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My Satanic Orb

Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2016 11:02 am
by user1876
Since Pwnie wanted to know about The Satanic Orb I thought that it be good to Share how having the Orb Has helped me '' its been about a Month since having it Done I was able to feel the Energy from The Satanic Orb Right away mostly in my third eye ' it hurt some at first but it Soon went away , I work With My Satanic Orb everyday alone side other Meditations that . I do Daily ' The energy that I can feel running thought not just my in my '' Third eye Chakra but though all 7 Chakras My Connections to ' The Spirits I work with has been Amplify greatly not only , that but I have more Awareness To '' The Spirit world I feel more open to the Energies that is around now much more ' When I am working with my Satanic Orb . I see this Beautiful black Orb behind my Third eye '' that Works wonderful with my other Meditations so Having this Satanic Orb done ' Was one of the best ideals I have had in a long time ' it opens you up to Connect to The spirits you Would like to connect to it Also have helped me become more Close to my Companions so , they Feel more connected to me as well it Helps you on many levels Thank you Akelta' Meeting you Was the best thing to Happen to me beside '' My Demon companions :)

Re: My Satanic Orb

Posted: Sun Jul 02, 2017 12:55 am
by user1876
My Satanic Orb Spell much has Changed for me Since Ordering this awesome Spell from Lord Satan almost a Year ago . My Psychic Senses have improved a Great Deal not Only that but also Connecting With my companions in Many Different Ways , have also much better then before My third Eye is picking up Energy Good and Images Also Very Well From My Demons To, The Spiritual World but Also to Dark lords Being More open to them Learning how to Communicate With them by using Telepathy They Don't have to be in . The Same Room with Me now In Oder for me To make Contact With them that's the Really Cool part not having to Always

Chant their Enns to make Contact with them this is Something that . I Would like to Do with Every Dark lord that ,I Work with Communicate With they by Telepathy because it Seems that Being able To reach them is a lot More easy this Way to . Say the Least but all this is from me having my Satanic Orb Spell casted and Working With it Every Day . just like Father Satan told me To do Also Doing my Exercises are also playing a big part in this all happening for me but this Was just a Update on My Satanic Orb spell Since having it casted thank you Once more , Akelta and Lord Satan for this awesome Spell :cloud:

Re: My Satanic Orb

Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2017 3:49 pm
by Casanova
thank you for sharing this and also giving an update, I had it cast for myself and have been enjoying working with it. It's great to see other people's experiences too :)devil:

Re: My Satanic Orb

Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2017 4:03 pm
by user1876
Casanova wrote:thank you for sharing this and also giving an update, I had it cast for myself and have been enjoying working with it. It's great to see other people's experiences too :)devil:
You are So Welcome its Great you had . The Satanic Orb spell casted it is amazing to have We both are enjoying working with it also Keep in mind that Lord Satan can also help you contact better with your Orb :) He's been helping me work with mine in many Ways happy to have it ;)

Re: My Satanic Orb

Posted: Sat Nov 04, 2017 5:53 am
by User3246
Like all of the stuff offered on SNS, even the demons, you have to constantly work with them to get any benefit. I just wish I knew more about the capabilities of the Satanic Orb. I would love to include it in my various practices. I know it can help me. I have a lot of questions about it, really!

Re: My Satanic Orb

Posted: Sat Nov 04, 2017 7:39 am
by user1876
Satan's Hellcat wrote:Like all of the stuff offered on SNS, even the demons, you have to constantly work with them to get any benefit. I just wish I knew more about the capabilities of the Satanic Orb. I would love to include it in my various practices. I know it can help me. I have a lot of questions about it, really!
Yes Hellcat agree you have to put in Time working with . The Satanic Orb for it to be of any use to you its Something that is apart of .My Weekly work out also have

you Sent your Questions to Akelta that she may answer them for you :) I Do believe she wouldn't mind expanding to you more about this Satanic Orb its self :mrgreen:

Re: My Satanic Orb

Posted: Sat Nov 04, 2017 12:41 pm
by User3246
I will probably do that, velle, after I study up on my other resources. I have really only used it to connect during my bonding rituals.

Re: My Satanic Orb

Posted: Sat Nov 04, 2017 12:43 pm
by user1876
Satan's Hellcat wrote:I will probably do that, velle, after I study up on my other resources. I have really only used it to connect during my bonding rituals.
Okay . I Have used mine to connect to Lord Satan also he enjoys helping you anyway that he can it's been an honor to have his help :)

Re: My Satanic Orb

Posted: Sun Nov 05, 2017 3:25 pm
by Amaranth Rose
I've been wanting that orb! And the goety crystals *-* after I save up money...! XD thanks for sharing your experiences! Also, Hellcat, I'm bad at utilizing spelled items too :') I have too many things on my mind! And I like doing my own spells xD the more we work with it, the more powerful it will get! Must take this advice to heart with my spelled items and tools xD I have a wand I need to dust off and use...

Re: My Satanic Orb

Posted: Sun Nov 05, 2017 4:33 pm
by user1876
Amaranthlovecharm wrote:I've been wanting that orb! And the goety crystals *-* after I save up money...! XD thanks for sharing your experiences! Also, Hellcat, I'm bad at utilizing spelled items too :') I have too many things on my mind! And I like doing my own spells xD the more we work with it, the more powerful it will get! Must take this advice to heart with my spelled items and tools xD I have a wand I need to dust off and use...
Your Welcome Amaranth you will love having ,This Satanic Orb Spell its placed behind your third Eye it has helped me out in Ways also 'The Goety Crystal that one helps you to Feel energies better of

Your Demon Companions its Been a Great Joy having both so you will enjoy having both :) Also Keep in mind that Akelta offers Layaway for all her items not just Demons so you can also put Something down and pay as you go on Your bill ' They Will work with you half of my Demons are from Layaway Akelta Working with me :mrgreen: