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The importance of "KNOW THYSELF"

Posted: Sun Jan 21, 2018 11:13 pm
by Kitsune
There is a VERY good reason that you must know yourself, your mind, and your energy on a very intimate level. Not only for the obvious, but also to protect yourself against Black Magick and learning to identify if it is indeed affecting you.

I had someone throwing black magick and curses at me this weekend. I was relaxing at home when all of a sudden, something pitch black entered my solar plexus and third eye chakras. I perceived it a beautiful, and my whole personality changed as well as the energy of my mind. After a few minutes of it doing stuff, I finally figured it out. I thought "this is NOT me, nor it isn't energy." I then cleansed my body with the Black Flame energy and it's presence was gone. I felt better, but not completely 100%.

The next day I was hit with bad depression all day. I realized that it was extremely odd, and shouldn't be happening. I then went to sit down and meditate to cleans it. As I did, I found she wasn't leaving me alone, and that the black magick was still affecting me.

I had had enough then, and went into combat. I used my flames to burn her at the source. As I got past her shield, I heard a loud scream of pain, and my attacker tried fighting back. I continued my attack until the energy fighting me stopped and vanished. I then made sure it was gone for good, and rebuilt my shields. I could tell it worked because I felt like my joyful happy self.

What I'm getting at, is that I was able to repel and destroy the magick and fend off my attacker because I was able to recognize what was and wasn't my energy because I'm very in-tune with who I am and how my energy feels.

Re: The importance of "KNOW THYSELF"

Posted: Sun Jan 21, 2018 11:41 pm
by Amaranth Rose
Kit!! I'm so glad you're okay. I wonder why they attacked you. Do you know them and do they have a grudge against you? Yikes :saddevil:

Re: The importance of "KNOW THYSELF"

Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2018 7:07 am
by Kitsune
Amaranthlovecharm wrote:Kit!! I'm so glad you're okay. I wonder why they attacked you. Do you know them and do they have a grudge against you? Yikes :saddevil:

I honestly don't. I have my suspicions, but haven't confirmed it yet. I did think it was a good opportunity to share how to identify and combat it early on.

Re: The importance of "KNOW THYSELF"

Posted: Tue Jan 23, 2018 12:11 pm
by Kitsune
Another thing to watch out for, that I've learned to understand more recently, is that those who get attacked will have their minds affected in a way that makes them think they are disconnected from their power, and feel they are disempowered and weak, that they can't fight back. This is what the attacker wants. They want you to allow them to take advantage of you, and feel you are powerless against them, because if you think and start to believe you can't, it's hard to be able to when you want to. They will also try to alter your perception of your energy and make you think the magick they are doing on you is your own natural self. They will also impersonate your companions and make you think they can't see what's going on.

They are wrong. They can never, I repeat, NEVER, take away your power. It is always there, and always will be. They can only try to convince you you're not powerful. The key to breaking their hold and taking back your power is to first RECOGNIZE that the energy is not your's, no matter how they try to disguise it as. One you do that, you can work on CLEANSING yourself of that invading energy by first separating yourself from it. It is NOT you, and will never be. Then after isolating that energy, eliminate it in your preferred way. I use fire to cleanse and I highly recommend if you have an ability with any kind of fire, use it to burn away and destroy the energy.

After that, you should start to feel your own energy come through. Focus on it. It should feel stronger and on a much higher and "happier" or cleaner/purer vibration than what you were attacked with. Let your True energy flow through your body and embrace the power you wield.

If something like this has been happening for a long time, try to look back and think on when it started. Think how you were before. Happier, not depressed, more energized, etc? Then look at yourself now. What is different? What does not feel normal for me? Do I feel powerful and balanced in myself? Or, Am I feeling weak, powerless, incapable of fighting back, etc? Looking into your energy will tell you a lot.

The weakness is all in your head. Believe that you are powerful, and you will be.

Mental mastery and knowing yourself; you mind, your emotions, your energies in all their layers, the things that make you smile, and the things that bring tears to your eyes, things you love, things you don't, as well as knowing how you think; are the keys to success and keeping the bad things away.

Re: The importance of "KNOW THYSELF"

Posted: Tue Jan 23, 2018 8:09 pm
by moonshadowlab
Thank you for sharing, it is a technique I will defineltly use. Who would try to attack you like this? That person deserves this returned to them 3 fold!