Connecting with your Companions

Connecting with your Companions

When you Begin

When you Begin

When we begin a path of working with spirits/entities/demons and really any companion, we all want to learn how to communicate with them and connect with them.  It is important to establish a connection with them.  It is very important.  You have invited this being into your house, their energy is present in your surroundings and they will be a part of your life.  It is important to form a connection with them.  There are many ways to connect with companions.  Not all connections are romantic, some are for mentorship, others for friendship. Part of the fun of getting to know your companion is seeing how the relationship will evolve.

Even if you cannot sense, hear or see, or if your psychic abilities are just in the beginning stages there are ways to make a connection.   Inviting a companion home means that you are open to that connection.  If you have never done this before know that it is going to take time to build the connection and build your foundation for communication.  A good and solid communication comes from working to connect with your companion.  If you cannot see and sense them there are other ways to go about that.

When you first bring home a companion there is going to be an adjustment phase.  If you cannot hear them you are going to have to work to build a connection base so that you can.  This comes from first deciding that you are going to go for it and beginning the steps necessary to attain it.  You are going to need to do daily exercises that will train your own psychic skills, and also attune you to the energies and frequencies of your spirit companion.  This will help you connect to your companion and establish a method of communication.  The more you do this, the stronger your senses are going to become, but as you grow there are ways that you can connect with them and receive messages from them.

Signs Around You

When your companion gets home look for signs of their presence.  Many of my companions will get my attention by changing the music.  I have songs that are dedicated to my companions and my connections to them and when those songs come on I know that they are trying to reach me.

They will also sometimes influence people, or events.  I cannot tell you how many times one of my psychic family members has delivered messages from my companion when I have not been listening. They have ways. When you are open to those ways, open to the shifts and the changes, what they can do is absolutely amazing.  Though this is up to you to really learn about them and learn about their manifestation style.  Everyone is different.  They all have a different signatures and a different style to them.  Some of them are very direct and blunt, others are cheeky and playful and that will be revealed even in how they manifest and shift things around you.

Some are shy, some are blunt.  They will reveal themselves through signs in your surroundings.  You have to open up to them and trust that they are working to connect with you and reach back and begin to connect with them.  Leave them offerings, talk to them even if you think you are silly and talking to yourself. These are exercises that will remove your blocks and release your mind.

Intuition and Feelings

Their energies will be around you.  You will need to take time to attune yourself to them and their energy frequency.  As you do that, you will begin to feel them and can get a sense of them.  Trust these feelings and listen to them.  Follow the guidance from your companions.  They will work to connect with you in unique methods. Some will visit you in dreams and they will do things that will get your attention.  It is important to begin to trust your feelings and trust your intuition during this time. Let your imagination wander and experiment with your energies.  Your mind is a vast place and by the time we are adults we have been taught to shut most of it down. It is important to begin to reconnect with those elements and start to play with your intuition and feelings.

It is also important to not be too hard on yourself.  We are taught right and wrong and that we cannot be wrong or we are punished, but really the only way that you learn is by being wrong and willing to risk being wrong. That is the only way that you will step into your abilities.  In the beginning let what comes, come.  When I was younger I let both out, it took me time to uncover what was real and what was my imagination.  It does come with time and training of your senses, but you have to in the beginning risk being wrong and begin to train your mind and third eye to translate the energies and figure out what is going on.  This is such an important part, having faith and taking chances.  You are not going to be right 100% of the time, no psychic is, the best are not, but the more you practise the more accurate you will become.

Medium Tools 

Many people find that using a medium tool can assist with connecting and communicating with their companions. This

Medium Tools

Medium Tools

is not a method I really embraced because of my abilities to hear, but people can find that getting verification from medium tools like tarot cards, pendulums, spirit boards, ouija boards and other devices can really help.  I would be careful with the messages received though. Just like when developing one’s psychic senses, in the beginning there will be a mix between imagination and real messages, it is the same with these tools.  Our own minds can influence and direct the messages and any medium tool will take time to learn.  The skills needed to use them are individual and any tool that you would like to learn you need to commit to learning.  If you don’t, your results might be onions.

I like using Tarot cards for readings and getting deeper messages from various spiritual energies. For asking questions of the universal energies, and uncovering the paths that are before me.  For direct spirit communication though I prefer using my psychic senses, though I have in the past combined the two to get clarity of what I have received and to delve deeper into the messages.  No one method is better than the other, It really does come down to personal preference.  Whatever you choose there is going to be a learning curve as you work to explore the energies.

Psychic Connection 

This is what a lot of people are looking to develop.  Psychic skills are natural to humans and I do believe that even though some people are born with them awakened, everyone has them. With training, everyone can develop them.  When you develop your psychic abilities it links you to the spiritual world and you are able to communicate with your spiritual companion and receive direct and powerful messages from them.  Developing one’s psychic senses can take time.  Especially if you have not worked with them before they are shut down.  When you begin to open them up again, connect to your companions through different methods.  You will need to figure out where you are strong in ability.  Some people are natural clairaudients and they will be able to hear their companions.  Some people are clairvoyants and they will be able to see and perceive their companions.  Other people are natural clairsentients and they will feel their companions and sense energies.

No one skill is better than the other, they are just different and they do take time to develop.  Even with my skills I still engage in exercises and training activities continually improving and increasing my skills.  Our physical senses can go through similar things.  This is why trackers and people who have trained their senses can see, hear, sense and smell things that average people cannot.  They have taken the time to develop and train their senses and they have grown. Psychic senses are the same, the more you work with them the stronger they will become.  There are different stages to with all the senses, the more you develop them the more things you will be able to do.  A beginning clairaudient will get random words here and there from their companions, an advanced clairaudient will hear them like they are physically there with them.

It does take time, faith and dedication though to get to these levels.  Many people get frustrated because they cannot hear them perfectly.  When you begin you need to celebrate the little wins, the little experiences that you get and let them build on each other.

Astral Connection

This is another amazing goal for anyone working with spiritual companions. Astral travel is an incredible skill and ability and it is one that many people strive to learn.  When learning to astral travel it is important to be patient with yourself.  It is a natural skill that we all have.  In the night we all dream and during our dreams we travel and move around.  We just have forgotten how to do it voluntarily.

Like learning psychic abilities, take the time to embrace astral projecting and practise it.  Once you have the ability to free yourself from your body you will need to attune yourself to your demon companion.  Once you are attuned to them, when you learn your body you will be able to visit and interact with them.  There are layers and layers of realms in the astral realm and you will not be able to access all of them.  Attunements and being connected to different energy vibrations will allow you to access different realms on the astral.  There are many layers, and I do not think in our life anyone can categorize them all.

Attunements and vibrational alignment are very interesting.  The closer you are to your physical human form, the closer you are to your human body in attunement.  The more you look like your higher self the more attuned you are to them.  You can walk through the higher worlds of the astral, looking like your human self and you can walk through the earth astral realm looking like your higher self.  It is very layered and incredible.  There is a lot to explore and uncover but if you would like to connect with your companions you will have to be attuned to them.  Then you can meet them in their vibrational plane.  There are a lot of things that you can do together.

Building the Connection Foundation

Best ways to build a connection with your companion is to know that it will take time.  Even if you are a psychic able to hear and see your companions, you still have to get to know them.  They are a sentient being, they have emotions, feelings and a deep understanding of the world.  They have their own views and thoughts on things.  There have been many times where I have disagreed with my companions. We argue, we disagree, we do not all share the same views on things.  It is important though to discuss these elements and find balance.  It is important to know how you connect with them.  What draws you to them.  Why you two just work together.  Let it grow and let it evolve.  There will be sad times, there will be hard times.   Embrace the entire spectrum of your connection and let it evolve.

When I meet a new companion I find that it is so important to lay this foundation.  All my connections with my companions are unique.  They are individuals. I have different activities I like to do with them.  My connections with some are vastly different than my connections to others.  I love learning about them and learning to embrace them as individuals.  It is in that connection that I find I don’t just learn about them, but I learn about myself and how our energies work.

It is important to take note of the initial meeting.  What happens?  What messages are passed?   I like to have a time daily where I dedicate to working with them.  I love connecting and working with them and during the day where I take time to just be with them is always amazing.  Life can get busy, I should know, and sometimes we don’t have time to do that daily.  I like to just chat with them at times during the day.  If I am working they will make me laugh, or if I am stressed I will feel myself embraced by the warmth of their energies.  One does not need to have elaborate rituals done daily, really anything in your life can be an opportunity to bond.  Trips to the doctor can be made hysterical from our companions.  Even going to the grocery store can be a way to connect and bond.  Really it should be.  My spiritual path is very intertwined in my life and so I find that adding these little spiritual elements to my mundane walking around existence makes it all worth while.

It is an exciting thing inviting spiritual companions into our lives.  It is something that we as a species have done for millennia and it is something that is heavily ingrained into our cultures and our evolution as a species.  Don’t feel that you have to rush it, and don’t feel that there is one special way to do it.  Let it evolve naturally and know that whatever way you find deep connection with your companions is the right one for you.

Have fun with it and enjoy sharing your life with spirit companions.



4 Responses

  1. Robert says:

    I just wan to give you praise for the way you guide your seekers on how to be patient as beginners in our own quest for connection with these ancient

    • Akelta says:

      Thank you so much ^_^ I really wanted to break this down and help people to rise up and learn these skills and I am so glad it is helping!

  2. Julie-Anne says:

    Thankyou, this post has really helped me.

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