Tea Chat: Healing with Lilith

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Healing with Lady Lilith
Lady Lilith is an incredible, amazing, enigmatic, and profound Goddess. She is an ancient Goddess who has been through a lot. She has a lot of wisdom and understanding. She knows what it’s like to be cast aside. She knows what it’s like to be banished, pushed away. She knows what it is like to be abused and persecuted. Her story is tragic. It is an interesting story when one thinks about it because in our society there is this push for many years and a lot of it had to do with the rise of the Holy Roman Empire. This is the time when Christianity is in its massive, oppressive, and tyrannical form where they basically were the patriarchy. They decided that women were mothers, crones, wise women, witches, midwives, and any other form basically has been villainized. If you look at it in Christian doctrine, the Virgin figure, the maiden form, was glorified and sanctified, whereas ass other aspects, all other archetypes of womanhood – like the Warrior woman or strong woman – where there was a powerful woman with feminine energy was the villain.

She was villainized, hunted, destroyed, and burned at the stake. There was so much destruction of those archetypes. Lilith had her story of divine feminine, she had her children. She lost that divine feminine and all of her children were killed. And Lilith was villainized for being a rageful mother. Her children were taken from her and killed, then she was labeled the bad guy. She also embodies the aspect of the witch. She had the power to seek vengeance against those who killed her children. She had the power to leave the abusive situation she was in. She had the power to take her life back. She had the power to decide her own decision to make up her own mind. Then, she becomes the villain.

Lilith is not following, she’s not blindly following anymore. She’s not an obedient little wife. Her turning from that was frowned upon. It was villainized. She became what they painted her as, this embodiment of evil when really she embodies the divine feminine in all forms that were cast aside in all forms that were not like the Virgin form, which is the submissive subservient.

If you have an form of badass energy, strong, confident, and the ability to stand up and say ‘no, I’m not going to allow this’. That is when they say that you are a villain. This is why when you look throughout history, midwives were hunted and accused of witchcraft. What did midwives do? They tended to women in childbirth. They tended to people in childbirth and that was villainized. Anything that is women outside of the subservient woman was considered to be villain. And Lilith embodies that.

To compare a bit, there are those that hold signs up saying ‘teach your children about God, the devil will teach them about evolution, women’s right, gay rights..’ and other topics. At the bottom of that it says when the devil appears to be the better option. It is like that with Lilith. When you have a Goddess who will teach people who walk with her about the Divine, true divine femininity and all the archetypes of being a woman.

All the archetypes of femininity, those that embody that there’s not just one type of woman. There’s many types of women and they all fall into different categories and spectrums. There’s this beautiful spectrum of women and how they grow and present and represent themselves. There is not just one subservient form. We are not just one subservient form. That spectrum exists and Lilith embodies that spectrum. She embodies that energy and the complete diversity and empowerment. The rise of the fully formed and full spectrum of the divine feminine. Because most of the divine feminine has been completely ignored and rejected.

It is very destructive what’s happened with it and there is a lot of trauma and pain from it. Agony that has gone through generations of persecution for people and basically any person who did not conform to what was considered acceptable. You have to be a certain way, you have to act a certain way. There was a very limited archetypes that were considered acceptable by society standards and if you didn’t fit in with those, you were basically in the past, you were ostracized. You would be villainized, attacked, and basically pushed aside. People like to pretend that these people didn’t exist.

There has always been people who have been on the outskirts of society. There have always been people who do not fit in. There’s always been people who were gay, lesbians, trans, outcasts, witches, and those who were completely outside of the scope of what they said was ‘normal’. There has always been people that, even with them being squished under a rug or being beaten down into submission to keep them from living their truth, that have existed. They were never gone, it just means that they were either killed unfortunately or they had to conceal and break themselves.

