Demon Reconnecting Ritual

Demon Reconnecting Ritual

Sometimes we may be working with our Demon companions but notice they get quiet or things seem different. You may wonder if they left or if something has happened and they are upset with you. It is not uncommon to have time where due to stress, lack of sleep or other factors in your life you may find you are not able to communicate with your Demon or that communication is different somehow.

Don’t worry, it’s likely just something shifting energetically and a connection can be re-established. The following is a simple reconnection ritual to help you clear your energies, re-attune yourself to your Demon’s energies and reconnect.

Set aside a time where you can be alone, this works best in a dark and quiet place. We recommend doing this in the evening or at night if possible though it can be done anytime of the day when you can be alone and undisturbed.

What you will need:

Your Companion’s Vessel
1 to 6 Candles in their favourite Colour
A piece of Amethyst, Black Tourmaline or Obsidian 
Incense or Oil in their favourite scent (optional)
Your Companion’s Sigil (optional)
Any Offerings they may like (optional)

*Note* If you do not have a vessel, you can draw their sigil on a piece of paper and focus on that

Set up the space by placing your candles any way you would like. We recommend using at least one candle and up to six. In the center of the candles, place your Demon’s vessel. If using a sigil, place the sigil in the middle If using both, you can place the vessel on top of the sigil. If you are using oil you can anoint the candles or place it in an oil burner. If using incense, place that in a burner near the candles. Have the stone you have chosen (amethyst, black tourmaline or obsidian) within reach.

Candle Layouts

Once everything is in place, light the candle(s) and incense/oil burner if using it, then get into a comfortable position. Take the stone you have chosen and hold it, feeling any negative energies from your aura being drawn away from you and into the stone. Black Tourmaline is the best for this, though Amethyst and Obsidian will also work for this purpose. Focus on the stone in your hand and feel your energies clearing and re-aligning. Do this for at least two minutes or until you feel calm and relaxed.

Set the stone down and focus on your companion’s vessel (and/or sigil). Say the following:

I call to you *Companion’s name*
Please join me so that we may reconnect

If you have your Companion’s enn, you can chant that at this time.

Pick up their vessel (if available) and hold it in your dominant hand, focusing on feeling the energies. Focus your sight on their sigil in front of you if using it, otherwise focus on the flame of one of the candles.

Relax and try to sense them. You can chant their enn or speak to them, or remain quiet and just focus on their vessel, sigil or the flame of the candle.

We recommend doing this for minimally a half hour and up to an hour. It can be repeated if you feel the need as it will help you to re-attune to their energies. Repeating it at the same time every day will provide the best results.

With the stone you used to cleanse and align your energies, we recommend cleansing the stone in case it picked any negative energies up that it removed from your aura. Placing it in the moonlight, smudging or running it under cold water can cleanse the gemstone used. We do not recommend placing them in the sun, as specifically with amethyst, the sun can cause discoloration.

You can also play music if you feel called to do so, or if they have a favourite kind of music or something that reminds you of them.


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