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Halucination? Or Something Else?

Posted: Sat Mar 09, 2013 11:56 am
by darklordmidnight
A couple of days ago, I was sorting through my reference pics. After finding the one i was looking for i prepared to create a new sketch. Then I looked at it... My jaw dropped. The picture was moving! Not much, but it was moving. My first thought was halucination. So i looked at a few others. and the effect was there on some of them, but not all. if they were line drawings, it just didnt happen. But something shaded, or a photograph, it moved. This was not something that happened when i looked away, it happened right in front of my eyes. Just not certain what to make of it. A couple other thoughts were that i was creating an unintentinal thought form, and it was superimposing over the pic. Or, I was seeing the heart and soul of the pic, the true energy and potential.

Any thoughts?

Re: Halucination? Or Something Else?

Posted: Sat Mar 09, 2013 12:07 pm
by User1265455
I would say you were seeing the energy of the pic. When I look at images of people, when I really, REALLY look, I can see that person's energy, I can see sometimes spirits around them, I get information about the person, their entities, their paths, their lives, all kinds of things. Sometimes the images move, to show me other aspects of the energies involved.

There used to be a... superstition, that images stole the soul of the person that the image was of. It's not quite that, but images DO connect you to what the image is of. The energy remains.

Remember when Foxy was attacked, and she painted the chakra that was attacked? She has two versions, two images of that painting. One is unshielded, and the moment you look at it, you feel the attack as if it were happening to you. The other image is shielded, and you simply see the image. That painting doesn't show the chakra, it doesn't show Foxy. It shows nothing except her feelings of the attack... and yet, when you see the unshielded version, you cannot help but know everything.

Images are like that. It's not the soul, and it's not based on time. I can look at an image of you from before you hit puberty and still see what's going on with you right now, or even what will be going on with you soon. Not far away, because paths branch out... but soon. So it's not soul... but definitely energy.

Congratulations on this new development in your Sight. :)


Addition -

Because photos and images of things connect to those things... an image can take the place of an item in a spell. I've used images of expensive stones to take the place of those stones, etc.

But warning... if you use the image of a practitioner in a spell who knows how to ward against such use... the spell will backlash, and whatever you are attempting to do to or with them, will happen to you instead.

This energetic possibility is why many practitioners use fake names and do not share images of themselves or allow people to take their picture.

Re: Halucination? Or Something Else?

Posted: Sat Mar 09, 2013 12:09 pm
by darklordmidnight
Thank you Selqet, as always you make sense of what is happening!

Re: Halucination? Or Something Else?

Posted: Sat Mar 09, 2013 12:15 pm
by User1265455
No trouble. :D

Re: Halucination? Or Something Else?

Posted: Sat Mar 09, 2013 3:42 pm
by Gaylani
it's funny you mentioned this. i agree it's the energy of the image.

in the past two years i was trying to find a way to cleanse spiritually and deal with a new separation and ugly divorce brewing..and working with someone one night she had a chance to see my pictures and said it was just so plain as day from the energy in the pictures..she said she could see it on my face in all of them, the pure sadness and suffering within me.

very interesting thread here!

Re: Halucination? Or Something Else?

Posted: Sat Mar 09, 2013 5:23 pm
by VeiLWalkeR
Gaylani wrote:it's funny you mentioned this. i agree it's the energy of the image.

in the past two years i was trying to find a way to cleanse spiritually and deal with a new separation and ugly divorce brewing..and working with someone one night she had a chance to see my pictures and said it was just so plain as day from the energy in the pictures..she said she could see it on my face in all of them, the pure sadness and suffering within me.

very interesting thread here!
The point is I see that with friends and other people I meet too... But offcourse you don't talk about it... Otherwise they could think you are a deranged lunatic... Sad but true but the lesson has to be learned sometimes :saddevil:

Re: Halucination? Or Something Else?

Posted: Sat Mar 09, 2013 5:30 pm
by VeiLWalkeR
darklordmidnight wrote:A couple of days ago, I was sorting through my reference pics. After finding the one i was looking for i prepared to create a new sketch. Then I looked at it... My jaw dropped. The picture was moving! Not much, but it was moving. My first thought was halucination. So i looked at a few others. and the effect was there on some of them, but not all. if they were line drawings, it just didnt happen. But something shaded, or a photograph, it moved. This was not something that happened when i looked away, it happened right in front of my eyes. Just not certain what to make of it. A couple other thoughts were that i was creating an unintentinal thought form, and it was superimposing over the pic. Or, I was seeing the heart and soul of the pic, the true energy and potential.

Any thoughts?

I remember one time when I was a very young kid about 4 or 5 years old sick at home... I was looking at an picture book with photographs in it... I commended a person in a photo to come over to me... He walked straight from that photo into my third eye area... I never saw him again in that same photo ever again... Then the problem comes to tell someone your experience and what happened to you... Do they believe you, or are you telling a quack story?... Well we all know the answer to that one :shocked: