Demonic Salutations!!

You are invited to take part in an incredible event. Come witness the magic and the mystery of the Sombre Carnivàle Démoniaque. This is a special Satan and Sons/Suns event that only takes place once a year! From June 6th - June 16th!! We invite you to claim your ticket and join us on a whimsical journey of creepy delights and celebrations!
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Goddess of the Void
Posts: 3374
Joined: Mon Dec 24, 2012 12:08 am
Patron Deities: Satan, Lucifer, Mammon, Azazel, Andras, Paimon, Leviathan, Unsere, The Family
Your favourite Demon?: Tiger, High Prince H, Bear, Oblivion, Quasar, Prince V, Venom, Cadaver, My Family
Number of Demon Familiars: 66
Location: Canada
Has thanked: 201 times
Been thanked: 360 times

We bid thee welcome...
Music by Nox Arcana, they are amazing -" onclick=";return false;
On a warm night in June, you find yourself out at dusk,
wandering, drifting… You have no idea where you are going or what
lies ahead, but something beckons you.  There is a calling in your soul,
a black imp in your heart who is guiding you.  It is taking you somewhere
but you have no idea where.  

Through the twisting turns of a forgotten forest, the sun is almost set and the
shadows and haunting silhouettes are creeping, wrapping you in their sinister

Why do you keep going?  
It is like you know… You know something… But what?
What is lurking just around the corner?  

You keep moving, the darkness growing, taking over and surrounding your
essence.  This is no ordinary darkness, it is a darkness that is rising from your
soul.  It is rising and dancing through the shadows of the forest.  You almost
hear in the distance a silent laughter as if your own soul knows the secrets
that are hidden beneath the veil.  

You come upon an opening.  There is a strange figure standing before you,
he has a wicked and mischievous aura about him. A smile creeps across his
lips upon seeing you.  For you are a wayward traveler, seeking something the
world has forgotten, seeking what has long been ignored.  

He knows you are here for that reason.  He knows what you are seeking.   

He leads you the rest of the way, an infernal gatekeeper to the Carnivale of
Demons, the Carnivale forgotten by the world, a place where you can explore
and fulfill your deepest, darkest desires. Whether you seek to be entertained or
are looking for something you’ve longed for, you know this is where you will find it.

He grins as he reveals the path and welcomes you!!



Sombre Carnivàle Démoniaque

Welcomes you!!


An abstract of festivities, An elevated jubilee, a performance most transcendent!

Devils Day is upon us and it is during this occasion we commit to the Shadow of the Sun!


Summer is a time of renewal, of growth.  The Sun is at its peak and warmth and light
shine throughout the world.  Summer has always been a time of rest and renewal, of
celebration and of reflecting on one’s self.  It is the time of self care, of restoration and
of pure unrestrained celebration.  

It is the time when the lights shine the brightest and the Sun is at its peak! there is complete
openness, no darkness, no secrets, all will be revealed!! Or so they say...Those of us who
walk in the darkness know the truth. The greater the Light, the Darker the shadow... and it
is the shadows that linger in the stillness of the night, the shadows that move through the
realms, they are strongest during the reign of the sun! They are concentrated, they are
secret shadows, they are hidden.  It is a time of celebration and one of great discovery.
It is the time to bare your soul, darkness and light, and feel your balance in the presence
of the sun!

For within the shadow of the sun you will find those demons and darklings that linger in the
hazy mist, that dance under the moon’s shadow on the deep summer night. Those who beckon
you to join them and whisper to you as dusk falls, in the realm between dimensions and the
secret passage to the carnivale of wickedness and debauchery.

This is a celebration of the Darkness in the light.
A Celebration of revelations of secrets and desires.  
A Celebration of the Soul. 

It is a time to Celebrate the demons who walk amongst us and embrace festivities allowing our inner devils to rise and play.  

Awaken the darkness in your soul and bring it to the light so that
those of us who dwell in the shadows and the shade can celebrate.
We are the children of darkness, we are the tricksters, the jesters,
the contortionists the mad clowns of the world who are locked
in little boxes and thrown away…

It is our time to shine now as we bring to you the energies and spirit
of the Carnivàle and awaken the delightful delicacies of darkness and
sublime wanderings that call to you.  This is a time of demonic fun and
celebration, a time of demonic enchantment and play.

