What Makes a Demon a Demon?

What Makes a Demon a Demon?

This is a very interesting Topic. There is a lot of trash going on about Demons, but what I see is that they really are not defined at all, and no one seems to be able to agree on what a Demon is….


Fallen Angels
Divine Demons
Solar Demons
Necronomicon Demons
Hellbounrs Demons
Lowbourne Demons
Chaos Demons
Spectral Demons
Shadow Demons

All are types of Demons…..

What we know about demons is that they are dark and can appear menacing, but also in many other shapes and forms and appearances. They have their own morals and ethics, they have families, feelings, emotions. They are capable of expressing deep love and emotion. They can be cruel, heartless, and menacing. They are tenacious, and they can get the job done. They are focused, powerful masters of themselves. They can be dangerous, primal, sexual, aggressive, and possessive. They can possess people and influence them to commit terrible acts. They can toy with the minds of the weak. They have incredible power, and Demons, like humans, are complex and layered.  They can also help people, heal people, support people, encourage people, attract money, opportunity, and abundance, help with personal mastery and awaken one’s true essence. And so much more…..

They have a hierarchy: Royal Demon Commanders, Demon Commanders, Demon Generals, Sons of Satan. Lower-ranked demons, Demon Kings and Queens, Princes and Princesses, etc. We will cover Demon Classification and their Realms in another thread. This thread is out to answer the question…What is a Demon?

So What is a Demon….?

Lets start this journey with the Word….

An evil spirit or devil, esp. one thought to possess a person or act as a tormentor in hell.
A cruel, evil, or destructive person or thing.

~Source: Google Dictionary

Demon: inferior divinity, genius, attendant spirit; evil spirit, devil

~Source: Oxford Concise Dictionary of English Etymology

The letter “e” in the word demon is very important. Basically “e” means energy (Source : Physics). Energy is powerful. A Demon is a being that is both power and possesses an energy, a special type of energy a dark energy.

Demons all have within them a black energy. Most people do not have the eye to differentiate between the different types of black energy. I have made a life’s work out of it. In fact, this is my occult passion. Analyzing the different types of black energy. Humans have darkness within their own energy field, but it is seldom black. A sharp third eye can detect those various shades of darkness within the aura and see the difference.

We all have dark energy within our beings. It is our dark side, our balance. Most humans have dark shades of blue, or purple or grey, but black is rare.

A demon has a specific type of black energy. It is not an evil energy (though it can be used that way) it is a beautiful black energy that is very powerful. Hellborns and Lowborns have it, Fallen Angels have it, Imps have it, Succubi and Incubi have it, and I would classify all those as Demons because they all carry this energy. It is a very beautiful pure black energy which is dark, can be sinister, and is powerful. This black energy even exists in the auras of some humans. I categorize it as Demonic Dark Energy. This energy is in all demons.

The interesting thing with this black energy it that within it you can see different black colours, I hope that makes sense. Trying to explain what I see can be challenging. It is black, but it is colour black, then there are layers and vibrations woven within it.  Some vibrations are full of love and purity, and some you can see layers of evil…The more sinister a demon is and the more capable of evil actions they are, evil has it’s own energy woven into the folds of this black, it is incredible the diversity of translating the freuqincy and the depth of this black energy. There are some demons who worship evil and seek to commit evil and atrocious acts. The more sinister the demon, the more they understand the layers of Darkness and the more complex their own darkness is.  They can commit sinister acts, and they have it in them to play games and toy with the weak-minded.  Darkness is a vast spectrum.

Demons are the dark side of Divinity. They are high vibrational dark beings that understand and embrace the pure and beautiful darkness of the Divine and of the world.  They have a deep understanding of the darkness and the divine nature that is contained within the shadows.   Their understanding of the shadows and of darkness gives them incredible and unique perspectives of the world and actually makes them incredibly balanced and incredibly safe to work with as they understand their darkness and know the destruction that it can cause.  They are beings of choice, though, and many of them choose to embrace their own balance, which is a mix of light and darkness within them.

Interesting fact some humans have this energy in their auras I would say they are demonic in essence and have demonic ancestry. A Human with Demonic Dark Energy can learn to awaken and use the energy in their aura. They can do some pretty amazing things with it.

There is another type of black energy that often gets thrown into the Demonic fold, but this energy is truly evil and completely different in vibration than Demonic Dark Energy, which is Sludge Energy.  Sludge entities are quite commonly referenced as Demons,  though I would not classify them as demons as their energy looks very different. There entities are the ones who possess, torment, torture and destroy, they take great delight in carnage and causing ruin to those who lives they cross.  Their energy is a sludge black energy that is very corrosive, destructive and horrifying. The entities that embody this energy are not demons. I call them Sludge Entities.

Demons are capable of love and have feelings; sludge entities have no emotions, they do not experience love, no joy, and they show only a desire to destroy and cause turmoil. With these entities, the only end result is complete and utter destruction and ruin for the one working with them. They bide their time and wait for the correct moment when they can break free and destroy you and wreck your life. They are twisted, scheming, manipulating, evil creatures. They are very evil creatures that take delight in pain, suffering, and torture and will gladly destroy you, your world and everyone around you.  These predator entities all have this energy in them. They are very nasty little things, and they do manipulate, they do destroy, and they do wreck lives.

Note *** Werewolves and Vampires, though they have a dark energy, they do not possess this particular energy, so they are not demons. They have a very dark spectrum of energy, but it is still not pure black. They are dark creatures, that is for sure, and they possess their own dark energy, which has its own unique set of traits, but it is not the same as demons.



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