Demonic Military Ranks

Demonic Military Ranks

Demon Military

Demon Military

A lot of people don’t know there is a difference between between military demonic ranks and Social demonic ranks. There is some confusion here. Military Demonic Ranks are like Demon Commander, Legionnaire, Legion Commander, and Council Commander. They are level that are attained through working in the demonic military and working hard to attain their ranks. They work incredibly hard to attain these ranks and anyone from any social level of demon society can attain these ranks. 

There are also higher levels of Commanders that mix Social and Military Ranks, like the Royal Demon Commanders. There is quite the incredible hierarchy there.

Social Ranks are like Kings, Queens, Dukes and Duchess’s These are demonic titles that come from family and blood line, Demons have very complex and incredibly ancestries and one of our passions is exploring these demonic family trees and seeing the different royal connections.

There are also demonic professions, like Demonic Mages, and Alchemists, musicians and those who pursue their passions and excel at things they are passionate about. The social and political and military structure of the demonic realms is very complex. There are also the ruiling Royal families, and each realm and each demonic species has it’s or ruiling houses.

Lord Satan’s house is one of the most well known ones, though in many of the other realms like the Chaos Realms, and the Lowborn realms the Regal Families are not in the known lists of demons. It is amazing an incredible to learn about them and their hierarchy and structure.

We have a great post here on the Demonic Military Ranks! Come join the conversation!



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