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Heart Healing Help?

Posted: Sat May 23, 2020 9:26 am
by User546
Greetings All!

I am midway through a seven+ month long project and I would love input on my next phase. The project is to spend one moon cycle working on opening, healing, activating, and empowering each of my primary chakras. So far I have worked on my root/base, my sacral, and my solar plexus. As of the new moon yesterday, it's heart chakra month! I am finding myself wanting to reach out and seek counsel with the community here on my project.

Have you spent time healing your heart chakra? What sorts of methods have you tried?

Personally, I have so far used a combination of crystal healing (this is where most of my training is), tantric energy techniques, breath work, spirit journeys, working with my guides, divination, dreamwork, and journalling.

I would love any helpful input you have.

Thank you!

Re: Heart Healing Help?

Posted: Sun May 24, 2020 4:15 pm
by Mist
My heart energy point is one of the hardest for me to keep un-blocked lol, so I have spent a lot of time working on it.

For daily maintenence, I do breathwork while working with a crystal (typically rose quartz or rhodonite, but lately I've been using my chrysanthemum stone, as well). When it needs a real boost, however, either due to circumstances or my own choices, I turn to a Guide to help me heal the blockage, as well as my dieties.


Re: Heart Healing Help?

Posted: Sun May 24, 2020 5:25 pm
by User546
Mist wrote:
Sun May 24, 2020 4:15 pm
My heart energy point is one of the hardest for me to keep un-blocked lol, so I have spent a lot of time working on it.

For daily maintenence, I do breathwork while working with a crystal (typically rose quartz or rhodonite, but lately I've been using my chrysanthemum stone, as well). When it needs a real boost, however, either due to circumstances or my own choices, I turn to a Guide to help me heal the blockage, as well as my dieties.

Thank you, that's very helpful!

Can I ask what sort of breathwork you're using?

I just started trying some qi gong exercises yesterday and I'm really liking how to feels so far. Very gentle and steady energy flow.

Re: Heart Healing Help?

Posted: Sun May 24, 2020 5:31 pm
by Mist
I "pull" my breath to the point that I am seeking to cleanse/open up/unblock. So, I'll inhale, pulling the breath to the energy point that I am working with (I will sometimes touch the energy point to help me direct my breath, if I am having a hard time focusing), and imagine the breath swirling around that point until I exhale. Doing this for a few minutes tends to help <3

Re: Heart Healing Help?

Posted: Sun May 24, 2020 5:32 pm
by User546
Mist wrote:
Sun May 24, 2020 5:31 pm
I "pull" my breath to the point that I am seeking to cleanse/open up/unblock. So, I'll inhale, pulling the breath to the energy point that I am working with (I will sometimes touch the energy point to help me direct my breath, if I am having a hard time focusing), and imagine the breath swirling around that point until I exhale. Doing this for a few minutes tends to help <3
Thank you, I'll try that!

My current favorite heart chakra crystals are chrysoprase and green Tourmaline.

Re: Heart Healing Help?

Posted: Sun May 24, 2020 9:48 pm
by Mist
Ooo! I'll have to give those a try! ^_^

Re: Heart Healing Help?

Posted: Mon May 25, 2020 12:57 am
by Red6joker
I guess I will toss my two cents in.

I have not used crystals for healing per-say so I have no real opinion on that one, I have found shadow work to be the best though. I went from being crushed due to well trust issues with my now ex wife, a little over two months ago to right now being alright and understanding of what happened. If I did not do the shadow work I would still be a crazy depressed mess after what she did, but now I am starting over with my life and understanding what is important and that this needed to happen in the end.

Well I hope this makes sense, pretty much shadow work is a great healing and eye opening experience.

Re: Heart Healing Help?

Posted: Mon May 25, 2020 6:05 am
by windyjune
I second what Red6joker said as I’ve used shadow work to help with my heart healing. Also like Mist I’ve received great help and guidance from guides, DLs, companions.

Heart healing is one of the things that called me to the forum and I began meditating and working with Lucifer who helped guide me through the shadow. I did lots of meditation, exercises connecting to myself and a lot of focus on the heart to release a lot of hurt and abuse that was there. It was a lot of going to my inner world, looking at past moments and patterns, or facing thoughts that were hidden. It felt like I was in pieces in the beginning but slowly I became whole. I worked with Leviathan as well for emotional healing and he guided me immensely. It took time but how my heart and myself feel is like night and day from last year and I attribute shadow work as being pivotal to it.

Re: Heart Healing Help?

Posted: Mon May 25, 2020 7:31 am
by User546
Red6joker wrote:
Mon May 25, 2020 12:57 am
I guess I will toss my two cents in.

I have not used crystals for healing per-say so I have no real opinion on that one, I have found shadow work to be the best though. I went from being crushed due to well trust issues with my now ex wife, a little over two months ago to right now being alright and understanding of what happened. If I did not do the shadow work I would still be a crazy depressed mess after what she did, but now I am starting over with my life and understanding what is important and that this needed to happen in the end.

Well I hope this makes sense, pretty much shadow work is a great healing and eye opening experience.
Thank you! Can I ask what your process is for shadow work?

Re: Heart Healing Help?

Posted: Mon May 25, 2020 7:33 am
by User546
windyjune wrote:
Mon May 25, 2020 6:05 am
I second what Red6joker said as I’ve used shadow work to help with my heart healing. Also like Mist I’ve received great help and guidance from guides, DLs, companions.

Heart healing is one of the things that called me to the forum and I began meditating and working with Lucifer who helped guide me through the shadow. I did lots of meditation, exercises connecting to myself and a lot of focus on the heart to release a lot of hurt and abuse that was there. It was a lot of going to my inner world, looking at past moments and patterns, or facing thoughts that were hidden. It felt like I was in pieces in the beginning but slowly I became whole. I worked with Leviathan as well for emotional healing and he guided me immensely. It took time but how my heart and myself feel is like night and day from last year and I attribute shadow work as being pivotal to it.
Thank you so much for sharing! I am most definitely working with Leviathan in my process as he is one of my main guides.

I think I will ask him to take me deeper into the my heart shadow.
