different ways to meditate on demons

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I'm reading The Complete Book of Demonolatry and started working on meditating on a few different demons. I was wondering what ways you can meditate on demons? I read you can recite Enns, focus on sigils, sleep with a sigil under your pillow, what other ways are there? She mentions something about describing what you like about each one, then meditating on them. Don't you meditate on a demon to get to know them to discover what you like about them?
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Perhaps that refers to "known" demons, I guess for lack of a better word. As in doing your
research about them.


Working with Lucifer, you may find yourself scouring the vast interwebs to read everything you can
about him, all the mythologies. Therefore, you have working knowledge of him as a Light Bringer,
one who teaches about the Black Flame. And the Black Flame is a whole other topic of discussion
altogether, lol But it is beautiful and fascinating. I have my own interpretation, as I'm sure others
do as well.

Another example:

Azazel; I did a ton of reading about him, as with Lucifer. Knowing that his story states he taught
humanity magick, weaponry, war and cosmetics (!), I presented him with a black obsidian arrowhead
as an offering. It's large and extremely beautiful. It wasn't the first time I had approached him, but
it was "official", in that I had a red candle lit that I smeared with patchouli oil, and a drawing of his
sigil. He liked it :) I had chills up my body. I had felt him calling for some time...and my draw to him
was very strong, although I couldn't quite figure out why.

I've discovered that deities appreciate you knowing their background. It's been said that we
created them, and they are alive in our mythologies of them. One thing I know for certain: they
do not seek to correct you! "Oh, okay, listen...that's not who I am, LOL". They will approach you
in whatever way you are familiar with.

I've gone on a fucking tangent. Carry on!
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badblood wrote:Perhaps that refers to "known" demons, I guess for lack of a better word. As in doing your
research about them.

I've discovered that deities appreciate you knowing their background. It's been said that we
created them, and they are alive in our mythologies of them. One thing I know for certain: they
do not seek to correct you! "Oh, okay, listen...that's not who I am, LOL". They will approach you
in whatever way you are familiar with.

I've gone on a fucking tangent. Carry on!
Thanks for that idea, I remembered reading some where that most of what you can find on demons is based on the christian view on them. Forgotten that Egyptian, Greek, Roman, etc mythologies aren't. Will look into that :D
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Yes, as much as you can, from all avenues and sources. Trust your intuition to filter out the BS because there's quite
a bit of it from the Judeo-Christian perspective. According to them, everything but YHWH was pure fucking evil, and
well...we all know better than that ;)
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badblood wrote:Yes, as much as you can, from all avenues and sources. Trust your intuition to filter out the BS because there's quite
a bit of it from the Judeo-Christian perspective. According to them, everything but YHWH was pure fucking evil, and
well...we all know better than that ;)
Yes we do! :grindevil:

I started reading up on the demons I picked to meditate/research on. Reading the different mythologies(Egyptian, Greek, and Roman) about that certain demon sure helps to see the differences
and similarities when they are referred to by different names. I've always liked Egyptian Mythology the most for some reason, was always drawn to it as a kid.
I even wrote a couple of papers on Ancient Egypt in middle and high school, and I still seem to like Egyptian Mythology better. Also slept with a sigil under my pillow last night, but didn't have any dreams although I did sleep lightly compared to other nights. If any of you are interested in which demons I have on my list to research/meditate on are:

Update: Did some more research will share my findings and thoughts later
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I wonder is seeking absolute truth about a particular deity borders on obsession/lust that might just end up in self deception. Maybe I'm going about a naive path of just trusting whom I want to start a relation with. From a few books (evocation goetia tales from a particular sorcer) I'm an utter fool. But I see evocation as distrust, arrogance, and bordering on slavery.

No, I've been opening myself up to simple invocation. I ask and don't demand. Perhaps I prostrate in affection but never to demand. I'm only starting or rather restarting.

I'm "dreaming" again which is good. Dreams in which I have action and not just a tv watcher. This is good. I too am getting similar feelings and tingling a on the inside and surface skin.

Now if I can just let go completely.
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I have to agree with badblood. About the research and study as i enjoy connecting with lord lucifer i have become borderline obsessed with learning new things about him. But it seems the more i learn the closer i feel to him. And since he can and has been referred to as the ulitmate symbol of knowledge and freethinking in a sense i think he enjoys someone takeing the time to learn more about him and his story. But im still relitively new to the path.. So thats just my 2 cents. :devilread:
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A good way to work with them is to use their names through the vibratory formula. This technique can be found in Israel Regardie's "Tree of Life: An Illustrated Study in Magic". Basically, you vibrate the particular name of the entity, and change the pitch until you feel the vibration in a part of the body. If you are familiar with center traditions such as the Middle Pillar, Chakra, Dan Tien, Acupoint, Jewel, and Sefirot traditions, and practice any of them, you can change the pitch until you feel the vibration in the corresponding center in your tradition or system. Each culture has had their own traditions and systems throughout history, so there is not necessarily any one correct tradition.

I've had good success with the conventional 7 center chakra tradition, the dan tien system of some Taoist sects, and a couple others. It's up to you.

A good supplemental practice is to gaze at the entity's sigil and or visualize the entity or desired result while you vibrate their name. An even better technique is to visualize the entity's sigil in the corresponding center. If you do not like center systems, an alternative is to work on the aura instead.

Some good books on this from the Western Hermetic Traditions are:

1. The Tree of Life: An Illustrated Study in Magic (Israel Regardie)
2. The Middle Pillar (Israel Regardie)
3. The Mystical Qabalah (Dion Fortune)

With a little innovation you can use the information from various mythologies, religions, grimoires, and books to discover the correspondences so you can then use the names and sigils on the correct centers.
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great reply Jdhea, this is how I do it myself since most of who I work with don't have enns that are documented. I tend to stay in the higher pitch because I sound terrible at the lower ones, like a totally out of tune cat trying to sing...
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Don't worry DoubleD. I cannot sing to save my life. However, there is unique information on the use of tones or pitches in Franz Bardon's "The Key to the True Kabbalah". I have practiced his other books for some time. His training system is great, but there is some information I do not agree with and which seems dubious or more a matter of belief.

Then again, I sing so bad I haven't even tried much. Since the essence of the technique is simply to feel the vibration in certain locations and consequently generate vibratory or astral energy/astral vibrations/astral light in said location, it is easier to simply change the pitch until you feel it rather than trying to sing and hold a tone or pitch such as A#. However, I have found the "Vibratory Formula" to generally trigger invocations of the vibrations or energy of the entity according to the name used, so it seems the names carry or control the energy of such entities. It seems this is what the ancient Egyptians had in mind when they told initiates you must know the true name of an entity in order to summon, control or work with them. Regardless, it usually brings one closer to the associated entity.

Oh, another tradition some may want to practice is the Norse Yggdrasil tradition. The Tree of Yggdrasil is pretty much just symbolic of the Norse center tradition. I haven't really worked with it, but I know some practitioners who have. From what I have been told and read, the Druid priests applied the Runes (also called the Futhark) to the centers (symbolized by the nine worlds). However, there are different rune traditions. A good book on it is Edred Thorsson's "Rune Might: The Secret Practices of the 20th Century German Rune Magicians".
I have come across some occult groups who identify the demons with Norse Gods. I haven't done much research on this, nor am I a member of such groups, but this information could help some of those here who do have such associations. Some of the members in such groups call the astral energy this technique generates, "vril" or "Od".
If you aren't breaking, you aren't doing it right!!!

Do you want power? Then approach your death!!

I know it's scary. Don't worry. That means it's worth it!
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