Across the Realms: Meditation One

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Meditation One

Enter the Land of the Pavo....

You open your eyes to see that you are standing in the center of a rounded garden. Behind you, there is a trickling of a fountain. To your right is a nice wooden bench. The wind blows lightly and you can smell the sweet scent of daffodils on the air. Beneath your feet are stones that lead to a path that goes around the garden. Each path is colored slightly different. You know this place. It feels like peace and happiness.

You spot a darker path, the stones colored purple and green, reminding you of peacocks. You step on the path, seeing the garden change. The plants change from the bright golden and yellows to the darker purples and greens. There are some blue ones that hang like bells and others that are shaped like cones. Hyacinth, the wind whispers. You smile and continue to walk along the stone path. It isn’t long before you reach an interesting piece of architecture in the middle of the path. Everything stops in place around it, not allowing you to see past it.

It’s an archway, a beautiful one that is a dark stone. Around it are sharp purple vines with peculiar white flowers. In the corners of the arch are shining webs, their silks rippling with many colors. Taking in a deep breath, you take a step forward and allow yourself to go through the archway. You open your eyes, not realizing that you closed them and see the landscape around you.

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Two roads diverged in a wood and I -- I took the one less traveled by, and that made all the difference. - Robert Frost
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There are birds singing on branches when I awake in the garden, I take a deep deep breath and enjoy the fresh crisp air. I can taste the pollen of flowers on the wind, and hear the song of many many a different bird sing out across the landscape.

The paths are all beautiful, but as Ysa talks I am drawn to the darker path the most. My excite ripples out in small energy waves and I walk kinda fast down the path. I take in the sights and smells of beautiful flowers, red spider vine like beauties in the trees, hummingbird like creatures zipping about merrily with chime like song.

I see the two Pavo and curtsy, I’m already wearing a silk gown, a robin’s egg blue, a gift from another event . She radiates energy of warmth and smiles, and her male companion although a bit more colder, accepts my energy of excitement with his own soft greeting.

I follow happily hand in hand. Hoping to see W, The Queen, noticing my looking around says who I seek I will see in due time. I just about blast off into the sky with happiness, but bow my head respectfully and say my thanks.

When we arrive at the tent I can’t help but do a small little happy dance. I love the Pavo, have loved the Pavo since I first saw and read about them. Their clothing and silks are to die for , and I merry head on in after she is done talking.

I step into the tent and immediately go to the feminine section, enjoying the smells and sights of many cuts of cloth and silk laying about. The wind from outside picks up and dances across my skin. The beginnings of this meditation were a bit blurry, and slightly hard to hear, but I’m already halfway in, and snuggled deep into my white robe. I head to the entrance and do a small twirl, expressing my gratitude and love for their gift. The tall one speaks as we walk and I listen closely, taking mental notes.

I can’t help that my wings spread out and I take in the sun happily, the reds of my feathers dancing off the white of my robe. I breathe in deeply and we continue on, my wings folding into my back and the slight temperature drop from the canopy’s cover is the first thing I notice, along with the faint scent of ...vanilla and … orange? No. Cinnamon, it’s extremely faint and seems to come from some of the flowers at the tops of the trees. My feathers fluff out, feeling the waves of energy of the ancient tree we stop in front of .

I curtsy low at the massive Spinner, my eyes close. I can feel the Queen move and hear the paper exchange, and do not open my eyes until he beckons me forward. He smiles as I come within five feet of him, and watch as his leg reaches into the branches, I can feel and almost hear a delicate singing of energy as he brushes against many different fabrics.

A sparkly purple ball of silk is placed in my hands. I gasp at its beauty, I almost don’t want to drop it. But I sigh and close my eyes, calling my energy from my body that ripples and cracks almost like electricty down my arms and into the ball. The sparkling purple catches flame and then is snuffed out by itself as an almost living glowing ball of red/orange ember silk replaces it, I drop it in an instant.

“I seek peace.” Is all I can say, feeling the stress and panic and fear from my current physical battles rippling into my core. I feel his leg on my shoulder, trying not to cry as I rub my hands on my upper arms.

The light from the silks is indeed almost blinding, as I turn back to the Queen, and see the ocean blue green of fabric. It looks like the tropical seas have been caught in silks and I can swear I can almost see the colors change from greens to pure blue and back again. I eagerly follow down the path, my wings bristling with excitement as I scurry into the tent.

It feels like I am wearing nothing, the dress, long and reaching to my knees, has thin leggings that match, so only a bare amount of my leg actually shows. I was right that the greens and blues change, it depends upon the light I am in, and I feel as if … my mood. There is a belt at my waste, to keep it snug and secure. It doesn’t look like something I would expect to wear during ritual, but I can feel and sense the magic deep within it. And I love it all the same. When the Sorcerer lowers his head, a lovely cloak flowing from the nape of the dress down and across my wings, bringing them closer to me so I may feel their warmth, it is a darker green, almost brown, like the forest floor. It strangely compliments the dress and I squee in delight and bow to the both of them.

The Queen whispers W is outside waiting for me, and I nearly book it out of the tent, he’s up on the path ahead of me, holding a delicate blue potted orchid. I don’t run, but I briskly walk to him and I bow, whispering I have missed him. He coos and bows back, handing me the flower gently.

It looks like this, except much more lighter blue that makes it’s darker sections feel even darker. I gasp and kiss his cheek, saying thank you. I know I must go, but it felt so good to see him. Tears fall from my face and he brushes them away. The sun dances off his pale blue feathers. ... m&usqp=CAc
“I’ll see you soon.” He whispers and I am beckoned by the Queen and the Sorcerer ahead of us on the path. When I turned to look back at him he is gone, and I clutch the small potted orchid close to me.

I follow the Queen and Sorcerer, making small talk, asking how things are and how are they. Before I know it I am at the archway again, and I am loathe to go.

“May you walk in peach and grace as well.” I say bowing to both of them stepping into the archway and sighing as the Solar Garden is in front of me, of course my eyes see the sparklies of the golden archway. I am not as nervous as I walk the garden, sitting near the fountain as I listen to the water and the sun warms my body. I return to my physical body easily, almost sadly, as the weight of the orchid pot I was carrying had quickly become familiar to me. I make a mental note to take it Home quickly and get it into the right temperatures and humidity for it.
"Be nice, for the moment you stop people will not believe the nice anymore. So be Nice until you can't be nice anymore, then destroy them."

“You’ve gotta respect everyone’s beliefs."
No, you don’t. That’s what gets us in trouble.
Look, you have to acknowledge everyone’s beliefs, and then you have to reserve the right to go: "That is fucking stupid. Are you kidding me?" - Patton Oswalt
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The video is reposted for audio clarity!

Two roads diverged in a wood and I -- I took the one less traveled by, and that made all the difference. - Robert Frost
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Oh this was lovely~

Beautiful environments. I greatly appreciate a third gender option in the changing tent, as well.

The ball of silk in my hands was quickly turned to emerald green with bright yellow-gold highlights. But when the full garb was handed back to me, it was much more than that - an almost iridescent array of jewel tones shifting one to the other across the plane of a full-length robe, while the leggings and tunic beneath were mostly green and gold. I also had very cozy sandals (though I didn't note what they looked like).

Very excited to see more of this realm. :3
-- Loam
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The ball of silk rippled with iridescent pinks and lavenders. Later my clothing was held the same colors--a simple shift, short-sleeved, body-hugging, ankle-length. I had a talk with the Pavo about how more of what I consider misalignment is about my own insecurities than I would like to think, about how my kind within my culture is programmed from such an early age to believe that so much of our futures is a matter of our direct personal choice, when almost nothing that matters is. I was crying, not weeping but in tears, as I returned, and my tears slid down to become golden, white, and black crystals and fell into the grass. I smelled the scent of orange and lemon blossoms on the night air.
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The pavos are beautiful to me. My ritual gown was white and looked like it had simmering undertones woven into it that flashes as I walk. I didn’t expect to get to keep such a beautiful ritual gown and was thankful. The garden was serene and the paths leading off into the different archways look interesting. Each seem to have their own character and unique style and colourings to them. I can’t wait to explore what each path brings.

Don’t only practice your art, but force your way into its secrets, for it and knowledge can raise men to the divine.
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This was cool! Especially because Reasons. (HEH)

My ball of silk was like an oil spill; every color at once, scintillating in an inky darkness that erupted when dropped. My clothing then was a long overcoat-like robe, made of that same oily pearlescent color--every color and no color, constantly changing depending on how one looked and what light touched it. It was hemmed in something like gold, with little embroidered red flowers in the elegant whorls of the gold stitching. It was fabulous--and startlingly me. I am super hype to wear this going forward. If I had the money, I sure would try and find a fiber artist who could even come close to getting it right because hot damn that's a nice robe. (But there's no way I could afford something THIS amazing, so I'm super grateful for this gift!!)
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