The Value of Trust in Healing/ Hippocratic Oath

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Kore Serpens
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**This might be a challenge for some. Please Don’t read if you disapprove of self reliance, independent critical thinking, crone magik/knowing, or that deep divine feminine Power within that doesn’t need any more Man’s Words aka BullSh*t.**

This video is so painful that I almost wept for the man. Life shouldn’t be like this… at least that is what we’re told. But It is my darling’s. It is exactly like this.
And the man is so utterly f*cked and exposed in this moment that my heart weeps for him… but this is how the Wall is climbed. It’ is painful. It is Real. And this is what being Real is all about. It exposes and tears away our illusions and false pretences. I simply cannot walk in step and not become that which I follow. To act As If is to Become. And our Heart knows it when we have done it to ourselves.

(1st video re pharmacist) ... om-package

I once had a very loving Naturopath who wept when the herbs he gave me made me violently sick. I was extremely ill and went to him because regular Dr.s couldn’t help me. In no way did I believe it was his fault as I was so weak by that point that everything made me sick. I couldn’t eat. I was dying. It was him that took me to a wall where one plaque hung in a large wooden frame.
It wasn’t all his awards and accolades. No. Those hung in a small corner elsewhere.

On the wall hung the most important thing to him of not just his career, but the whole reason why he got into medicine in the first place.

The Hippocratic Oath.
It is several paragraphs long but the part that he read to me and then read a second time was this:

“….With regard to healing the sick, I will devise and order for them the best diet, according to my judgment and means; and I will take care that they suffer no hurt or damage.
Nor shall any man's entreaty prevail upon me to administer poison to anyone; neither will I counsel any man to do so. Moreover, I will give no sort of medicine to any pregnant woman, with a view to destroy the child…..”

And he told me that his teacher, whom he held in great regard, taught that of everything in the Oath the most Important piece is…. “Thou shalt do no harm, nor cause to be harmed, by my action’s….”

I never forget that because it evoked an opening of trust in me, for him.
I believed him. That is a Dr. Patient relationship. The healing…and these are his words…more often then not are evoked due to the dr/patient trust and not by any drug or action on his part.
And I met a superb medical dr years later who told me the same thing. To be a Physician is an act Sacred.

That Naturopath was Real.
In the end he couldn’t heal me. But he refused to give up.
So he told me to lead. He told me that I needed to listen to my body with all my might and he would stay by my side no matter what happened.

His attitude enabled me to find the Healer within.
The Hippocratic Oath…. And Love/Trust…
"Good morning. I see the assassins have failed….”

”In the end it doesn't matter who or what you are - only that you've been embraced by all that you've become ... "
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