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Tea Chat: Lord Leviathan and the Abyss

Posted: Mon Nov 23, 2020 9:51 pm
by windyjune
November 20th-
Lord Leviathan and the Abyss


Today we will be diving into a discussion about Lord Leviathan, the abyss, and the elements that rise from working with them. The black ocean is an incredible place and can be transformational for those that explore it as it has a mirror dynamic with our subconscious. Our subconscious is a dark infinite well; the deeper we go the more we uncover about ourselves which allows us to discover more about the darkness within ourselves. The black ocean is a place of eternal darkness that is infinite and deep in some places and parallel to our subconscious, which is why Lord Leviathan is seen as a facilitator in shadow work. Lord Leviathan is an abyssal demon and one who is tied strongly to emotions. Abyssal demons have an incredible understanding of the complex emotions within us, which range not only from our registered emotions but what is suppressed as well- the dark, forgotten, hidden emotions. As humans tend to be creatures of repression working with abyssal demons can be profound in allowing ourselves to unravel the extent of repression within ourselves.

Lord Leviathan

Lord Leviathan is a facilitator of the shadow and the dark aspects of our self so by working with him it can allow those that approach him to release their traumas and pain. We can find safety when working with him and in exploring our shadow through his energies and the black ocean. He can help create a space where we can face these shadows, pains and from there release and heal it. One of the most healing components for our lower chakras as they often get very damaged is to be able to speak and have a voice. We are told so often to be quiet and stop talking which is so destructive to the expression of the lower chakras, so being able to grant it that voice is very powerful.

Akelta from her experience has found that Lady Unsere is Lord Leviathan’s wife and they have a deep bond. Unsere is a demoness of maternal love, care, and tenderness while Leviathan is a demon of deep emotional understanding, connecting to the dark and subconscious mind. It’s a beautiful mix of energy. We are told so often what we are supposed to be or need to be and we try to fulfill the expectations of others in our lives, so that when we go to the abyss and work with Leviathan we often come to face many of these beliefs and shadow aspects. Thus, it’s your space to open up and to uncover who you are. It’s additionally, your own space to figure out what you want to give permission to say to yourself “I want this” or declare “this is what I want and this is where I am going to go”. Leviathan gives space for us to breathe and get in touch with ourselves where we won’t be judged as he makes it a safe and protected area. In the abyss we can explore the depth of the dark ocean without feeling the prying eyes of society. Thus, what goes on between you and the demons stay between you. It’s a place where you can explore all of it and get in touch with yourself.

Akelta’s Experience with Leviathan

Akelta has previously blogged about her experience working with Lord Leviathan and a lot of it consisted with her facing the fear and dark aspects of herself. In a particular instance it was about facing the fear that was instilled in her as a child and the fear of getting in trouble that came from going to school. Akelta finds it interesting that school especially the social aspect with it proved to be more damaging to her than home life. School is where Akelta learned she was unacceptable, not societally approved in a sense so she had to learn to adjust and balance it.

When Akelta started working with Leviathan and began to challenge those aspects she began exploring the damage within herself and within her chakras as well as the fears from within them. Once she began working through it and identifying it she began to feel better. She was able to let go, clear, and then balance it. The imbalance comes from pushing everything down and holding it in the chakras. When we hold something down it’s like there is pressure and tension that begins to build like a pressure cooker that will explode. Leviathan always encouraged Akelta to let it out and to be liberated in her emotions.

Lord Leviathan is very good at grounding and bringing us back from the abyss. Akelta found that after their work together and after she drowned herself in the well of shadows and horrors Leviathan scooped her back up and brought her to shore. He proceeded to tell her it was time for rest and recovery. He is very knowledgeable on understanding which stage we are on and can help us pace ourselves as he will be sure to tell us when we need time to rest and recover before we go back in.

Many will say if you don’t repress your emotions or certain thoughts, you’ll go wild and crazy, which isn’t necessarily true. Although there are points where it does occur there are also points of surrendering to our primal intentions, which will then allow it to mature and grow thus becoming a part of us. As it becomes a part of us we then have a primal and dark side that once matured won’t clash within you as there won’t be a battle within you to see what part will be dominant but rather integrate together. This will allow you to have all of your sides up. When all of our sides to our self line up we also don’t feel as alone because our essences become our allies and we are then ready to take on the world. As Akelta has integrated more of her “undesirable” aspects she has become stronger and more capable, and more powerful in her approach which is something she didn’t have before. Akelta finds it amazing how it has all been opened up since working with Lord Leviathan.

To read more about Akelta’s experience with Leviathan in her blog it can be found here: ... beginning/ ... h-program/ ... al-chakra/

The Black Ocean and Abyssal Demons

The black ocean can have a beautiful feeling of sinking into darkness. When we are in the darkness, we can escape the eyes of the world and can be free. We were taught for centuries to fear the darkness as it was equated with evil when it is actually where we can find our power. The night sky is not evil it’s beautiful. There is power within darkness and there is power within the darkness inside of us. If we drift away from the attention of the world and can take time to explore where we are it can help us find balance. Akelta loves to wake up early in the morning and loves the time between 3am-6am when it is still dark because it is her time to be with herself. The house, the world is silent, and she loves the energy within this time as it is conducive for exploration. The black ocean is very much like this as it is endless and eternal like the darkness within us. The more we explore it the more we integrate it and the more powerful we become.

Abyssal demons in general are masters of emotions- they understand it. We do not have to worry about reacting with them, freaking out or having an emotional outburst from them. The emotional outburst is what a lot of people fear. This is why shadow work can be dangerous and hard because everything we have been taught to contain and hide away is suddenly coming out. We are instinctually fighting to keep it down when it is coming out, so we are essentially tearing ourselves apart. By working with Leviathan and abyssal demons they can help us accept our emotions and buffer the blow of something as it starts emerging. When you connect with them and go to these places it’s like a safe zone with them where you will not damage your physical body and if you do feel a need to please call a psychiatrist to get the help you need. However, working with abyssal demons in this space you can let go of things as well as lash out if needed.

There are many visualizations exercises you can do with them for example one is facing the people that hurt you and because you are in astral you can do heinous things without repercussions. There is a healing technique where you bring into your astral space someone who has wronged you and you can extract your revenge. This allows your root chakra and your primal side to get that out, so once you do you can begin to integrate it and find balance. The demons can help with that as they do not judge it. Lord Leviathan is an infernal judge, so if you have been wronged there is a ritual you can do where you take someone who has wronged you to him to be judged. It works very well.

Working with abyssal demons and journeying into the black ocean helps if we feel hurt because when you are in these spiritual situations there are times where we aren’t aware of the things that we have faced and how it has affected us. Walking into the abyss is walking into the unknown; you don’t know what will come up or what will appear. At times there can even be things that arise, and blind side us. Working with Leviathan and the abyssal demons as mentioned can help shield us from getting hit too hard. They have a deep understanding of things and many times when Akelta has worked with them they were already aware of what she was going through before even she was. Thus, when what we need to explore fully comes forth and for example it’s time for Akelta to face it they are there helping and guiding her through it she doesn’t have to bear it alone.

When doing these journeys it’s crucial to have a solid communication foundation with Leviathan or your demon companions. One thing that can occur when we go into these areas is, we can lose our ability to connect with them and we can lose our foundation because the event is so shocking and traumatizing that you lose it. Therefore, the stronger your connection is and the more you invest into your spiritual foundation in the beginning the more capable you are to maintain the communication, so it doesn’t drop if you face traumatic situations. It’s useful to also set it up to go into any situation aware with what you are facing as shadow work will come up at times and can be unpredictable.

Our Own Darkness

There is an element of destructive darkness within us and by doing shadow work we may come to face it however doing so doesn’t make us an evil person rather it makes us more integrated. As we face this aspect- we as a powerful being can say I realize this potential and power within myself and I can choose to do good with it. People that will choose to be serial killers for example will choose to do so regardless of whether they do shadow work or not. There is evil within darkness and light and we can see examples of it throughout history within the atrocities committed. However, most people that do shadow work, commit to that journey and are horrified by that destructive side can find the most power and purpose within themselves.

We can bend these different energies to wherever we desire. Just because we have these different sides to us doesn’t mean we have to use or act on it since we can direct it. Akelta’s stepdad is a good example of this as his psychiatrist has said before that for everything that due to everything that has happened to him from the abuses, he endured he should have been a psychopath. Nevertheless, Akelta’s stepdad said upon hearing this he admitted that he recognized that potential side of him, yet he made a choice not to act on it. He instead chose to accept what had happened, as well as what came up and made the decision to be better and channel that energy into positive things.

Akelta’s stepdad at one point worked in a bad part of town where he was working the till at a pharmacy with a woman who was pregnant at the time. On that day a man came in saying he had a gun and to empty the till. Akelta’s stepdad decided he wouldn’t let it happen so he then broke out into a massive grin and the man got freaked out saying “why are you grinning like that?” and her stepdad said “now I can claim self-defense when I kill you” and the guy quickly backed off and left. So, there is power that we have that can be shifted into different directions. Even if we face these sides of our self, we still have a choice on what we decide to do with them and if we were to integrate them a great power can come from that.

Akelta always felt so safe around her stepdad and felt she could always depend on him because he had such a deep understanding of his own darkness that he could channel it into different areas, so it benefited people. Thus, if we allow people to explore and integrate that darkness more people would be able to find their power and do things like that. It would be a safer and more balanced world. The balance and integration of the world Akelta says ties in from the darkness not the light and the understanding of it. It’s one of the lessons that comes from working with Lord Leviathan as you can interact in a place where you can experiment with this and can come to understand your own darkness. Through this you can also learn how you work, how you function and thus release everything you were taught to repress. There is no right or wrong way to do this it’s more who are you at your core. A lot of people who have been hurt can find healing in love and get their sadness/disappointment out through understanding.

Focusing on our Mental Health

A narcissist controls you by basically manipulating your emotions and then can take advantage of you. Thus, if for example you grew up with a narcissistic parent your root chakra will likely be used to engage to keep it repressed while keeping you in a state of panic as it scans for danger. If danger is detected because the root chakra is over analyzing everything it will jump into various states, which often can trigger anger or cause a disconnect because we are trying to protect our self. It can also cause depression because it’s draining and the few moments of joy we do receive because they feel/are infrequent it begins to feel torturous as you know they are capable of being in that state yet not. Thus, it becomes a horrible spiral. Akelta has studied that people that have suffered sexual trauma as children often these adults will separate their personalities into different aspects to protect themselves because they can’t accept the memory of what happened to them. Some people cannot handle the integration of it. Therefore, the deeper we go into our shadow the greater the risk that you will run into a memory that will do it to you.

Akelta doesn’t put restrictions on her children. Her oldest has autism and has verbal stimulation at times but even if they go out because he has that space at home if they are going to a restaurant if Akelta tells him to save it for home he is completely fine and is learning to adjust himself in a safe way. Thus, our lower chakras really just often need to be heard. Akelta says one of the worst aspects of mental illness is that people do not accept it. For if it was accepted its suddenly not as scary. If we didn’t try to hide or repress it suddenly it’s like we can begin working and figuring it out. Therefore, working with Leviathan will allow us to open the space up or allow us to release things, channel it into art and so on.

Emotions, our logical mind, and our different sides often struggle to find balance and when there is conflict it helps if we were to let each side to speak. Let everything out and see where it all falls into place. We are often pushed into being two-dimensional meaning that we are forced to conform to a certain standard that society places on us. The multi-dimensional or even three-dimensional aspects of us are often overlooked, ignored or shut down, so often times conflict arises from being pushed into a box. The imbalance comes from this, sometimes getting it out and releasing we don’t have to be in a box anymore is enough to help us find balance again and be happy.

We often end up giving everything of ourselves to others, so we have nothing left for ourselves. The balance is learning to be selfish so you can be selfless. The only way to be selfless from a place that can’t hurt you it’s fine to help and give to other people but you have to make sure you aren’t doing it at the expense of yourself.

Damaged Chakras

It is also important to note how repression affects us, and the damage that can affect our chakras. It is something to be aware of as we venture into the black ocean and come to face with our own shadow aspects. Akelta has seen through all her work on other people and in aura readings that most people have a damaged root chakra as it gets very beat up during our lives here. There is a generational pain that often occurs that is passed down when we are born. This occurs when the baby passes through the birth canal because in that moment it is also passing through the mothers’ root chakra, so within the moment of passing through your parents’ root chakra there is a connection between both of your chakras. Therefore, if your mothers root chakra is damaged then in that moment yours will be too and that is how generational pains get carried over.

In addition to the damage passed down to us, we have been taught for thousands of years to repress our root chakra instead of healthily integrating it along with our other lower chakras. What occurs due to this repression is combined damaged to the chakra that’s generational and as well as tied to the repression of our primal aspects and all the things considered uncultured, uncivilized, and so on. Thus, repression becomes a massive component in our lives and in what we need to heal. The throat chakra is another one that often gets damaged because we are generally taught not to speak up for ourselves. Akelta was lucky in this regard because her mother was someone who was very outspoken and wouldn’t back down from what she felt was right. This was great for her patients because she would go after people in their defense.

Damage in the chakras can be detrimental to the other ones for example the damaged root chakra will likely lead to a damaged sacral chakra and a damaged solar plexus chakra. These three lower chakras are connected to the physical world and when they are affected, we are incapable of being balanced and navigating things from a clear perspective. Most people live there days simply trying to get through it, as there is much unexplored shadows and pains that many are dealing with. It’s unfortunate because so many people have a lack of support so it’s a struggle to move forward as at times that can help immensely in healing it.

When people began to explore their root chakra the natural reaction is to unleash their primal side and it is one of the best first steps to getting in touch with it. Instead of repression of the root chakra it would be much better for there to be healthy integration and evolution of our root chakra into our holistic being. The problem is we have quick life spans here generally ranging from 80-100 years (sometimes less or more), so there is not a lot of time to truly explore all the various facets of ourselves and experience true integration. Instead of naturally allowing all of our chakras, energies, and all our sides rise and integrate we are often led to being repressed and shutting down various parts of ourselves. Thus, ending up with damaged chakras.

Our chakras try to patch themselves and balance out when they can, but it does lead to a lot of imbalance by their state. This generational damage combined with how we are treated by our parents, how we are taught to interact with the world, as well as the overall message the world carries is along the lines of repress everything and be selfless. Akelta finds this interesting because we cannot learn to be selfless until we have learned to be selfish. If we are selfless without being selfish, we cannot establish a balanced boundary and everyone will take from you leading you to feel drained and unable to function. It’s a very damaging experience.

Repairing Chakras Alone?

We can heal/repair our chakras but Akelta sees it as operating on yourself. She even prefers not to do it on herself but rather have someone else do it. This is because she can use her techniques and remove things on herself but it’s different than working on someone else. This is also due to the possibility of hitting things and triggering your own energies, which can cause problems.

Journeys in the Abyss

The entire journey and essence of the black ocean has different elements to it. There is a ground element since there are places in the black ocean that are connected to the earth element. There are different regions, energies, and shifts within the abyss even upon the surface of the ocean there are other elements of the storms, the winds. Being above the water that can also lead you places since your subconscious mind can rise and will interact with you in various degrees. If you submerge into the water, there is a fire element in different aspects; it’s like a water-fire or a fire of a lantern. Everywhere you go in the black ocean will take you to different journeys as well as to discoveries of various aspects of yourself. It’s like an open vortex that allows you to branch off into different areas of who you are and your being.

Akelta has gone through different temples, energies that took her to strange places, or even incredible journeys through the vortex and the cyclone. Drowning in the abyss was an incredibly transformational experience for Akelta as well where she floated as a corpse in the black ocean and had to lose her fear; tying also into a fear of not being able to breathe.

There are so many areas and elements that can be explored. It can also transition into exploring deeper and darker areas within us. The deeper you go within the black ocean the more you will uncover about yourself and the more layers you can access. It may also open you up to different aspects and paths within yourself, so you can explore the layers within your being where you can shed being human and start to uncover the twists and turns, vibrations of your inner primal side (the beast side); different aspects of past lives may also come up. There is trauma within past lives so we can be submerged and buried within the black ocean and go into different areas that will stimulate and arouse other aspects of ourselves. We can come face to face with unique aspects of who we are and can even fight with ourselves, which has occurred to Akelta before. We can open up other spiritual journeys as well and we can explore death within the black ocean. There is a graveyard of corpses that line the ocean floor; we can experience embracing that aspect of death. Additionally we can explore abyssal necromancy and so on. There are many different journeys on the surface, within, and in the depths of the water and in the darkness.

Creativity and the Abyss

Abyssal demons have a telepathic connection and have an ability to experience the world in emotions. Once you start releasing the repressed emotions and start living from that place you can begin to paint incredible pictures with emotional energies and vibrations, feelings, and sensations. You can experience having a complete opening of your senses that lead to the ability to surrender to it. This is where creativity comes from. The sacral chakra is also known as the chakra of creativity because emotions open you up to the creative flow. The layers of the abyss thus are rich in creativity and these energies can be tapped into there.

In fact, darkness has profound creativity. Akelta has heard from many people that when they found inner peace their art suffers because they no longer have the tension and turmoil of the darkness to propel and bring it forward. It’s a conundrum because some of the darkest and horrible things that happen to us create some of the most incredible experiences or work from it. Within Akelta’s blogs in her experiences with Lord Leviathan writing it was based on inspiration from all the pain and internal conflict that she experienced from her journey. It created such rich visuals that she found it very inspiring.

The more we interact our shadow and our inner child the easier it is to navigate things and not fall into moments that will destroy us. As we clear the blocks and clear the repression there are different elements that can emerge as some people’s creative essence is blocked because they are repressing so much. Therefore, when the people who are blocked start to do shadow work and allow the energies to flow the creativity rushes to them and allows them to explore various new areas. A different case in interacting with creativity may require some people to go into the darkness to experience the friction and the lessons that come with it.

The journey of the black ocean can help people establish their creativity. Many spiritual people will say we go through these journeys to ascend, but for some of us darkness is a natural part of us and desire to experience other journeys that are different from ascension. There are entire spiritual paths committed to venturing down into other pathways and seeing how far you can go. If we look at the Qlippothic spheres each one is an infinite journey; you could spend your entire life studying just one sphere and even then, you wouldn’t know everything about it. There are many different areas to explore it all depends on where we are called.

Inner Child Work

When there is a lot of pain in our past and we are in survival mode our energies do get blocked. Our demon companions however won’t push us to do shadow work. If anything they would likely encourage inner child work first as it’s more gentle, fun, and beautiful. One thing Akelta has done for inner child work is that she projected to her higher world with her demon companions and played tag with them, went swimming together and just enjoyed the essence of being surrounded by them and their love for her. From an inner child perspective she allowed their love to nourish her.

Often why we get so blocked is because our inner child feels so much pain especially those who grew up with parents who were neglectful, narcissistic, or abusive the inner child basically gets beaten up. It’s a feeling of nobody loves you, look at all the hatred around you and many from that experience begin to hate themselves, which creates a shell around you from a lack of love. In times of being a child growing up and not getting that love being able to project love to yourself in your inner child form especially from a space like a higher world will be incredibly beneficial.

Enjoying the space with your demons can be really healing. Akelta feels their love and because she’s in her child form she feels that love too. Depending on the person and their own experiences they may need to do deeper or longer inner child work. For Akelta she learned to hate herself from her experience at school. Thus it is around the age of seven that her inner child needed to be worked on. One of the first steps in inner child work is to connect to that aspect of yourself and to feel what age do you need to go back to? When does it start? Once you have identified it like for Akelta it was at 7 years old you can return to that state to allow yourself to be nourished by love.

Visions of Falling into Water

If you fall into a deep ocean often means, there are elements of your subconscious that need to be addressed that want to rise. It could be a call for your subconscious mind so the best thing to do is explore it and see what part wishes to speak.

The End! :crazy: