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Walking the Gates of the Necronomicon

Posted: Tue Feb 17, 2015 1:05 pm
by DoubleD
hello everyone, i am new here to the forum and only mildly seasoned in the dark disciplines. I am a follower of the Sumerian deities, both light and dark and will be walking my first gate from the Simon Necronomicon.

Has anyone walked the gates? I am bound to one of the deities from the pantheon and he has been very helpful in preparing me but are we ever prepared?

Anyway Just thought i would pose the question.

take care everyone

Re: Walking the Gates of the Necronomicon

Posted: Wed Feb 18, 2015 5:39 am
by GraveX
You can only prepare for future experiences within the path... Though, they are all drastically different from each other...

It's going to be a whole lot of fun and exciting twists, turns and unnatural angles...

From Cthulhu to Nyalathotep... Azathoth to Shub.... It's an excited adventure....
Depending on your mentality beforehand... It will change you...

Just embrace it...

Cthulhu Fhtagn...

Re: Walking the Gates of the Necronomicon

Posted: Wed Feb 18, 2015 7:53 am
by DoubleD
Thank you, great advice.

I started my journey into the Necronomicon accidentally, well maybe not accidentally.

I have a dear friend that loves to spend time in Turkey and the middle east and every time she comes back she brings me one of those little glass evil eye things. The gestures is so kind and thoughtful but each time i get them things in the house change for the worse. I am pretty sensitive to the energy here, to how my animals behave and how Joanne and I interact. We started fighting, I started feeling off and odd, just not myself. If I held it the vibration was just not comfortable.

I texted my clairvoyant (we are very good friends) and before we even talked about it she said I had something that I shouldn't. I told her I wasn't going to tell her what it was and that I would bring it to our next session. So I did.

She held it and said something was bound to it, something that didn't get along with my house or my energy. Of course this made me feel terrible because it was a gift. I asked what I could do and she was told that I could try to break the bind on it and release it. She was also told I should use Sumerian gods for this. Okay great, how on earth do I do that. She had never worked with Sumerians and knew nothing of them so didn't know, she just said that is what I am being told. So I set out to research, and of course it proved harder than I thought.

I stumbled across the only thing I could find and that was a copy of the Necronomicon spell book using the powers of Marduk. I read through the 50 names and powers and chose Aranun, or now I know he chose me. I drew his sigil, sat outside feeling like an idiot with my two white candles and the evil eye and performed the ritual. I did feel a tad bit strange like the book said I would but that could have been teh power of suggestion. I ended the session went upstairs to head to bed and while I was in the bathroom I could feel this very intense and odd energy, it dropped me to the ground. I felt some intense pain for a short second then I was fine. I got up, feeling dizzy and just plain off and headed to bed. I knew it was the ritual, I didn't feel bad just very off. I kept the eye in my shrine for a week, somethign told me to keep it there before bringing to my office.

So the next day and actually for an entire week I was overwhelmed with whatever I had done, something was different. I was light headed, ears ringing, my nerves on edge and just overall on edge. I didn't feel bad, just really really off again.

I reached out to my Clairvoyant and I asked her if I had messed up, invited something bad to come to me and if it was still there. She connected and then got back to me in about half hour, she said that it was Aranun and that he liked me, he wanted to stay and had chosen me. I told her I wasn't sure if I could function and work feeling like this and if she could ask him to leave. She said yes I can get him to leave but he doesn't want too, and she encouraged me to raise my vibrations to his level to hang with him. she said it was all a good thing.

So I did just that, it took me about two weeks of meditating in my shrine with him, asking him to be gentle and focusing on getting to a higher level. I use a pendulum and he seemed to like using that to communicate, so we forged a relationship. He has been with me ever since and he has indeed changed a lot for me. He is awesome.

We are not combined (his idea) and for the most part that has been fairly painless.

I still remember the first time my Clairvoyant saw him, I walked off the elevator to her office and she was there, she had the oddest look on her face and she looked up to my left then gave me a hug. It caught her off guard. As soon as we sat down for our session he started bullying her to join our energies, it was a funny exchange. She told him no, then spoke with me about it and said I should wait on this. I trust her completely so agreed, she had to call in her own powers to settle him down, he was super excitable.

He listened and waited until about three months ago to make that transition with me.

he is great, very helpful and what I have found to be the most interesting about him is he doesn't do for me, that which I should do for myself. I know he protects me but he lets me fight my own battles first.

I will write another post on my experience with two Sumerian djinn's and a case I went on with my paranormal group, it was incredible, all on tape and video. Two djinn having a conversation in Sumerian. I deciphered the language and what was said was amazing.

I haven't gone up against something quite that powerful or nasty.

ciao for now

Re: Walking the Gates of the Necronomicon

Posted: Wed Feb 18, 2015 8:12 am
by GraveX
I would recommend you get your hands on Necronomicon Gnosis by Asenath Mason...

It's a great read and delves further into the Cthulhu mythos rather than the Sumerian origin...

Look into it... You won't regret it...

Re: Walking the Gates of the Necronomicon

Posted: Wed Feb 18, 2015 11:00 am
by DoubleD
Will do, I have read all the Simon series, prefer those to the Joshua Tree series.

Re: Walking the Gates of the Necronomicon

Posted: Wed Feb 18, 2015 7:37 pm
by DoubleD
Tried to find a copy of the english version of the book, to no avail. Does anyone have a pdf of it?

Re: Walking the Gates of the Necronomicon

Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2015 7:44 am
by DoubleD
Gate 1 "Nanna" completed.

I did the ritual last night, today I am super tired and with a wicked headache but I think that is more about the fact that I couldn't get my asthma under control and I sucked down way too much albuterol.

It was a fairly smooth process, a little fumbling around while trying to read from my cards. I wore a headlamp since this is a candle only ritual, but my old eyes don't see well in the dark and reading Sumerian requires full vision. Nothing big happened while in the circle, nothing outside and nothing in the house but leading up to it the house did indeed become quite active. Someone was playing around upstairs Wed night, walking around, playing with one of my cats and yanking the bed remote control to the floor. Last night while I was on the couch (going over everything on the couch) my little bright circle orb friend was bouncing around on the ceiling and I saw some strange short creature in my hallway for a split second. I almost thought I was just imagining it due to anticipation but I chatted with my clairvoyant buddy and she confirmed that there was a lot in the house.

All seems calm today, I need to head to the gym and run a few miles to get the drugs and cobwebs out of my brain so I can begin to feel normal.

I read through all three of my Necronomicon books by Simon and I don't see reference to any of the entities menitoned above, there is no Chutulu in my gate line up. My stuff is based purely on the Sumerian mythos and driven more by Marduk than anyone.

I will have to read more on the others' after I get through this process.

ciao for now everyone