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trickster magick

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2017 6:52 am
by Shifa
I really wasn't sure what category this falls under ... it's not really white, but not really dark or black either.
I think some might equate it with chaos magick, but I don't know if it is always the same. Chaos magick might be said to be natural or neutral, I mean heck nature and human lives are full of change and chaos, it is neither good nor bad, it just is.
Trickster magick is about chaos and change too, but caused by fun and mischief, by testing the boundaries of rules and society. Again I would call it natural or neutral, heck I think it is a balancing act, these tricksters are like adversaries/challengers in their own way.
Famous tricksters are of course Loki, Hermes, Anansi, Coyote, Raven, Brer Rabbit, Robin Hood, etc.
The best comprehensive book on the subject is "Trickster Makes this World" ... silly me needs to get back to reading it, it can be quite deep.
Is there a DL version of a trickster?
Today I found a new book I'd like to get, it's called "Trickster Magick" by Kirsten Riddle. There are no reviews on Amazon though. Has anyone heard of it?
I've really been wanting to learn Loki's ways as my path. I'd bought some services/enchantments from a big seller we all know but I don't know how to apply them, and now I see this book which seems to be what I'm looking for.
Does anyone practice trickster magick?

Re: trickster magick

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2017 7:23 am
by User3246
I think trickster magick challenges us, makes us look at the world a different way, and keeps us from becoming too solemn and full of ourselves. I haven't read any books on it. I am a big fan of the Greek Trickster Goddess Eris. My arachne hybrid, DC U, likes to make illusions and play tricks. He can make a REALLY good illusion of a huge hand sized spider crawling across your ceiling. It was so real I still look for it sometimes! Damn that was a big spider! :shocked:

Re: trickster magick

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2017 7:51 am
by DoubleD
@Lok Great question. I haven't practiced any sort of Trickster magick but do practice chaos. Although, Chaos to me just means a mixture of systems coming together to create magick, rather than just one current. I tend to follow the principals laid out in the Chaos Magick book.

I will be very interested to hear how you like this book and if you would recommend it. i am always looking for good reads and ways to improve myself.

Re: trickster magick

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2017 8:00 am
by Shifa
*nod nod* I agree, and I think you've got the point perfectly even without having read any books.

Hah you know, when I first read your post, I thought it just said "huge hand" and I imagined Thing from The Addams Family walking across your ceiling, lol!
The other day I saw the original Lurch on an episode of classic Trek ... and speaking of Trek, I've also been watching reruns of Next Generation where Q has been appearing, and he is like a modern fictional trickster.

Re: trickster magick

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2017 8:08 am
by Shifa
DoubleD wrote:@Lok Great question. I haven't practiced any sort of Trickster magick but do practice chaos. Although, Chaos to me just means a mixture of systems coming together to create magick, rather than just one current. I tend to follow the principals laid out in the Chaos Magick book.

I will be very interested to hear how you like this book and if you would recommend it. i am always looking for good reads and ways to improve myself.
Yeah it'd be cool to compare notes. I often see trickster magick compared to or called chaos magick but I don't think it's entirely the same.
The book, as best as I can tell, seems to be about changing your luck for the better and having fun while doing so, after some history/folklore lessons. I'm probably simplifying it too much.
But it's how I think of trickster magick too - seeing through illusions (the emperor has no clothes), luck, dealing with change, challenging assumptions, etc. A bit of fun and friendly mischief that means no harm, but empowers yourself to stand up to others, and makes things go for the best benefit.