They break who they were to a point that they could blend in with society without notice. That was very damaging to the psyche. A lot of what’s happening right now, there’s a lot of generational rage that’s coming out. A lot of generational healing that is coming out and opening up. Energy is being channeled through this because the complexity of who we are, the complexity of us as a species is starting to rise up. It is starting to be acknowledged. We are not just one archetype. We are not just an individual with one individual type. There’s multiple diversities. There is this giant push to heal the generational trauma, to heal also our historical trauma of going through this and really starting to embrace the truth of who we are at the core.

Lilith being one who has gone through pain, who has experienced this, and basically been persecuted and who also embodies all of these forgotten archetypes. Connecting with Lilith can bring great healing. It can bring great connection of the self. This is one thing that it’s really important for people, individuals, to go and find their truth of who they are. And that trust is something that nobody else can define. A lot of people like to try to define other people and say that they are this or that, or that can’t that or you can’t be this because it doesn’t fit what I believe.

That’s not growth, that is not healing. True healing is uncovering your truth of who you are. That is where the power comes from. That is where the awakening comes from. There’s still so many people that try to define people. There’s still so many layers of our existence. Who are they to know you better than you know yourself? Who are they to know anybody better than they know themselves?

Lilith can help with generational healing. She can help with releasing family wounds, deep ones that go on for generations. She can also help you get in touch with yourself. She doesn’t judge. A lot of people have different spectrums of energy in them. There is such a rigid thing of that there is only one type of woman and only one type of man. But this isn’t true. There’s a multiple spectrum that is vast and beautiful. There’s many different types of women and men and there are many types of people who are non-binary. Those who are in between, who are not like anything we’ve ever seen here. That’s all beautiful. That’s part of the beautiful complexity that we have that is the diverseness of the individuality. When you look at our energetic components, there is this notion that we have these human forms and we have human constructs we live by.

Our energy is beyond that. If you do past life regressions on people, some lives they have are male or female. Some lines they are something completely different: such as aliens, humans, and all other sorts of beings and creatures. You have a blending of all these energies. Then, on top of that, you have your soul. There are some people where their soul is a certain energy vibration like their soul can be male, females, or other different types of genders out there. Like there are other types of genders and energies, there are some species out there that don’t even have male or female in their energy makeup. There’s such a variety and when you bring that variety into this world, you get these beautiful complexities. With these energies, you get incredible moments of discovery for who you are at your core. That is what it has been like, we’ve all been imprisoned and not really able to fully embrace that and open up from that. Working with Lilith, she embodies breaking free, healing, and helping you to step into your power and your truth.

She is also good with helping with deep generational wounds. The work Akelta did with her has been going in and facing family patterns, really facing the pain this is inside of her and the pain that follows family. A lot of the healing has been doing with Astral Projection with Lilith and guided meditations and journeys with Lilith to connect with her. The event we are doing at the time of this Tea Chat, is designed to walk you through step by step to help you connect with Lilith and to help you be able to communicate with her and talk to her and connect with her. She can help you to figure out your individual way of healing.

Lilith understand the divine feminine. She understand the divine masculine. She understand other energies that are beyond feminine and masculine and other energies that are outside of what we know and perceive here. Other energies that are diverse and complex. Ones that she knows energies we don’t even know about here.

She is a beautiful goddess. One can learn confidence. She can teach about how to speak and stand in your power. She can bring those energies out those sides and energies and allow them to shine. She can teach these powerful lessons and can help you to get to the core of the wounds like those. When there are deep wounds inside, there’s deep energetic pains, and sometimes they’re not yours. Sometimes they’re from family, past lives, or other situations that you’ve had. She can help you to connect with them and help you move through them to heal and release them.

That is one of the magical and amazing things about working with her is that she doesn’t judge. Her whole thing is helping you find your truth, helping you find who you are. She works with all energies, especially the energies of those who don’t conform or are different, or are not anything that has been defined yet. That’s one of the beauties of Lilith is that she has this knowledge of that and she can help you find definition and understanding to things that haven’t been defined, things about you and those complexities. There are these beautiful deep currents of energy which might now be defined here and help you find connection with those energies and help you to find those inner truths.

This is a really powerful thing because it helps you to connect with who you are. When she works with you, it is from a place of working with you as an individual. She works with you as who you are not who society expects you to be. She can also expose a lot of societal programs which have been embedded in you or the societal beliefs which can be destructive, painful, and damaging. Some of them we don’t even know we have them. At times, it is important to go in and check one’s beliefs and check what you’re feeling and thinking. There might be a pattern that one doesn’t know about that is completely foreign and newly discovered when reaching internally. It can be something so embedded and ingrained in the psyche that it escapes notice. Then when one is made aware of it, it’s an issue. It can be a really big problem. Then, you will have to go in and unravel that, unravel the energy and untangle it. It’s also a point of going in and healing or addressing these patterns of thoughts so that you can open yourself up to more healthy perspectives.

Lilith’s work is very powerful with that, going into those energies, the self, and really finding those pockets of tangled energy and learning to unravel them. She will be there for you if you are sobbing, if you are in pain, if you are in the moments when your primal wounds have just opened and you just want to scream and want to yell and cry. She will be there for you for that. She will sit with you and understand. She can be that shoulder that will be there for you. She has that energy that is wise and she gives incredible advice.

How does one start healing with Lilith?

Akelta told of her first experience with Lilith. It was unexpected and not what she thought it would be. She explained that she had been in a place where her power had been taken from her. She gave it away and was left in a very submissive state. She said that she was allowing people to beat her up because she had this belief that she could take it. She could take being beaten up and had this belief that she should take it instead of could take it. When she met with Lilith, it was an experience that ended up with them fighting each other. At the end of it, Lilith spoke to her: ‘If you can stand up to me and do that, why are you letting other people push you around?’

Working with Lilith, she can help you to find the power to advocate for yourself or find the power to stand up to people who try to bully into submission. She can help you to advocate for yourself in the way that you can stand up for yourself and say ‘no, this I not what’s going to happen here’. She can help you to step into that power. She can help you to find where energy is tangled in you and help you go through and unravel it to release. Sometimes unraveling energy is one of the most painful experiences you will go through. This is because some of these wounds are very deep.

Akelta spoke about her husband having unraveled one and it was violent. He had a memory of a previous ancestor that had committed suicide and the pain around that surfaced. It was so intense that he had a physical reaction of throwing up to purge himself of the energy. It can be extremely intense and painful, especially if it is a generational pain. But Lilith will be there. She will be there to walk you through them. She will be there with you when you need to scream, release the energy, release those emotions, and all the pent up trauma. You just have to work with her to unravel those energies. She gives you that space to truly be yourself. Be who you are and in that moment, be completely connected to your energies, what you need, and to be there for you as a support system.

She also has her own version of energy healing and she can facilitate different healing energies to you. She can facilitate different healing vibrations through you to help break up the energy, to release it, to help you to get in touch with your true self. She can help you remove blocks in your third eye, blocks in your body, and blocks in any of your chakras. Within any of your chakras, she can help dissolve those blocks and help healthy energies to flow. She can get you in touch with the different sides of yourself. With working down your chakras, she can help you to embody your heart and help you embrace love and self-love. She can help you connect with your sacral, the root, and really heal those deep wound that literally leave scars in us that can influence the entire course of our life.

Sometimes working with Lilith, who you are will completely change. You will just change so much and shift your energies. Shift who you are and open these new areas. You can open up sides of your life that you didn’t even know were possible just by changing these vibrations and changing the course of what’s going on down there. This is deep work. Within this work, there is going into these spaces and there will be anger, pain, screaming, and sorrow that comes up in these moment. It is a raw and primal emotion. This is a time that she will be there for you.

If you have a calling to her, she will be there for you.

Do you have a calling to Lilith?

We get asked this a lot and people come to us with questions on how or if they should work with Lilith. Questions along the lines of how do they know if they have a calling? How can they connect with her?

