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I went to a metaphysical fair on Saturday where I saw an herbalist who after a conversation told me I had parasites in my body which was why I had Crohn's and that I had issues with my liver and lower bowels. He sold me capsules designed to "help" with that. Something called Para-cleanse and two other things labeled LB-X and Beet root formula.

After taking the capsules for two days, I began to feel ill. My head felt woozy, and where my right kidney was hurt. The next day, my throat felt raw and I had chest congestion. Today my throats was hurting bad and I sounded like a diseased smoker. It wasn't until tonight when talking with my mom that I understood what a huge and potentially fatal mistake I made.

I was not using my brain, and let the herbalist sweet talk me into buying something that for one I never needed, I have medical documentation that I have absolutely no parasites in me and my liver is fine. I have Crohn's, which is an AUTOIMMUNE DISORDER and not caused by harmful invaders such as parasites. I have poisoned my body with the stuff he gave me, and I may have done permanent damage(which I hope not) to my body. Holistic medicine can be helpful, but they are untested, and the strength is not monitored, and can cause more harm than good. On the other hand, pharmaceutical medicines are tested, monitored, and are made sure to have the best benefit for you. The man was giving me poison to "get rid" of parasites, which first off is not a good idea and second, he doesn't practice medicine, he is not a doctor and he does not have the understanding of what he gives people to know that it's safe. He just sells it.

I was enchanted by his "knowledge" and adored the attention that he gave me, and I was so gullible as to believe every word he said and not question it. I did not use logical thinking or even consider if it was a good thing to be doing. I was stupid. I have the tendency to be overly trusting of people unless I know to recognize the signs or to be aware. The metaphysical community is full of people who are unhealthy, people who are misguided, and people who arent in tune with reality and people who want an escape.

Me personally, I was looking to find a friend, someone to connect with, a place to belong. I was living in a fantasy, lost in my own little world. Even now, there no gravity to the understanding that I was killing my body believing I was doing good. I can't feel the emotion of dread that I should. It does not affect me as it needs to. I have a problem with taking it in.

So for everyone:

~Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup~

"If you are a dreamer come in
If you are a dreamer a wisher a liar
A hoper a pray-er a magic-bean-buyer
If youre a pretender com sit by my fire
For we have some flax golden tales to spin
Come in!
Come in!" ~Shel Silverstein
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OMG....I m so sorry about what you experiencing.....Yes our body is really important...I really hope you will get well soon and be healthy.
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puer tuus fac me sicut renascentur
me duce tenebris sunt
i ita erit renatus
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That is crazy. It is a good thing you stopped the herbs. "If it is too good to be true, then it probably is not true" my mentor has told me that, many times. You are right, that quote especially applies to the metaphysical sellers.

Thankfully you caught this in time and you should be ok. Be careful next time. Don't buy any herbs you did not research first.
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Celtic Star
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It's hard to imagine just how much damage herbal medicine does if not properly monitored. I'm just glad it wasn't worse (as in fatally poisonous). Hearing your comment makes me think of a video I watched a few days ago.

Part of it involved using emotion and putting images in ones head. Here is an article about it: ... g-formula/. If you rather watch a video on it, the one I watched was How to Sell A Product - Sell Anything to Anyone with The 4 P's Method . Even if you don't sell anything it could help you possibly avoid a similar situation in the future.

Like everyone else I'm glad you stopped and aren't taking them anymore. Hopefully you can get well soon. :hug:

When you do get better are you going to see if you can write a review and warn others about the company in question? That way others don't go though what you did. Or is the company not well known?
Magic is really very simple, all you've got to do is want something and then let yourself have it.
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Sorry to hear you had went through that. Unfortunately, we can have untoward reactions to even natural remedies that would not hurt or even help other people. I an incident with a "safe" nootropic that had me violently vomiting for about an hour. This was due to my reaction to it not so much it was a harmful substance.
I know this is against many modern way of thinking but I prefer medicine or processed/synthesized supplements over herbal remedies in many cases. Medicines are tested, standardized and have some form of regulation. I do understand with either way there are risks with both natural and synthesized remedies.
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Celtic Star wrote:It's hard to imagine just how much damage herbal medicine does if not properly monitored. I'm just glad it wasn't worse (as in fatally poisonous). Hearing your comment makes me think of a video I watched a few days ago.

