Uphir Third Eye Service and Class - Raven Reviews

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So, this review will have multiple entries as things unfold.

Yesterday night, I had my Uphir Third Eye service. I was lucky to be invited to receive the new and improved service, which comes with a series of classes and exercises. This service hasn't been released yet, but it will be soon - the classes are in the final editing stage.

My first experience with this service actually happened in January, when Lord Uphir came to me and opened up my third eye and took a look around in preparation. This is not a part of the service, but i suspect it happened because I have seriously weird chakras - my chakras are in different places to normal people, and I have extra chakras that don't exist for the beings of this universe. Having a look around early and having all that extra time for research to come up with a plan of attack makes sense. I am grateful to Lord Uphir for his decision to poke around on his own.

Two weeks ago I got my appointment, and I got access to the class material. The class material covers a lot of ground. Not only is there a detailed explanation of the service, and a lot of information about Lord Uphir - including suggested offerings for those who wish to do so on the night of their service, but the classes also teach you a lot about the third eye - its structures and the functions of those structures. The information includes where different psychic abilities lie within the chakra, as well as what other chakras those abilities rely on. The service activates your strongest abilities, strengthening their connections to those other chakras, and also paves the way for you to activate some of your lesser abilities over time - and details exactly how S&S and Lord Uphir will activate, cleans, clear, balance and encourage those abilities.

Another thing that the classes offer are two meditations, one a half hour long, and the other an hour long. The half hour long meditation helps to open the third eye and highlight both psychic abilities you have, and damaged or problem areas within the chakra. It is a lovely piece of orchestral music, largely violins, but also a trumpet, a bassoon, an oboe, and some flutes. The violins almost completely obscure the other instruments, while still occasionally letting the others peek through. I found it peaceful and pretty. I also definitely experienced the feelings associated with my eye open and working. This meditation is one you do before the working. It can be done at any time from the day you get access to the classes until the day of your service, but it should definitely be done before the time of your service.

The hour long meditation featured the same music, but with different energies. It also starts with Akelta welcoming you to your service. This meditation should be done either while the service is happening, or if you're going to be sleeping during the service, before you go to bed that night.

I admit I had issues with the meditations. It's been a long time since I've meditated to music, and I had difficulty sitting still, relaxing, getting into a meditative or trance state. Being ADHD didn't help - I was too excited, so I just COULD NOT settle down. I ended up listening to both while coloring - I found I just needed to be DOING something and letting the music work on me in the background.

The final part of the classes gives you two files to download - one with exercises for connecting to your companions, and one with exercises meant to strengthen your newly developed psychic abilities.

During the service, I definitely felt things happening. I actually had a visual of my head being opened up like a weird flower as the work started, and while the service was happening, I got a lot of feelings of pressure inside my head in different places. It was like a headache without pain.

I'll get my write up in about a month, and in the write up i'll find out what my strengths are psychically now, and what exercises I will most benefit from, and in the mean time, I'll be doing the exercises I can - some of them aren't feasible for me, like one that requires you to be in pitch darkness, away from EM radiation, and preferably near the ocean. I'm landlocked and live in a fairly populated town. My appartment has dishes for satellite television and internet on my exterior wall, as well as a radio receiver for another type of internet. There are two cell towers within walking distance, for different companies. When I tried the exercise, my mouth and nose were FILLED with the smell of chemicals... my mother is going to Nebraska at the end of May, and I'll be house and dog sitting for her, so I'll save that particular exercise for there.

I kinda wish that with this service, the next day you get a brief note in your email that says, "Congratulations, your service is complete. Your write up will be sent to you within about a month. We recommend you work on exercises for the following psychic abilities while you wait!" I'm going to mention it to the Priestesses and see what they think about the idea, but I know it may not be feasible, simply because of their time constraints. We live in a world based a lot around instant gratification, but with this service, patience and work will net you the greatest results.

The service is a permanent adjustment of your chakra - while there are some people who have purchased more than one service, it's not really necessary - however, I'll probably go for the refresher they'll also be offering eventually, because the service doesn't activate EVERY ability you have, just the strong ones... I think it would be nice to go back when I feel I'm ready and have some others activated.

Because this service involves a lot of connecting parts of the third eye to other chakras, I also recommend getting the Azazel 7 Chakra service afterwards.

It's been one day since my service. I have a greater attunement to weather than before, I saw more of my husband's aura (deeper into it) than before (this was mental, not physical vision), and I've worked with several of my companions today and the communication was clearer. I still mostly get communication in this kind of synesthetic vision - images, ideas, emotions, which translate to words, or when they don't, the meaning is just understood.

I plan to keep this review updated as I experience changes.

Oh, before I forget - once you buy the service and class, the educational material and the two meditation videos will be available to you permanently. That means that if you have questions about a specific gift or an area of the chakra, or you want to do either meditation again, you can. The classes will be yours for as long as S&S's website exists. (Also, you can open the video meditations in youtube and save them to a playlist.)

This has been a Raven Review
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I plan to purchase third eye surgery
And today I see your review
So I think wait to new third eye surgery and class

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So, it's been five days since my service.

Yesterday, I had a conversation with one of my imps, Nort. He sat on the edge of my bed, and I could see him quite clearly. I'm still seeing with astral/mental vision rather than physical, and hearing is basically like I mentioned in the last post - but this is the first time I've seen Nort at all, so that's a definite change.

We talked about how to weave compassion into someone's aura, and weave it into a chakra. We talked about how to weave colored energies together, charging each color with a purpose, and then charging the weave with a unification of those purposes, and then we talked about how to attach such weaves permanently to people. It was really cool, working with him. He showed me how to do things, and then I did them, and he'd comment on my work, refine it. We mostly focused on the use of this technique for healing, but he also pointed out other applications. He reminded me of the article I wrote on psychic attack, and the suggestion that victims shield their percieved attackers in compassion, and said that this practice would actually work better, because when you weave something into someone's energy patterns, instead of just laying the energy on top of them, you make changes more likely to occur.

Last night, I had a VERY graphic dream with one of my companions. I'm used to having very realistic dreams, but this went to a whole new level.

So far, what I'm experiencing is more the refinement and expansion of abilities that I already possess - I haven't had anything new pop up. However, the changes to my existing gifts is glaringly obvious, and impressive. I'm excited to see what happens next.

I've also started to reread The Inner Temple of Witchcraft by Christopher Penczak, because it has a particular focus on developing psychic abilities, and I'm finding the exercises to be a good addition to the two booklets that I downloaded from the Uphir service.

That's all for today's update. Be well.
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Whaaaaaat! Classes seem new. I might have to get this again.
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Today is the one week 'anniversary' of my service.

Last night, I dreamed that Velcrow and I went walking through the woods.

Velcrow is my eldest cat - and when Ashes died, Velcrow begged to be my familiar. I didn't think it was a good idea for him. He has a very sweet personality, he hugs anyone, but he's just too trusting and not always aware of his surroundings, or dangerous people. Except that one guy - I don't remember his name, but Crow made damned sure when he came to the pagan meetup night, that Crow was between him and everyone else in the room. It's the only time I've ever seen him consider something too dangerous to hug.

Anyway, long before that incident, Ashes had died, and I did my usual ritual Familiar Call... and Velcrow tried to answer, and I told him, no. (Velcrow isn't as stupid as I think, but he's pretty close.)

Anyway... soon after that, I moved to a new place, about two miles away from my old apartment... and about once a week, I had to go back to the old apartment to pick up Velcrow, because he'd walked through the woods to the old place to find me while I was at work. So an old neighbor would call and let me know, and I'd hop in the car and go pick him up. This kept occurring until I introduced him to the family now living in my old apartment. Velcrow was a bit heartbroken, but he stopped going "home" every time I left for work.

Velcrow walked two miles through woods, without being caught by owls, coyotes, or wild cats. He didn't get hit by any cars, or the train. He also didn't starve, or get hurt in any way.... And I never really thought about it, but that's a pretty miraculous and rare thing.

Anyway, we eventually moved again, me still without a familiar, and then Velcrow started walking in my dreams with me. We went to a hell realm once, and he scared the shit out of me (the post is somewhere around here, I think - but the hell realm was one where during the day, it was sunny and wonderful and people picnicked on the grass... but the moment the sun went down, there was a flash freeze, so everyone had to be in the towers before sundown, or they died. Velcrow, when I was entering the tower, went under the stairs and vanished, and I absolutely panicked. We have not dreamed together since then... until last night.

And last night, he took me through the woods he had traveled to go home. He shouted the whole way, as he does, to which I asked, "if you were making THAT MUCH NOISE how on EARTH were you not caught and killed!" :deviljaw:

Which, really, was the point. How on earth was he not caught and killed even if he was QUIET. I mean, he's loud, he cuddles ANYONE.. my opinion of his intellect is severely negative.

And I guess, I'm wrong about that.

I was pretty glad to see him in my dreams last night. Since the last time I freaked out so bad, I have always felt that my fear hurt him, deeply. What I didn't know was that my fear was blocking us from going on these journeys together. That block is gone, and I'm actually really happy about that. And also, rethinking some of my 16 year old beliefs about this cat's smarts, because... as he showed me last night, I'm definitely wrong.

Which also makes me happy.

