Walking with Lord Azazel: What Blocks us from Mastery?

I sat in the cave, I was sitting before the crystal clear water on a flat rock I often like to sit on. I felt so safe and comfortable. I was focusing, but something was wrong.
Azazel: “What do you feel?”
I breathed deeply… I was trying to focus but eternal frustration was overtaking me. I pushed it back. I didn’t want to admit it. I didn’t want to feel it. I knew I had to push these emotions away, hold the new state, hold the new state!!
“Why?” Azazel’s words broke my focus “Why do you have to hold this new state? What posturing has this world taught you? It isn’t serving you. You have to surrender to where you are. If you can’t do it, accept it.. accept where you are and stop focusing so hard on forcing this to happen. You have a block that is going to sabotage you which we must focus on first.”
Me: “But I thought I had to hold the new state?”
Azazel: “Hold the new state? You want to naturally step into your new state. You can’t just hold the state and expect to go there, you have to uncover the blocks that are stopping you. You are wasting time and energy trying to hold this new state which is being countered directly by a block in your subconscious mind. This is why it is so difficult, it is why you boomerang. You only get so far then crash down. This is why some tasks come so freely and others with challenge, and I am not talking about the challenge to grow and develop the skill, I am talking about the challenge to step into those energies and see yourself there. When you are aligned and you are free of blocks you will just naturally go there and you can develop these skills and abilities. It is another lesson that is often overlooked here and neglected in execution.”
He grinned at me, I looked at him. I knew what he was talking about but it was still structuring in my mind. It was still becoming clear to me. I have been told I have to hold the new state till I get it, but I am missing something, and I know he is about to reveal it to me.
Azazel: “Yes, I am, because that is one layer of it. You have to step into the new reality but when it is this blocked in this manner it means there is something else going on. You have to believe it at your core and if you are not, then there is something that is stopping you and it’s going to cause you to sabotage your efforts. So why waste so much time and energy holding a state that is being sabotaged by your own subconscious? You need go into your subconscious and spend your time there figuring out why you are blocked and undo the program causing this. You cannot ignore what is blocking you, you have to face it, you have to embrace it and release it.”
The sequence of this is..
1) See where you want to go
2) Take massive action towards where you want to go.
3) Be mindful of the blocks making themselves know as you go. Tend to those block as they come up, invest in the work that is involved in removing them.
Azazel: “That is the only way to get what you desire. You have blocks and beliefs and they are holding you back. The hardest work that you will do is the work with your subconscious mind, but that is where the real changes happen. I know you know this from your work with Mammon, but I am going to reveal to you deeper layers of this to attain mastery. Those who want real changes go into their subconscious and change what needs to be changed, they re-write what needs to be re-written, face the horrors that need to be faced, and they will succeed in removing those limiting beliefs that are imprisoning them.”
I knew he was right. I could sit here and see myself successful till the day I died, but until I knew what was actually stopping me from attaining what I wanted, it was just wasted time. I was fighting with my own mind and when it comes to the subconscious mind, it will always win. That is because the subconscious controls you when you are sleeping, when you are distracted, when you are day dreaming and when you are not aware of your thoughts. When it is against you it will overpower you and exhaust you with experience. I knew that these lessons were bringing up the subconscious blocks that I had to face and overcome. The subconscious mind contains your traumas your pains, your horrors and it is through facing them that you can re-write your destiny and what the pattern have pre-determined for you.
Azazel: “In order to succeed you have to have your subconscious aligned with you. You have to change the course and the flow of your energies and change them so that you shift to the path that will take you to where you want to go. This is not easy work, this work can be incredibly painful. This is why so many people fail and why so many people do not attain what they desire. You have to look within to change what is outside you. This is where mastery comes in. The master knows his blocks, he knows the subconscious programs that are controlling him from the shadows and he works to conquer them. Mastery is a journey of the self.”
I knew then I needed to stop trying so hard to force this. I couldn’t just pretend anymore that I was something I was not. It was not going to manifest, the more I pretended the worse it got and the more my internal states screamed and broke me. But it was good because it was showing me exactly what I needed to focus on and exactly what I needed to heal. It was revealing to me the layers of myself that needed to be worked on. I have done a lot of subconscious work, and now it was time to return to the darkness of my mind and release the shackles on my soul.
I knew the journey but it had never become clear until this time. I had in the past kept up my wall of perfection, pushing myself, forcing myself but it was in a brief moment shattered like the glass it was. I was broken on the inside, I was damaged, no matter how much I tried to pretend otherwise. There was something different between me and those who were on their way to mastery and I knew it.
Azazel: “They accept where they are, they accept their flaws. When faced with their own imperfections, then don’t conceal them, and they don’t crumble; they move forward, they look within. All you are doing holding up this image is trying to appease others, it is a state that will put you at the mercy of everyone who judges you. The only person who should be judging you is you, and when you are the only one, it doesn’t matter. You can look at your darkness, you can look at your flaws. You know where you want to go, focus on that, but ask yourself what do you need to do to get there? What blocks do you need to remove and what beliefs are holding you back? These are all journeys that you need to walk and I know you know this, I know you have done this, but we will do it many times. In fact, every time you wish to grow and change where you are, you have to do this, and you have to be prepared to face and release what is holding you here.”
He stood and walked out of the cave, I followed him and looked to the mountain range where just beyond the black sand dunes was the black mountain. The Sacred Black Mountain is a dark journey one can travel to find oneself, revive oneself and get one’s life back when all is lost. It is here at the Black Mountain you face the challenges to live, to truly live. Those who have died find life in the Black Mountain. I looked, and Azazel and I headed towards it, arriving at the base. The mountain was angry, and it was twisted.
Azazel: “Yes, it is time to go in there and face it again. Your subconscious mind, it is what will allow you to succeed and it is what will bring you to ruin and failure. Much that is there is sabotaging you and destroying everything you are trying to build. Stop trying to be what you want to be, and go in there and do it. I am a demon of reality, I see reality and I see the blocks that are impeding you, move in the direction you want to go but don’t be blind to what you have to fix. Always move forward and challenge what is holding you back.”
I looked back at Azazel then headed for the Black Mountain. Another lesson, another powerful lesson of the self was about to be revealed to me.
Thank you for this. It is a reminder that just holding a positive attitude is wasted energy. You have to identify what is holding you back and take action to deal with it until it is no longer a problem. This reveals to you that you do have the strength to resolve issues. So you tackle the next block feeling slightly more empowered. If you can keep going, you keep growing and will finally get there. It is hard work though and is not a quick fix. Just keep on pushing yourself until it becomes a habit. You will then naturally step into your power and achieve you goal!
വളരെ ശരിയാണ് .നമ്മുടെ സ്വായമാകുന്ന സത്യം വെളിപ്പെടുന്നതുവരെ മാമോൻ പ്രഭു വിനെ ഉപഭോതമാനസ്സിലേക്ക് പ്രവർത്തിക്കാൻ അനുവദിക്കൂ.എല്ലാം വളരേ ലളിതമായി അദ്ദേഹം സരിയാക്കിത്തരും|