Part of it involved using emotion and putting images in ones head. Here is an article about it: ... g-formula/. If you rather watch a video on it, the one I watched was How to Sell A Product - Sell Anything to Anyone with The 4 P's Method . Even if you don't sell anything it could help you possibly avoid a similar situation in the future.

Like everyone else I'm glad you stopped and aren't taking them anymore. Hopefully you can get well soon. :hug:

When you do get better are you going to see if you can write a review and warn others about the company in question? That way others don't go though what you did. Or is the company not well known?
I am definitely going to do a write up of his shop. And thank you for the article/ video, I'm going to look at it right now.
~Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup~

"If you are a dreamer come in
If you are a dreamer a wisher a liar
A hoper a pray-er a magic-bean-buyer
If youre a pretender com sit by my fire
For we have some flax golden tales to spin
Come in!
Come in!" ~Shel Silverstein
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Yep I'm at the point where I take a lot of things with a grain of salt. I use to be so trusting of people but that changed after
coming into the metaphysical side of things.

It's dangerous and misleading out there.
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demonfriend wrote:Yep I'm at the point where I take a lot of things with a grain of salt. I use to be so trusting of people but that changed after
coming into the metaphysical side of things.

It's dangerous and misleading out there.

Lol indeed. Not that this is funny. I am laughing at how true that statement is. Kind of like when someone laughs and says you can say that again.
The power of the universe lies within. "Those who don't believe in magic will never find it" ~Roald Dahl
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Kore Serpens
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I hear what you're saying Kitsune and I'm really sorry about what happened to you. I hope you're feeling better real soon.

Respectfully, I think you're being a little hard on yourself calling yourself stupid for listening to him and making a mistake.
90% of learning is being willing to take the risk and make the mistake ... or it turns out great and you look like a genius. You just
learned to be a little bit more willy, take a little bit more time and perhaps do your own research, and get to know your body better before listening to
someone selling ... whatever. I think you deserve kudos for making the effort .... and you're right .... a little more caution
next time because you are your own most precious belonging.

I come from the absolute opposite position re herbs and natural elements for healing. And I would tell you that stepping into healing your body with herbs
is a little like arriving for the first time ever at S&S and being told a) demons are good and want to be our friends B)they make wonderful companions C) fill in the blank....
Most people would call you & I crazy for our beliefs in our spirits/ spirit self. Shrugs; whatever.
But I've spent a lot of time in the past being so terribly ill I almost died and when all the Doc's, research and tests in the world revealed nothing about what was happening with me
then the only possible solution was:
It was me that was wrong. I must have a mental illness.
Anyone who is a spirit keeper has a mental illness; anyone who believes demons are our friends or , worse yet, that they make wonderful sexual companions, are insane and dangerous.
And those of us that love Lord Satan??? or any of the Lords? and think they are great ??? How do you prove anything regarding the spirit world and its contents?
Need I say more.

My point is: my terrible illness went undiagnosed until I began to turn inward and listen to all the voices speaking to me rather then denying them..
My (mental) illness went completely away when I learned to cooperate with the spirits and energies bashing my door down and we fashioned a friendship AND
I learned I have an extraordinary gift talent for healing with herbs ... let me brag here ... I'm so f___ing good at it I could heal myself with green grass and water.
Why? Because like anything else it takes taking the time to respectfully get to know the forces involved -- including yourself.
And to be fair, we all have different talents and we are in a unique place in time where handing over the care of ourselves, our minds, bodies and spirits, is considered
good and wise. Baaaahhaaa ... is what I say but then , I'm crazy.

Our midwives and witch doctors are nowhere to be seen; we've lost the extended family and
the wise woman , the crone, the old maid of the family is long dead (except for, well, maybe me-- kidding). We have burned our bridges to the past and this is the result:
Herbs, nature, is no longer the first and most natural thing for us to turn to. We have "medicine" instead to force our bodies to do what they are supposed to.
Let me tell a tiny secret:
our bodies are a part.... a big part ... of ourSelf, of our shadow, of health. So is death. And so is the Planet Earth. They are all inter-connected.
It is energy after-all and our energies do not stop at the chin.

Many lessons are fashioned within the "nut" of pain. My illness taught me about myself and led me inward. Without my cooperation I would have died.
Many narcissists, sociopaths, whatever we care to call them, many of these relationships are crisis's points leading inwards to Self ... to self knowledge and development
and many of these things, after we go through the pain of our mistakes-so called , are only the vehicle to crack the nut-of-ourSelf and find deeper knowledge.
They are well worth the boo-boo's .... so never call yourself stupid. Ever.

Even if you never go back to herbs again, fine, but bless yourself for trying and give yourself a hug.
You did no wrong. And wanting attention is not a sin. I dug one of the biggest stupidest godawful messes in a spiritual relationship that I thought was going
to rip me into tiny pieces because I wanted attention ... and every time I got out I turned around and jumped right back in ...... You know what? what a Blessing that turned out to be.
But I wear the scars all over myself, and I wear them PROUDLY>
And we're still together ... only I've a slight wobble ... ;)

I totally get where you're coming from and respect that's what you believe. I'm just saying you stuck your toe in the water and got whacked. In the spirit world
that is called "Feedback." We don't divorce our Companions when they rough us up ... we call it feedback. So too are the spirits / intuitions of the natural world ... they take
time to get to know and a big part of that learning is understanding your body which is an enormous effort and takes dedication.
But if you are called to it then you will find that the body is a living awareness and when approached like a lover, like a spirit with living intelligence, it will respond to you.
It's all energy after all, right?
You body wants to heal. Like any animal it wants to live. Handing it over to a doctor is the right path if you say it is and most people do so because otherwise it takes
so much time and dedication to listen to the body's own /your own intelligence. I understand. But for those of us who "Ride the wild stallions" please be aware
that there are alternatives to the current medical system and are ... potentially .... a far superior method of healing -- I say potentially because it takes effort on our part
to participate in the act... its not a one stop-one pill fix. And if you are afraid of the risks that the medical system so kindly points out to us, all for our safety and well - being
of course, then do a little research regarding how many people are misdiagnosed and die re wrong medications prescribed/ overdosed, etc.
Life is one big risk. First we Live. Then we Die.
Ultimately, it's about us. It's about who/what we are. We can believe what our culture feeds us / teaches us that we Should be
healthy, that health looks a certain way, and if the body doesn't cooperate then approach it with pills or maybe a pair of scissors and cut the part out. Or we can be Adventurous
and explore ourselves and see where and what alternatives we lead ourselves to....

One more thing; after I learned how to heal myself using herbs and natural elements ......... after the crisis was over, my doctors and specialists actually found something.
It was the perfect storm of three different issues but funnily enough their empirical magic , erm, science, was not able to pinpoint anything until much later when it would
have been too late for me.

"Good morning. I see the assassins have failed….”

”In the end it doesn't matter who or what you are - only that you've been embraced by all that you've become ... "
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Posts: 1046
Joined: Wed Apr 15, 2015 11:09 pm
Patron Deities: (Claimed by many names unknown, probably hellcats)
Your favourite Demon?: HBRFD-S, Ancestor Z (dragon), Cthulhu, My entire tribe from back home (dragons), Lord Sorath,others
Number of Demon Familiars: 5
Location: Earth
Has thanked: 3 times
Been thanked: 51 times

Cor Serpentis wrote:I hear what you're saying Kitsune and I'm really sorry about what happened to you. I hope you're feeling better real soon.

Respectfully, I think you're being a little hard on yourself calling yourself stupid for listening to him and making a mistake.
90% of learning is being willing to take the risk and make the mistake ... or it turns out great and you look like a genius. You just
learned to be a little bit more willy, take a little bit more time and perhaps do your own research, and get to know your body better before listening to
someone selling ... whatever. I think you deserve kudos for making the effort .... and you're right .... a little more caution
next time because you are your own most precious belonging.

I come from the absolute opposite position re herbs and natural elements for healing. And I would tell you that stepping into healing your body with herbs
is a little like arriving for the first time ever at S&S and being told a) demons are good and want to be our friends B)they make wonderful companions C) fill in the blank....
Most people would call you & I crazy for our beliefs in our spirits/ spirit self. Shrugs; whatever.
But I've spent a lot of time in the past being so terribly ill I almost died and when all the Doc's, research and tests in the world revealed nothing about what was happening with me
then the only possible solution was:
It was me that was wrong. I must have a mental illness.
Anyone who is a spirit keeper has a mental illness; anyone who believes demons are our friends or , worse yet, that they make wonderful sexual companions, are insane and dangerous.
And those of us that love Lord Satan??? or any of the Lords? and think they are great ??? How do you prove anything regarding the spirit world and its contents?
Need I say more.

