their own likes and dislikes, we honour that, we don’t try to use them to justify our habits and behaviours (many people do this, demon are proponents of a more healthy lifestyle and on the LHP we try to walk free of all bindings and addictions, so don’t assume that just because a demon hasn’t said anything about a habit that they are ok with it, or would accept it as an offering). we know that each one has different likes and dislikes and that we honour.  It is important to really get to know the individual demon before working with them and learn about them so that you can approach them in a way that is respectful for them.  Approaching Rosier is very different from approaching King Paimon.

Demons have their ritual preferences.…. Some demons like a quiet intimate setting, others like a grand elaborate ritual.  Knowing what the demon you are approaching likes is a sign of respect.  It is important to honour what it is that they like when you are connecting with them and especially if you are seeking favours from them.  Know the demon that you are calling forth and know what it is that they are looking for.

Be Polite… Manners go a long way, when asking a demon to come forward and speak to you do not command them and order them around, this is the fastest way to get a smack down.  Respect goes a long way and when you are curious and polite with the demons they will be more receptive to your requests. This is why we advice against older archaic rituals where demons are bound and blasted with blasting rods.  We highly advice against these rituals and promote a softer more respectful approach.    Don’t command them or threaten them.  Your manners, remember your pleases and your thanks you and practise humility and humbleness, it will go a long way when connecting with them.

Honour who they are… These are incredibly divine and powerful beings,  just because they are Dark does not mean that they deserve any less then any other god, they should be honoured and revered for who they are.  If your demon does not like something do not offer it to them.  Some demons it is recommended that you should not drink alcohol before working with them.  Take the time to connect to their energies and honour them for who they are.

Remember you are standing before a God…. when a demon chooses to appear to you or come to you in a ritual this is a divine godlike being,  know why you have sought council with them, know what their reason is for being here and respect them, their rank and also their time.  They are coming to you at your request, honour that and be grateful for the time you have with them.

Use common sense… Treat them as you want to be treated, that is the biggest thing, if you would not like to be treated in a certain way, it is more then likely they don’t want to be treated that way.  Use your common sense, research, set up your space, know why you are calling them and thank them for showing up.


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