If you’re thinking about deity or something along those lines, there is a likelihood that there is a calling there. There will be people that come back with ‘I don’t feel worthy to work with her or I don’t want to waste her time’. No. With Lilith, she does not want you to ever feel unworthy to approach her. Lilith also does not want you to feel like you are wasting her time because that is a form of self-hatred. Thinking that you would be a waste of time or that you would be unworthy, because you ARE worthy and you are NOT a waste of time, is self-hatred. You are not going to waste her time connecting with her. You are worthy to connect with her and worthy to learn from her, walk with her, especially if you feel called to connect with her.

That is very important, is just being able to feel a desire to connect with her. Yes, you have a calling and yes you should go for it. You should follow that instinct. You should follow that intuition. One of the greatest tragedies is that there is a domination of the oppressive tyranny that we all went through that made us stop trusting our instincts. We stopped trusting everything, who we were, those energies. Getting back in touch with your intuition, Lilith can help with that. Lilith can help you learn to trust yourself, trust your intuition, trust that you know who you are.

Trust those vibrations. Trust those instincts that you have because that is a huge part of who you are. It is important to start trusting yourself. It is important to start trusting what you’re getting. This is how you’re going to connect your psychic senses and this is how you’re going to open up those skills and abilities. You are going to open them up by trusting them and the only way to trust them is just to start at the beginning and not worry if you get some things wrong. Everybody gets things wrong all day long. Look at the weather person. They get things wrong all the time but we still listen to them. We still want to see what they have to say. It is important to listen to yourself and trust yourself. This is what Lilith can help you with.

Lilith can sometimes make shifts happen in the world around you. It can be things that are so impressive and just undeniable that it is like ‘yes, this is happening’. Because a lot of people they say they don’t know if it’s true or if it is what they are getting. Then, little things happen. Things are shifting and then sometimes it is hard to deny her sometimes. It is hard to deny the manifestations that she makes.
She does teaching trusting yourself. The event that we are in the midst of, we are going to be unleashing all the meditations and these meditations are going to take you on a journey to connecting with her. They’re going to take you from start to finish on how to connect with her and your individual connection with her.

Lilith is the type of deity that everybody’s connection is going to be different. Your work with her is individual to you because she is such a force of connecting with your Truth and who you are. So your individual work with her is going to be custom tailored to you and who you are. This is why, with Lilith, you really follow what you’re guided to with connecting with her because it is going to be different for everybody just because that is how she works. It is about finding your truth and your core self. We are all different individuals and we have deep layers to ourselves.

When you start connecting to these layers of the soul, these deep vibrations within you, that is your truth. Nobody should be telling you that it is wrong. Nobody should be telling you that you are not who you feel you are. You know who you are. You know who you are better than everybody else. You know the truth inside you. That is you. And Lilith teaches you to trust that complexity, to trust those beautiful layers of who you are and the truth of who you are. That is one of the things that makes working with her so amazing is because it really does become custom tailored to you. It does start to help you get in touch with your skills, your abilities, your energies, your intuition, power, purpose, and your truth. Working with her is healing.

It is transformational. She can unlock these layers of you and help you to work into them, work through them, to release them, to transform, and then to rise from them. She is also fantastic for helping balance the darkness and the light within. It is that everybody has different energies within them. There are different frequencies of darkness, different types of light, and different energies that comes from being an individual.

She can help you find the individual balance this who you are. That is an important thing because once you have that balance and that connection to you, which is the self-love element coming out. It leads to being unable to be manipulation. People can’t force you to do things. You’re completely liberated from the condition of questioning who they are. This is where it is subtle manipulative influence to society where people try to tell you things just to make you be certain way. You don’t have that anymore. You have just you and who you are with nothing that happens externally matters because you know yourself. This is a very beautiful thing. It is very empowering and Lilith will teach that. She teaches you how to really get in touch with that and how to really embrace you.

This journey is not easy. It can be hard because some of these energies are incredibly violent when they come up. She also teaches that one doesn’t have to be ashamed to get help. Don’t be ashamed to ask for help. Don’t be ashamed to seek out the resources that you need. She will guide you to those resources too. She can help you to really embrace everything that you need to transform yourself. The healing work with her is so deep.

Lilith does have her own vibrations that she works within. She helps with self-confidence. She helps with working to remove sludge energies and to remove attachments from malicious entities. If experiencing these things, she can help guide you in getting away from those entities and how to detach from them and to disconnect so that you can get away from those types of entities.

There are societal entities that are designed to keep us down and prevent us from rising up. They are designed to sabotage and destroy, basically putting us on a bad course. She has the ability to help identify those and detach from those types of entities and open up those different senses. There are different types of entities which literally negatively impact the entire planet and our society. Getting away from them, shielding, rising above them, destroying, banishing, removing them are things she can teach you how to do.
Lilith is also one that can help do energy healings.

If you have felt a call to her, a call to walk with her and the desire to connect, do it. If you have this desire, then check out the event. It is a step by step guide through working with her and guiding you how to connect with her, how to work with her, and begin your journey with her. If you want to do these things, then you have a calling. That is your calling. She is very open, accepting, non-judgmental, and will be there for you to help you.

I have heard Lilith only works with women. Is this true? or what about those that are in the middle of the gender spectrum/no gender?

She works with everybody. She will work with whoever reaches out to her. She is not just for women. The only people who probably should fear her are abusers. Abusers and people who like to tell other people what to do or manipulate them. People that enjoy cramming others into their own comfortable box. Those are ones who should not work with Lilith.

Do the wounds have to be inherently related to our divine feminine being repressed by patriarchy? Or is there any other pains she is known to help with?

She knows how to help with any pains. They can be generational, they can be present time pain, they can be trauma pains of dealing with abusive people here. They can be pains from past lives or other lives. Any pain, she will be there to help with.

Are there any deities she works particularly well with or any she doesn't like?

Akelta suggests that it’s best to not pair her with any of the Archangels, as there is history there. Otherwise, working with her with the other Goddesses of Sacred Prostitution. Samael, Lucifer, Azazel, and Satan are ones Akelta has worked with together with Lilith. Demonic forces tend to be the ones that she works really well with. But no to the Archangels, especially the ones that killed her children.

Can Lilith help us embrace our inner wild woman? The wild and untamed part of us, primal and free, who knows herself.

Absolutely. She can help you let out primal rage, primal screams, the primal energies. Get in touch with the primal hunters because she has a monstrous side herself. She can help you to embrace that monstrous self within. Embrace the monstrous force within and really connect with it and find power from it.

Can Lilith work with us on multiple things throughout our lives?

Yes, she can. Akelta has worked with her for many different things, not just healing. Things like confidence building for empowerment. Sometimes it’s just been for a casual chat. Other times it is that she wanted to step away from the world when you’ve had enough. You can go with her on different journeys, working with her on many aspects of yourself. You can work with her on crafting your life, manifestations, or creations. She can teach beautiful magic. She can help with psychic development and opening up your psychic sense. She can help with connecting to your personal power. You ask just ask her directly to help you if you are struggling with something.

May I ask which sigil should be used for connecting to Lady Lilith? The Dukante Sigil or the popular one?

Personally, the Coven uses our personal sigil for Lady Lilith. Although, it will be individual to the person who is practicing. Use the one that resonates best with you. Take all the sigils and meditate with them. Meditate with them for five minutes each. Which sigil feels the best? Which one do you feel the strongest pull from or connection with? That is the sigil that you want to work with. That is the one that will unlock those energies for you and unlock the different vibrations of Lilith.

Can she direct us to others that are better suited for us if she isn't able to help us, or cannot work with us ?

She will tell you. She is very upfront and honest. She will tell you exactly what she’s feeling and what she can help with. And if somebody would be better suited to help she would say so.

Since we may have both masculine and feminine energy inside can she help with both?

She can help balance both the masculine and feminine energies and oher energies that are within you. Some people have more masculine energy. Some people have more feminine energy and she can help with both of those. She can help you to find your individual balances and accept those beautiful energies.

Are there different types or Different layers of the Dark Feminine Divine?

There are. The feminine divine and the dark feminine divine are incredibly complex. They are very layered. There are a lot of different paths of them and that’s just the divine feminine. The masculine has the same and other energy frequencies as well. The dark feminine divine has many different layers to it. People are going to find that they connect with it differently. They’re going to connect with the different types of feminine energy, the different frequencies of the feminine energies, and the different archetypes of them. So when you are connecting with them, there is no right or wrong. It is your personal connection to it and your personal connection is going to be unique to you.

Are there different forms of Lilith to work with?

There are different forms of Lilith to work with. It is depending upon your specific working and connection with her. By our Outer Spiritual World definitions, Lilith is a vampire. Some refer to her as a Demoness. She’s definitely a Goddess and has that aspect to you. There’s different archetypes of Lilith. She has the Monstrous form, the Queen of the Night. She has many different forms to work with and even beyond that. Some call her an angel, which would be the four angels of sacred prostitution. Others, like us, she is part of the four vampire queens of sacred prostitution. They are also referred to the demons of sacred prostitution. If you find a form of Lilith that you connect with and she’s in a different form, go with what you get. Go with your individual energies to her because you are going to connect to the layers of energies and vibrations that are right for you.

Working with her for Sludge?

She can absolutely help with this. She can help with moments of depression where have had the sludge brain and struggling to get out of it. Akelta spoke about a struggle with depression and drowning in it. She had a hard time and she was able to get through it because she reached out for Lilith. She was able to go through this labyrinth in her mind and basically got away from the sludge. She did different cleansing techniques to help her rid her mind of sludge and remove it. She can absolutely guide and help you through sludge influence.
*Note: As always, please make sure to seek medical professional help to be cleared mentally and physically before turning to spiritual solutions. They are meant to help you as a tool and not a cure.

Can Lilith help with internalized misogyny?

She can and will help with this. She has no issue with calling you out on things. She will guide you to areas you didn’t even know you had. She will guide you to beliefs, thoughts, and things that hinder you. She can point out thought processes that are not good. Even if you never realize that they were there.

What is one difference between Vampire and Demon aspect? Is it the energy?

Yes, we see her as a vampire. This comes down to how people see her. It’s how they interpret her energies and what side they work with. We work specifically with the Outer Spiritual World Lilith, who is a Vampire. Other people work with different layers and aspects of Lilith.

How is this Lilith different from the Lilith from Jewish beliefs where she is a demon that murders or eats babies?

You have to look at the context of that story. Lilith literally just came out of having all her children murdered and then she was made into the bad guy. There is a lot of villainization along with pent up rage and pain. It is this notion that if women don’t conform to the tradition ‘good wife and mother’, that you are a murderer of babies. There is a theme that follows not just in Lilith story but in society at large. It is done as a deterrent from women exploring who they are because if they go against the society idea of women, then they are a murderer and baby eater.
Lilith is not one of those. Lilith cares a great deal for her children. She cares a great deal for those who come to her. She cares for babies, who she went into a blind rage when hers were killed.

Thank you to a discord member, Kaleidoscope, who provided a more indepth answer to this with resources:
This is because of hold-overs from pan-Babylonian beliefs about the roles and fears of Lilin. The main perpetrator was Lamashtu, but the Lilin by virtue of being demons that terrorized people got a rep for it too, i.e. why people would call on Pazuzu. This is my opinion based off my research into the topic. Lilith in Talmudic lore, even the one of Eden is more of a general title.

Here are the links to the YouTube videos that go more into depth on this topic.
Two roads diverged in a wood and I -- I took the one less traveled by, and that made all the difference. - Robert Frost
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Kore Serpens
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This was such a helpful post — especially after participating in the call of Lilith event. I had already read the tea chat notes on Lilith but going over it again in greater detail after some of the meditations was really useful and healing. Thank you .xx
"Good morning. I see the assassins have failed….”

”In the end it doesn't matter who or what you are - only that you've been embraced by all that you've become ... "
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