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Repeated Dream Travels to Other Realms

Posted: Sat Feb 22, 2014 6:21 am
by Akelta
This post is actually inspired by a post done by Guesswho.  Her experiences with her dreams reminded me of some of my own.

So over the years I have kept track on my dreams,  (the ones that I can remember, as we can have lots of dreams in a night).  

~ Some Dreams are nothing more than shadows of my conscious thoughts or reflections of the past days events.
~ Others are Lucid dreams that my imagination enjoys making up.  
~ Others are memories of past times and places surfacing
~ Others are journeys that my familiars take me on.  
~ Still there are some dreams that fall into another category.  I call them Astral Dreams, and that is where I consciously know I have left my body and have traveled to another realm while dreaming.  I know when I am astral traveling in my dreams as the sensations are different, and sometimes I travel to places that exist in other realms.  

There are times when I go back to those exact same places and get to witness the changes that have gone on in the time that I have been gone.  Some places time moves fast and decades will have gone by.  Other places move at the same speed as our realm,  while others still move slower and though years have passed for me, only days have gone by for them.

Sometimes it is just me alone in these journeys,  sometimes a spiritual familiar accompanies me, other times I make friends on these worlds.  

One repeated visits began while I was a child. I visited this realms and this little boy and I played all night and had the best time.  He said I was a forest Fairy and that he was lucky to be able to meet with me and when i had to leave he said he would always remember me.

I returned to that realm a few years later in my time to find him an old man he was shocked at how little I had aged and said it was amazing how little fairy women age.  He offered me a drink and we sat by the fire and he told me of his life.  His family, his wife, his children.  He related the sad tale of how he and his wife had lost a child, but had gone on to have other children,  and what he had done with himself throughout the years.  He says he is happy to have been able to see me again and when he would pass by the forest, he would often look to see if he could see me.  After some chatting he had to retire to bed and I went home.

The last time I was there I visited his grave and left some flowers on it.  It was hard to tell how much time had passed.  His wife was buried next to him and his grave said survived by three sons and a daughter and grandchildren, there was also a small grave beside him and his wife,  the baby they had lost.  I woke up feeling bittersweet,  he had lived a good long life and moved on, but the accelerated passage of time left me wondering where he was.

Another dream series, I was at this camp learning about magick and my abilities in the dream world.  It was a lot of fun and I remember hanging out with the other children, of all different species and types.  It was very much like summer camp lol we did activities, worked on our abilities, a few of us got into mischief, lol. We went hiking and I saw some amazing scenery, absolutely amazing! We had a great time.  

I went back there just a few weeks ago,  though not as a camper, but as a visitor.  I saw young people from all different races gathering and learning just as I once did.  The place hadn't changed a bit, so I followed some of the old trails and just remembered my own time there.  

This next series was a little terrifying and brought back a horror I had to deal with.  

In the first dream, many years ago, I was actually summoned to this realm,  when I arrived there were people around and I was in an energy grid.  I was let out and asked to provide protection from the nightmare.  I really had no idea what the hell was going on so I just started wandering around.

I was wondering around this old mansion and it was so ominous cause I could sense this terror was near,  the one that was hunting people and killing them.  It was hilarious as the people had summoned someone to deal with it and I had been the one who had come to their call, me and this other male Demon who was a general (hell was I happy to have him with me!).  

This creature was made of fire and a black ooze, this creature was also radioactive from a short distance and would destroy flesh upon contact. It was terrifying, so I was being very careful.  The demon General who was with me who was watching my back but I could tell he was being cautious as well.  He said if we got touched we would not die, but it would burn like hell and damage my psyche in my waking life so if it came down to between me and him I should not be a hero.  

The old house was in ruin and lead down deep into old caverns and what looked like an ancient city.  We saw the creature and could not contain it to where we could destroy it and the General said I was not strong enough and we could not get ride of it.  So we decided to seal the creature deep into the caverns and that would at least grant the people some relief and the killings would stop.   We bound the creature and closed the door enchanting it to prevent anyone from opening it.  Then I returned.

The next time I visited I was much older than the first visit and  a bloody mess awaited me.  Apparently, a family had purchased the house and had an excavation team digging to put in another basement and that had opened a new passage to were this creature was.  It had broken out and murdered most of the family.   The grandmother (who was the daughter of one of the original ones who summoned us, and her youngest granddaughter had escaped and she had done the ritual that was done the first time).  I arrived as did the general.  We went into the construction zone of the house and began looking around.  They were putting in a play room for their children, half of it was completed, and there were toys everywhere, and some odd relics which came from the ancient city, and must have been dug up by the excavation.  

We were walking along and the Demon shoved me out of the way as the creature grabbed him they fought for a bit.  I could see the ooze energy corroding and damaging the demon.  They fought and well I had to do something, so I focused as hard as I could and threw a powerful energy at the creature and knocked him back.  I went to help the General as he was shaking.  I could see he had a radiation burn form this creatures energy across his arm and chest.  I surrounded us both in the shield.  The Creature came back shrieking so I hit it again trying to keep it away from us (ok so I was slightly freaked and a little clumsy with, lol).

I suddenly felt this wave of focus come over me and I felt something align in me and blasted the creature outside.  We went after it and it was laying there riling in agony.  The sun had risen and was burning it.  I channeled more black energy and mixed it with the solar white energy and the power of the black sun and used it to destroy the creature.  The creature was gone.  The Demon and I looked at each other and he said "nice job." He left to go get healed up and I looked up at the white sun and woke up.  

I really love these dreams where I travel as the image I get form them and the expereinces I have always excelerate my spiritual growth and help me along my path.   :ghost:

I am curious if others have had experiences like this where they travel to a realm in one dream and then return to the same place in another dream at a different time?