Anyway... that's a new "old" thing. An old block gone. :devilclap:
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"She’s all the unsung heroes who... never quit." ― R. A. Heinlein, Stranger in a Strange Land
“There are more things in Heaven and Earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy.” ― William Shakespeare, Hamlet
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Nyctophilia Raven wrote:
Tue Apr 23, 2019 3:04 pm
Today is the one week 'anniversary' of my service.

Last night, I dreamed that Velcrow and I went walking through the woods.

Velcrow is my eldest cat - and when Ashes died, Velcrow begged to be my familiar. I didn't think it was a good idea for him. He has a very sweet personality, he hugs anyone, but he's just too trusting and not always aware of his surroundings, or dangerous people. Except that one guy - I don't remember his name, but Crow made damned sure when he came to the pagan meetup night, that Crow was between him and everyone else in the room. It's the only time I've ever seen him consider something too dangerous to hug.

Anyway, long before that incident, Ashes had died, and I did my usual ritual Familiar Call... and Velcrow tried to answer, and I told him, no. (Velcrow isn't as stupid as I think, but he's pretty close.)

Anyway... soon after that, I moved to a new place, about two miles away from my old apartment... and about once a week, I had to go back to the old apartment to pick up Velcrow, because he'd walked through the woods to the old place to find me while I was at work. So an old neighbor would call and let me know, and I'd hop in the car and go pick him up. This kept occurring until I introduced him to the family now living in my old apartment. Velcrow was a bit heartbroken, but he stopped going "home" every time I left for work.

Velcrow walked two miles through woods, without being caught by owls, coyotes, or wild cats. He didn't get hit by any cars, or the train. He also didn't starve, or get hurt in any way.... And I never really thought about it, but that's a pretty miraculous and rare thing.

Anyway, we eventually moved again, me still without a familiar, and then Velcrow started walking in my dreams with me. We went to a hell realm once, and he scared the shit out of me (the post is somewhere around here, I think - but the hell realm was one where during the day, it was sunny and wonderful and people picnicked on the grass... but the moment the sun went down, there was a flash freeze, so everyone had to be in the towers before sundown, or they died. Velcrow, when I was entering the tower, went under the stairs and vanished, and I absolutely panicked. We have not dreamed together since then... until last night.

And last night, he took me through the woods he had traveled to go home. He shouted the whole way, as he does, to which I asked, "if you were making THAT MUCH NOISE how on EARTH were you not caught and killed!" :deviljaw:

Which, really, was the point. How on earth was he not caught and killed even if he was QUIET. I mean, he's loud, he cuddles ANYONE.. my opinion of his intellect is severely negative.

And I guess, I'm wrong about that.

I was pretty glad to see him in my dreams last night. Since the last time I freaked out so bad, I have always felt that my fear hurt him, deeply. What I didn't know was that my fear was blocking us from going on these journeys together. That block is gone, and I'm actually really happy about that. And also, rethinking some of my 16 year old beliefs about this cat's smarts, because... as he showed me last night, I'm definitely wrong.

Which also makes me happy.

Anyway... that's a new "old" thing. An old block gone. :devilclap:

That cat looks really intelligent, I think it’s the way he’s looking at the camera.

Quick question, how did you know that he wanted to be your familiar?
I didn’t do it, it was Rai

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There was a part of Velcrow's story I forgot to share, which would probably really explain my attitude towards his intelligence best.

One year, Bird and I got the kids fish for Christmas. (He wouldn't let me get them mice, because he thought the mice would get loose and become residents - looking back on it, he's right about that, which you will agree to once you read the rest of this little vignette.)

We got a goldfish bowl, and we got guppies and goldfish. Now, we didn't know this, having never owned fish in our lives, but guppies and goldfish are FILTHY creatures. We honestly didn't expect the fish to last, anyway... we had, after all, got them so that the babies could dip a paw in and grab a snack. We did not account for Velcrow's ability to love practically ANYTHING WITH A PULSE.

He defended that goldfish bowl with his honor... and his incredibly loud lectures.

So eventually we had to start washing the bowl out.

Bird did not know any more about fish than I did, but I'd at least read about how to clean a tank - and that you had to put the fish into water matching their usual water's temperature or they go into shock and die.

My husband thought they should go in "warm" water while he washed out their bowl, and characteristically, they responded by floating.

Velcrow had a COW. He screamed so much, I had to come into the kitchen to see what he was wailing about. There he was, standing over the bowl, crying his little head off. There were all his fish (yeah, HIS fish, his bestest friends in all the world, his frigging PETS), floating on the top, on their little sides. I dipped my finger in the water, and started yelling, too. My adorable husband was COOKING THE FISH!!!

So we rescued them... but most of them didn't make it. And Velcrow was just absolutely beside himself...