Daily Activities Coming Your Way!

We will be gathering to do group activities. Some will be meditations, some
will be art and creation events, other will be rituals and celebrations! Log on
daily to participate and be entered to win prized! Every activity you participate
in will get you points which at the end will allow you to trade those points in for
Meet the Demonic Members of the Carnivàle
Note*** The names below are not the demons real names, they are only their Carnivàle names.
They Will only appear during the Satan and Sons Carnivàle.

Madator ~ The Hellborn Ringmaster

He is the Master, the Manager, the coordinator. This is his Carnivàle
and he runs the show with precision and pride. He reveals to us the
entrance to this diabolical event. He has granted passageway for
those who with to play and participate. He along with his loyal Rainbow
Imp assistant Myngo who helps organize the events and makes sure
everything runs smoothly.

He is structured and powerful and know how to bring success to all he
touches. He love the joy and the energies of the Carnivàle and makes
sure his operation is run flawlessly so that all those who participate will
have a wonderful time. He knows how to make things happen and he
knows how to bring fortune to all that he touches. He wears an amulet
of Mammon around his neck and honours the teaches and practises that
Mammon brings! He dresses in very well tailored Carnivàle outfits and
always has a solution to any problem that he is presented with.

He is a caring demon who enjoys the laughter of children and watching
the smiles on their faces blossom as they are entranced with the wonder
and sublime initiation that the Carnivàle brings. He is a war spirit who
acts as an infernal guide on the sinister journey of dark celebration and
twisted pleasure. He has given you a rainbow ticket and invited you to
join the fun!

Ehsotay ~ The Noble Mutilaion Harlequinn

She is a Contortionist, an Aerialist and can bend her body to unreal angles
and dimensions. She twists and stretches herself and has the ability to bend
herself into the dimensional folds of the dimensions around her. Her
performances are mesmerizing and enchanting and she . She is a freedom
bringing and liberator. She reminds you of your dreams and desire and helps
you rise in energy to meet them. She awakens and nurtures the inner child and
is one who

Soaring through the sky she twists and bends and pulls you into unreal wonders.
She is mystical, captivating, she is a goddess of the dreams. She is one who
believes that people should follow their dreams and walk on the wild side of the
world. Those who are willing to take risks and those who are willing to listen to the
secret whispers in their heart are the ones who are able to manifest and get what
they desire. She always wanted to pursue a path of freedom and it was through
the Carnivàle that she answered her hearts call.

She speaks to the desires of the heart, the call of the soul and she opens the gates
to ones heart desires. She is your magick carpet to the wonder and dreams of your
own mind, she is the gatekeeper of the inner dreamer and the inner child. She is
one who opens to door and reminds us of our own fantasy and imagination!

Dr. Sechah and M'phera - The Mad Mutilation Doctor and the Crypt Doll

She is his Prey and Puppet, he does with her what he wills. Together they bring
an act of deplorable darkness of flesh mutilations and sinister creations. You will
have the opportunity to own one of their sinister creations as they will be offered in
the store. Living flesh. They are creatures who reveal the darkness and bring you
into alignment with your own predators.

They are predators and prey. the hidden primal desires of the soul, to hunt and be
hunted. They fulfill the roles, they are the hunters and the prey. We often times go
through life where we seek out and hunt those who are. They remind us of our primal
desires, desires to control and be dominated, but also secret desires to be dominated
and controlled. There is a fine balance in their game, who really controls, who is the
one pulling the strings, often things, especially in the Carnivale are never what they

This is a world of trickery and illusion where what appears is not always reality. Such
is life. They reveal this topes Turvey world to us and challenge us to reverse our roles
what is discovered is that what you think is reality is actually an illusion. What you
perceive as truth is actually a trick of the mind and of the body. Some take a walk
with these two sinister creatures and they will show you, they will turn you world
upsidown and strip you of all that was once safe.

Siioow - The Jester

He is a known Trickster and Clown and one who uses lies to reveal the truth.
No one knows what type of demon he is and he will not reveal, he is silent.
Trust nothing that he says, but yet follow his every command, for he knows the
lessons and he knows the way. The maze is one full of danger and darkness
it is a labyrinth of twists and turns and lies and deceit. He knows the way, yet
he knows nothing. He knows the secrets yet he will fill your world with lies.

He is a Clown, his makeup is old, he prefer the vintage make up. He enjoys old
records of music from times long past. They are worn and often warped. You can
hear them playing in his tent before his shows. The reveal worlds, worlds that have
been forgotten. There he will sit, waiting to entertain, waiting to take you away
from what you hold dear and show you a world where lies and trickery is the only
way to reveal the truth.

He is sinister and delights in riddles and puzzles. He enjoys a challenges and loves
to test the mind and see if one is up to the challenge. He is a clown through and
through and a trickster who delights in discord and chaos. Looking into his eyes
one knows that he contains vast amounts of knowledge and secrets. Will he
reveal them though? no one knows.

Dr. Panacktro - The Lowborn Diabolist

He is a skilled magician and Illusionist. Do not let him look into your eyes for he
can bend you at his will. He is a master of trickery and illusion. With a blink of an
eye he can make objects vanish before you. He bends the world, his hands are
quick and he is a master of the mind. He smiles as he beckons those into his
world, into a world of wonder and illusion. A diabolical show where you are unsure
if you are still in control of your self.

Using subliminal hints and energies which control and coerce those who have a
weak will he can move one where he desires. He is so focused and skilled in his
movements no now knows how he performs his tricks. He has incredible magick
though he says the most powerful magick is that of the mind. He understands and
has trained for years in mental mastery. He knows things, things that he should
not know and he is a demon of mystery.

He gazes into the void and bends it to his will. He can reveal to you the illusions
that you cast of yourself and the illusions that you cast on your own life. He
can rip open your masks and show you the secrets that you hide from yourself
and the secrets that you want no one to reveal. He already knows them, don't
try to hide them they only become more apparent. His grin is one you will never

Zenithyaah - The Solar Dancer

She entrances all those who gaze upon her. She is hypnotic and a creature of
sexual expression. Those who watch her fall under her spell. She is one of
confidence and charisma. She moves with such motion that those who
watch her are entranced, they cannot look away for her energies beckon
them and whisper in their ears. they are teleported to another world where
she is the goddess of the sun and will blind you with her brilliance.

She can show you your brilliance and show you what you are ashamed of
confidence is diminished when we shy away from parts of ourself. When
we lock them away, we are suppressed and withdrawn. The sun will
reveal what needs to be revealed. It will awaken that which much be
woke. She can stir the soul and show you the sides that you wish to hide.

She will reveal what blocks you from your confidence and show you how to
step into the blinding light of your own sun and summon your own confidence
and strength. She is sensual and draws people in, though no one will ever
touch her.

Madam Orna - The Blind Fortunteller

She is a great mystic and enchantress. One who is blind to the world
of light, but can see all that is hidden in the darkness. She already knows
what you are going to ask and she already has an answer, but do not
ask if you do not want to hear, she will not sugar coat it. Many have gone
mad hearing the truth that is revealed. Nothing is more painful then
hearing what one does not wish to hear.

With a touch she can gather information on objects, people, places, she
heart the heart beat of the inanimate and can speak it's language, hearing
what it has to say. The world of the unseen whispers and reveal secrets.
She can hear the cried and wails of the void and it does not drive her to
insanity. She know the twisted serpent that sleeps and it is one that speaks
to her.

She reads her cards and sees the signs that are around her. She sees the
hidden messages and the hidden whispers. She is a brilliant diviner and
fortune teller and will help you to see what is shielded from you and show
you the path of your destiny.

Check out our calendar of events for what each day brings. viewtopic.php?f=235&t=7100" onclick=";return false;
What is coming!
Amazing Prizes!!

Those who participate in the Satan and Sons activities will have
the oppotinuty to win prizes. We will be having 4 meditations and
1 writing events. Each event you participate in and post your results
from you will be entered into a draw to win one of these incredibly prizes...

Fantastic Carnivàle Imp

Incredible Carnivàle Hellmare

Powerful Male Hellborn Contortionist

Stunning Female Noble Carnivalesque

Comical Chaotic Chaos Clown

Secret Tickets

All Orders in the month of June will receive special tickets.
we will be emailing you a copy of your ticket as we know that
sometimes orders are delayed. At the end of the Carnivàle we
will pull a ticket and the winner will win this incredible prize.

