Tea Chat - Past Lives

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When it comes to Past Lives, every individual is different with if they have past lives and how many. It is very possible that one doesn’t have a past life, they have one past life, or they have many. Other times, you have people who only have a limited amount of lives to live before returning to their origin self. It depends upon one’s personal journey. Everybody’s spiritual journey is different. Everyone’s spiritual path and exploration is going to be different.
This can be said for those who have past lives. There are some that come here for one life. There are others that come for a set number of lives and others that have many different lives until they learn a specific lesson. This is usually determined by the True Self, also called the Higher Self or Core Self. They decide to come her and how that life is going to appear. They decide what they are going to experience.

Sometimes, the Higher Self can sign themselves up to experience too much and they get trapped in a cycle. Sometimes they can sign up for things that they truly don’t have the full understanding of or how it will play out. It can be a time where the life can kind of unwind in a very unfortunate way. Those that do get trapped find themselves in lives that are against their will. Past lives can be something that is challenging to navigate.

When it comes to past lives, it is much like the spiritual world, no one glove fits all. There’s many different options, paths of explorations, and ways that they can play out. It starts with your life. Some may be here their first time, while others may have been here before, or some may be blocked from their past lives. There are many who also be open to learning about their past lives. It depends on the nature of your journey here. It can also depend on what happened in those lives and how things have been going for them.

The True Self, or the Higher Self, have different connection to different things and they sign up for those. They sign up to experience different things. They might sign up for one life or they might sign up for a reincarnation cycle. Those that have signed up for a reincarnation cycle, those who are here and have multiple lives, will have different avenues and different ways to connect to those memories and past lives themselves.

Past Life memories can be really powerful because you’ve learned lessons in those lives. You had experiences in these lives and you’ve gone on this soul journey through them. So when you connect with your past life self, or when you connect with your memories of them – downloading those lessons and experiences – you can gain the wisdom, powers, and abilities from your past life self. An example would be that you were a powerful witch in your past life, you could connect to those energies and download those skills and abilities. Connecting with your past lives is really powerful.

There are times when your past lives are absolutely traumatic. And it leaves the question of why? Why would a True Self sign up for some stuff like this. What were they thinking? And sometimes can wonder if they think that these lives are our version of the Sims. They can just do whatever they want. Sometimes we find ourselves in some pretty interesting situations. Why and what possessed our True Selves to have these experiences? That’s a big question that only they know, but you can ask them should you wish to.

With past lives, there’s so many ways that they can manifest in this one. People can be blocked or they can block it themselves from knowing past lives. You can have past life trauma that carries into this life. Some people come into this life with things that they cannot explain. They have pains they can’t explain or nightmares. They can have these traumas and phobias that they can’t explain because nothing in this life could have contributed to that. Sometimes these can come from past lives and in other times it can be these other places we’ve been.

Going into your past lives and downloading the memories can be very healing. You can heal things that happening to you in your past life during this life now. You can heal the emotions and the trauma by going into them and processing them in this life. Just because something terrible happened in another life, doesn’t mean that you cannot heal it in this life.

You can go through this journey of healing. Akelta talks of a friend that went to this event were many people were signed up. They all gathered there and were doing a past life regression, when they realized that they were all a part of a village in the past. One of the people that was there was the one who had set the village on fire and murdered everyone. He was the one responsible. A huge healing exchanged happened where this man stood in front of everyone and apologized for killing them. Her friend said that everybody just felt this release of energy and it was like they let go of all these energy blocks and it was a deeply incredible experience for them.

How do you connect to your past lives and how do you know what those past lives are?

One of the best ways to connect with them is to see where your interests lie. Are you drawn to a specific area or time period? Are you drawn to a specific incident in history? Are you drawn to specific event? Usually interests like that can lead to past lives and times where you have lived. We don’t all have the same experience. Past lives don’t always have to be connected with Earth or the Earth timeline. You can have past lives that are in other places or even other races. There are millions of planets and there are millions of galaxies out there. There’s millions of Universes, Realms, and Dimensions. Your past lives can be in other places. You can be at other planets or realms, even other dimensions.

You can be different species and races. From an alien species, to a vampire, or even Fae creature or elves. You can be anything because depending on what you signed up for and depending on your reincarnation cycle. You can go to so many different places because your soul might not have just signed up for this journey here, but have signed up to go to other planets. Your True Self could have picked planets and Earth be part of that rotation. So you were once this type of being and now you’re human, only to go to another when this life is over.

It truly depends on what you sign up for and what you want to experience. If you are drawn to astronomy or if you’re drawn to the stars, it could be that you were once on another planet as another race. Akelta talks about how she loved astronomy when she was younger. She would stare at the stars for hours. She loved telescopes and wanted to be an astronaut. She wanted to work with NASA and travel the stars. She wanted to go out there and explore different worlds.

Pay attention to the interests you have, even if you’re into fantasy books. What are the characters you are drawn to? What’s the fantasy species do you find yourself more connected with. What speaks with you on a soul level? Where are your interests?

The reason you have these interests and the reason you have these connections is for a reason. You might be drawn and connected to them. You find yourself pulled in these directions. Then, through that, you can uncover the different memories, places, and experiences you’ve had. It is a journey, but one that you don’t dismiss easily. Just because people think that things are silly or that they couldn’t happen, this is not true. There are millions of universes out there. There’s millions of the quantum universes, the multiverse. So you could have been someone else in another universe. You could have been something else in another universe. It really depends on where you go, where you’ve been, what your connections are. And if you don’t dismiss them, if you keep yourself open to them, then you are going to be able to connect with them.

You can have traumas from your past that can carry over to this life. Fears from your past lives, things that happened to you in them can actually come over to this life. There’s been cases where people who were murdered showing in this life with a birthmark in the place where the wound was. The energy can carry over into this life. You can use that to go back and connect. There are a lot of cases where children, when they are first born and into their early years, have this connection. Some children remember their past lives and what happened. When they remember these things, they can piece together what happened in their past life and going back to these places they can experience healing.

Sometimes with past lives there is a delay when you go from one life to another. Other times, it can be instantaneous from one life to the next. It does depend. There are times when you die, you go into a place, kind of a recovery, where your soul heals and you just rest until you go to your next life. There are other times where you skip over that and go on. It depends on your individual journey, how you’re feeling at the end of your life. It’s a personal choice that you get to make.

Places Outside of Earth?

You can be completely disconnected from Earth. You can be in places that aren’t even in this Universe. There are universes out there with completely different energies, completely different mathematical sequences and different laws of physics and everything. You could exist in one of those things. They are fun to download information from because we have certain reference points here. We have tons of reference points here which help us to make sense of things. But if you connect to an energy that has no reference points here, it can be interesting to download those energies and figure them out.

Healing the Energies from Past Lives

If past life trauma comes up or surfaces, or these memories pop up, there can be times where it is intense. These pains and recollections can be very intense for those reliving them. It is painful. It is one of those things that you sit with it. Allow it to flow. Don’t judge it. Don’t interact with it. Just sit with it and watch. Just remind yourself that this is from a past life. This event as has already passed, so watch it. You want to observe it and allow it to speak. Once the energies come up and speak, you can actually then being to process them. You want to allow them to come up and observe them until it gets to a point where you are no longer reacting to them.

Sometimes it takes a while. Let them speak through. These energies, some of them have been trapped for years and they need to come up, they need to be heard and they need to be released. So just observe them. Sometimes interesting things happen. Like with the event that her friend went to, all those people, they were all the people who came from around the world. They, just in two weeks span, all decided to go. Sometimes the healing is orchestrated like that. There’s moments where you find yourself in a situation where the energies come out and you have the opportunity to release them. You can released them and let them go.

Once the energy is released, once they had their moment and the healing has been processed, you can integrate them. You can send healing energies to your past life self. That’s another thing to do: send healing energies to them. There’s different schools (ie: Reiki), where demons also have their own healing schools. There’s many different healing schools but if you can run healing energies through your hands, or even if you just send self-love to your past life self, saying “We are here and we’re alive. We have your memories.” Sending that self-love to them and reassurance, can be a very powerful, very bonding experience between you and your past life.
Doing this, you can being to work together and heal each other. It can be a beautiful process.

For demons who come through to here, do they know about your Origin Self and would be able to work with them on Past Life things?

Yes, demons who know your Origin Self are the demons that you are connected to. They can help you with your past. Some of them might even know your past life selves. The ones that knew your past lives, they can help you with past life work and they can help you connect to them.

Past Lives and Dreams

Dreams are a fantastic way to connect to your past lives because sometimes you will have memories. Pay attention to your dreams. They can reveal things.

What does it mean if you don’t feel like you, I don’t feel like I have the same spark that others do?

