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Questions and Answers for where to begin on the Darker Spiritual Paths.

Moderator: Akelta

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Hi to make it easier for newbies as the forum has become large I will post a quick wummary of what I think are are important part of the forums.

Left Hand Path
The Left Hand Path (LHP) is a term applied to a large range of religions/paths/schools of thought that emphasize personal choice, responsibility and enlightenment through reaching one's ultimate potential. Some forms of Luciferianism and Satanism are LHP religions, although not all are and there are others that would also be classified LHP. “Traditional” religions having an immortal at the top saying “do x because I said so you pathetic mortals, or else” are considered Right Hand Path religions. The most obvious examples are Judaism, Christianity/Catholicism and Islam, which are really all the same thing, seeing as they are built around the same immortal with minor semantic differences. I'm assuming you already understand the differences between the two if you're reading this forum, if you don't, start with Wikipedia and read more from there before continuing. Knowledge is your friend.
The demons by Akelta and the priestesses are elite, connected with Satan and Lucifer. They are screened by the ladies so they are safe with any dangers spelled out in their listing. Most of them are family oriented, loves animals and children and will protect them. They are demons because of demonic darkness in them.
Their morals are different and absent any ground rules will be happily taking vengeance and cursing and hurt the people in causing distress to others.
They are from the fiery and more barren places of hell known as the infernal regions. Because of their fiery nature they are more direct and always suggest revenge first. The infernal appears black but fiery compare to chaos demons usually.
The spectral regions are composing of a misty like etheric place like a place being fogged over. They are connected heavily with necromancy, death and dealings with the realm of the dead. They appear like a ghost though being etheric.
Chaos demons appears Bluish - Black Skin and White/Silver/Bluish hair (they have other looks like some have pinkish hair, or brownish skin but usually when you see a Blue/Black Skin Demon with White Hair it is a Chaos Demon. They black compare to hellborn is cool black. They are organise usually into cells with stronger ones dominating the lesser ones. The cells work together against perceive enemy but can disperse or form due to intense competition or lust for power.
Solar demons
They are demons from the sun realms where many of the dark lords resides.
Lowborn demons
They are more like us with civilisation, family heritage they are proud of and organise. The lowborn are family oriented.
Order demons
The order demons depends on tactics mainly top survive. They do not place much stock on attachments rather essential needs and approach relationships as an exchange of goods. The love for family is restricted mainly to siblings and elders. They learn together with alike demons about the realms from elders, be they in the ranks or politics or retired.
Because relationships with other Demons is developed and nurtured, Value is placed on race and fights to the death to preserve the relationship and property. Mourning is minimal due to smaller social structure and births are revered more than celebrated. Extremes of emotion are seen as potential threats to the stability of the realm and have been bred out of the behaviour in favour of continuance.
Black flame demons
They are simply demons who (e.g. chaos, lowborn) who studies in the black flame school of mastery in Azazel’s realm.
Devotional demons
Simply demons who belong to a monastery that worships real divine with prayers, rituals etc. They are not connected with Yahweh.

Specific Demon/Being

has wise fatherly energies and radiates this amazing energy that reveals his power and status. He also can sense you deeper troubles and will often go above an beyond to help you raise your energy vibrations and liberate yourself form troublesome thoughts.


speaks with wisdom and clarity on many practical things and has a lot of wisdom to impart and share when it comes to commerce, business, manifestation, money, taxes, asset protection, negotiations and guiding one to find resources and information that is essential to helping them grow on their path. Lord Mammon can easily bring you anything you want, but he does not work that way, some demons will just present opportunities to you. Mammon deals with mind-set.


He has been an ear to listen, and a voice of reason who can guide and worked on everything from healing to psychic development, to spiritual journeys to just being there when you need someone to talk to. He is exceptionally powerful and has an insane amount to share, yet he is also kind and can he fun to talk to. Any healing or working from Azazel is life changing.


is one of the most intelligent and fun beings to be with. He is so wise and intelligent and he is very big on enlightenment and helping one discover their potential and inner power. He also has unique abilities to help you access hidden regions of power within your aura/body. He was actually present during my Reiki attunments and has helped me to develop my healing art. He also has incredible insights on things and can be philosophical to talk to.

A neutral angel that people on the left hand path can work with.
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He is a very lusty demon, fantastic to work with, is exceptionally powerful and great at bringing resources together for completing complex projects. He is brilliant, full of creative ideas and a lot of fun to talk to. He also is fond of gold.
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He knows all past, present and things to come. He can answer questions and tell you why you ask them. He consolidates and reconciles friendships and gives honor and dignity to those who seek it. He can help you find faults and work on it
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Demon of transmutation and transformation. Can turn anything into its opposite. he maketh men wittie, he turneth all mettals into the coine of that dominion, and turneth water into wine, and wine into water, he also turneth bloud into wine, & wine into bloud, & a foole into a wise man, he is head of thirtie and three legions.
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Haagenti makes men wise, turns water to wine, turns all metals to gold. Haagenti is a demon of alchemical transformation. Can take something ordinary or negative and help you change it into something extraordinary. For example, if life gives you lemons, make lemonade.

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Predicts the future, knows the past. He can be invoked to cause or reconcile feuds between friends. Amon can help with finding friends
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He gives true answers of all things past, present and future, but he must be first commanded to enter a magic triangle for if not he will lie, deceive the conjurer, and beguile him in other business. But if he enters the triangle he will answer truly, and gladly speak about divinity, the creation of the world, himself, and other fallen angels. He can also destroy all the conjurer's enemies by burning them up. If the magician requests it, he will not suffer temptations from any spirit or in any form. Commonly people represent him as a humanoid leopard with big claws. Flauros is depicted as a terrible and strong leopard that under request of the conjurer changes into a man with fiery eyes and an awful expression. Flauros can also supposedly be called upon when a mortal wishes to take vengeance on other demons. This is likely included in his capability to destroy the conjurer's enemies.
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Maria Padilha
whose name means Queen of Fire, is an entity of light that
works for good. She lived a long time ago in France, and was the madam of a
house of prostitution (Cabaré), all the men she had, in each one of her incarnations,
which were seven, are with her in the spirit world. There is a prophecy that says that
in the year 2000 Maria Padilha, queen of the queens, will step on the Orixás. The Orixás will
worship her since her mission is to convert the man that she loves (Lucifer, angel of darkness) to the world of light.
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Santa Murte
She is powerful, dark, an excellent partner in sorcery, hot and dangerous, much like the highest of the Dark Lords. She is so powerful, dangerous and demanding that it is not really recommended to a newbie to work directly with her without having had some experience and development on the dark magical path.
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He kills men, drowns them, and sinks warships; but if commanded by the conjurer he will not harm any man or thing. Focalor has power over wind and sea, and had hoped to return to heaven after one thousand years, but he was deceived in his hope
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Donn was the chief of the Milesians the race that landed on the south-west of Ireland and succeeded in defeating the Tuatha Dé Danann. When he first met one of the Tuatha Dé queens, namely Ériu he showed her scant respect. She then pronounced that neither he nor his children would have benefit of the island. When he was later at sea he drowned off the south-west coast and was buried on the island known ever since as "The House of Donn" (Tech Duinn)
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Mananan, Monanaun, Manandan or Oirbsiu - the other half of the feast*, the one with the magical pigs that are eaten and yet somehow reappear alive and ready to be eaten again the very next morning. Mannanan Mac Lir is the Irish god of the sea, mist and their underworld Mag Mell. He possesses a magical cloak that not only provides him with invisibility, but will emit a mist of forgetfulness when it is shaken. He is a shapeshifter and often favored by bards and diviners. He is a trickster god - loves to spice things up with absurdity - . . . And has been described as "to know him is to love him" . . . His associations are cranes, horses, pigs, and salmon, the ocean, water, weather, astral projection, psychic protection, magical knowledge and apparently the hawthorn. The Triskelion and the Triton are his symbols.
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Goddess of Many Lives - (unfortunately I forgot to note the source) . . . Clearly Macha - or a series of heroines and goddesses bearing this name - is one of the most frequently recurring figures in Irish lore. In addition to the previous stories, she was married to Niradu of the Silver Hand, one of the great Kings of the Tuatha De Danann. Macha is perhaps best known as a war goddesss - called "the battle crow," one of the 3 dark sisters who are aspects of the Morrigan in her plural form as the Morrigan (the Phantom Queens).
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angel-daimon of Lucifer, whom appears as a man crowned upon a camel. This spirit is a familiar of musick, thus by invoking Paimon one may work through an avenue of self-initiation through creating musick. Paimon is a powerful Angelick King of the Witchcraft, whom has 200 Legions of spirits –half are the Orders of Angels, the others being Potentates. Paimon appears with two Spirit/Djinn – Label and Ablim who are referred to as Kings. Paimon is perhaps one of the most significant Angelick Rulers, which along with Astaroth (whom is more bestial/demonic in nature and appearance) opens the way to the “Grail” of Lucifer’s crown – the perception of “I” and the mind separate from the universe. Paimon is a higher spirit of self-initiation, who is a path maker for ones own becoming.
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She assists is any fights, arguments or confrontations, verbal or physical, answers questions.
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who appears as a Dragon with three heads – one like a dog, one asa bird and the other as a man with black eyes. Bune is a shade gatherer, under the form of Azrael –the Angel of Death. Bune gathers shades unto one place, or sepulcher that they may reside in your place of dwelling, gathering knowledge and impulses from beyond the grave in the dreaming state. Bune brings knowledge of how one may become better, andgrow in experience and wisdom.
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Spectrum of dark energy
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False darkness

False Darkness is a very dangerous energy. Not because of it's power, but because of its destructive force. This darkness has no beauty to it. It looks like a grey hazy of apathy and depression. False Darkness limit us in our growth. It is a self destructive force that can cling to us. It makes us think we are pathetic, weak, that we deserve nothing. It promotes self destruction, depression, self destroying habits and patterns. False darkness clings to individuals and makes them feel depressed, down, suicidal, hateful and harmful towards themselves and others.
Sludge darkness
Sludge darkness is a nasty, destructive, corrosive darkness that burns and destroys all in it's path. It is BA in nature and can really wreak havoc on a person if they get infected with it. It can get on people and cause them to do crazy things and act horrifically violent and destruction. These people tend to engage in harming others, sacrificing innocence and overall having no regard for life. They may seem stable on the outside and confident, but they commit atrocious acts and are very capable of animal and child abuse.
Natural darkness
The Beautiful Darkness of the Natural world. Nature’s Darkness. This darkness exists in us all. There are two subcategories of Natural darkness:
The first is Primal Natural Urges such as our flight or fight response. It fuel your muscles with power so that we can respond to a tense situation. It helps us to sharpen our senses when we are afraid, and attack those who wish you harm. It gives you the strength to protect yourself and loved ones. It also drives your urges to embrace passion and intimacy. It is that animalistic side of us that bring us back to our natural roots. This energy it what drives people to protect themselves and their families when in danger.
The second is Dark side of Soul. If you have ever heard they saying everyone has an axe murderer inside of them, they are referring to this darkness. It is the energy that comes over us when we harm another person, when we lash out at people. It is the cruel, vicious side of the soul, the dark half of us.
Demonic darkness
Demonic darkness aside from its appearance, is different from natural darkness in many ways. It shows a connection to demons and the demonic realms. People who have demonic dark energy in them are related in some ways to demons and have demonic ancestors in their soul lineage. They can become inspired over dark events and tend to get over their darker actions with minimal guilt.

Natural darkness can allow one to commit atrocious acts in the moment, and even to the extent allow one to feel one and make peace with those acts. Demonic Darkness can cause someone to be empowered by those acts.

amethyst is an excellent all-purpose stone that can increase spirituality and enhance intuition and psychic powers of all kinds. It does this by making a clear connection between the earth plane and other planes and worlds. Amethyst is also excellent for meditation and lucid dreaming. It is used to open one's channels to telepathy, past life regression, clairaudience, clairvoyance, and communication with angels. Amethyst also protects against psychic attacks, especially during spiritual work.
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Bloodstone Jaspar
is The Bringer of Good Fortune. This one is one of the few to directly activate strong feelings of "You can be over-the-top rich and spiritual at the same time," recognizing that energy is just energy and that money is a part of your spiritual journey. Habitually carried by warriors into battle as a protection and often used to stop hemorrhaging of wounds, it was believed that Bloodstone gave its owner the power to knock down walls and gain the secret of invisibility. So definitely squarely in the ranks of Power Stones and Warrior Stones
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Other minerals
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1)When getting a spirit from a conjurer make sure the bindings are not restrictive but instead a portal to link time and space to you.
2)Use a drop of your blood into sigils artwork etc. can empower spells
3)When you feel mental block in an area, focus your attention on that area and gentle massage it with your mind, it will free the energy flow.
4)When you feel frustrated, try to relax as frustration will block energy flow and impede your workings.
5) Evocation (calling the entities) circle(if treat the gods with respect) is to concentrate the energy and triangle to offer a defined area for manifestation. Invocation is when a sold relationship is built with the entity and allows the greatest growth and evolution.
6) Chose a goal that is within your sphere of influence and slowly expands it, this way you will not be overwhelmed by your goal
7) Practice Lucid dreaming. Meditate before bed telling yourself you will be in co.trol of your dreams. Ask your familiars to help *remind* you that you can control it in the middle of a dream.
8) Success with scrying is mainly about getting into a deep enough altered state. You should try meditation beforehand, and when you feel you are in "the zone" open your eyes and just gaze at the mirror. It may also help to hold the vessel of one of your familiars with the mild intent in the back of your mind to see them, they can help you with this.
9) You can ask your familiar if they know how, to perform psychic surgery on you like placing energy orbs to deblock energetic blocks. Meditate with them as they do this to increase efficiency.
10) Quieten your thoughts and see yourself as a long, snaking CORE OF ENERGY, winding through your own center from your crown to your root chakra. You, this long winding CORE, are the center "power house" of all your chakras. Follow your winding path all the way to your root chakra. Now, extend and PLANT yourself down like you would your own feet, into the "ground"... invision the earthy ground as you connect to it and push your "weight" down and against it, FEELING that solid, GROUNDED security.. you are ANCHORED safely, no longer "flying all over the place". REGAIN control and regain yourself!
11) Imagine yourself in astral realm and you can create any kind of altar, the riches of astral realm will provide anything you need.
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Star Tarot
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Awesome! Thanks for posting this. I found it very helpful.
I've embraced my dark side like a long lost friend.
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Thank you and A-ladies please stickied this.
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Lady of Monsters
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This is a really nice collection of information Dark, thank you for writing this up ^-^
:death: :death: :death:

~ Burn the ships to take the island. ~

Let your plans be dark and impenetrable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt.
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Excellent summary - found exactly what I was searching for. I would say for anyone new to this forum this is a must read to begin to understand what is going on.
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Cthulhus Tentacle
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That is a very helpful summation. :devilclap:
Lilith Regina Immortalis
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Patron Deities: Papa Legba, Shiva, Odin
Your favourite Demon?: Samael , Lord Uphir, Lord Asmodeus, Lord Satan, Lord Mammon, Lord Azazel
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Very nice and useful summation, but you forgot-

Lord Uphir: Noble/Mutilation Demon Lord and Surgeon General of Hell. He is very focused and dedicated to the topics of healing on all levels, surgery, clearing sludge, and removing blockages. He can treat all beings, including Demons, Angelic types, Humans, Dragons, etc. He is a very controlled and powerful Demon. He is often formal, and commands respect. Lord Uphir loves tea and tea ceremonies. He is also aware of the spirit and fire in every being he works on and takes consideration for their honor and emotional states. Working under him requires extreme dedication and giving ALL of yourself. He only allows the best from you! Do not approach him unless you are prepared to work, research, and expand your chakral energies beyond what you even thought possible.
“If you really want to do something, you'll find a way. If you don't, you'll find an excuse.” – Jim Rohn

"The Master has failed more times than the beginner has even tried."

Do not rely on ANYTHING, unexamined. If It does not seem to fit, ask about it. If it ultimately degrades or dishonors or holds you back, it is bad for you, so remove it from your life. If it takes from you and never gives back, it is a leech. Discard it. In magick rely only on your own work: What you have seen and done and used for your own self and in your own way. Only keep what in your own estimation is worth keeping. (Hellcat's Rules Of Satanic Magick)"

Don't get too close. It's Dark inside. It's where my Demons hide!

Hailing Satan isn't a hobby, its a lifestyle. (S@tan)
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Hellcat - do you have any experience with blackflame demons? I am seriously considering a blackflame sorceress as my next companion. Someone to teach and guide in the ways of all forms of magick.
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