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The "Rolling Orbs"

Posted: Tue Nov 13, 2018 4:05 pm
by Minerva418
Hi everyone ♡♡♡ I'm new at everything really. Not to metaphysics as a whole, but new to the left hand path and things like energy workings and spells and whatnot ♡ Now...this strange thing has starting happening recently and now it happens at least 4 times a day. Maybe a month ago, I started seeing what I call the "Rolling Orbs"

They glow either white or bright blue and they roll at the sides of my vision usually, but there were two times so far where they flew or zoomed in front of me and I was able to look at them for a second before they disappeared.

I've been seeing them like he'll lately and have been having a few more weird paranormal experiences then normal. Mind you guys...I'm so new to this that I can't control or intentionally use any of my abilities. O cant really see or hear any of my companions very well (poor them!! 😣😣😣) though, I am not worried because I ordered a few bindings from a trusted shop that helped me before with opening myself up, and I'll be able to start working with them soon.

So I'm just curious about these little orbs. Do they signify anything an event, or are they the more common manifestation orbs that entities produce when they're trying to give you a sign?

Thanks for listening, and I love this community so far, so interesting!! My mind never catches a break here, I love it ♡♡♡

Re: The "Rolling Orbs"

Posted: Mon Nov 19, 2018 11:00 pm
by Darth Moronius
go to eye doctor too. it may be problem lke retinal detachemnt