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See more with your eyes wide shut

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2020 9:37 pm
by Gauche
Humans have an innate awareness of their own body and it's spatial awareness. Even if your eyes are closed--you know exactly how far your hand is away from your face or the rest of your body.

My most unique gift--tracing energy signatures to their source astrally--i think works off of that very same principle. Though its still randomly triggered and im still not fully in command of it, it has progressed enough that i can temporarily use it to connect to other's energies.

I've been trying this with objects--and truth be told--my entire living space. Trying to "become one" with an object and through that "oneness" understanding where that object is in relation to my physical body as if it were merely an extension of my limbs. I did this with objects all over my apartment trying to connect simultaneously. I turned off all the lights and electronics in my house and blindfolded myself. Literally..i could feel my living space..i was able to proportionally create my house in my mind..poorly because i do not have adept visualization..but i could feel where everything was.

I spent about 45 minutes like this doing what i would normally do,even showering. It was amazing how much my mind's eye could replicate..and i feel like this will help me sustain myself in the astral and better connecting to things beyond myself.

Since I've started doing this,even in a waking state,my ability to see energies has increased. Before i was only seeing I am beggining to see textures of the energy. I never realized all the things that i was never able to see,and they are quite lovely.

Re: See more with your eyes wide shut

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2020 9:57 pm
by Mist
This was a fascinating read and it definitely seems like a worthwhile skill to hone. I might have to give this a shot! Thank you for sharing!

Re: See more with your eyes wide shut

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2020 10:23 pm
by SerenitySpells
I would agree with this completely. By closing your eyes for longer periods of time you are opening up your other senses to pick up on subtle clues left by your environment that you might otherwise have missed. Our body then becomes more in tune with its surroundings. You will gain heightened sense of hearing, smell, touch and even intuition.

This can only be a good thing for meditation and astral walking etc.

I shall have to start practising this.

Re: See more with your eyes wide shut

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2020 3:21 am
by Ulala
That’s really interesting! Thank you for sharing. I’ll have to practice this.

Re: See more with your eyes wide shut

Posted: Tue Jun 23, 2020 12:20 pm
by Leo Sierra
I commend your sense of direction and balance.
If I keep my eyes shut and don't actively direct my thoughts, I get kaleidoscopic full colour pattens and images. So if I tried to walk round blindfolded I would end up crumpled on the floor, probably in pain :lol:

Re: See more with your eyes wide shut

Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2020 12:55 pm
by Zygimantas Puze
I will definitely practise this. It will help me with my other senses alot!!! Thank You for sharing this.