Month: December 2017


Reconnecting with Lucifer

So many demons that I worked with growing up who saw me through the worst of my life and were with me for the best, my time with them slipped away when I fell to stress… Lucifer was one of those demons.  Lucifer who I used to talk to daily, who I would channel for my husband,…
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The Dark Season of Miracles

As I look out my window at 4:30pm to see the darkness falling all around me, Sunset comes early at this time of the year.  It is no secret that this is a time of Darkness.  It is the darkest time of the year, but it is also the brightest and one of the most…
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Christmas Mammon

Lessons from Mammon : The Christmas Mammon

I have started the new lessons with Mammon and I have to say it has been quite the transition.  Everything I once again thought I knew has been being challenged and he is once again working on shifting my mindset and opening me up to new perspectives. I am also needing to be constantly present, for…
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Don't Waste Your Time

Lesson from Mammon : Don’t Waste Your Time

Mammon:  You know you have been wasting so much time on things that just don’t matter. It is time.  You have had your time to lament and whine over what happened.  You have healed and worked hard to reclaim your power.  Now it is time to shed this skin and leave it behind. It is time to let it…
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Ethics of Forced Love Spells

Q.  Akelta would you explain please about the ethics inherent in trying to use demons to control a romantic partner who is not interested in being controlled?   A.  Yes, I can answer that… Ethically speaking it is not really redeemable in any way,  it’s black magick through and through and I personally think it is…
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