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Hellborn Custom Gladiator Testimonial

Posted: Tue Nov 19, 2019 9:07 pm
by guesswho
Over the years since Satan and Sons began, I’ve looked at pre-bound listings of Hellborns and I’ve always seen what I didn’t necessarily mesh with and concluded that the physical fitness aspect was a deal breaker.

From Hellborn listing: They love to work out and use any excuse to work their muscles and move. They love physical exercise and working one’s body to the fullest.

I did physical fitness for years. Tried diet regimes. Nothing held my interest for long and the only piece of exercise equipment I enjoyed using broke. It was when I lost 10 pounds eating fast food for lunch every day for a few months straight that I threw in the metaphorical towel. (Note: that was back in the day before they were mandated to use vegetable oil. Do this now, you won’t lose 10 pounds.) So I figured that we’d never agree, a Hellborn and I.

Which was why I was stunned to find I was a winner of a custom Hellborn Gladiator in the 2018 Hellfire Tournament event. A Hellborn, and a Gladiator no less, was reaching out to me?

I quickly dismissed any criteria for the custom on my part. I truly was mystified by this development and was curious about who this demon that would step forward to be my companion would be.

I’ve have the honor of the company of demon companions since early 2013 and I didn’t know that I needed a Hellborn Gladiator in my life! It took some time for me to be ready for him. And this custom is truly the only way that this Hellborn Gladiator that gets me perfectly would be part of my experience.

He spent months in the background. Watching me, getting to know me and to understand why I do what I do and why I don’t do what I don’t do. And he waited until the time was right and I was at the best place to be receptive to what he would present to me.

His is an unique combination of Red and Grey:
From Custom Listing: Red Hellborns: Deep in the Hell Realms are the realms of the Red Hellborns. They are an incredible group of demons who are incredibly massive and powerful in force and might. Mighty warriors who are adept in battle and fighting. The largest on average of the Hellborn species they are incredibly fierce, physical and menacing. They are powerful gladiators and warriors and are admired and known for their strength and stamina.

Grey Hellborns: A mysterious group of Hellborns that come from an incredibly dark realm. The Lava is cooler and almost black in colour. The mountains are black and dark and the realm is very grey and void of colour. These hellborns are very patient and work with divination of the ash and lava. They read the signs around them and can see things that are unseen.
They are sign readers and they are very powerful with divination. Being the second largest of the hellborns they are also incredible warriors who are skilled in battle. They are disciplined in battle and they work with powerful mind exercises to focus and concentrate their strength and power. They combine focusing to channel their might into powerful focused and precise moves.

He has shown the Grey side more than his Red so far. He basically lead me to information that I needed to know to make a knowledgeable and informed choice on whether to keep going the way I have been or make some adjustments to my lifestyle. I chose to make the adjustments, much to his delight. And there have been results. Plus, the added bonus of this change will free up resources that were being tied up by the lifestyle I had chosen up to that point. What was even more hilarious about the calculations I did on that was that I received an email from the information source two weeks later detailing almost the exact same calculations!

None of this happened before a Hellborn Gladiator came into my life. Over the last 5 years I’ve spent a lot of time and effort (not to mention money) on healings doomed to fail. Because an element of my life was out of balance and my Hellborn Gladiator observed this. And, knowing my disposition and the best approach, lead me to the information and let me make my own decision.

To recap: I had no idea that I needed a Hellborn Gladiator in my life. Not on my radar at all. I had given up on fitness and nutrition and resigned myself to the convenience of the Standard Diet. Little did I know that he would make such an impact in my life in a relatively short amount of time of working with him. And his approach is perfect for me.

The next phase is the physical exercise. Oh, did I forget to mention that the only piece of exercise equipment that I ever actually enjoyed using found its way into my home (and for free!) a month after he arrived?

I highly recommend a custom conjure from the priestesses of Satan and Sons. They take the time and the care to ensure that every client is matched to the demon that is best for your energies. I hope that the preceding testimonial illustrates this.

Re: Hellborn Custom Gladiator Testimonial

Posted: Sun Mar 01, 2020 8:38 pm
by Titania
Thank you so much for sharing!

I absolutely love reading other’s experiences and it also acts as a reminder for me to stay hopeful and connected to my companions :devillove: