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Juno Jubilee- June 21th 2014 - Lord Flereous

Posted: Mon Jun 23, 2014 2:42 pm
by Akelta
Akelta: This seminar is on fire, passion, flames, cleansing and Lord Flereous is the demon who will be highlighted today. He is one of the Elemental Demon, the Fire Element.
Element: Fire
Enn: Ganic Tasa Fubin Flereous
Direction: South
Colour: Red, Orange
Month: June
Season: Summer
Ritual: Baptism, action, love, solstice.
Appearance: Flereous appears as a tall man with long red hair and red eyes.
Rituals involving Lord Flereous deal with love, passion, revenge, anything where you throw yourself into the flames. Very firey emotionally charged rituals.

reddogwillow: No wonder he's the topic for Summer Solstice!

Akelta: Yes, Summer being the time of the Sun, the sun is a very powerful symbol and also the source of life on our planet. It is also destructive and dangerous, death and rebirth. In a Balanced Demonolatry circle Lord Flereous is the fire element. I have used Azazel in the past but traditionally Flereous is the south direction fire element. I always like to have my altar facing south when I connect with Lord Flereous. As it is the direction that will make his most comfortable.

Nyctophilia: Flowers and Iron? And maybe lit candles.

Akelta: Good rituals to cast on his days are ones for love, finding and embracing your soul mate. But there is also a darker component to him. Just like the sun and fire can be a destructive force, so can he. Revenge and hate are also elements and darker rituals can be worked with him. Basically any ritual with passion and fire he will charge and help bring to fruition.

Satyra1: Nycto, red or orange candles and I will often *offer up* any fiery emotions. Passion, anger,

Nyctophilia: Satyra... thank you. But, given his name and possible french and latin derivatives... WOULD fleur and ferous be good offerings also?

Satyra1: hes not french lol but if you wanted to I suppose you could its about the intent behind your offerings � sure flowers are always good, but he's not an earth demon. usually i save flowers for earth demons but really i dont think they ever care so much about the actual offering more the intent behind it

LotusFlame: He can also help with healing rituals?

Satyra1: Lotus, I wouldnt invoke him solely for a healing ritual no, but I suppose if you needed the fire, you perhaps could invoke him as part of a healing.

Akelta: He can help with releasing. Fire burns and cleanses, the flames sometimes have to decimate a forest before new life can emerge. Sometimes the only way to move on, it to burn and destroy patters, beliefs, and behaviours that are holding you back.

arianna: offer up, before spending the next 10 minutes swearing and yelling about the guy who cut you off in traffic, say "and this is an offering to Lord Flereous, thank you for your contribution, glad to do bussiness with you"?

darklordmidnight: Offer the flames of passion

Akelta: @Ari, you can offer emotion. If there is something that is holding you back, anger, rage, hatred, you can work a ritual with him to send that energy back and burn it up, freeing yourself from its clutches.

arianna: @Akelta, any particular layout/example for such a ritual? And any way to work with him and honor him in a small way every day, if someone wanted to do such a thing for a certain amount of time?

Nyctophilia: I used Fire in my rebirthing, Akelta... it was a major part of my experiences... and is still a major part of my new life. In fact, it's become my main element.

Akelta: @ Nycto, fire is powerful for rebirthing, I think you have to go through the fire to reawaken. to embrace life again.

shadowdust: Akelta, does it work with lazy too?

Akelta: On the Tree of life for Demonolatry he also represent Yesod, foundation. The foundation of fire. There would be no life without the sun or the desire for life. It is from fire, which our universe began. Therefore it is the foundation of life and an essential element. Fire also represents desire, desire for life, knowledge and earthly pleasures. This is taken from The Complete Book of Demonolatry by S Connolly.

Nyctophilia: I believe life began with fire from the sky pounding the hell out of water and earth. Without all three, life could not exist. I also believe that life could not have survived without clustering close to the deepest parts of the oceanic floor... and now in the deepest parts of that floor, it clusters around fire to continue to survive. Fire is indeed the desire to survive.

Satyra1: lava rock is a great offering

Akelta: It is interesting you bring up volcanic rock; the soil around volcanoes it one of the most lush in the world, fertile and rich with nutrients. The cycle of death and rebirth. To Lord Flereous, volcanic rock is good, crystals fused from volcanoes…Garnet, Carnelian.

arianna: @akelta, this is exactly what I told you when I was trying to get you to love volcanoes a little more, lol

Akelta: @Ari, lol. I live between two active ones, I earned my leeriness

Nyctophilia: Akelta... I've been studying Hawaii - how dead rock comes to be the most fertile place on earth. It's fascinating. 

Akelta: @Nycto, Hawaii is a beautiful example of that, active rebirth and death.

arianna: volcanic rock in general abounds, so if you can't find it in nature where you live, you can buy a lot of pieces pretty cheap.

