Demon Summoning Books

Demon Summoning Books

Demon Book

Demon Summoning Books.

Learning to work with and summon demons can be accomplished through a variety of Demon Summoning Books.  There are many books out there on demons but a few which are geared towards helping you establish the foundation for learning to summon and work with demons.

I recommend being  very careful which books you go with as some of them follow older more archaic systems that can be quite cruel and require a great deal of training and foundation building.

Many Demon Summoning Books require a foundation with a strong emphasis on Ceremonial Magick. There is nothing wrong with CM , let me say this first and foremost. It’s just not MY particular path or set of beliefs. I believe that every book will have at least something to add to your personal practice so I am not bashing any particular path or what is followed, we just always say no matter what path you follow many sure you approach the demons form a place of respect.

I think the safest way to start off is to buy some easy to use, easy to follow books on demon summoning and information on demons and demonolatry in general. My favorite author for this is S. Connolly whose popularity, while she has been on the scene for some time, has exploded over the last couple of years.

Whatever path you eventually follow, I feel her books The Complete Book of Demonolatry, Daemonolatry Goetia, and The Demonolator’s Guide to Daemonic Magick are a great starting point for any beginner.

I’m not sure I would actually classify her works as actual demon summoning books as I feel they are more respectful and should be considered as demon invitationals. Let me explain. In older grimoires and texts the method by which demons were summoned were harsh- treating the demons as if they were “evil beasts” and commanding them to enter the ritual chamber, usually with threats and coercion.


In Connolly’s books, the Demons are treated more like the powerful Lords they are.

The ritual area is made comfortable, offerings are made, the Enns are said, and requests (not demands) are made to a specific Daemonic Deity. Having practiced her methods myself I find them very practical, very powerful, and much safer than poking and prodding done by other methods.

Daemonolatry Goetia– This book gives the correspondences, sigils, and ever important Enns , including specialties for each of the 72 Goetics. She gives step by step instructions on how to effectively invoke (respectfully calling or inviting the Daemon into ones sacred space for a working). Her writing style is clear, concise, and easy to follow even for a beginner on the path of successfully working with the Demonic. She gives several summoning methods/circles to create the most comfortable atmosphere for the demonolator and the Daemon.


If that is a bit too softcore for your liking and youre feeling brave, you can add to your demon summoning book collection by trying your hand at The Devil’s Grimoire- System of Psychic Attack. This is a great little book of naughty tricks you can achieve employing what Moribus Mortlock, author, refers to as spirits, demons, or little devils.

He discusses two methods of of summoning these demons- The Practical Method , which is hands on using taglocks, paper, and cords or the Mental Approach with instructions to disperse them via mental telepathy. There are many precautions to take when using these guys and you have to “dismiss” them after their work is completed. While this does use the approach of conjuring and dismissing them in the “name of the Holy Tetragrammaton” I have found that using the name of your Most High (in my case Satan) works just as well as Yaweh is not a name that holds power in my life. I would recommend this for Intermediate users who are familiar with simple sigil magick and have the ability to achieve a meditational state.


26 Daemons Revisited – Sorceress Cagliastro- Blood Sorcerer, Necromancer and walker of the Static Path

In the original much shorter version, 26 Daemons, Sorceress Cagliastro gave us 26 Daemons’ names she personally has worked with, a little bit of information on them and how to evoke them. Due to the huge popularity of this book, she decided to come back again , this time with even more detailed information as to what each Daemon was capable of, and step by step evocation instructions.

She gives clear information on each Daemon’s temperament, specialty, and how to approach/ summon them for assistance. The interesting catch to this book is she is the first to introduce us to them. These aren’t the well known Dark Lords and Goetic Immortals we are used to reading about. She states that she feels this will allow  us to work with these Daemons  completely free of preconceived notions of what you think you are  “supposed” to experience.

Instead, we are able to fully experience their power and energy in their entirety, devoid of expectation of others’ previous workings with them. I think this is refreshing in the sense that you wont feel that there is a wrong or right. You wont need to question or validate your experience by reading what has happened during someone else’s time with them.

Following in tradition with her Blood Sorcery Bible series, some of  these demon summoning rituals do require the use of blood sorcery. Reading her books, Blood Sorcery Bible I and Blood Sorcery Bible II to understand the Static Path and theories behind the usage of blood in magickal practice can give the sorcery student a better understanding of how powerful your lifeforce-or blood- can really be.

If you would like to learn more about connecting and working with Demons, come join our forum Satan and Suns which is loaded with information on working with demons and the Dark Lords.

Priestess Satyra Darque


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