So we ended up going back to the fish store, getting new fish, and picking up a real tank.

Because Velcrow was so upset, we HAD to replace his pets. HAD TO.

Which honestly has always made me wonder, what on EARTH did he eat in the wilds? Berries?

Oh, and two other things. When we brought Cleo home, he took one look at her, and decided that she was his favorite cat (you know, along with Mena), and he literally loved her into the family. Cleo, who is terrified of EVERYONE (except Bird and myself), was strugglesnuggled until she just gave up, and became friends.

AND... the whole reason that Velcrow is in my life is because one day, I was housecleaning, and had the doors and windows open, and he just WALKED IN, this stray cat who'd been born in the wild (I knew his mom and grandmom), and lived on the street for the first six months of his life, just walked right into my apartment and declared that I was his person and he lived there now.

He's also the reason Mena came to live with me... he heard her crying outside, and howled at me until I went to check it out. He came with me to make SURE I checked it out. There she was, maybe five weeks old, behind the wheel of a car in the parking lot, clearly abandoned. "We have to keep her, you know," he meowed at me. So of course, we did.

There is NO ONE that Crow doesn't love.

There's also no one who doesn't get a lecture for being gone, abandoning him, and not being there for cuddles, every time they come to the house. Velcrow is SO theatrical about it that my mother spends the first half hour of every visit apologizing to him.
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I know this is a review thread, and I promise after this I'll stick to the subject but..

I just have to add one more note about Crow.

He's made Bird and I a bit like "the Old Lady Who Swallowed The Fly."

Velcrow got me. Then he decided we had to adopt Mena. Then Mena got so terribly ill with breast cancer, and because we knew she was dying, and we were worried Velcrow would mourn her to his own death (that happens sometimes with cats), so we got him Cleo as a friend, and then we got hin fish as pets, and then when Mena passed, Cleo had no one to play with (because Crow, although a terribly "friendly little puppy" type cat, is still 16 years old now), so we got her the kittens Mr Bean and Y'rel....

All because of Crow. lol
"She’s all the unsung heroes who... never quit." ― R. A. Heinlein, Stranger in a Strange Land
“There are more things in Heaven and Earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy.” ― William Shakespeare, Hamlet
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― H.L. Mencken, Prejudices: First Series
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Back on topic -

One of the things that is stated in the material provided with the Uphir Third Eye service is that the service opens your existing gifts. It doesn't purport to give you anything you don't already have - it only develops what you DO have to the point where it's both noticable and useful.

That is consistent with what I'm experiencing.

One of the valuable results from this service which I'm discovering is that gifts which, when I was younger, overwhelmed me, frightened me, or were just too socially disruptive for me, are coming back.

I turned off those gifts for a variety of reasons, rejecting them for, at the time, what I thought was good cause. While it was helpful at the time, eventually, I did come to miss those gifts... and this service has very gently removed all those blocks I put into place.

I'm quite curious to see what comes back to me next.

Some of those abilities, there's no real outlet for anymore. I can't seem me stepping from here to the otherworld, walking a distance through a vision, and coming out back here miles away from where I started. I just don't get out like I used to. Although perhaps being able to visit the spirit and vision worlds WITHOUT my body in tow would be nice.

Talking to the restless, bound, and cursed dead, being a channel for their freedom, that is another thing that I can't see me getting any practice at anytime soon... the last time I was in an area where the dead were cursed and trapped was at the Grand Canyon 22 years ago - it's just not a thing that happens very often.

Visions at all... I dunno. Who would I tell them to? Also, the visions kinda controlled my life - I still remember how overwhelming they were, how frightening and emotionally traumatic they were... and how they affected other people in my life.

However, one of the things I'm noticing here that I haven't really been able to touch on, because it's difficult to put into words, difficult to quantify, is the sense of control I have on the things that are coming back to me.

When my gifts first came on me, they came all at once, and they were not in my control. I often felt that I was barely keeping my head above water, and that the currents of my power were washing everything, everyone, important to me away.

I do not feel that sense of powerlessness this time. Every experience I've had so far with this awakening, I've also felt that I hold the reins.

This service is so amazing, so empowering - not only giving me back what I felt forced to give up, but giving me control over it all...

I am so amazed by this working, and so incredibly grateful for the opportunity to be a reviewer for it. :devillove: :grouphug:
"She’s all the unsung heroes who... never quit." ― R. A. Heinlein, Stranger in a Strange Land
“There are more things in Heaven and Earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy.” ― William Shakespeare, Hamlet
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― H.L. Mencken, Prejudices: First Series
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Ahhh its a new item that has yet to be released. Dang it, I was looking everywhere frantically trying to find the listing. Guess I just have to wait it out. :crazy:
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