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Full Lunar Month Uncrossing and Block Busting Group Ritual

Posted: Fri Jan 03, 2020 10:48 am
by Conium
As the last decade falls away, and a new one begins, it is time to rid ourselves of any remaining stagnant energy and to welcome a new vigor into our lives. Harnessing the energy of the New Year, as well as the energies that the first full moon of this decade is the perfect time to steel ourselves and prepare all of ourselves for this next chapter of our lives.

We welcome you to join in this two-part ritual designed to leave the energies of 2019 in the past, to aid you in uncrossing these energies from you and then to help propel you forward towards your goals manifesting in the here and now.

The energies within this ritual are layered together in order to open all participants up to the energies of love, abundance, luck, and success. The ritual will be cast over the next lunar month beginning with the January Full Moon and ending with the February Moon.

As the Moon wanes, we welcome the cleansing energies of an uncrossing ritual to begin this year with a clean slate, to prepare us for what we wish to welcome into our lives. We ready our canvases and prime ourselves to move forward without stagnant remnants of the decade past. Cloaked in a mantle of white energy, we can tap into new and higher vibrational energies that can lead up towards any goal that we may have for ourselves.

From the New Moon to the February full moon, we stitch gears to a Blockbusting Honey Jar ritual designed to fuel our wishes, to attract all that we wish for, and more, in the New Year. Here is where the Raw Energy of Possibility is tapped into. We can mold ourselves into whoever we wish to become. We call a primal energy forward for each participant to tap into in order to harness the dramatic changes and the intense levels of energy offered to us by this coming year.

With this Ritual, you will receive:

-A write up of the Ritual, detailing any observances and notes I take

-A deeper understanding of the self, and the goals that you have

-A mini ritual for you to perform to help tap into the energies

To Participate, Please Click Here