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The Ominous Clown Graveyard: Writing Event

Posted: Fri Apr 05, 2024 4:04 pm
by ysabeau
Writing Journey
The Clown Graveyard of Madness


This is a creative Writing event. It is one of imaginative exploration and fantastical release. Unleash your creative desires and surrender your will to the darkness of the Carnivale. During this exercise you will be called to share a story from the depth of your soul. A story that rises from the deep and presents itself to you. There is only one criteria for entering this event and that is the story must be at least 500 words long. Aside from that, your imagination is your guide and you can write about anything that comes to your mind. This is a story that is shared with the darkness of the soul.

You find yourself walking, you are walking away from the Carnival, you have no idea where you are going and you have no idea what is calling you. The world around you is shifting. It is getting darker and it is getting more surreal and sinister. There is a low-lying fog that covers the ground. The shadows seem to swallow the sun and there is only a deep blue hue in the sky. You wonder if it is night but there is still a slight remnant of the brightness of the sun. You continue walking down the path. The myst is growing and there is a foreboding feeling in the air.

You approach the ends of a graveyard. It is vast and long. There are graves stretched out before you. They seem to be endless. You wonder if you have slipped into another world as the energy of this place is so different form that of the Carnival. It is sombre and sullen.

In the distance you see a figure up ahead and you heed the sound of metal hitting dirt. There is someone up ahead digging. Curiosity getting the better of you, you begin to inch forward. You are curious and want to see who is this figure and what are they doing. Are they trying to hid something, or are they digging something up? These are the question that you seek to answer.

You inch closer and you see him. Siioow the Jester of the Carnival. He is wearing a black and white clown outfit. His hands are dirty and his clothes a bit disheveled. He has been working hard to dig. You try to get close enough to see what is found in the hole and suddenly you hear his voice.

I've been expecting you.

You jump and look up, your eyes meet his, you are not sure whether to run away or stay. It is almost like he has hypnotized you with his eyes and you are frozen in place.

He grins looking at you. That mischievous, dire grin. You are frozen in place. He knows though why you are here, he knows why you have come.

This he starts…

This is where all clowns go to die! He states boldly.

This is a place of darkness, where the stories and comical chronicles of one's life.. stop

All mortals die and it is such a shame, such a shame, for the knowledge and stories that they take with them. It is robbed from the world. It is robbed from them. Their experiences and their mark on the world..... Come, sit with me, we will revive the past and listen to a tale that once was forgotten to the world.

His grin gets wider as a black orb manifests from him. It illuminates the area in pure darkness. You are still frozen in place watching and captivated by the display before you. The dark orb begins to pulse as light shoots from it. The light blasts into the ground as Siioow smirks. He knows what is going to happen for he has done this before.

Suddenly from the Earth, a hand emerges and your ears are graced with a mournful wail. Your eyes go wide as from the ground emerges a Zombie. A zombie of a dead clown. The sounds from his mouth are anguished and forlorn and he carries himself in a sombre way. Having been once the centre of joy and happiness, he has now been lost to the world and lost to time. Siioow though remembers him. He researches and remembers the great ones, the ones who still had stories to share and performances to reveal. He looks at you.

The story of the Clown is not always happy. They have anger, they have sadness, they just have the ability to always find the joy and the comedy in the situation. They make light of life so that others can laugh and feel the joy. It is a rewarding if heartbreaking job.

Come sit. he motions you… Come sit and we will hear the story this one has to share. Let us hear his words and honour him one last time as he shares a story from his soul.

You suddenly feel your limbs release. You have a choice right now… do you run back to the Carnivale, or do you sit with this demonic Clown to hear a tale from this reanimated Zombie…. The choice is yours…

What story was revealed to you. Write the story the Zombie clown has shared with you and paste it below!!

Re: The Ominous Clown Graveyard: Writing Event

Posted: Sat Apr 06, 2024 12:18 pm
by Austine1234
The darkness of the soul is veil, obescure and conciled .They is also wisdom, transformation and strength to it.

The soul is the play ground for mortal to experience it all, joy and anger, pain and ease, laughter and suffering. Mortals must learn from the struggle of raise and fall .... the clowns raises from the energies of raise and fall and so must mortal learn. " Mortals must learn from the pains and suffering, Joy and laughter of life, for after that he is gone.

The soul reavels the darkness of veil, obescurity and concilment and also wisdom, transformation and strength... 'for mortals must learn to go through the veil of darkness to find wisdom, in other to escape the damming energy of rasie and fall."

Re: The Ominous Clown Graveyard: Writing Event

Posted: Fri May 31, 2024 5:15 pm
by Bluemoonrabbit
A tale as old as time. But it doesn't rhyme.
It doesn't matter if it did.
You couldn't right it out,
Or write it out.
You can't twist it or gnaw it,
It's just as old as time.
Teeth can't gnash, bones
Won't bend.
Time is old,
But the tale as old as time,
Is older.
You can't fix what can't be broken,
You can't change what isn't your workings.
It's not your place,
Time is as old as a tale.
Time is nothing, but everything.
Dead men, good women.
Dead women, good men.
All old news, in the tale as old as time itself.