Azazel/Uphir chakra balance and attunement write up

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So not too long ago I had this working done by the lovely ladies here and wanted to share the write up I received, for anyone on the fence. The write up is very detailed and clearly the writer sent a good deal of time preparing it before sending; so, I would recommend based off that as well as the results of the working. I will put Akelta's words in green and my reflections in, without further ado...

“We started the scan with Christian’s aura, assessing his energy field and scanning the outer regions for any holes or blocks in the aura. There were some dull areas around his Aura and some patches where the energy was not flowing very smoothly. We used a healing divine silver energy that was attuned to Christian’s energies to remove the blocks and fill the spaces, opening the flow of energy through his aura. We did a deep cleanse in his aura using this silver energy to help awaken his natural energies and open up the divine flow. This also helped to prep the chakras for the deep working that we were preparing to perform on them. Uphir worked on the energies of the aura and began preparing them for the working, going through and removing any blocks that were uncovered. As he did that Azazel worked to attune the energies elevating them to a higher vibrational plane for the working.

I love that this full on sounds like prepping for surgery--which I am pretty sure in at least some way was happened; though, on a level much different than I would be accustomed to. Twas an honor to be a patient of these two

We started with the Crown Chakra. Azazel tapped into the energies of divine flow and brought down a powerful silver energy that was designed to fill the chakra and link it to Christian’s higher self and allow him to tap into divine inspiration and flow. There were some shards of energy that were broken in the Crown Chakra. Uphir worked on these energies to merge them and bring them close together. These shards were broken fragments of Christian’s Chakra. He was not fully connected to divine source and he was disconnected from the divine flow. We worked at integrating the shards into Christian’s Chakra and merging all the elements. We then brought down more divine energy filling the chakra and creating a powerful source of divine flow. We worked with the powerful divine energies integrating them into the chakra and merging them with the natural energies of Christian’s crown chakra. This is meant to open up the channels of communication for Christian and help him to receive divine messages as well as messages from his higher self. Uphir and Azazel worked together to integrate these energies leaving them and working them and stimulating the natural growth of Christian’s skills and abilities.

So, I never really gave too much thought to connecting with my higher self until after this working. As a matter of fact the idea never really made its way into my mind at all really. Which, thinking back now is actually rather saddening. I have started working more with my my higher self--more aptly put I have been reaching out more often. Sometimes I get "results" and sometimes I cant focus long enough to try. The results that I do get tend to help me more so in the day to day than in my spiritual life--ie. school and work being the day to day. :/ Broken shards doesn't sound pleasant, I wonder how that happened--I haven't inquired about it yet, though I am not sure I will. Oh it would also be interesting to know how lord Uphir merged chakra shards, sounds very detail oriented.

We then moved to the third eye chakra. We did a deep scan on the third eye chakra to ensure that it was healthy and still flowing smoothly with energy. As we did that, Azazel pulled the divine energy from the crown chakra down into the third eye chakra, weaving it and working it into the energy and creating a flow of divine energy to help with the third eye’s translation abilities. Uphir worked through the energies of the third eye chakra, going through and opening them up and attuning them. There were still some blocks in certain areas of his third eye chakra and some of his skills were still in their infantile stages of growth. The more Christian works on his skills and abilities the stronger they will become. Uphir used a special purple energy, flooding the third eye chakra to stimulate its growth and development and to help Christian’s natural skills flourish and grow. There was a lot of growth in his third eye and a lot of energy that was moving, so we mostly worked on attuning his third eye to different spiritual frequencies and opening up the energies to allow more energy to flow through. Azazel worked to weave the energies deep into the third eye chakra. Purple energy was run through the entire chakra system to stimulate it and open it up and help the third eye to its next stage of growth.

Now this sounds incredibly detail oriented and requiring a lot of focus! This part I feel has definitely helped me in areas when it comes to communicating with demons. Actually, before this there were certain skills I could use well but others that were just not doing as well. Since this working I have been able to more aptly focus on individual skills to communicate. I have also found practicing the skills to be more enjoyable all around. Glad to hear that there was some growth in my third eye before the working as well, means the past has not been for naught.

We moved then to the throat chakra where Uphir began assessing and scanning the chakra as it was slightly dented and energy moving through it was being redirected. Azazel pulled divine energy from the third eye chakra down into the throat chakra and began working with the energies to stimulate and open it up. The dent in the throat chakra was limiting communication. It was also disrupting the flow of energy from the throat chakra to the third eye. We worked from the internal regions of the throat chakra to open up the indentations and expand the chakra’s energy, allowing for the energy to flow smoothly into it. There was a bunch of tearing on the left side of the chakra which was disrupting the flow of energy even more and preventing the clarity of communication. We worked with a white light blue energy to soothe these tears and rips. Uphir used a surgical procedure to stitch up the tears and used a light blue energy to unify the chakra as Azazel filled it with divine energy from the third eye.

I was actually rather worried about this specific chakra going into the working. I remembered that in my aura painting the throat chakra was not aligned in the slightest with the rest of my chakras. So I was worried that this was more problematic than beneficial--though I am not entirely sure that it being dented was in relation to this. Though, I think it may have been. As well, curious to know how a throat chakra gets dented...I have never been punched in the throat before...As for communication, this helped get rid of the "white noise" lol it has made communication so much clearer! Yes, I could make out the voices of SOS A before, but this makes them so much fine tuned, startling crisp. I deeply appreciate having all of my chakras worked on but this is one I a little more happy abotu than others--though, I do indeed understand the importance of theme all.

We then moved down to the heart chakra and did a deep scan. The heart chakra is often the source of a lot of hurt and pain energy. there was a lot of breaks and a lot of fractures within the energy of the heart chakra. it was also very drained of divine love energy. Azazel pulled the divine energy down from the throat chakra attuning it to the frequencies of divine love and filling the heart chakra while Uphir worked on unifying the energies of the chakra and pulling it together as well as awakening the spark of divine love. Christian needs to work at practising self-love and honouring himself as well as really working at feeling loved, appreciated and wanted in his life. There is a drain on the chakra as it seems that love energy slips away from the chakra and it often is in an empty, depleted state which can cause emotional numbness as well as sadness and feelings of unworthiness. Self love and divine love starts from the self and we can practise filling our chakra and loving and honouring our self. We can draw strength and power from anything and fill our hearts with love and this will fill the heart chakra and allow us to give and receive love and manifest love that is worthy of us. Uphir worked with the energies of divine love to infuse them into the chakra and we used a green energy to do a deep cleanse of the entire chakra and pull it together in a unified manner. We then filled the chakra completely full of green divine love energies before moving to the solar plexus.

This one I was slightly nervous and honestly a little scared to read--difficult childhood and all. Side note: I love how each previous chakra is used in the fixing of the next chakra! So, I know I am going to to need to spend quite a bit of time working on this chakra--filling it with self love, but I think it may also be one of my more difficult task in future. I don't know why exactly but self love is not my best quality. I know the importance of it and after reading the above I realize that it is something that I must endeavor to do--but that doesn't make it any easier. I am deeply grateful for the help!

We moved to the solar plexus and in an initial scan it became very clear that Christian is not in touch with how powerful he is. He's not fully aligned with his own personal power. Uphir worked on linking the chakra to the divine points and to fill the chakra with golden energy to empower Christian’s Soul and bring him into alignment with his own divine power. Azazel pulled energy from the heart chakra into the solar plexus and filled the chakra with divine empowerment. The solar plexus is the seat of the soul and is linked to our higher selves and divine energy. It is also a sense of empowerment. We scanned the solar plexus and found a bunch of energies that were stagnating growth and disconnecting the chakra from Christians higher self through lack of faith. We removed these energies and filled The space with divine energies that were designed to allow the chakra to expand and flow, touching all of Christian with divine energy. We infused the entire solar plexus with divine energy then moved to the sacral chakra.

This one confounds and confuses me to be honest--I have no idea how to align with my power, as such, I admit I am a bit lost on what that power may even be(something I have been meaning to inquire about with the near future. Yeah, a general lack in certain aspect of my life, I don't so much as constantly put myself down or anything; but often I tend to end thoughts of a grandeur with condescending tones and thoughts. I guess, I am just constantly second guessing what I may or may not be capable of and it apparently shows.

