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Seeking tips on Astral Travel and Ascension

Posted: Fri Jun 05, 2015 9:16 am
by lilith_arcana
for those of you who are experienced in getting to the astral realm, what bits of advice would you offer to a newbie like myself ? I've tried countless guided meditations, high frequency binaural music, and even used mugwort tincture to no avail except sometimes a floaty swaying sensation or sleep paralysis -.-

Any words of help/insight would be much appreciated :devilgrin:

Re: Seeking tips on Astral Travel and Ascension

Posted: Thu Aug 06, 2015 7:24 am
by Akelta
Hey lilith_arcana

For me, the greatest hinderance in the past to my astral travels has been my ability to focus. When my ability to focus wavers, so does my astral projection ability and I know that it is time to pull out my old exercises and start working on my focus and concentration again. I really like the dot exercise where you place a black dot on the wall and gaze at it only focusing on the dot and nothing else. It is one of those exercises that appears simple but has levels of mastery to it and it really helps with ones focus and concentration. I find it is easier to get into the astral state this way.

Re: Seeking tips on Astral Travel and Ascension

Posted: Fri Aug 07, 2015 12:21 pm
by DoubleD
completely agree with Akelta here, once you can do it with your eyes open then do the same thing with your eyes closed and focus on the dot. While simple in theory, it's hard as hell in practice. :)

Re: Seeking tips on Astral Travel and Ascension

Posted: Sat Aug 08, 2015 7:25 am
by User4964
Amazing tips for concentration and focusing. I'm definitely going to try these out. I would suggest if you have a Patron and Being you feel close to, you could also try chanting (physically or mentally) their name whilst focusing. This would help enable them to assist you in your astral traveling endeavor. Also, I believe certain essential oils can help with easing the mind and making astral traveling easier.

Re: Seeking tips on Astral Travel and Ascension

Posted: Mon Aug 17, 2015 7:08 am
by Ymirson
I have tried and tried and find it super hard as well to project. But I did find a way. When I started working on Lucid Dreaming, I found a it easier to project via lucid dreaming. I know it sounds crazy, going in to go out, but for me it worked!

Re: Seeking tips on Astral Travel and Ascension

Posted: Fri Aug 26, 2016 12:34 pm
by user1876
lilith_arcana wrote:for those of you who are experienced in getting to the astral realm, what bits of advice would you offer to a newbie like myself ? I've tried countless guided meditations, high frequency binaural music, and even used mugwort tincture to no avail except sometimes a floaty swaying sensation or sleep paralysis -.-

Any words of help/insight would be much appreciated :devilgrin:
I am also new to Astral travel . the tips giving on frequency binaural music is good I will try it good luck also to you ' as well

Re: Seeking tips on Astral Travel and Ascension

Posted: Tue Apr 04, 2017 1:02 pm
by Riael
1. The Art and Practice of Astral Projection - by Ophiel ( More specifically Ophiel's "little method" as mentioned in another forum post around here )

2. Mastering Astral Projection: 90-day Guide to Out-of-Body Experience

Eat healthier, treat your body as if it were a friend instead of 'you' or 'yours'. Drink distilled water vs. tap water/bottled water etc. Begin taking turmeric supplements for detoxification assistance, begin practicing visualization to strengthen your mind, meditate often. I'd recommend The Art and Practice of AP first... as Ophiel is more occult oriented.. but the Mastering Astral Projection book has received great reviews.

Re: Seeking tips on Astral Travel and Ascension

Posted: Tue Apr 04, 2017 4:06 pm
by user1876
Riael wrote:1. The Art and Practice of Astral Projection - by Ophiel ( More specifically Ophiel's "little method" as mentioned in another forum post around here )

2. Mastering Astral Projection: 90-day Guide to Out-of-Body Experience

Eat healthier, treat your body as if it were a friend instead of 'you' or 'yours'. Drink distilled water vs. tap water/bottled water etc. Begin taking turmeric supplements for detoxification assistance, begin practicing visualization to strengthen your mind, meditate often. I'd recommend The Art and Practice of AP first... as Ophiel is more occult oriented.. but the Mastering Astral Projection book has received great reviews.
' Riael I agree with you about Treating your Body as if its your Friend ; Drinking More water eating Healthier has Helped me Out a Great Deal Over ' The last Six Months Since My First time Astral Traveling With One of My Companions Things are a lot better for Me Now because of .The Changes that. I have Made With My Eating Habits Detoxification is One of The Best Ways ' I have a 7 Day planer that Lord Rosier Helped me to Put ,Together Its No Sweets Are Meats For Five Days Out The Week Only Vegetables Whole Grains Fruits Salads No Foods Cooked in Oil at all Lots of Water ' I have Been Following Lord Rosier Food planer Now for about two Three Months Now .. My Body Feels better Inside and Out its played Off In a big Way With My Astral Projection Just as He told Me it Would It Has Lord Rosier is Amazing ' So Yes your Right taking better Care Of Yourself Works Out for your Good All The Way around >:)

Re: Seeking tips on Astral Travel and Ascension

Posted: Sat Apr 08, 2017 8:13 am
by Riael
velle wrote:
Riael wrote:1. The Art and Practice of Astral Projection - by Ophiel ( More specifically Ophiel's "little method" as mentioned in another forum post around here )

2. Mastering Astral Projection: 90-day Guide to Out-of-Body Experience

' Riael I agree with you about Treating your Body as if its your Friend ; Drinking More water eating Healthier has Helped me Out a Great Deal Over ' The last Six Months Since My First time Astral Traveling With One of My Companions Things are a lot better for Me Now because of .The Changes that. I have Made With My Eating Habits Detoxification is One of The Best Ways ' I have a 7 Day planer that Lord Rosier Helped me to Put ,Together Its No Sweets Are Meats For Five Days Out The Week Only Vegetables Whole Grains Fruits Salads No Foods Cooked in Oil at all Lots of Water ' I have Been Following Lord Rosier Food planer Now for about two Three Months Now .. My Body Feels better Inside and Out its played Off In a big Way With My Astral Projection Just as He told Me it Would It Has Lord Rosier is Amazing ' So Yes your Right taking better Care Of Yourself Works Out for your Good All The Way around >:)
Eating healthier really does help a lot. I used to eat just about anything/everything and didn't care much about what I put in my body. A few months ago well... about 5-6 months ago now... I began a very strict diet ( not as in, temporary, but change in diet ). I began forcing myself to eat breakfast EVERY morning, whether *I* wanted to or not. Whether I felt hungry or not.. I force myself to eat breakfast. So now my eating schedule is as follows:

Morning: Oatmeal + honey
Morning snack: Trail mix
Lunch: Salad
Afternoon snack: Trail mix or granola bar
Dinner: Salad

It's definitely not easy to do, or at least it wasn't for me. I used to eat cheeseburgers, fries, pop tarts (ugh so yummy) , candy, burritos.. just about anything tasty. I also quit drinking coffee ( 3-4 cups a day for the last 15 years ) and switched to black tea... and soon I will switch to green tea.. then ultimately I wish to quit caffeine. Also cigarettes are on the roster to be cut out as well. What REALLY helped me make these changes was using a self-improvement sigil for weight loss/weight maintenance. It was written originally, " I am a healthy 165 lbs ". One morning I just woke up and started eating more healthily.. there wasn't really a pre-plan or anything... it just sort of.. happened. Sigils are definitely an effective way to change yourself.. IMHO.

Re: Seeking tips on Astral Travel and Ascension

Posted: Sat Apr 08, 2017 8:21 am
by Inanna
Akelta wrote:Hey lilith_arcana

For me, the greatest hinderance in the past to my astral travels has been my ability to focus. When my ability to focus wavers, so does my astral projection ability and I know that it is time to pull out my old exercises and start working on my focus and concentration again. I really like the dot exercise where you place a black dot on the wall and gaze at it only focusing on the dot and nothing else. It is one of those exercises that appears simple but has levels of mastery to it and it really helps with ones focus and concentration. I find it is easier to get into the astral state this way.
Please tell more! The first ever message I thought I got from Lord Lucifer was actually "Learn to focus" (still working on it.... lol). How do you apply it in astral projection though? Do you transition from your physical body into the astral one by focusing on the desire to astral project? Or do you focus on a sigil in your mind?