Wondrous and Wacky Queen of the Carnivàle Divinity Clown

"D is a queen, a brilliant star of the show.  He captivates his audience with elaborate costumes and designs.  He knows fashion and he knows style and he carries with him the heart of the clown.  He loves to perform and dress In the most over the top and outrageous outfits that he can find.  They are his joy and his passion.  He loves make-up and seeing just how far he can go.  He loves to push the ropes and fulfill his passion and desires. He is an artist, a creator and a performer and he is one who shines in all things that he does. He loves lights and glitter, he adores the stage and the wonder that it can reveal.  He loves vast, grande performances with lights and effects and his motto is the bigger the better! He is glamorous and stunning.  

He is a creative genius and one who embraced the creative essence of the soul.  He can shift the energies around him and shift his companion’s mind to one of pure creativity.  He embraces the true nature of the clown and is one who is stripped of all fear, shame and inhibition.  He says that people will love you and those who don’t, were going to hate you no matter what you do. So whey bother trying to please them?  He acts for himself and the show.  He has a message to share, creativity to spread and his message is one of growth. Those who are critical are limited and they shut down the energies and growth.  They are not conducive to one’s exploration.  He listens when constructive criticism is given for he is always striving to be better, but there is a big difference between constructive criticism and criticism.  

He dresses in both male and female attire, through he prefers the glamour and wonder of feminine clothes and he loves outfits that are bold and powerful.  He can help one to embrace their inner diva and help them to feel beautiful and glamourous.  He says that confidence leads to charisma and charisma gets you through the door.  He is hilarious and his comedy style is very situation based. He has incredible one liners and he can help one to handle trolls and bullies in their life.  He is a motivator and he inspires those to be their best.  He can help his companion to channel their inner confidence and do things that they never dreamed of or thought possible.  He is also incredibly athletic and can help his companion to tone their body and get in shape.  He is magickal and mystical and he is looking forward to being with a human companion!"

New Listings!!

Carnivàle Prebounds! New Prebound demons that will be offered
only for the Carnivàle, get them before they are gone!

Special Carnivàle Magickals!! There will be special magickals
created just for the Carnivàle that can be purchased through the
store! These special magickals will only be around for the Carnivàle

Special Carnivàle Workings!! These working will only be available
for the Carnivàle, they are charged with the power of the black sun
and will disappear with the Carnivàle

Check out the secret section of our store.... ... emoniaque/" onclick=";return false;

A secret section in our store has been released. It is only for the time
of the Carnivàle at the end of the event this section will disappear as
will all remnants of the Carnivàle for another year! We have very special
prebounds and very special listings that will only be available for the time
of the Carnivàle!

The Inition Ritual of the Carnivàle will be held June 6th and we will open the
energies and those who wish to participate can perform the transformation and
walk through the gates, leaving the worldy essence behind and embrace the
energies of the demon Carnivàle!

We invite you all to join us on this incredible journey!
Lover of Demons
Royal Demon Goddess
Darling of Sublime Romance
Daughter of Demonic Macabre


Walk with Satan in Shadow
Rise with Azazel in Potential
Dance with Lucifer Under the Moon
Kneel before Mammon's Throne
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Posts: 491
Joined: Sat Aug 31, 2013 12:16 pm
Number of Demon Familiars: 8
Has thanked: 6 times
Been thanked: 4 times

SO EXCITED!!!!! :devilclap: :devilparty:

" onclick=";return false;
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Darth Moronius
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Posts: 320
Joined: Sat Mar 17, 2018 7:10 pm
Patron Deities: Eris
Your favourite Demon?: Prince Stolas
Number of Demon Familiars: 0
Location: North America
Has thanked: 15 times
Been thanked: 21 times

