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Wu Ji Reiki

Posted: Sun Jul 29, 2018 1:46 pm
by User1265455
This article is a kind of a stub.

Telomar and I have been working on a system that we unintentionally created together. It is very complex, and we're not sure how it will ever be transferable except person-to-person. It started with him attempting to reawaken my reiki attunements (the ones that I had eaten).

We sat knee to knee, with our hands forward, palm to palm, and began to circulate energy. We were focusing on balancing the male-female energies, the yin and yang, which is a tantric practice. We were balancing male and female in ourselves, and each other, but we were also staying aware of how they flow into and out of each other, within ourselves, and between each other. This made us aware of how the shadow self and the light-self do the same.

Wu Ji is the concept of the Yin Yang symbol, but instead of being a solid state where each side simply has part of the other while being wholly itself, in Wu Ji, the dots of opposite color are fountains, and eventually, white will overflow black, and black will overflow white, so that yin becomes yang, and yang becomes yin - the flow never ending. Two fountains within each, always producing the opposite.

A less complicated way to look at it is to look at a mountain from a distance. The mountain stands. One half is lit by the sun, and the other half is in shadow... as the sun moves, the shadows move, until eventually, the half of the mountain that was in shadow is lit, and the half that was lit is in shadow.

Wu Ji reiki does this with all opposites. The shadow self and the light self, the male and female selves, the flesh and the spirit selves. All opposites are put through an alchemical process of blending and flowing - everything comes into balance immediately. There's no cleansing, no struggle - balance is simply THERE.

While I attuned him to Wu Ji (as he had previously attuned me to Reiki), he has gone on to attune another in Wu Ji - a woman. We haven't tried long distance attunements yet. I'm not sure how that would work. We're also not sure how necessary it is to have a female-to-male practitioner transfer though as far as we can tell sexual orientation doesn't have an effect on either his attunement, mine, or his student's... but we haven't experimented with me attuning a female, or him attuning someone who was male, and we haven't attuned anyone who was bendy or fluid or in transition. There's a lot still to discover about it before we formalize it and release it to the world.

Especially as it's quite a complicated system. To quote Telomar -
Telomar - oooh
i got caught up in the all-love stuff and didnt see you anounced wuji reiki
thats an exciting step

Me - I haven't really written much on it other than, "Hey, this is a thing we named and I will write more about it when I'm done gnawing it to death"

Telomar - lol
its so....
you have to sorta understand reiki at a deep level, and the idea of attuenments generally
and then understand shadow integration at a personal level
and how to apply that to things beyond yourself
and then take the idea of reiki and poke at its shadow enough that you can work with it
and understand that both heal, although differently
and then work with the idea of doing shadow integration with an energy youve been attuned with and its shadow
and then actually perform that integration, which we managed with tantric means
and im not sure it would be safe for someone to do it a different way
so to actually get it, you need to be at least some what practiced with the ideas of tantra and merging two beings, which should come along with the shadow integration if youve worked at it beyond yourself, but most people stop at themselves so they wont
and then if you actually manage it like we did
then you have it
and no idea what to do with it, which would lose most people because youve just used what.....
reiki, tantra, shadow integration, alchemy, more general energy manipulation, astral travel
at least 6 different masteries to get there
masteries of systems
and then you have to step outside of any of those systems to get things to work properly
And he's absolutely right. Wu Ji Reiki is exactly that. All those things. All at the same time.

And the truly amazing thing is we've been using it to create a nexus in leylines in St. Louis, and to protect those leylines. So it's good for land work - the healing of places, work with spirits and entities, AND it's good for healing people and animals.

I'm really looking forward to seeing where else I can use it - he's experimenting as well.

I would like to add one thing - this system that we discovered... you can discover it, too. All you have to do is raise reiki energy, and then start circulating it while looking for its balance.

We also believe that it's probable that no one will be allergic to Wu Ji reiki when done correctly - UNLIKE actual reiki. Which to me makes it even more wonderful.

So there you go. That's this thing I've done.