My point is: my terrible illness went undiagnosed until I began to turn inward and listen to all the voices speaking to me rather then denying them..
My (mental) illness went completely away when I learned to cooperate with the spirits and energies bashing my door down and we fashioned a friendship AND
I learned I have an extraordinary gift talent for healing with herbs ... let me brag here ... I'm so f___ing good at it I could heal myself with green grass and water.
Why? Because like anything else it takes taking the time to respectfully get to know the forces involved -- including yourself.
And to be fair, we all have different talents and we are in a unique place in time where handing over the care of ourselves, our minds, bodies and spirits, is considered
good and wise. Baaaahhaaa ... is what I say but then , I'm crazy.

Our midwives and witch doctors are nowhere to be seen; we've lost the extended family and
the wise woman , the crone, the old maid of the family is long dead (except for, well, maybe me-- kidding). We have burned our bridges to the past and this is the result:
Herbs, nature, is no longer the first and most natural thing for us to turn to. We have "medicine" instead to force our bodies to do what they are supposed to.
Let me tell a tiny secret:
our bodies are a part.... a big part ... of ourSelf, of our shadow, of health. So is death. And so is the Planet Earth. They are all inter-connected.
It is energy after-all and our energies do not stop at the chin.

Many lessons are fashioned within the "nut" of pain. My illness taught me about myself and led me inward. Without my cooperation I would have died.
Many narcissists, sociopaths, whatever we care to call them, many of these relationships are crisis's points leading inwards to Self ... to self knowledge and development
and many of these things, after we go through the pain of our mistakes-so called , are only the vehicle to crack the nut-of-ourSelf and find deeper knowledge.
They are well worth the boo-boo's .... so never call yourself stupid. Ever.

Even if you never go back to herbs again, fine, but bless yourself for trying and give yourself a hug.
You did no wrong. And wanting attention is not a sin. I dug one of the biggest stupidest godawful messes in a spiritual relationship that I thought was going
to rip me into tiny pieces because I wanted attention ... and every time I got out I turned around and jumped right back in ...... You know what? what a Blessing that turned out to be.
But I wear the scars all over myself, and I wear them PROUDLY>
And we're still together ... only I've a slight wobble ... ;)

I totally get where you're coming from and respect that's what you believe. I'm just saying you stuck your toe in the water and got whacked. In the spirit world
that is called "Feedback." We don't divorce our Companions when they rough us up ... we call it feedback. So too are the spirits / intuitions of the natural world ... they take
time to get to know and a big part of that learning is understanding your body which is an enormous effort and takes dedication.
But if you are called to it then you will find that the body is a living awareness and when approached like a lover, like a spirit with living intelligence, it will respond to you.
It's all energy after all, right?
You body wants to heal. Like any animal it wants to live. Handing it over to a doctor is the right path if you say it is and most people do so because otherwise it takes
so much time and dedication to listen to the body's own /your own intelligence. I understand. But for those of us who "Ride the wild stallions" please be aware
that there are alternatives to the current medical system and are ... potentially .... a far superior method of healing -- I say potentially because it takes effort on our part
to participate in the act... its not a one stop-one pill fix. And if you are afraid of the risks that the medical system so kindly points out to us, all for our safety and well - being
of course, then do a little research regarding how many people are misdiagnosed and die re wrong medications prescribed/ overdosed, etc.
Life is one big risk. First we Live. Then we Die.
Ultimately, it's about us. It's about who/what we are. We can believe what our culture feeds us / teaches us that we Should be
healthy, that health looks a certain way, and if the body doesn't cooperate then approach it with pills or maybe a pair of scissors and cut the part out. Or we can be Adventurous
and explore ourselves and see where and what alternatives we lead ourselves to....

One more thing; after I learned how to heal myself using herbs and natural elements ......... after the crisis was over, my doctors and specialists actually found something.
It was the perfect storm of three different issues but funnily enough their empirical magic , erm, science, was not able to pinpoint anything until much later when it would
have been too late for me.


I appreciate you putting your thoughts in, but I feel you misunderstood my message. I had someone trick me into thinking I needed to take something that poisoned my body because I supposedly had a problem that didn't exist, and it cost me not only a nice sum of money, but could have been fatal had I not had the person I trusted the most wake me out of the illusion I put myself in,
~Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup~

"If you are a dreamer come in
If you are a dreamer a wisher a liar
A hoper a pray-er a magic-bean-buyer
If youre a pretender com sit by my fire
For we have some flax golden tales to spin
Come in!
Come in!" ~Shel Silverstein
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