The Most powerful Lesson Mammon Ever Taught Me

The Most powerful Lesson Mammon Ever Taught Me

Important Lessons

This is a hard post for me to do, because it reveals a breaking point for me, a moment of pure growth and well one of my lower points in life. But a Time when I was able to turn my life around in a profound way. When all the lessons and all the conversations with Mammon made sense, and something broke in me. Mammon warned me as well. He said I needed to break out of this for him to continue our lessons, and that it was going to be one of many hard lessons that I would have to learn.

That is one thing, when you invite a Dark Lord into your life, you also invite the lessons that you have to learn, and they will push your buttons, and they will guide you and help break you down so that you are freed and can embrace what you truly desire. Sometimes it is hard, sometimes it is painful, but always worth it. When we want to work with them, we also have to be prepared for the lessons that come with that, and remember, be careful what you ask for, cause they will help you get it.

I was in a very bad situation. I was carrying two Mortgages at the time (one has since been paid off) and I lost my primary contract position. Being a contract position I was unable to collect EI and on top of that trying to find another job was well impossible as I was 7 months pregnant and the guy who was willing to hire me needed time to set up his new venture which wouldnt be for another 6 months. I remember that conversation with Mammon well.

Me: WHY IS THIS HAPPENING? (yes I yelled at him)

Mammon: “excuse me?! watch your tone, why is what happening?”

Me: I have lost everything, I am going to lose everything, I am trying to get a job and people take one look at my stomach and that is it!

Mammon: your not meant to get a job, you have always been entrepreneurial and you will always be. Pull yourself together and use what I taught you, you can do this.

With that he was gone, and I was left felling lost. I had a great position, I worked with some really awesome people and in an instant it was gone. What was I going to do, I sank into myself. I had connections, I talked to my friends but really, Most of them there was nothing I could do. Or potential opportunities were off in the distance. I was frustrated. I really was.

I had money, I had just tied it up and it was frustrating. I kept applying at places and nothing was working. I would hear Mammons voice in my head, trust, and focus on what you want. Do whatever it takes to smash through this barrier.

I was frustrated, my mom suggested I try to get on a social program until I was not pregnant, then a job would be easy to get, LOL Which was not something I was big on. I have always been self sufficient and this just felt like giving in. To appease her I called and well within the first 2 minutes of the call I know there was no way. I would not be able to qualify for it, nor did I want to, I hung up the phone and heard Mammon laughing.

Me: you think this is funny!!

Mammon: it’s hysterical from my view.

Me: I can’t afford groceries this week!!

Mammon: I’m having filet tonight.

Me: *resisting the urge to utter a profanity to the Demon Lord of wealth and abundance*

Mammon: I heard that

Me: I didnt say anything…

Mammon: You thought it.

Mammon: Social programs are lower then jobs vibrationally, you know this! You don’t need charity, that will keep you locked in your trap. Trust me, follow the path and everything will work out.

I started digging through the house and selling stuff on craigs list that well was really only taking up space. Another month saved. Dracon, as well, we were in a car accident and his body was a wreck and he had lost his business that brought in anywhere from $4000-$6000 a month, so that was a hard hit to take. The irony, he had always said he wanted to get out of that business. What we didnt realize was that all this was just an insane transition.

Me bawling: “Mammon I have no idea what I am going to do, I am running out of things to sell” (I am before him bawling on his lap as he rests his hand on my head)

Mammon: “Then stop selling and start creating, you know what you need to do. If you want change then change your reality”

He touched my heart chakra and I felt warmth and power flowing through me. I also felt something move in my own energies.

I looked up at him and he smiled at me. Then I was back and he was gone, but I was left with a thought, have trust and faith and focus on what you want. I remember the night it happened, it was like a switch went off in my head. Something broke in me and I knew what Mammon was talking about. I knew the change that had to happen in me and I knew exactly why he lead me to work with those I had. I was suddenly grateful for the opportunity and even more grateful I was able to get out in the way I did. Everything worked out perfectly, no hard feelings, no nothing, just an end of one journey. I was suddenly filled with gratitude, and reached out to others, An opportunity presented itself and I was able to create exactly what I had always wanted and desired. I went back to Mammon.

Me: you sabotaged me

Mammon: I did, if you had gotten a job, or been able to have been bailed out on charity you would never have gone through this transformation. This is why I say the things to you I say about charity. It is the difference between giving a man to fish and teaching him to fish. You give him a fish and he will expect it daily and you will be drained. You had to make the shift.

You are now on the way to getting what you truely want, what you love to do. Remember when you taught, remember when you use to channel for people, remember when you conjured for others. You will have that, but it will be in you control.

Me: I see that now, my world had to shatter for me to transform. I had to let go of the illusion.

Mammon: yes

Me: Thank you Mammon, I love you and I love working with you guys, even when you are a pain! (Mammon smiles).

Mammon: This is what your heart always wanted, know the opportunity is before you. There is still tweaking that needs to be done, but the way to start, is to take the first step. I am behind you now, supporting you in this venture. Now that you know how to fish, I will teach you.

(note*** this is actually the birth of S&S)

Me: thank you Mammon. You are right, I would not have been happy and though it was scary, staying on course and staying true to this was the right thing to do.

Mammon: Trust me, I see what you don’t and what you can’t when I guide you, follow it and you will have everything you need to create this.

As soon as I shifted I settled with ICBC for the car accident. Then Dracon did. We both laughed and began to build the foundation for creating the life of our dreams.

It was a lot of hard work, and Mammon always made me look for the answers from within, find the solutions from within. He also said until I made that shift, no help would actually help me. It would only serve to keep me trapped in the pattern I was in. Once I shifted my Dad also gave me a wonderful present which helped out big time.

Mammon told me after: “I work with people who are willing to go the distance and put in the effort and do the work needed to make their dreams a reality. I will give you all the help but you also have to help yourself. I will give you the opportunity but you have to work it and claim it as yours!! I will give you the chance but you have to show me you have what it takes and are not just going to make excuses!! I am not here to build an empire for you! but I will align you with the opportunity and show you how to work it to make it happen. If you want an empire you have to work hard and earn it! But If you put in the work, I will show you and help you make it happen!”

Working with Mammon is a Journey, a mindset shift and not always easy. Which Mammon always says the quote…

One of Mammon’s Favourite Quotes..

“The Rich do things hard thats why their life is easy,
The poor do things easy thats why their life is hard.”


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