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Play Misty for me

Posted: Wed Aug 01, 2018 1:05 pm
by RyderXIV
I had a very interesting dream couple of nights a ago. I was in a house which felt like a Victorian and I was talking to a man who I would not look directly at, I could tell he was of average height and had reddish brown wavy curls short hair. He took me to the basement of the house to show me something, I wasn't afraid and I felt comfortable with him. He then shows me a small pine coffin like box the size of a large musical instrument would be kept in and opens it and he reaches in to show me decayed body parts of someone mostly parts of arms and other things, no smell but looked ancient. I reach in which I normally would never touch that unless I had gloves but I do and then put them back. He then tells me yeah you may use these later...I just thought what, first thing I thought for some kind of "glory hand"? I felt magically use body parts not what I would know anything about that kind of magic.
Then I was transported to the outside but not where this house was somewhere else. This scene was set in the evening, a long dirt road with trees on either side looked forest like, country road or could be another realm, The dark was very peaceful but mysterious. There was also a misty thin fog throughout, I thought how can I walk this road without light then as I started to walk the road I suddenly was able to see because my aura turned into a kind of flashlight and moved the fog away as I walked. I woke up after walking a certain distance but I felt like I was in another realm. I felt like I needed to go back and investigate further.

Re: Play Misty for me

Posted: Wed Aug 01, 2018 6:00 pm
by Eilana
What a beautiful and intriguing experience. Do you think you will try to go back? Or maybe you have already gone ... I know I tend to wander at times in my sleep lol I have gone back and read books and things I saw that I could not get to in my dreams. Which now that I think of it, given the timing of what is going on in my life, I have to go look at my notes LOL

Thank you for sharing this with us Ryder ^^ I love these kinds of things