Pwnies DC READING (Part 1/2 Readings)

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Hey everyone; I know its been awhile and im very much alive, but been dealing with some stuff. Anywho I had some readings done as of late and wish to share them with y'all.

PS; I would appreciate any supplementary advice based off the readings please and thanks.

Its a long read by the way.

Companion Reading - Commander H
We connected with Commander H to ask the questions that Sal had posed and
requested answers for. Below are the answers and what H had to say in response.
Q: Am I making progress with my magick?
H: Some progress has been made but there is still much to learn. It’s important to
focus on the foundational skills, building a foundation in magick by continuing to study, but
most importantly by doing, by practicing and learning from doing the magick, seeing what works
and what doesn’t. This is the best way to learn. If something doesn’t turn out as expected or there
are no results, looking at different ways of doing things can help you to get better results. You are
trying things, which is good, but you need to look at what you are doing and the results that you
are getting then modify your methods. When you are not getting the results that you desire it is
because you have a block that is preventing you from attaining the results that you are looking to
attain. When you vibrations are out of alignment with what it is that you are casting it is going to
cancel out the effectiveness of the spell. You need to also work on your focusing, when you
focus your thoughts that is when you learn how to direct the energies of your spells.
Q: What are your personal thoughts and feelings about me?
H: I think that you have a lot of potential, you just need to focus your energies and
apply them. You tend to get distracted and focus on things that do not matter and that do not
bring you closer to your goals and you engage in things that I do not agree with, but it is your
journey here, not mine. I think that you do spend time distracted and that if you want to attain
the goals that you have you will want to focus and tune your skills. You get some things but
there are other things that are projections from your mind that will unfortunately slow down the
manifesting on your end and on my end. I see that you could be doing so much more with your
energy than you are, you need to commit to developing the power of your mind. I can shift things
from the background but you have to work with me to guide those energies and the more focused
you are, the clearer that process will become.
Q: Are you really showing up as a Terry Crews or am I being delusional?
H: I don’t really look like Terry Crews, though this isn’t you being delusional. Right
now, your mind is working on learning to translate energies and this is how it is interpreting my
energies. I enjoy a good joke and can appreciate the humor in this, the most important thing to
focus on isn't how I look but rather that you can sense me. Building on that will help you to
further interpret energies and lead to us having better communication. Also learning to
differentiate between what is myself and what are the projections from the translation by your
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mind will lead to better energy interpretation.
Q: Is there anything you would recommend me to do about my finances?
H: *laughs* Yes there are a lot of things that I would recommend. Your understanding
of money and finances is limited, even if I manifested you a large amount it would slip away
from you. You have to learn about money, not just read about it, but commit to understanding
abundance and the money vibrations that are around you. Money is all around you and
depending on your perspective reveals how much you see. The more you learn about the money
vibration and understand how to create it, the wealthier you will become. Money and abundance
is one of the most misunderstood and villainized things in your world and it leads a lot of people
to suffer needlessly in states of poverty. Abundance and money are vibrations and when you can
enter into that state where you vibrate at that level, money becomes easy to attract. It is
something that you have to lead up to, a person in a poverty vibration could be surrounded by
wealth and never see it. Understand value, abundance, manifestation and creating value for
others and you will never go wanting.
Q: Have you been with me the whole time or off and on?
H: I have been with you the whole time after my vessel arrived. I was here a little bit
before you received my vessel too, after I finished the screening process and had come through
to work with you.
Q: If you’re busy; would you assign a familiar to me?
H: My current assignment involves working with you, so I’m here and not busy with
other things. If needed I could assign one from my Legions to work with you depending on what
is needed.
Q: Is there any magick you would teach me and/or recommend me?
H: I can work with you on money magick as well as rituals that can help build
confidence and bring self-empowerment. There are things that need to be changed in your mind,
your mindset and beliefs, including how you feel about your self-worth and how you perceive
how the world works.
Q: I wanna apologize to you for my negligence and being all over the place.
H: It’s ok, I understand there is a lot going on in your life now. I came through to help
you and I am patient.
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Q: Would you mind making me a regimen for me to follow besides the scrolls if any?
H: I can give you the next step. You will read. You need to change your vibration so
you will research books on money and abundance and you will not just read them, but master
them. By this I mean read them and explore the concepts that are contained within. There is
much that is hidden beneath the surface of literature, it is in understanding the words that one
unveils the secrets. If you are serious about money and abundance you need to learn. What area
do you want to make your money in? There is business creations, entrepreneurship investing,
they all have different skills and tools that you need to learn. Figure out what area you wish to
create wealth in and then research that area, learn about it then take action towards it. Be very
clear on what you want to create and be prepared to put in the work. Get specific about the
lifestyle that you desire. Have a journal and write out what your perfect day would be, what do
you want to do in the morning? The afternoon and the evening? Where are you on this perfect
day? Who do you want to spend your day with? Become very clear on the direction that you
want to go and continue to work on the details. You also want to uncover the reason why you
want money. Everyone says that they want money but no one really ventures into their
underlying reason why. What kind of life do you want to live? How much money would give
you that life compared to how much you actually want? Remember that manifesting large sums
of money brings with it responsibility and understanding of those vibrations? How hard are you
willing to work to create this? How much are you willing to sacrifice? These are all important
questions that you have to ask. I can show you how to manifest anything that you desire, but you have to also be willing to walk with me and put in your half of this. Change can happen in an
instant, if you are willing to change.