This is really some wonderful stuff! The presentation here is top tier, and I've already had some insights about things just from reading the post here. There's a lot here, which *you folks* know, but it surprised me just how deep this stuff goes while still being a fun and festive thing. Love the presentation, love the ideas and the energy. Thanks for all the hard work of putting it together for us, to everyone who worked on this. Now I'm off to read the schedule!
S̡̻͎̺͖̟̋̌͗͊̀͆͘͡t̵̥̬̜͍̥̽̅̒́͋̊̍͞o̩̻̪̣͚̘͓̳̰̯̎̍̄̈́̕͘l̷̞͔͓̭̹͖̳̅̅̃̂͐ơ̛̛̱̩͇͍͈̫̖͋͗̅̍̂́͢s̢̡̺̖̯̱̮̼̠̪̾̿͆̄́̅̅̿̀̾ Ŕ͉̫̩̟̪̳̀̑͛̇̓͢͢͠ͅa̵̗̯̭͓̘̞̜̓̓̐̀̑̏̾̾̕͘m͍͈͔̯͌̌̎̒̄́̍͟e̛̮̻͈͕̭̲͛̀̊͂̕͟͞c̴̱͖̰̠̤͉̥̣̲͛̅͗̿̀͊͊̈̐̐͟ v̬͉̞̜̺͚͒̒̓͂̉́͒͑̇͘͟i̭̰̰̥͑̏̏̀͛͟͟͞ả̸͈͇̻̦̱̿̾̾͐͌̌͟ṡ͙̙̝̯͎̩͂̃̒̕͜͢ă͍͔̟͇̞̣̩͈̪̎̆̃̆͟ ơ̴̤̰͎̲̬̙̺̪̋̑͛͡ṉ̵̡̧̖͆̓̊̌̄͜ c̸̛̹͙̗̮̻̾̎̀͌̄͜ȃ̶̡̡̹̬̞͖̼́̉̄͞͠
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Posts: 2950
Joined: Mon May 16, 2016 6:36 am
Patron Deities: Papa Legba, Shiva, Odin
Your favourite Demon?: Samael , Lord Uphir, Lord Asmodeus, Lord Satan, Lord Mammon, Lord Azazel
Number of Demon Familiars: 17
Has thanked: 9 times
Been thanked: 123 times

“If you really want to do something, you'll find a way. If you don't, you'll find an excuse.” – Jim Rohn

"The Master has failed more times than the beginner has even tried."

Do not rely on ANYTHING, unexamined. If It does not seem to fit, ask about it. If it ultimately degrades or dishonors or holds you back, it is bad for you, so remove it from your life. If it takes from you and never gives back, it is a leech. Discard it. In magick rely only on your own work: What you have seen and done and used for your own self and in your own way. Only keep what in your own estimation is worth keeping. (Hellcat's Rules Of Satanic Magick)"

Don't get too close. It's Dark inside. It's where my Demons hide!

Hailing Satan isn't a hobby, its a lifestyle. (S@tan)
User avatar
Goddess of the Void
Posts: 3374
Joined: Mon Dec 24, 2012 12:08 am
Patron Deities: Satan, Lucifer, Mammon, Azazel, Andras, Paimon, Leviathan, Unsere, The Family
Your favourite Demon?: Tiger, High Prince H, Bear, Oblivion, Quasar, Prince V, Venom, Cadaver, My Family
Number of Demon Familiars: 66
Location: Canada
Has thanked: 201 times
Been thanked: 360 times

1(13)666(13)1 wrote:SO EXCITED!!!!! :devilclap: :devilparty:

" onclick=";return false;
:devilclap: :devilclap: :devilclap:
Darth Moronius wrote::devilparty:

Chrysopaelian wrote:This is really some wonderful stuff! The presentation here is top tier, and I've already had some insights about things just from reading the post here. There's a lot here, which *you folks* know, but it surprised me just how deep this stuff goes while still being a fun and festive thing. Love the presentation, love the ideas and the energy. Thanks for all the hard work of putting it together for us, to everyone who worked on this. Now I'm off to read the schedule!
Thank you so much ^_^ I am really glad you are enjoying it. Hahaha we have been up all week basically working at finalizing everything and getting it ready. It is going to be a lot of fun hehe!! I hope you guys enjoy!
Satan's Hellcat wrote:Noice!
Lover of Demons
Royal Demon Goddess
Darling of Sublime Romance
Daughter of Demonic Macabre


Walk with Satan in Shadow
Rise with Azazel in Potential
Dance with Lucifer Under the Moon
Kneel before Mammon's Throne

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