Christian’s sacral chakra was in a very interesting state. The energy is very erotic and flowing in all different directions. There was a lot of passion but it was uncontained passion which was misdirected and not focussed. The energy was seeping out of different holes in the chakra that we would have to fill. Azazel pulled energy from the solar plexus into the sacral chakra filling it, while Uphir worked on locating the source of these rips. There were some massive tears in the chakra that needed to be repaired as it was causing energy bleeds. Uphir worked at sewing up these bleeds and fixing the chakra so that it could hold energy without it seeping out. Azazel located a small energy parasite that had been borrowing into the chakra and leading to a lot of the bleeds. He used a special surgical receipt procedure to remove it. Once the chakra was repaired we filled it with divine energy and infused it with orange energy that was designed to help contain and focus the passion so that Christian could direct it where he wanted it to go. This will give him more energy and more clarity and focus in pursuing his passions and what he wants to do.

uuuuuummmmmmmm...*scratches head*..... :? "very erotic"... :oops: *coughs* ...uuuuhhh, typo? meant erratic...So, umm moving on to clarity and focus....This has definitely helped in my ability to focus, soooo much! Which as a student has helped me immensly. However, it has also helped me tremendously in my communications!

The final chakra was the root chakra. Azazel pulled divine energy from the sacral into the root chakra while Uphir scanned the chakra and assessed that it was incredibly empty and depleted. We had to find the source of the depletion. There is a sense of disconnection from this world that was causing this. We pulled Christian’s energies into the earth to create a grounding chain, bringing earth energies up into the root chakra to provide nourishment and stimulation. We also surrounded him with the motherly love energy of the earth. We wrapped the root chakra in this energy and filled it with a special red energy that is designed to promote belonging and understanding. The root chakra was incredibly empty so we spent most of our time filling it and working at stopping the energy from seeping out of the root chakra. Grounding and practising filling his energy with Earth energy will help the chakra immensely to stay full and will also help Christian to stay grounded and help him with the creation process of manifesting what he wants. We pulled divine energy through all the chakras from the divine source down into the root chakra creating a flow of energy. We then pulled it down into the earth and allowed the earth energies to move up to the chakra. After this, we scanned the chakra and aura and closed the session with Uphir and Azazel.”

Yeah, unfortunately, I had thought this may be a problem area for me--the most actually. I have had trouble with feeling like I belong here for quite some time; as well, understanding of people, places, life, has been rather problematic for me too. Pretty much my whole life I have been trying to hide from the reality of the world I live in. Instead choosing to place myself outside of that reality. Which can lead to huge disconnect with others my age. It was till the other day that I came to this realization either, even after reading the write up I had still not made the understanding. But since I have made it, I am growing as an individual in the reality I reside in. So, I want end with a big thank you to both lord Uphir and lord Azazel, as well as the lovely ladies who make this working a possibility. Much love. Also the workbook tha comes with the working is wonderful! So, if you dont know, now you know....
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Thank you for sharing your write up. :devilclap:
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Christian thank you For your Post On Azazel / Uphir Balance Attunement this is Something that ' I have been Watching for a few Weeks Now Maybe Soon once Things Slow down for me ' I Will get this Attunement Done myself from Your post it Helped you Greatly So having it done Is on My list Sometime ,This Year for Sure :cloud:
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This is beautiful Christian :grouphug:

Thanks for sharing!
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Thank you for sharing your experience it is very interesting looks like I'm going to be saving money up to get this done :)devil:
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Thank you for posting this Christian. It's great that you shared your write up so that people can get a feel on how this service works. And it seems very beneficial! I liked how Lord Azazel was pulling the divine energy down into all of the chakras. :)
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Thank you so much for sharing this with us Christian I really need to balance my chakras as well.
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How is this working affecting you today? Is there any positive and negatives?
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I really enjoyed reading this, as well as your comments. Lord Uphir and lord Azazel make an incredible team! I am planning this for the near future. It sounds like it was very helpful.
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I also need to have this done as I strongly feel that it will greatly help with my Health issues. Thanks for the encouragement and sharing your experience.
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