It means that you’ve got different energies in you. It means that you could originate from a different place. You have different vibrations, a different soul lineage. You have different connections and places that you come from. The thing is, we are all alike and all different. We’re all on different journeys. Which is a good thing, because it adds to the uniqueness and the diversity of who we are in the whole of it. Looking at our bodies and looking at what’s going on there and exploring the energies, you can find so much about yourself. You can ask yourself: What’s going on with my energies? What residual energies for my past life has been left over?

This is another thing, you have residual energies that are actually left over from your past lives. Residual energies carry on and come forward into this life because you’re on a journey. All of your past lives you are connected to. You are connected to your memories, your ancestors, these vibrations, and the people that were there. You can actually be your ancestors for your past life. Families as well. If you have kids in your past life or if you have nieces and nephews, or if you have living descendants in your past lives, you can actually act as an ancestor, even if they’re from a completely different species or genders.

The energy is still there, so you can be your own family’s ancestors. You’re still tied to them. You’re still able to connect to them and then your ancestors from that life. There are a lot of different things that can be done with past life work and can be uncovered.

How would you being to work with a shadow work from past lives, given the different lives as vampires, demons, werewolves, elves etc have accumulated different shadow aspects?

This is a very good question! So this Darkness, this is exploring the darkness of your past lives. This is being open to the darkness, being open to the vibrations, and open to the unique energies of different species. So you know, the vampire darkness is very different than the demonic. Darkness is very different than the werewolf darkness, and the elves have their own darkness. Each individual dark current has different energies, different vibrations, and different avenues to explore. Shadow work with all these different species can be incredibly amazing
What is the shadow? What is the shadow from the perspective of vampire? A demon? A werewolf? It opens up so many different shadows. One of the things you can do is connect to your past life self, connect to those different races, and ask them. Ask them their perspective. Because they’re your past life self, you can share the energies with them. You can blend and fuse energies with them and see from their perspective. You ca see their experiences and their understanding of shadow. You can see their lives, work, and through those aspects, you can gain their perspective of shadow work.

Can Past Lives affect your Higher Self?

Some of them can, if you are stuck in a reincarnation cycle. It can start a spiraling down into a more painful and horrific lives. It can make the integration process with your Higher Self really horrific and traumatic. This is if you’re pulled out of your life without completing the healing process, if you’re pulled back into your Higher Self. They have really sophisticated healing techniques up there, so it won’t be permanent, just temporary.

How does my Higher Self cancel contracts?

You can go up into your Higher World and invite your Higher Self to have a conversation of “hey, we need to fix this. We need to change the energies. I don’t want to experience this.” There are actual ways to accomplish this. The best way to do that is through meditation, go up into your Higher World, and ask your Higher Self to join you.

What if I feel disconnected from my Higher Self?

Yes, it can happen. Sometimes the energies between the Higher Self and the Physical Self are just not there. They’re not open or flowing. It is depending on where you are in your journey and on what energies you’ve been working on. Sometimes you can be disconnected from them. It can be that it is a part of your journey to have that disconnection. Your Higher Self may have decided to have this life as a part of seeing how you do without the connection there.
There are ways to reconnect with your Higher Self and untangle the energies, remove those blocks. There are ways to ascend yourself up to the Higher Chakras, where you can basically step in and become your Higher Self and reopen the connection and embrace their energies. Embrace their vibrations. It could just be blocks. It could be something from a past life where you disconnected from your Higher Self, sending you on this journey.
Two roads diverged in a wood and I -- I took the one less traveled by, and that made all the difference. - Robert Frost
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Leo Sierra
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Sometimes, the Higher Self can sign themselves up to experience too much and they get trapped in a cycle. Sometimes they can sign up for things that they truly don’t have the full understanding of or how it will play out. It can be a time where the life can kind of unwind in a very unfortunate way. Those that do get trapped find themselves in lives that are against their will. Past lives can be something that is challenging to navigate.
This is very interesting. I have heard that a soul can be duped into agreeing to things and that if this happens repeatedly it can eventually lead to soul degradation.
There are meditations for cancelling soul contracts, I have used them in the past but I never quite knew if they helped or not. No harm in trying I guess?
After all our DCs know us as our Real Selves so relationships with them wouldn't be affected.
I am going to rejoin my True Soul Form after this human lifetime, I need to recharge and reinvigorate my Soul and see my true soul family again.
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