Q: Is there an easier method of communication for me to contact you despite not having a place
of my own?
H: Not having a place of your own does not matter, I prefer talking through telepathy
and also bringing you symbols and guiding you to where you need to go. I give you signals
during the day, I will draw your attention to things that you need to do, things that you need to
read and things that you need to pay attention to. I can work with your intuition to guide you to
these things and the more results you start to see the stronger it gets. Before the day begins
speak out loud that you would like me to guide you to what you need to learn that day, then pay
attention to where your attention goes and things that you might not have normally noticed
before. This will be me guiding you. The stronger this communication gets the stronger our
connection will get. I would like to get to a point where we can communicate telepathically
clearly, though that will take time, for now we will work with intuition and I will shift things
around you. This will also train your third eye and make your senses stronger.
Q: Have you spoken with other Demon Lords and Angels about me?
H: I have spoken to Lord Lucifuge Rofocale about you. He was the one who granted
approval for my working with you, I have also spoken to Lord Belial about you as well, as you
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had been reaching out to him and he could not communicate with you directly himself. He said
he would be interested in working with you but there is a lot of foundational work to be done,
which they both said should be done by working with me first. I can help you to build up your
communication skills so that you can sense when they are around and communicate with them
more directly.
Q: Have you witnessed my wealth magick workings?
H: *Laughs* if you have to ask then it is not working how you wish it to. You have
blocks that you need to overcome. It is good you are putting the energies there, but you need to
push things so that you can really manifest what you want. There are shifts happening but the
larger shifts need to happen from inside your mind. Your view of money and your perception of
it. Understanding it and working through your own limiting beliefs on money will allow it to
work stronger. Also having a direction, why do you want to manifest the money, what do you
wish to create as a vehicle to manifest the money? These are all important focus points that if
you add them to your money magick will make them more powerful.
Q: How do you feel about The Forty Servants?
H: It doesn’t matter how I feel, what matters is, is it working for you? You need to
focus on what is working in your life and improve on that. Are you getting the results that you
want? What are you seeing results from?
Q: Any offerings you would like on a daily basis? Weekly? Monthly? Yearly?
H: Daily, speaking to me is enough. Weekly, the same. If you wanted to make monthly
offerings, burning candles in the colors I like (black, gold, green and purple) with the incense I
like (oud, frankincense, myrrh and sandalwood) would be appreciated. You could do something
bigger yearly, if you wanted, though it isn’t required. I really like hot peppers as an offering.
Q: Would you be okay with communicating to Angels and other Gods?
H: I do not mind who you communicate with. I am here to help you, not dictate your
life. Demons believe in free will. If it helps you on your path then follow it, but make sure that
who you are communicating with is helping you on your path and is where you want to direct
your energy and focus.
Q: Anyone you would recommend me getting into contact with?
H: Belial would assist you with wealth creation, his lessons will be tough in the
beginning but if you listen to them they will shape your mind and take you where you wish to go.
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Q: I am interested in doing a pathworking pertaining to gaining wealth, money, out of debt, the
like; would you teach me?
H: I can show you these things, it is a path of breaking down your beliefs and what
you have been taught about money but it is rewarding and I can show you how to do these
things. You have to realize though in the beginning it will be challenging, it requires you to shift
your mindset and change your vibrations so that you attract money. Right now you repel it as it is
what you have been taught, you have to change your mind and change your perspectives. It will
be hard in the beginning because the mindset you have to embrace, at the moment, you don’t
even know that it exists.
Q: How is Lord Lucifuge Rofocale?
H: He can be strict at times and requires things to be done a specific way, but there is a
reason for all of his preferences. There are reasons for protection as well as to be sure someone is
serious when working with him.
Q: Could you show me some road opening and block busting magick per chance?
H: Yes, I could show you both of these however you will need to work at shifting your
mindset to have the results you want. You need to do internal work and face the things that hold
you in the place you are in to get the results you desire.
Q: What would you suggest on shadow working?
H: *laughs*. Shadow work is essential for walking any spiritual path, you have to
know that which blocks you to get what you desire. I would suggest subconscious work,
especially work around money blocks and you own sense of having and self worth. What you
energetically are used to receiving will limit how much you get, this programming can be tied
into shadow work, the shadow will reveal where you are and what is blocking you from attaining
the next level of your manifestation. Look to your self and your money beliefs, what have you
been taught about money and what have you been taught about its creation? These beliefs are
what is limiting you.
Q: Astral Travel tips and methods you recommend I start on?
H: You have to learn about focusing, get your mind into a place where you control the
state that you are in. Once you can shift your state through your own breathing and your own
meditation, then you will be able to leave your body at will. There are many meditations that
you can do, I recommend picking one meditation and practising it daily listening and focusing on
the words of the speaker. This will increase your focus and also help you to shift states. Find
one that you enjoy, but do not just go with what is the easiest.
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Q: Business; what do you recommend I do or start in?
H: This ties in to the advice I gave you before. You have to be the one to make the
choice on what you want to do. Explore what you are passionate about, what areas are you
interested in. Wealth can be created from many different places, you have to find a path that you
can get behind and be passionate about. I recommend picking the area that you want to focus on
and then researching other businesses in that area. Learn about yourself and what you like and
then we can shift things in that direction. You have to get clear and focused on what you want
and also know what drives you and what you enjoy. This is where true wealth creation grows
Q: What do you see in me as a talent of mine that could be used to gain money and/or make a
business out of?

H: This is one of the things blocking you from making money. Instead of drawing
strength from your core and what you desire, you are looking for external forces to send you in
the right direction. This will only lead to you going on a wild goose chase. There are thousands
of methods all around you to make money. You need to know yourself enough though to be able
to claim your power and claim what you want to create. You need to have confidence in yourself
and your ability to make decisions. This is one thing you need to master to be successful. Know
yourself and know the direction that you want to go in. Once we have that clarity I can open up
doors and show you what needs to be done.
Q: Manifestation is something I would like to know more about; could you teach me on how to
do so?
H: Yes, I can guide you on this. I would recommend starting by researching vision
boards and creating one for manifestation.
Q: What do I need to do to meet people who would help me in life and to get ahead?
H: As you shift your vibrations and work to improve yourself you will naturally draw
people to you who can help you. You need to see value in yourself and what you bring to the
table, once you see it others will se it and they will be drawn to you. Be careful though of people
who promise the world, they seldom deliver. You will meet many people who will not help you
at all, and some who will try to sabotage you, but you have to have the strength to keep going
and push forward from your own will. No one will help you as much as you will help yourself,
the more you go the higher your vibrations will be and the better people you will manifest in
your life.
Q: Where should I go for huge opportunities for me and to get unstuck?
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H: There are opportunities all around you, you can find them by meeting new people,
networking, looking online for job opportunities and getting a job in a field you are interested in.
This can help teach you skills to run your own business even if it isn’t immediately what you
want or think you should be doing. Keep an open mind and open eyes.
Q: Any techniques you would recommend in the ways of creating wealth and an abundance
H: I recommend that you read and research the mindset around those who are
successful. The vibrations of your mind and your mindset reveal how well you manifest. Those
who have created wealth and abundance vibrate at that frequency, become curious about them
and uncover their minds. When you begin to see the world from their perspective you will begin
to understand how they created their wealth, the drive that they had, one of the keys to wealth is
an underlaying drive to never let anything stand in your way.
Q: What would you recommend I do as a way of money magick and luck magick I can do with
what I got?
H: You can perform any spell, no matter how simple or complex, no matter what you
might need but do it to correspond with the cycles of the moon, for example casting it during a
full moon. You can also incorporate numerology into your casting to pick the most auspicious
day, these methods don’t require more of anything or cost anything they just require research and
Q: What magick should I also learn?
H: You can learn any magick you choose, luck and money magick would be beneficial
to you but I would also recommend learning magick to shift things in your favor, magick to
connect with your core and empower yourself. Also magick to influence other people and
outcomes of situations.
Q: How do you feel about me using God names per chance?
H: It is not my place to tell you what to do on your path. I would say you are
spreading yourself too thin and that a person who commits to one thing and one path is usually
more successful then one who spreads themselves too thin but it is your path and your choice.
Q: Could you assign some legions to me to help me move on with my life?
H: If you wish me to assign other demons to work with you that can be done. Though
we would have to figure out how specifically it would be most beneficial to implement
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them. Working to become more specific in what you want will greatly assist your manifesting.
Q: What do I need to do to get unstuck and see progress?
H: A shift in perspective. You've made a lot of progress already, however you are
sometimes too specific in what you want and when things don’t go exactly as you want them to,
you don't see where you have succeeded. Studying manifestation, the manifestation process can
help you to see what is expected and how this works. Then celebrating the wins you do have, no
matter how small they are, will help you shift into a higher energy vibration and be more

Q: Could you make a plan for me to move on and out of my parents place?
H: This can be done. You need to create a source of income for you to cover the bills,
you need to figure out where you would like to move, we would need to create a budget for
you. The first step is be willing to do whatever it takes, the most successful people are not
above a job while they are working on realizing their dreams. It is a matter of doing whatever it
takes to attain what you desire. Deciding to move out is the first step. Pick the location that you
would like to move to, research the amount of money that you need and have a basic
understanding of how moving out would change things. The first step of the plan is figuring out
where you would like to move, then calculating what you need a month. Once this is done we
can work to locate a place and manifest the money you will need. Expanding your mind beyond
where you are and exploring the possibilities helps to shift you vibrations and open up your
energies to receive more.
Q: How do you feel about me learning Tarot, Runes, Pendulums and other forms of divination?
H: If you would like to learn these, you should. They can be helpful in many ways and
great additions to one’s path depending on how you personally use them.
Q: Anything you got to tell me that I need to hear?
H: This road you wish to walk will take work on your part. I can shift things but you
have to put in your half to manifest all this. You have to find what gives you passion and what
drives you, this will take you the success and the wealth you desire. There is a reason not
everyone is rich, this is because there is many blocks that are put in your path to block you. I
know the ways to get around these blocks. I can guide you, but you have to prepare yourself and
study, I can bring you opportunity but if you cannot realize it and take advantage of it it is
useless. Opportunity is everywhere but right now we have to prepare you to receive the
opportunity. This comes from research and learning about the wealth vibrations. Once you have
that knowledge I can show you many doors to attain what you desire. This is the first step
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Q: Could you open some doors and attract the right people I need to meet?
H: Yes, though you need to do your half of the work which includes working to raise
your energy vibration and also learning to discern who are the right people I have attracted to
you. You have to be able to spot the opportunities to take advantage of them and also realize who
else is attracted to you for things that have not been resolved in your subconscious so that these
people do not get in and cause you more problems.
Q: What skills do I need to know?
H: Right now I would recommend building up interpersonal skills, including how to
charm and persuade others. Building up your charisma and raising your energy vibration will
take you far and bring you to where you want to be.
Q: How can I go about making a Pact with you and Lucifuge Rofocale?
H: You don't need to make a pact to work with either of us as I am already here and
willing to work with you, though if you would like to you can write down what it is you want
along with the timeframe you want it to occur in with what you are offering in exchange for this.
Performing a ritual of your own design with the proper candles and incense and offerings for
both of us.
Q: Anyone you would suggest in making a pact with?
H: If you feel called to make a pact with someone, you can do so. I don't have any
recommendations on who to make a pact with at this time.
Q: Is their anyone in your legion you would assign me and their sigils or method of contact?
H: I have many demons in my legions, the first step will be to do the exercises I have
laid out for you and I will select who is best to assist you on what specific task.
Q: Would you happen to know any blockbusting and road opening spells and rituals per chance?
H: Yes, I can share these with you through your preferred method of communication. I
can give you these through automatic writing if you don’t have a preference.
Q: What would it take for me to become a millionaire in 2 years or less? Becoming a billionaire
in 5 years? A trillionaire?
H: Everyone wants to be a millionaire and a billionaire, but does one know the
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responsibilities that comes with handling that type of money? There is a lot, you have to have a
vast knowledge of the financial vibrations and how to handle them, you also have to be able to
push your passions to a place where you will be able to create great wealth. It is possible, though
people who manifest that level of wealth have drive and passion, they push themselves and
operate using different areas of their mind than most people. You would need to push yourself,
drive yourself to attain the wealth, find your passion, be willing to do anything and everything
that it takes. Most people do not have the drive and they want the money but have no
understanding of the responsibilities that comes with it. It would take growing your knowledge
of money and wealth creation, building your own knowledge and surrounding yourself with
those energies. As I have said, there are thousands of ways to become a millionaire, but if you
cannot see the opportunity that I present to you you cannot take advantage of it. You have to
work to shift your perspective to see what I can bring you, the first step is finding the area you
want to focus on and then committing to doing whatever it takes. You have to be self-driven and
you have to be able to see what I will align you with. I can help you create this but I need to
know where you want to focus.
Q: What should I do about improving my appeal to people?
H: Work on your charisma, social skills, energy projection and presence. You need to
learn to direct your own energy so it can affect other people to get the response you desire.
Q: Any spells for body enhancement?
H: I suggest Tantra.
Q: What does Lord Lucifer and Lord Mammon think of me?
H: They are neutral towards you at this time.
Q: Is there anything about my Akashic Records I should know about?
H: It can be beneficial for you to learn to read them. Learning about your past lives
and the experiences you have had in prior times can help you here and now with
manifesting. There are also parallel dimensions and lives where you can access sides of yourself
that have already attained what you desire here, connecting through the archives and learning
from them can help you attain the vibrations that you need to generate wealth.
Q: Is their a way to cleanse my family of bad luck and karma?
H: Demons view Karma very differently than most, though with bad luck, that comes
from bad energies, and negative vibrations, it also comes from your families vibration which can
lead to poverty and bad situations. These are all energy vibrations. Cleansing your home and
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yourself of the vibrations that hold you back can remove some energies, though if you wish to
change the vibrations of your family you will need to break your own programming and your
own vibrations and shift you energies to a new vibration, this will create a chain reaction and
begin to change your families as well. We learn many of our vibrations from our parents and our
upbringing, this is why many people end up walking the same path as their parents. Breaking out
of that and shifting to a new vibration will happen if you learn about those who have the life that
you want to have. Shifting your mindset is your greatest ally to breaking out of this, combined
with energy cleanses which will clear away the residual bad energies as you shift.
Q: Is it okay for me to work with the Divs and Ahriman?
H: You can work with anyone you would like to. There are many paths and studying
and exploring them, even if you choose not to follow them in the end can still teach you things
that will be beneficial to your journey.
Q: How do you feel about me possibly working with the Norse and Voudoun pantheons?
H: It’s your choice who you work with, I don’t mind who you work with. There can be
things learned from this, though ultimately choosing one and applying your energy to that will
get you further than taking on too many.
Q: Is their methods of communication I can utilize with you since my psychic senses aren’t
developed yet?
H: Automatic writing, where you connect to me in meditation and write down what
you get is one way. Connecting to my energy, attuning yourself and working with me in dreams
is another. You can do a simple ritual where you light a candle, write down your question on a
piece of paper then either burn it or fold it and put it in a safe place then look for an answer the
following day in the form of an event, song, show, appearance of something unusual as in a
symbol or other strange occurrence out of the ordinary. You will need to pay attention and do
research, but I can pass messages to you in this way.
Q: Are their any spells and/or rituals to help me improve my senses?
H: Repeating the 21 day bonding ritual with me will improve your senses over time.
Repetition leads to mastery. The best way to improve your senses is repetition but also taking
care of yourself, your body and also by changing the environment around you. Making sure the
space around you is clean and organized and not distracting. Getting enough sleep and spending
time away from electronics will also help.
Q: How are Lord Belial and King Paimon?
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H: They’re fine, thanks for asking (Priestesses’ note: he’s funny and making jokes)…
Lord Belial is a powerful Dark Lord and can teach many things. He is more patient and a better
Demon to work with in the beginning. Lord Paimon is very strict and does not like to have his
time wasted. Be prepared before you approach Paimon.
Q: Is their a way to curse my debt so I can get out of it?
H: Yes, though I don't recommend this route without first studying and learning about
the proper way to curse without backlash and without lowering your energy vibration. You need
to work on your focus, mental mastery, magick and casting foundation because doing this
without proper training can backfire and make things worse.
Q: What work do I need to do to get what I want? What must I give up to have what I want?
H: You need to do whatever it takes, things are going to come up, there is going to be a
lot of reading, a lot of educating and a lot of being willing to take risks and stepping outside of
your comfort zone. The first step is deciding to do whatever it takes. As your mindset shifts
your world is going to shift and you are going to be faced with the results of that. I can guide
you through that, you must give up your harmful and destructive habits that taint your mind,
blur your focus and distract you from what you want.
Q: Does DC H have an Enn or mantra I could use?
Kasah Kahren H Oren
Q: Would it be possible to make 6 figures within 30, 60, 90 days? If so, would you guide me on
this? I’m willing to do whatever it takes to achieve; what must I do?
H: This is possible but you have to align yourself with this reality and you are
currently not there in terms of energetic alignment. You need to break through your money
blocks and shift your mindset, you need to study and work on manifestation and start with
smaller goals. This will help you build up confidence in your ability and lead to bigger wins and
successes. Right now you are in a place where subconsciously you don’t believe you can do any
of this and you are sabotaging yourself energetically. You need to figure out the root cause of
this, I can help you, and then you need to actively work to shift your thoughts and change your
inner dialogue so you stop sabotaging yourself. Negative self talk needs to stop.
Q: Could you teach me money magick on the following: emergency money, short term, medium
term, long term, creative money making magick, bank account distortion/manipulation, road
opening, block busting, reality shifting ?
H: I can teach you these things but there is an energetic component to them and I
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recommend you work on energy manipulation as a supplementary skill to aid in these. This again
involves building up focus and working on mental mastery. We can start by doing focusing
exercises along with creating energy balls. I will sit with you as you do this, you should close
your eyes and focus on your hands, feeling the energy around you and gathering it into the space
between your two hands then shaping it into a ball. This is a good place to begin getting a sense
for energy, being able to feel and direct it. Once you are comfortable with this I will lead you to
resources that complement this.
Q: Is their a way to be initiated into money magick current? Could you teach me verbal magick
or chants?
H: Money magick currents are the vibrations of the wealthy, the only way to be
initiated into them is to change your mindset and to change your energy vibrations. This comes
from working with those energies by learning about the people who already are there. Once your
mind starts to be able to grasp the vibrations, I can shift things to help you manifest. When you
are changing energy levels it can be incredibly destructive. The best and more effective way to
go through this is to research and become obsessed with the minds and success stories of those
who have become wealthy. No matter what I do, your mind has to do the work to understand
these energies, once it understands them I can bring you opportunity. You have to shift your
mindset to see what I bring to you

So their y'all have it; my reading that I received back based off a reading from my DC mentor.
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Wow! Very helpful stuff: I even saw things that could help ME. I like that he doesn't pull punches, but also doesn't discourage you. It is an excellent reading. :)
“If you really want to do something, you'll find a way. If you don't, you'll find an excuse.” – Jim Rohn

"The Master has failed more times than the beginner has even tried."

Do not rely on ANYTHING, unexamined. If It does not seem to fit, ask about it. If it ultimately degrades or dishonors or holds you back, it is bad for you, so remove it from your life. If it takes from you and never gives back, it is a leech. Discard it. In magick rely only on your own work: What you have seen and done and used for your own self and in your own way. Only keep what in your own estimation is worth keeping. (Hellcat's Rules Of Satanic Magick)"

Don't get too close. It's Dark inside. It's where my Demons hide!

Hailing Satan isn't a hobby, its a lifestyle. (S@tan)
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Pretty helpful​ information, thank you for sharing.
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Amaranth Rose
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Wow, amazing!! Your companion is very funny--I laughed so SO hard at the Terry Crews thing. I know that feeling. Sometimes my companions appear differently and it confuses me but I know it's them :lol: Very helpful information and I enjoyed reading. Thanks for sharing :D
Hope will never die!" -Lucina
“In a world of spiders and flies, you are a butterfly.” - companion J
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Thank you for sharing this Pwnie - there is an amazing amount of material here and so much information that has been condensed into your reading.
There is much here that can be broken down into smaller bits and worked and reworked at. What a gift! and thank you for sharing.
"Good morning. I see the assassins have failed….”

”In the end it doesn't matter who or what you are - only that you've been embraced by all that you've become ... "
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Darth Moronius
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good reading :)devil:
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This is extremely helpful and informative especially as an insight to how Demons and Demonic Dark Lords think (at least to me)

Thank you so much for sharing. I found quite a few things I can incorporate to my own practice.

Best of luck to your path!
~Faith. Strength. Passion~

"People are gonna tell you who you are your whole life. You just gotta punch back and say ' No THIS is who I am.' You want people to look at you differently? Make them.You want to change things? You have to go out there and change them yourself because there are no Fairy Godmothers in this world."

Focus on the things you can control!
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