TheFancifulFox: obsidian is a volcanic glass, would that be good?

Akelta: @Foxy, yes obsidian I find is a great stone for Demons. My black mirror is actually a giant obsidian orb. Candles and a bonfire are also good for lord Flereous. I have an outdoor fire pit for tonight’s ritual. Red and Orange candles are good, you can use yellow as well, the colour of the Sun. When working with Flereous, also always show respect. Thank him for blessing your working and your rituals and show gratitude for his actions which are swift and unfailing.

TheFancifulFox: fire should always be respected

arianna: @Akelta, the "always show respect" part is just because we should always show respect to entities, or because he's quick to take offence or something? Cause I suppose if your element is fire then it's easier to get angry.

Akelta: @Ari - I just like to reinforce the respect. Demons are incredibly powerful beings and a lot of the problems that we have read about that happens to people are from them being rude and mean to the demons and ordering them around.

Galadraal: Shouldn't you ALWAYS be thankful and show gratitude?

Akelta: @Galadraal, exactly! lol it just should be a life lesson. Gratitude.

Nyctophilia: Fire is the most likely to swiftly kick you in the butt if you're not respectful of it.

Akelta: @Nycto, this is true, fire when it comes, it kicks hard and can send you deep into a rebirthing cycle where you learn your lessons, sometimes in a painful, but transformational way. Fire is interesting as it is so intense. It is a powerful teacher and can well, shift things in a sometimes violent manner. Like the forest fire. There are tribes that tend the flames and monitor the burning of the forest so that new life can grow. But sometime the flames rage out of control, and though at the end beautiful life will flourish, there is much destruction and tears, one of those decimating fires. So sometimes it is good to break down, to surrender to the flames and let the emotions flow so you can release and so it doesn’t build up. Cleanses can be like that and fire is a cleansing element. Just as it can destroy it clears out and frees us.

arianna: I'm just asking ,because I have difficulty to do rituals in a very serious, pompous manner. Like, if something goes wrong and it's funny, I'll laugh. So I prefer to work with entities who would understand I'm not laughing at then and that I'm respectful even if I laugh, if that makes any sense.

Akelta: @Ari- yes I prefer the flow of working with them from a pace of invitation and respect. Inviting them to join me and asking for their divine council.

arianna: I just always want to make sure that whoever I chose to work with would understand that too. That's why I've said before, I feel safer working with demons than with angels, because in my experience, angels don't leave you that much room for that kind of error. Like "We have a job to do and you laugh because the incense exploded? I'd better do something huge and painful to get you back on track" kind of thing

Nyctophilia: The soul and spirit of yourself can be respectful even when you're mouthy and joyful and full of laughing at silly stuff. 

LotusFlame: Can Lord Flereous help me with releasing pent up feelings and emotions as well?

Akelta: @Lotus - Yes you can work with him to release those blocks, and release the emotions, bringing them to light to deal with them.

Akelta: Some people have said, finding out they have a serious disease has actually freed them. They just let go and released everything, and this allowed them to heal and let go of what was causing the disease. Again we can return to surrender, surrendering to the flame and just letting go.

Nyctophilia: SO... this Flereous... he's like fire, too. Work with him cautiously... and be VERY careful what you ask for… because you WILL get it. Lol. I was respectful, but I asked for help from fire for my rebirth... I needed that kick... I needed the rough treatment because I had a lot of fire repression going on. I needed fire to roar. I had swallowed my fire down HARD. I needed the burn. 

Akelta: @Nycto, you words remind me of the forests that don’t have a burning yearly. The kind that build and build and then suddenly spark and there is a raging inferno that no one can contain.

Nyctophilia: Akelta... yeah, that's exactly what happened to me. I stifled my fires at 13. They didn't rekindle until halfway through my 35th year. OUCH. Things went to hell in a hand basket.

Akelta: @Nycto - yeah that is a lot of kindling that built up. Fire is emotional it can cause the tears to flow. This year has been amazing for me transformational, but yeah I have been through my moments of tears and raging emotions. Mammon actually was responsible for initiating my transformation. A few others and my coven sisters we all saw it coming. LOL

arianna: would this work with recurring emotions one may have had for years? Cause I had a pretty painful dream last night and I do believe it was Lilith's way of drawing my attention to something I thought was already gone, but apparently it was just hidden and not gone. 
 Akelta: This year has been amazing for me transformational, but yeah I have been through my moments of tears and raging emotions.

Nyctophilia: Aria... yes, I think it would work with that. It has for me. 

vixen: The thing about tears is that they represent something transitional, you are letting go of all the pain inside & releasing it through that... you are expelling those emotions & everything that caused them from you

arianna: This year has been a very transformational year for me too. Too many things crushed and burned and I was always in the middle of it all. But things are so much better now that it was totally worth it to experience all this pain so that I don't have to carry it with me every day anymore. 

Akelta: @Ari - it seems to be a year for that. Really it was about letting go and jut shattering all these stories that were no serving me and as they crashed and burned, sure it sucked at the time. But I would do it again in a heartbeat.

arianna: yeah, it was like that for me too Akelta. But I totally asked for it, it was the first time that I said "you know, %%%%% everything! If you can assure me that I'll be happy with the end result, let the sky fall if you need to! I won't try to micromanage everything anymore, just do what you feel is right!"

Nyctophilia: You know... since everyone is talking about transformation... you should all be aware... this is the dark half of the year... the shadow half. This is the half where you deal with the subconscious... the death half, the transitional. The resting half.

TheFancifulFox: so tread lightly.... 

Nyctophilia: If you have hidden stuff... this is the time to start to face it and bring it to the surface to deal with it. This is the time to go into your own personal underworld. This IS the time for death and rebirth. This is Persephone's Hour.

Akelta: OK, that is it, I have to work with Persephone, this is the 10th time I have heard her name today. @Nycto- oh goody, I have already been dealing with it. I guess now the real patterns are about to be released. lol

arianna: Persephone? Weird, I’ve heard about her a lot these past few days too, I was actually listening to a podcast about someone working with her just today.

Nyctophilia: Every time I greet Hades, She shows up next to Him lately... been doing that for over a Moon or so. 

arianna: I've never met Hades, how is he in person?

Akelta: I find Hades Hot, very just and fair. Dreamy and %%%%%! Hot

Nyctophilia: Persephone is more than just Queen of the Dead, Ari... She's queen of thresholds, and Queen of Wheat and Reaping. She's a prosperity deity. Do you need prosperity in some form in your life that ISN'T money? Is there some lack, some blockage in your life right now? Something that needs to be laid to rest so that the blockage can be removed and prosperity can be returned? Because that's what She does.

Akelta: Persephone is the one I have been called to work with as well. There is something I need to learn from her.

Nyctophilia: Hades is the Realm of the Dead, and MONEY. Riches. Jewels, material wealth... but Persephone's wealth is much wider than that. Hers is prosperity far beyond that.

Akelta: This is why hades is sexy to me, LOL me and the ones who deal with Money. He is physically gorgeous as well, his energy though is amazing.

Nyctophilia: Hades is one of my Patrons... but His Beloved has been showing up a lot Lately, and only this week have I finally understood what She's been up to. The perfect way to describe them as a couple… Devoted. He's never cheated on Her, and She's never cheated on Him. They are Devoted to each other. Despite the stories told about how she became wedded to Him, They are very much a Power Couple. Lol

Akelta: I agree with what Nycto says. They were a very devoted couple.

arianna: @Nycto, I think whatever I have to understand has to do with their relationship

Nyctophilia: They talk about the Rape of Persephone, but me thinks the Lady doth Protest too much.. and that Lady is Her MOTHER... I think it's just Mom 13itching because the Marriage was arranged without Mom knowing anything... but Persephone seems fine with the whole deal. I think you'll be surprised. They are comfortable, companionable, and there is a subtle joy between them.

Akelta: The underworld realms are so fascinating they have such depth. It is interesting as a lot of Demon lord are very devoted to their significant others. They are honest and upfront with them and they have very strong relationships.

Galadraal: are there any hot sexy ones that WILL fool around with mere mortals?

Akelta: @ Galadraal, depends on their arrangement. Some have a more open relationship. Others are single. Lol

LotusFlame: Does Lord Flereous also work with the black flame?

Akelta: @Lotus, he works with all flames, that can cleanse and burn, and he understands the very nature of fire. I find him most strong though with the Sun flames, the power of summer and rising sun.

Re: Juno Jubilee- June 21th 2014 - Lord Flereous

Posted: Mon Jun 23, 2014 6:39 pm
by Galadraal
thank you so much for posting this. The notes I took are on small post it notes :-)

Re: Juno Jubilee- June 21th 2014 - Lord Flereous

Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2014 8:19 am
by Eilana
Wonderful! thank you ^-^ <3
Nyctophilia: Flowers and Iron? And maybe lit candles.

Satyra1: Nycto, red or orange candles and I will often *offer up* any fiery emotions. Passion, anger,

Nyctophilia: Satyra... thank you. But, given his name and possible french and latin derivatives... WOULD fleur and ferous be good offerings also?

Satyra1: hes not french lol but if you wanted to I suppose you could its about the intent behind your offerings � sure flowers are always good, but he's not an earth demon. usually i save flowers for earth demons but really i dont think they ever care so much about the actual offering more the intent behind it
So I am not the only one who thought to offer flowers :devillove: