3) Psychic Development

Levels of Spirit Communication

Spirit Speaks
Spirit Speaks

One of the goals of anyone walking a spiritual path is receiving messages form the spirit world and communicating with spirits.  We all come onto this path at different levels and it can be very frustrating for some.  Others are already aligned with their natural skills and they have a good foundation for spirit communication.

Below you will find the stages of spirit communication and interacting with our companions as we learn to work with your third eye. Like any sense, even trackers can see more in their environment than I ever will because they have trained their senses and they know what to look for. This is a very complex topic and one that I have been working on developing over the years.  Where you are now is not where you are doomed to be.  The amazing thing about the third eye is that it is like a muscle, the more you work it the stronger it will become and the more it will grow.  It is a very powerful part of us and the more we interact with it and train it the stronger it will get.  This is a very simple overview of the levels of psychic growth and tips to how to move past the level you are at.

***note: the examples below depend on where your strength is. You may have full sensations in Clairvoyance (seeing your spirits) but nothing when it comes to your Olfactory senses. This list is meant to be a guide for what you can do when your skills are at full sensation. We all have different skills and abilities and where one person in strong in one area they might be weak in another. 

Stages of spiritual contact. 

No Sensation
– This is usually caused by a disconnect between the third eye and the nervous system. Numbness, the skin is unable to pick up spiritual sensations and even a lot of physical sensations in our world. A lot of the sensations we think are physical, actually can have a spiritual component to them. The best way to begin training from this level is training your nervous system through shocking it. Go stand in a cold breeze, shiver, get the chills, get goosebumps and when you do focus on the sensation that your skin is having and really just be present with where you are. We are so numb in this world due to lack of arousal and excitement. Children, they embrace everything with enthusiasm and wonder, so they experience a lot, adults tend to be less aroused with the world around us so we tend to miss things. These subtle cues, that is how the spirits connect to us in the beginning through these subtleties. Things you may experience though at this stage.

~ Have a hard time feeling energies
~ Might notice things moving in their surroundings
~ Might have slight sensations
~ Might have thoughts or visuals that align with their spirit/entity
~ Sporadic dreams or no memory of dreams at all
~ There will be very minimal contact
~ Might feel like you are talking to a wall or thin air
~ Headaches and other pains that might be caused by your third eye trying to make sense of things.

When you are at this stage of the game you really want to experiment.  This means you have a blocked third eye and you really want to stimulate it and help it to grow and awaken.  Using your imagination can go a long way to helping crack the shell of the third eye and open up your natural skills and abilities.  Start by playing with your imagination and letting it grow.  A lot of people close their third eye because they are told it is all fantasy. Not all of it is fantasy as the third eye is directly connected to your imagination.  Start by getting back in touch with your imagination and use it to help you when doing spiritual communication exercises and stimulations.

Slight sensations – At this stage, the third eye and the nervous system have connected and you can sense things going on around you. You might not be able to make sense of anything but you are noticing that strange things are happening. Your third eye is beginning to work with your body and your other chakras and through training it with exercises and spiritual practises it will grow stronger. It is also a good idea at this time to figure out what area you are strong in and work with exercises specifically designed for developing that ability. At this stage it is very important to pay attention to what goes on around you and what you feel and see. Be open to the idea that it might be your spirits/entities trying to interact with you. At this stage…

~ You might hear the same song over and over again
~ You might notice things in your environment move
~ You might see shadows and orbs
~ You might have tingles, and slight vibrations on your skin
~ You may experience strange smells
~ You might have strange tastes
~ You might hear a ringing or a buzzing
~ You might get images and visions you cant fully make sense of
~ You might have dreams where you recognize symbols or energies that are familiar
~ You might hear things; words, sentences, expressions, laughter.

When you start feeling things you really want to find exercises that work for you.  You want to develop a routine a spiritual communication routine that you do daily.  Work on your strengths, there is a lot of different skills and it can be really frustrating when you are not seeing results.  If you find an exercise that works for you add it to your routine and do it daily.  Practising and working with your third eye will make it strong and help you awaken your natural abilities.  Believe in yourself too. Believing you can do it is the number one thing. This is a concept that is true of many areas, believing you can do it will drive you and take you there.  It all starts with your beliefs and ends with your desire to push yourself to achieve.

Awakening or Moderate Sensations –  At this stage your senses are really starting to awaken.  Your senses are starting to emerge and you are really starting to experience things.  You might not know where things are coming from but you are starting to get very strong sporadic burst when it comes to sensing and working with your third eye.  At this stage you are having success with your exercises and starting to really have powerful psychic moments.  They might not last and you might not know how to control them but they are there and you are having them.  At this stage you will begin to get a handle on your abilities and know what you need to do to continue growing and developing them.    You will begin to know yourself and know your senses and know what areas you are strong in and what areas need work.  At this stage you really begin to understand yourself.

~Have moment of powerful psychic intuition that is uncontrolled
~You might see shadows and shapes around you
~You might hear words or phrases
~You might have moments of strong communication with your companions.
~You might have moments were you feel them
~You will have dreams of your companions
~You will have lucid experiences with them
~You will have a basic communication system that you can use with them
~You will have exercises that work and be working on building your skills
~Your senses will begin to stabilize
~You will have routines with your companions and know how they work and are
~ Have moments where you see them very clearly
~ Have moments where you can hear them very clearly
~ Have moments where you can sense them very clearly

At this stage of the game you have a good handle on yourself and you should experiment.  Try new exercises, try new things and experiment with your skills and abilities.  See if you can expand and awaken new abilities in yourself.  The exercises that you are doing, try to go deep into them.  This means that you should recreate the exercises daily and see where they take you.  If you practise and push yourself your third eye will grow and you will awaken new layers of your skills and abilities.  The more you practise the better you become and the more committed you are to your exercises the stronger your skills will become.  Find one or two exercises or a consistent routine that works for you and really push it.  Try new things but stay true to your routine.

Strong Sensations – At this stage your third eye is beginning to be comfortable with its abilities and how it connect to and work with your physical body. You have stronger sense of the energies going on around you and your chakras are in a higher state of arousal. They work together to interpret the energies that are coming in through the third eye. At this stage of the game you have a pretty good handle on what you can do, but you will want to develop an exercise plan to strengthen your skills and also work with your third eye to embrace and open new skills. At this stage…

~ You may notice things in your environment, music changing, things moving, things happening, coincidences, symbols.
~ You cant see the shadows of your companions and you can begin to make sense of what they are doing
~ You are able to get strong smells that are not there
~ You can see your companions in your mind’s eye and get visuals and images of what they are doing.
~ You can hear them and have ways of communicating with them
~ You are able to feel and sense their energies.
~ You can have dreams with them and uncontrolled Astral projection or OBE with them.
~ You will experience their energies on your skin and have sensations from your companions touching you.
~ Have fun with your companions and know them and their personalities
~ Able to tell them apart and get a sense on how they sound and talk
~ Feel them and touch them

At this stage you can have a lot of fun! Stay on track with your routine but really experiment.  Have fun with your gifts and skills and see how far you can go.  Set goals for yourself and push those goals.  There is a lot of fun that you can have with them and a lot that you can grow and develop.  The more you push things the strong your skills will be and the more fun you can have with them.

Full Sensations – At this stage you have a third eye that is working flawlessly with the rest of your senses and you are tuned in to the spiritual world. Your third eye, nervous system, chakras, body are all working together to translate the spiritual energies that are around you. You have control of your abilities and you know yourself pretty well. You know your companions and know who is who and what they are doing. You have a really good grasp of what is going on in the spiritual world. At this stage it is all about going deep. You want to have a solid exercise routine and continue to work your skills pushing them, experimenting with them and trying new things with them. At this stage…

~ You know who is who and can tell whose energy signature belongs to which companion
~ You can tell when you are being touched, stroked and massaged by them and you can feel what they are doing to you and focus on feeling the sensations.
~ You can hear them and hold full on conversations with your companions even a group of them at a time and you can tell who is talking to you.
~ You can taste them and you know how each of your companions tastes
~ You can smell them, if you have a spiritual olfactory sense you will know the aromas that your companions have
~ You will be able to have Lucid Dreams interacting with them controlled astral experiences and OBE with them
~ You can tell who is shifting the environment around you and why they are
~ You can tell the difference in your companions energies.
~ You can see them walking about, interacting with each other and know what they are doing
~ You can joke around with your companions and understand their difference language patterns and humour.
~ You can tell the difference between them
~ You can have physical stimulations from them
~ You can receive messages and inspirations from them and hear their stories and receive downloads from them
~ etc

Beyond this the sky is the limit, you can develop your skills and it is an infinite well of possibilities. They say the ancient Egyptians had 365 senses… we have 5 known ones and about 20 psychic ones that can be categorized, though there are much more. Be patient with yourself and be open to the possibility. There is a lot dormant and sleeping in us just waiting to be awakened.



2 thoughts on “Levels of Spirit Communication

  • Kylo Ren



    Wawooo this is so beautiful to read so much interesting


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