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Building your Spiritual Fortress

Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2013 4:24 pm
by Akelta
When walking any spiritual path it is important to be protected and shielded and work towards creating an impenetrable fortress around yourself. This will alleviate most headaches of being attacked by entities or other practitioners and give you a good foundation to deal with any major attacks that happen. The more fortified your fortress is the more malicious beings/practitioners are likely to leave you alone.

An impenetrable fortress can take time to build up. Obviously there are many factors that come into play when creating this spiritual fortress. Having high level familiars and deities protecting your and watching your back is a definite boost. But also knowing your own energies and being able to defend yourself when an attack does happen at close range... Which has happened to me in the past.

So how does one create this. Basically it involves developing core skills and having great familiars. Some of your know my journey began when I was small child. I was in bed getting ready to fall asleep and I will never forget what happened that night. I saw them, these BA entities came into my room and basically tormented me. Now at my young age thanks to my Great Grandmother I knew enough that I surrounded myself in a circle of my stuffed animals. A Creative child protection shield. The shield kept them out but I had to stay awake to keep the shield up to ensure they stayed out... Childhood insomnia....

This went on for a couple nights, and I realized I just could not keep this up, I was exhausted and taking naps through the day and terrified of the night. I asked for help and got to meet Prince V, who was to be passed to me upon the death of my great grandmother. Prince V, cleaned house and basically chased the BA entities away so that I could sleep and he watched over to me to make sure I was safe. This was when I learned that having powerful friends is important.

At this time I began to learn the core skills of a good magickal foundation.

Protection shields - I was always good at these. I got my first chance to use a more advanced one when my friend and I were attacked at her house. I started with the white light protection shield and have since evolved my line of shields to include many colours including my beautiful and powerful black energy shield. This is your basic defence. If you are attacked a protection shields is the first things that is going to protect you (unless your familiars are high level and tuned into an attack and stop it), but sometimes things get through or happen so a shield will provide that extra level of protection and, depending on how powerful the shield is, might prevent the entire attack in the first place.

Awakening Psychic Abilities- I have always had a very powerful third eye. It caused problems in my youth at times because it was so powerful. As I learned to control it I learned to analyze and translate spiritual energies and identify and connect with many different beings, deities and familiars. It was fantastic. The world was mystical and magickal to me, i felt so alive and inspired all the time. My dreams were filled with imagery and wonder. I could manipulate events in my favour (I won the Christmas gingerbread house draw at my school 2 years in a row and won a variety of other contests)

Grounding - Haha this one came a bit late for me, but I learned grounding and balance of my energies. I learned how stay firmly planted in the ground and use it to awaken confidence and Charisma. When you are grounded you can come from a position of strength and power and when you are vibrating strong grounded energies certain malicious entities will not challenge you for fear you will hurt them. A grounded person is a force to be reckoned with, they radiate solid powerful energies and can help to guide and lead others to awaken their own abilities.

Mental Mastery and Focus - From there I discovered mental exercises and practises that I committed to. This conditioned and trained my mind. This is essential as when your mind is clear and focused you can access higher psychic abilities and hear the messages of the spiritual world with precision and clarity. It also helps you to develop you natural gifts and master them. Communication with familiars also increases when your mind is disciplined, trained and focused. This is a great for spiritual development. A clean and focused mind can also make spells and rituals stronger.

Over the years developing these skills and abilities they become stronger and almost instinctual. Your shields will naturally stay up or activate when your senses pick up danger. It is like martial arts, the more your practise and develop your skills the deadlier you will be. As I grew with each encounter with a malicious spirit/practitioner I became stronger and my fortress became stronger. My familiars worked in the background as well to develop shields and basically build a spiritual protection grid.

This grid took many years to develop and it still grows as time goes on and I encounter new challenges. I remember when I was younger I would watch my back and do my morning ritual of casting my shield and making sure it was still up throughout the day. I would check in with Prince V and make sure there were not any malicious creatures lurking. As time went on my shields stayed up. I found more familiar friends and my fortress was created. Then one day it happened. I just felt safe and secure and knew that things were being handled.... Now I feel a sense of security and know that not only am I well protected but I have built up a spiritual basis to defend myself against anyone or anything that would try to harm me, my family or friends.

It can take time to build up these defences and craft your fortress, but as you grow and if you learn these essentials you will wake up one day and find it will just click and come together. You will feel safe, you will feel protected and you will just know what to do if a malicious entity or practitioner tries something.

Re: Building your Spiritual Fortress

Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2013 6:51 pm
by Gaylani
Thank you Akelta for these guidelines!

Re: Building your Spiritual Fortress

Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2013 8:38 pm
by Nightraven14
That was an excellent read Akelta! Having a strong foundation can really help ease the fear and doubt I have.

Re: Building your Spiritual Fortress

Posted: Sat Feb 23, 2019 4:19 pm
by 1(13)666(13)1