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The aura link and tips

Posted: Sat May 25, 2019 6:52 pm
by Gauche
Does anyone have any tips for connecting to companions that are aura linked? I searched the forums and havent found much. I do have contact and interactions with the custom that is being aura linked to me. The process isnt complete yet,of course, but i still get at least one or two visits at random times daily on the companion's accord,and feel their presence when i initiate it at night. The working isnt complete amd obviously i dont have the write up,so anything i experience is me fumbling around trying to connect blindly. Ive been doing some of the 21 day rituals, albeit without using their name as i dont know it. Though i do ask their name every day :) as well as things i think will help bonding. Im not rightly sure what to use as a focal point other than the presence i feel, my third eye,and any touches or energies i feel. Though i must admit,i am quite glad for the patience they have shown me as my ability to hear them isnt up to par,but the fact they are willing to visit me regularly just because they randomly wanted to makes me feel like they are just as excited as i am to forge a great bond. I'd imagine itd be easier after the write up comes, i told them that as well,but i told them until that happens i will do everything i can that is within myself to see if i can hear their name before being told,and told them im quite stubborn..which i feel like amused them. I felt a full body sensation immediately after saying that and felt something kind of like a playful laughter--not hearing laughter--but i can only describe it as feeling laughter--if that makes sense.

Re: The aura link and tips

Posted: Sat May 25, 2019 9:03 pm
by Darth Moronius
wait tiil you get the name may be :crazy: