You're favorite way to cleanse your space?

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What is your favorite way to cleanse your space? What do you like to use? It seems like a number of people like to use salt water.
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Primarily I use Incense.

Either Palo Santo wood. Or Frankincense, Myrrh, Dragon's Blood. Any of those. Even Sandalwood I find to be protective and comforting.

I do also have pieces of Selenite and Citrine stationed at intervals around rooms forming protective grids.
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Hm i use incense: sandlewood, frankincense and myrrh, copal, dragons blood on occasion, bells, fans, the lbpr, sometimes salt cleansing. I also have crystal grids set up, and like using obsidian and amethyst too. I have used essential oils as well. Also using the black flame energetically to cleanse the space as well, though i do use different coloured flame on occaison too, my favourite method though is sound.
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Missed edit window, for really intense cleansings i also have used a phurba, bells and dorje.
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I use Fire energy or other energy work to cleanse my space. I also use a spray bottle filled with salt water, which works well because I have sensitivities to smoke and incense.
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Literally physically cleaning my space. Before I resort to any tools, I make sure the space is actually clean. Because the clutter is where things can hide, gather, or appear. I have ADHD and so this is a personal struggle for me but with cleansing, I suppose it sort of forces me to be consistent. My personal view might just be a normal view for others but for me, cleansing has no purpose if I cannot keep things clean and organized. I recently am having issues with this because I actually have a hell of a lot of positive and negative energy going on in my space right now. Both polarizing energies. ;;;;

I always place a glass cup of water on my altar (plain water, or charged water, or salt water). It has to be glass and with clean water, I pour a little bit of florida water into it. Tbh I am thinking of getting another cup and placing it at the highest elevation of my room (my bookshelf).

From that same cup though, before I place it on my altar, I like flicking the water in the corners of my room. Then I light incense and a candle for purification, and my own personal thing I do is spraying scented spray everywhere because I love a nice aromatic room hahaha. Floral or sweet smells. Then my final thing to do is sprinkle black salt on my windowsill and doorway.

A lot of this is stuff passed down to me from an Elder witch but some of it is my own improvisation on top of what I learned.
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Incense and sea water in a spray bottle! :D
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Palo Santo wood, Florida Water, (Santa Muerte especially loves when I clean her altar and statues with it) and incense.

I used to burn sage but the people I live with mistook the smell for pot the last time I used it and it caused a big situation. So I currently no longer use it.
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I love using sprays to cleanse my space. I usually use palo santo spray, but I tried a Florida water spray for the first time recently and really loved it.

I have a singing bowl that I use, crystals, and I will use energy work as well.
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My favorite is probably sound, since it can really set the tone for things. Playing a singing bowl is a calming feeling in itself. It doesn't just have to be singing bowls or meditative music, sometimes I'll set up playlists about cleansing and renewal or evoke that feeling. Right after that is physical cleaning, but it still leaves the things you can't touch, hence sound being first.
Light travels faster than sound. This is why some people appear bright before you hear them speak.
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