Lord Satan the Being vs Satan the Title

Lord Satan the Being vs Satan the Title

Lord Satan

One interesting thing I have uncovered in my studies, and one thing I sought to understand was why so many people see Lucifer and Satan and the same being. It seems that it is quite divided in the satanic world. Though from my personal experience with the two, they could not be more different. Even the feel of their names radiate a different frequency of energy. The tone of their voice is different, how they speak, how they look, how they feel.

One being an Ancient Demon Lord who is Dark Divinity incarnate. Lord Satan has solid black eyes (he has no white iris’s) and long black hair and is often seen wearing a cloak. He is The Dark Father and Lord of the Demons. Lord Satan is very powerful, magnetic, inspiring, fatherly and incredible Demon Lord to behold. Working with him is life changing and profound. He is Divine Source, He is ancient and powerful, one who is eternal and has lived forever. He has seen much and is full of wisdom and guidance for those who walk beside him. Lord Satan also is a member of the Divine Council.

We can see evidence even in the bible and in many Demonolatry texts that Lord Satan himself is a Divine being who is the Dark Divinity. Form what I have experienced he sits on the Divine Council and represents the darker elements and the Demons. Those who walk in the beautiful shadows and are not afraid to work with the darkness, shed their societal beliefs and experience pure unrestrained freedom.

I first began this discovery speaking with a friend of mine who is Jewish. I was a bit hesitant to tell her of my path but when I told her she laughed and said. In Jewish lore, we don’t have a devil, god is both good and bad, and Satan is not a bad guy, he is a judge. I was so intrigued by this and I found this quote off a Jewish website which confirms this.

“Set thou a wicked man over him, and let Satan stand at his right hand. When he shall be judged, let him be condemned, and let his prayer become sin. [Psalm 109:6-7]

As we see from Psalm 109 above, the Satan again is like the District Attorney who prosecutes the wicked man.”

Again is comes back to this Divind council and divinity being of both light and dark and everything in between. Though I disagree that divinity is Yahweh or Jehovah. Yahweh is his own being and he represents another more restrictive path and element of this scale. True Divinty just is, it is all encompassing and everything and nothing. Far beyond what personalities are given to it. Though there are many paths to divinity and Lord Satan and the Demon path is one of them. Demons are knows for being judges. Leviathan is also a judge and now we have evidence showing that Lord Satan is as well. Demons keep the order, they are protectors, they do the jobs that most do not want, they can go into the darkness and handle what most people would prefer to ignore.

Lord Luficer, on the other hand, though just as profound and amazing, is different. He is a Fallen Angel turned Demon Lord who infused within his being Demonic Dark Energy and now walks a balance of his angelic energy mixed with his demonic energy. He has fair skin, Blond hair, blue eyes and his own Demon form he can turn into at times. He is the Morning Star, the balance, the duality between light and dark. He fell from Heaven for his different thoughts and ideas and decided to venture forth on his own. Becoming a Demon Lord and a powerful one in his own right.

Energetically they are different. So why are they sometimes mixed? Well for the same reason Samael and Satan and sometimes mixed, and Arhiman and Satan are sometimes mixed. Because, though they are not Satan, they are a satan. See Satan is also a title, as well as a name. It means adversary. Satan is a name of a Divine Being who sites on the Divine Counsel, but it is also a title for some demons and Dark Lords.

“Satan (Hebrew: שָּׂטָן satan, meaning “adversary”[1]) is a term, as well as the name of a figure appearing in the texts of the Abrahamic religions[2][3] who brings evil and temptation, and is known as the deceiver that leads humanity astray.”


one’s opponent in a contest, conflict, or dispute.”

There are beings out there that rebel, they go against the grain, they challenge the status quo and the challenge the beliefs of the RHP and conformity. They seek freedom and passion and exploring the depth of the physical and the profane. The Fallen angels when they fell, Lucifer was called a satan because he turned away from what was expected, what he was means to do, he became an adversary. The Fallen Angels challenged the norm and they walked away from what they were suppose to do, what they had been told and they walk to the tune of their own beat.

“Tis better to reign in hell then serve in heaven!”
~Satan, Milton’s Paradise Lost

Lucifer, when he fell, became a satan, he was then the adversary to Jehovah. Arhiman is a satan, Samael is also a satan, These demons are not Lord Satan himself, (they are demon lords in their own right), but they are satans, which is why sometimes the confusion happens and people mistake them for each other. They may appear and say, “I am a satan,” and people may hear, “I am Satan.” When analyzing and working with the spiritual energies sometimes messages get mixed. It is very easy to get mixed messages, and interpreting and working with different energies to find the true messages can sometimes take years. Look at how easily a game of telephone can turn disastrous. It can even get more confusing with spiritual energy especially due to the fact that there really is many ways to interpret things and the spiritual world exists in dimensions beyond the three our brains are accustomed to handle.

Ha-Satan is traditionally translated as “the accuser,” or “the adversary.” The definite article “ha-”, English “the”, is used to show that this is a title bestowed on a being, versus the name of a being. Thus this being would be referred to as “the Satan.”[5]

So all these other demons that are mistakes for Satan, this is because they are a satan, they hold the title of adversary and they walk a very powerful and unique path or liberation and freeing people from constrains and societal beliefs. They in their perspective areas act as a Satan, one who is an accuser, an adversary, one who is for breaking free of tradition and following ones true path and ones true heart. A guide at times on the LHP and one who challenged what is acceptable. This is why you will see Samael, Lucifer, Arhiman, and many others referred to as Satan, direct experience reveals the different energies from working with them. But they carry the title of a satan.



2 Responses

  1. Jazszy Morton says:

    I Truly agree with you that Satan and Lucifer are not .The same being never really had worked with either one off ‘ these Powerful beings but believing they are one on the same no . I Do not believe this as most of , my Family members do also Akelta you don’t believe they are the same being how you most ,likely have worked with both ‘ I Trust your perspective of them both thank you

  2. Night Shayde says:

    In my experience, I believe that “Satan” is an umbrella term that covers the higher demonic realm or the ancient ones. It is also known as the cluster theory. I havent experienced satan as a being therefore I cannot dispute your article fully.

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