Re: trickster magick

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2017 8:10 am
by Catamite
Lokakisa wrote:I really wasn't sure what category this falls under ... it's not really white, but not really dark or black either.
I think some might equate it with chaos magick, but I don't know if it is always the same. Chaos magick might be said to be natural or neutral, I mean heck nature and human lives are full of change and chaos, it is neither good nor bad, it just is.
Trickster magick is about chaos and change too, but caused by fun and mischief, by testing the boundaries of rules and society. Again I would call it natural or neutral, heck I think it is a balancing act, these tricksters are like adversaries/challengers in their own way.
Famous tricksters are of course Loki, Hermes, Anansi, Coyote, Raven, Brer Rabbit, Robin Hood, etc.
The best comprehensive book on the subject is "Trickster Makes this World" ... silly me needs to get back to reading it, it can be quite deep.
Is there a DL version of a trickster?
Today I found a new book I'd like to get, it's called "Trickster Magick" by Kirsten Riddle. There are no reviews on Amazon though. Has anyone heard of it?
I've really been wanting to learn Loki's ways as my path. I'd bought some services/enchantments from a big seller we all know but I don't know how to apply them, and now I see this book which seems to be what I'm looking for.
Does anyone practice trickster magick?

I've never heard of trickster magick but it does sound interesting... I mean you've found a book on it so why not purchase and read it? :D The concept does sound interesting and sounds like something I might even get involved with... I'll hit you up if you found out more about it...

Re: trickster magick

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2017 8:43 am
by Shifa
Yeah you know, for all Loki's popularity lol, it is not something I can find much on. People who are Lokean might practice some sort of loose Asatru, or just dabble with runes or something. Followers of Hermes I guess practice Hellenismos. I can't speak for African practioners, or Native Americans.
It's usually mostly for story-telling and lessons. Maybe you can say that today's chaos magick is evolved trickster magick. Maybe it's been part of other systems, like glamour magick or even hoodoo luck magick.
Maybe it's been there all along, right under our noses, and no one ever pulled it out as its own path, or named it as such? I have no idea. Whenever I looked for it, I was either taken back to the scholarly book I already have, which doesn't teach magick, only history, or to chaos magick, and there are so many books on that, but it never felt right to get started.

Re: trickster magick

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2017 11:20 am
by DoubleD
Great conversation, I like having these types of convos here on the forum. This is what we need to be doing on the forum, keeping it fresh and keeping it on topic.

I am going to be doing some more research on this topic later today, @Lok, thank you for sharing something new with everyone.

Oh and I do have huge hands... :)

Re: trickster magick

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2017 12:58 pm
by Heidi
That's a very interesting topic!

In my opinion, I don't think there is a type of magic that could be called trickster magic per se. It's more of an approach to magic (and to life) really. I don't think chaos magic would be trickster magic by definition, but there's a difference between chaos magic and what the term means (although it does rely on more playful and experimental methods for sure in comparison to other magical systems) and magic of chaos. In the case of the latter, this would mean stirring things up, increasing the entropy of a system (whether that is a group of people, a situation etc) and then watching what you shake loose this way. I guess the trickster part would be doing so in a playful way instead of a purely destructive way. Not so much causing so much chaos that something truly catastrophic is almost sure to happen but more in line with tinkering with smaller things and seeing what happens, or challenging things that appear to be set in stone. This could be either with a specific purpose in mind or just for the sake of it; out of curiosity to see what happens next.

I don't know of one DL that would clearly fall into this personality type (not saying there aren't any; I just haven't met one who has this role in my life), but based on my experiences with a specific chaos demon I'd say chaos demons are naturally more inclined towards that kind of attitude in life. Though I'm sure you can find trickster-type personalities among other species of demons too.

Re: trickster magick

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2017 1:19 pm
by Shifa
Ah cool, thank you for that, and yes that may be why it is not a common "path" per se.

I have ordered the book today so it'll be interesting to see how the author takes the idea and forms it into a type of magickal working. This seems to be about spontaneity, luck, embracing change, and finding humor in different situations. Where the "magick" comes in, is apparently in the suggestion of rituals to tap into "the energy of the trickster."
It probably meshes well with demonic magick.

Oh and I'm such a goofball, there's no "k" in the title of the book. Kind of a habit to spell magick that way.