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Carnivàle Feedback Thread

Posted: Sat Jun 09, 2018 6:39 pm
by Akelta
Since this is our first event like this. I want to hear all your feedback. We are going to be doing more events like this. We are having a wonderful time doing this and we hope that you guys are all having fun to. We really want to improve future events and help make them the best that we possibly can!

I would love to hear your thoughts on this one.

What you liked?

What you didn't like?

What you enjoyed?

What you think could be improved?

More Meditations?

More Listings?

Any feedback you want to provide we would love to hear from you! Thank you everyone who joined us!!

Re: Carnivàle Feedback Thread

Posted: Sat Jun 09, 2018 8:30 pm
by moonshadowlab
The guided meditations are great, I really enjoy reading everyone’s responses. The wishing well was a nice surprise too. My idea would be to have games and raffles and more item to win. you can have one dollar raffles. raffles where you spin digital wheel with prices on it to see what you win. Games like i’m thinking of a number , psychic games like what’s in the bag and post a picture, interactive games and everyone likes readings too. I’m sure we all have great ideas that you can use now or use anytime just to generate fun. :wink:

Re: Carnivàle Feedback Thread

Posted: Sat Jun 09, 2018 11:07 pm
by Calin
It has been great fun so far!

The auction in particular went off today, so perhaps a combined or additional one for S&S for the next event? Not sure of the tech required, but you could do an ebay type model where there is a few days of listing, and maybe some silent auctions too - where you have no idea what the highest bid is until it is won to make it a surprise. It looks like almost all the pre-bounds have gone, so people really warmed to them, congrats!

I scored a new magical especially for the event along with an imp I have been eyeing off for a while and a couple of sweet items from the phantasmagoria team today, so well and truly in carnivale mode down under.... now to see if I can find the devil's fairyfloss stall and some wicked, wicked rides in sideshow alley.... :devilbanana:

I know we all really appreciate the amount of work that has gone into this from all of you, the marketing and presentation of everything on top of all the magical work has been impressive - thanks again! :devilbow:

Re: Carnivàle Feedback Thread

Posted: Sat Jun 09, 2018 11:17 pm
by Calin
I should also add the meditations have been great, I was surprised by the accuracy of the results they generated - I can see some downloadable guided meditation mp4's with specific demons on your store in the future, you have knack for them!

Re: Carnivàle Feedback Thread

Posted: Sun Jun 10, 2018 12:33 am
by Red6joker
I do not have any negatives to mention. Other than the awesome listings making my wallet cry :crazy:

The meditations have been amazing. I have listened to the first two while at work on the slower days and managed to have great results half awake/half tranced.

Re: Carnivàle Feedback Thread

Posted: Sun Jun 10, 2018 5:44 am
by User3246
Extremely happy with everything! I did not expect expanding my family again, but the demons know what they are doing. The Magick and psychic stuff the demons are doing is utterly fascinating and amazing! The visions I have had are very real and precious to me. They have also taught me a lot! Kudos!

Re: Carnivàle Feedback Thread

Posted: Sun Jun 10, 2018 7:13 am
by laalbieglna
I love the meditations, the insights and experiences I've gained from them have been astoundingly accurate and huge avenues for new growth. My life has changed so much for the better in just the past few days. I would love as many guided meditations as you'd be willing to put out.

I really, really appreciate how open you are to layaway plans. I did not expect to end up with any more companions for a long time due to budget constraints, but the way you've structured the Carnivale discounts, my own existing companions, and pendulum divination with my companions has allowed me to use your layaway plans to set a short-term budget to bring home exactly the ones who are going to work best with me and my existing spiritual family in mutually beneficial long-term relationships, and to focus on the long view and benefits instead of stressing out about money. Learning to ask for what I really want with this and not get all hung up on fear of rejection has been huge for me, too.

For all of this I am so extremely grateful.

Re: Carnivàle Feedback Thread

Posted: Sun Jun 10, 2018 8:20 pm
by Chrysopaelian
I only have positive things to say about all of this.

I feel like I have connected to this Carnivale in particular very strongly, and not only has it helped me realize some stuff about myself, but it's helped me reconnect with my younger self, an entity I had been trying to reconnect with for for a long time (And pretty much gave up on like 10 years ago), and some of the experiences that I had long ago and pushed to the side for various reasons. As I think I mentioned before in some post or other, the energies of this place feel *HELLA* familiar. It might sound off the wall, but there's a strong feeling that I've been here before.

So basically, a huge thank you to all of you for all of your hard work. I don't really have money to afford to buy things to thank you for all of this effort, but I'll continue to contribute to this site in other ways as I can. So let's have an itemized list:

1. The meditations are top notch. If you felt like doing more of them, I would certainly be pro-that.
2. The theme is great
3. I'm just kind of amazed
4. You folks are really somethin else, in the best possible of ways. Whatever you do to get us in this frame of mind we're in to be able to do this kind of thing... I don't understand it, but two thumbs up from Chrys.
5. Just watching everyone else having fun is amazing too!

Re: Carnivàle Feedback Thread

Posted: Sun Jun 10, 2018 9:56 pm
by RyderXIV
My first Carnival really great!

The Meditations are excellent. The listings are phenomenal especially the descriptions. The vessels are beautiful.

Maybe for the next year do a huge painting, computerized or whatever of a Carnival with images like sigils, demons, beasts and all you have in your store hidden into the scenery and finding a certain amount enters you into a drawing.

Thank you,

Re: Carnivàle Feedback Thread

Posted: Mon Jun 11, 2018 12:53 am
by Passchendaele
Because of my hearing problem the guided meditations and much else was not accessible to me. I can't read CC and go into trance. Without CC I cannot understand what is being said. This is my problem, of course. I hope to find a "workaround" that may allow me to participate the next time you present this. There has to be something. I can't believe this is "out of bounds" for people with hearing problems. :unsuredevil:

That said, I asked this question elsewhere, I don't believe it was answered. Are the listings for Demons during Carnival available afterword? And if so, for how long? I am thinking of the contortionists. I do not remember seeing a listing for them before. Will they only be offered during the next Carnival? If they are not available, could you point me to a listing that most closely resembles them?

Many Thanks, and I'm glad everyone had a wonderful experience.