Re: Wu Ji Reiki

Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2018 7:48 am
by User1265455
So, Cerber, Telomar and I had a conversation about Wuji Reiki (I've decided I like Telomar's spelling better than mine) on the S&S Discord channel yesterday, and with their permission I'm posting that here for further elucidation on this subject. :)
ok, so you make circular connection, one is taking role of yin and another is taking role of yang and both shifting spinning in sync, in your awareness through, within that circle forming one energy well, sort of, kind of, no?(edited)

Nyctophilia Raven
Right... but you're not just cycling yin and yang... you're also cycling dark and light - reiki and the shadow of reiki, essentially.
So you're essentially doing shadow work on reiki and then taking that working within yourself, and within your partner, as you cycle the whole mess around together.
And not just within yourself, but also within your partner, and between you and your partner, and between your partner and the energy, and between you and the energy, and between the energy and the energy.
So... when @telomar remarks on how complicated it is... he's not kidding. lol

have you tried to simplify it? I might be wrong (very possibly) but I feel like some parts of it might be unnecessary if goal is something very narrow and specific, there shouldn't be problem by taking some relevant aspects, parts of that complex system and focusing on that entirely(edited)

Nyctophilia Raven
Once you're attuned to it, it becomes very simple. You simply tune into the Wu Ji flow, and aim it at whatever imbalance you've found. Poof-gone.
But actually getting to the attuned state was the tricky bit.

I think I'll have to read it over couple more times to get better sense of it

Nyctophilia Raven
It is a bit... all-encompassing... which is why we were so excited about it when we discovered it, and then we realized, "There's probably no way to teach this, explain it, without someone having direct experience - with a teacher to direct that experience so they don't get it wrong, or get lost..." And abruptly tabled it for later, because... WORK. lol

Raven said something about wuji something and poked me?
Like her post said, we arrived at it through a complex set of steps and we've been carefully poking since
And while I can bring up wuji energy in front of a reiki attuned person and I can feel the desire of the energy to attuned that person, I'm not sure it's a good idea generally to just spring that one someone

sounds like you need someone experienced in front of you to get a hang of it

Because I don't know which bits of it are necessary for the stability of the energy
And like....
Reiki forces kundalini to happen in a proper manner, at least when the attunement are done right and stick
And we don't know if doing the wuji attunement for someone would force a shadow integration, or any of the other bits that went into it
Experienced in what, wuji?

and all other parts of that complex system

That's me and Raven pretty much

I know, so I meant I would need one of you in front of me to learn it lol

My general feel has been if you're reiki attuned and you get a big enough exposure to wuji stuff it will attune you
I had to actively restrain the energy when I showed it to one reiki person so she didn't get attuned

I can't say I'm reiki attuned in any way, to be honest

It makes a circle of something like 12 symbols when I run it that way
Raven ate her reiki Attunements
So it's not required
Just helpful

how does that happens?

That is a long story that is hers to tell if she wants lol

Nyctophilia Raven
Um... I honestly don't know how to explain what happened with my reiki attunements, so the best I've been able to verbalize it is that I "ate" them.
Essentially, I went through a metamorphosis, and as I was changing, so did the attunement symbols... They became different...
And then eventually, I just... absorbed the symbols completely... like, I dunno, a sponge with soap? Like, if you sketch a symbol on a sponge with dish soap and wander off... later the symbol will be gone, and the soap will be all through the sponge, so if you get it a little bit wet, suds come out of EVERYFREAKINGWHERE...
And that's basically what happened with me and my reiki attunements. And now I just randomly ooze new systems.

so eating them turned beneficial, "nutrients" enhanced your systems to its full potential :smile:

Nyctophilia Raven
Um... I guess? Except that when people tried to re-attune me, I kept eating... and I also apparently affect actual reiki treatments like that... so if you do reiki on me it doesn't do any good because it just becomes soap.
I'm weird.

you evolved
but if you try you should be able to "re-manifest" them
but there seem to be no need

Nyctophilia Raven
I have not been able to remanifest the attunement symbols. Instead I seem to manifest new, temporary, weird ones which come and go.
As @telomar said, though... We both have to be careful not to activate the Wu Ji reiki around people not attuned... because it has a tendency to want to attune EVERYTHING. It doesn't understand consent very well... it sees imbalance and is like, "I'm Down..."
So we haven't been able to do a lot of experimenting because just randomly attuning people without their permission or consent isn't very responsible.

what happens then to them?

Nyctophilia Raven
They get attuned and whatever is unbalanced in them gets forcefully balanced.
It's like being blindsided by the WuWei moment.
We just think it's best to haul the breaks on it and shut it down before that happens because... we're pretty sure that's not a nice thing to do to an unsuspecting person.

And we aren't sure what it will do if they haven't gone through the same transformative processes as us first

Nyctophilia Raven
I figure if a person can read about the process that created the attunement, and attune themselves by following that path, then they will have obviously been ready for it, or they wouldn't have found the way.
But unless someone gives us permission, just letting the energy do what it does, which attunes anyone exposed, seems like maybe not the best idea.

I'm able to restore my "systems" to the last known "working safe state" when those get damaged
if "damage" is rapid enough to register

Nyctophilia RavenYesterday at 18:03
Well, I wasn't damaged. I simply moved into a new state... which I've been in and been damaged in, since.
I ate my attunements like... 7 years ago or thereabouts. When I was also working on chakra merging (which is a bad idea btw).
And then I think two years ago was when we intuited Wu Ji.

I think it might not be as eager to attuned things or people that aren't already attinef to other things
But I haven't met an energy practitioner in person that seemed like they would be interested in wuji that also wasn't already reiki attuned to see so....
I can say that I've done reiki attunements since and after a small adjustment to make sure the wuji didn't participate, I was able to do just a reiki attunement

Nyctophilia Raven
@telomar Yes, absolutely - it seems really eager to attune people with reiki, but not so eager to attune people without. In fact, the eagerness seems to be in direct connection to the amount of balanced light/dark a person has. The more out of balance that is, the more likely that Wu Ji will demand to act.
If a person was an energetic practitioner and Wu Ji saw that they were unbalanced in any area that their energy work touched upon, I think that Wuji would feel a need to fix that. It's very proactive about balances. ANY balance.
Bit like attempting to hold back a rearing cobra lol

Attunements like reiki are a sort of intentional imbalance and so the wuji sees oh, you have an imbalanced attunement, let me help

Nyctophilia Raven
@telomar Yes, exactly.

as far as the circling goes, it definitely made energetic symbols/constructs
i imagine if you wrote down however many it was in the circle on a piece of paper you could attune with that
but translating extradimensional symbols/constructs into a 2d representation is not a skill i have honed so we havent tried that one either
do you do a lot of energy work or energetic healing @Cerber ?

@telomar I don't do healing. while "energy work" is very broad subject, so I can say I do, just most likely not quite what most people would be familiar with

having been raven's apprentice i can confidently say i am familiar with quite a few forms of energy work that are not so common
raven and i do leyline work, which is sorta by its very essence massive

what's that?

leylines are like the meridians of the body
for earth

what do you use them for?

theres convergences of them that work like major and minor chakras
i dont dare use them for much
its not my energy
its the earths
tapping leyline energy willy nilly is a good way to piss off all the local land spirits
you cant imagine the amount of bird poop that can entail
or worse

Re: Wu Ji Reiki

Posted: Sat Aug 17, 2019 11:16 pm
by manticlight
Really interesting, especially about the shadow of reiki.. My attunement included quite a few different systems, and I found that it did indeed spark some shadow work. The first few dozen treatments I did received did, too, for now a distance reiki session mostly seems to increase the amount of humor I see in things temporarily and a couple other things. I think that may just have to do with how my system processes the energy input, anyway? Either way it looks like you guys are figuring some very interesting things out.

Re: Wu Ji Reiki

Posted: Tue Nov 19, 2019 11:01 pm
by User546
Any updates on this? I'm really interested!

I've got reiki attunements, but I've more or less stopped using reiki in my healings because it just doesn't align with me very well.

I've been looking for another energy to run during my sessions but haven't found something that resonates with me yet.

So for now I mostly just stick with my crystals and my sound tools.

Re: Wu Ji Reiki

Posted: Thu Nov 21, 2019 3:15 pm
by User1265455
Flux wrote:
Tue Nov 19, 2019 11:01 pm
Any updates on this? I'm really interested!

I've got reiki attunements, but I've more or less stopped using reiki in my healings because it just doesn't align with me very well.

I've been looking for another energy to run during my sessions but haven't found something that resonates with me yet.

So for now I mostly just stick with my crystals and my sound tools.
So right now there are no updates. Telomar and I are not in contact lately, and I've really thrown myself into working my way through the goetia and the Klippot in a daemonolatry way, and that's left me not a lot of time to work on this.

However, I have been doing some irregular wuji reiki work with my desire demon Lovekin. He and I cycle energies between us and it's had some interesting results. I'll make a note in my to-do list to write up some of those experiences and add them to this thread sometime soon. Thanks for bumping this!