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Welcome to the Festival

Posted: Mon Oct 02, 2023 9:34 am
by ysabeau

The Tempest Festival of Death Storms

The world of demons is profound and incredible
It is a place beyond our world with strange and surreal aspects
Complexity forgiven to us

The Outer Spiritual World is a place of wonder
With events and seasons unknown to us here
Within the Outer Spiritual World
They have all that we have
And more

The Realms of the Tempest Demon are phenomenal
Places of massive mountain ranges
And powerful storms

Just as we have our own time of darkness here
So to do they
A time of darkness
The time of the Death Storms

What are the Death Storms?

During the Season of Death Storms
The Dead Rise
They Rise as does the Death Storm

The Death Storm is a time when the wild winds howl
They storms thunder and bellow
And the sky is full of ghosts
Ghosts that howl
Ghosts that ride the winds
Ghosts that soar through the sky

During the Season of Death Storms
The Dead soar through the air
Rise from the darkness
Rise from the deep
And are part of the storms
They are part of the winds
They are part of world

To the Tempest Demons
This is a time of great celebration!
They celebrate the energies of the Death Storms
They celebrate the essence of death
That rises and flows through their realm
And they celebrate the rising dead!

There are vast parties in the Tempest Realms
They are feasts
The Demons Dress as the Dead
And Dance with them through the night
They Eat special food only available during this season
They call the dead to join them
They call the dead to walk with them
They will create art with the dead
Decorate their cities to align with the dead
It is a pure season of spooky celebration!

There are markets
The Storm Bringers and Storm Necromancers come to embrace the energies of the death storm
It is a time of power and incredible magick
Deep and sacred rituals are performed
And the energies are ripe with Darkness

It is an incredible Celebration!
And we are invited to join them
We are invited to join the Tempest Demons
For this Spooky and Spectacular time of the year!

The Celebration!

We are invited to the Realm of Thrunos
To Celebrate with the Tempest Demons who Reside here
We will share in their celebration
And share in this holiday of death and darkness

We are also invited to participate in a journey
A journey into Darkness
A Journey into the Heart of a Haunted Mine

The dead rise in the Tempest Realms
They do not just rise in the sky
And they do not just ride on the storms

Within the tempest realms
There are great mines
Where crystals, gems, and precious metals are found

The Tempest Demons Prefer the Air
They prefer the open sky
To venture into the mine
Is already uncomfortable to many

So tight
So constricted
Is there enough air to breath?
Are you going the right way?
The darkness of the mines
Induces madness.

During the Deadly Storms
Not only death rises in the deep
Sleeping monsters
And creatures lost to time
Stir from their slumber

Some days, the Warlock Shake their Heads
And give warning
About venturing to deep.

What sinister darkness has rises in the depth of the mine?

This Halloween Season
The Tempest Demons
Have invited us into the Darkness
They have invited us to the Celebration of Death Storms
And to experience the terror
Of the Heart of the Haunted Mine!

Come and Meet our Demon Hosts!

Posted: Mon Oct 02, 2023 11:58 am
by ysabeau

With the beautiful and powerful Festival of the Death Storm upon us.... we bring to you the phenomal Tempest Demons that are going to be your gracious hosts. Come and visit with them through this event.


The Ruler of Thrunos, Ruling with her lovers King Ukryn
and Prince Nalthu. She is a powerful and mighty Queen who
rules her kingdom with dignity and prosperity. She is fair
and virtuous Queen Aad she loves the dark times of the
year. She gladly opens her realm for us to travel and
participate in these incredible festivities

She loves when the dead rise and the darkness awakens
Her Kingdom is one that goes all out when it comes to
Celebrating. She takes great care to prepare the realm
and holds massive ceremonies and celebrations where both
demon and the dead can join and attend. When the storms
rise the dead come in many forms those who seek company
and celebration are welcome!

She loves everything that is spooky and macabre, at all times
of the year the Kingdom is a Gothic marvel full of horrific and
Incredible decorations. She loves everything that is dark, spooky,
and macabre. Her decorations are very tasteful and incredible
and she is very creative. Show her pictures of your Halloween
Decorations to delight her.

She takes her duties as Queen very seriously and she is known
as an incredible ruler she believes in believe a true leader and
making sure that the lives of her people are tended too and taken
care of. She has their support, adoration, and love. She is very
wise and believes that ceremony and celebration are very important.

She has red hair that she styles and wears with a brilliant crown,
She has light pink eyes and her dresses are very dark and gothic,
as is her Make-up. She is very beautiful. She has long black horns
that rise above her head which she decorates with gothic jewellery.
She has black wings and a Black tail and she move gracefully.


The King of Thrunos, serving his Queen
assisting her in her royal duties and
responsibilities. He assist with the preparation
of the events and is heavily responsible for its
protection and defence. He knows the dangers
of this time of the year and he knows the nature
of the sinister spirits who wander especially during
this time of the year.

He also is concerned over the state of the mine
and has ceased all operations
until it is deemed safe
Some went missing
Some they are still searching for
and those who returned…. were found mutated
Disfigured, deformed…
there is something awful going on in the darkness
of the mine.

He is skilled with many different forms of protection
and defence. He is skilled in a form of necromancy
that involves dealing with the sinister and violent dead.
He is also a skilled warrior and strategist. He knows how
to defend his kingdom and his Queen.

During this time of celebration he erects powerful
wards to keep the kingdom safe. He ensures that
it’s residents can enjoy the energies of this season
and enjoy the dead who wander and wish to celebrate.
He takes great care to keep the kingdom safe so that
nothing nefarious will enter. He works with Kyldra to
ensure that they are always prepared for whatever the
weather throws at them.

He is tall and muscular with Styled Dark blue hair and
black eyes. He usually wears armour and a crown and
he looks regal and proud. He has massive black horns
that rise above his head and black wings and a tail
With blue highlights. He has a stern stoic expression and
he can be very hard to read at times.


The other spouse of Queen Zulra, he is a prince who knows his stuff
When it comes to decorating and throwing lavish parties, he loves
A celebration and he loves a good party and he knows how to decorate
And create ambiance and atmosphere in everything that he does.

He is responsible for decorating the kingdom and ensuring that activities
Are organized and planned. He is incredible when it comes to organizing
And coordinating events and he helps his Queen by going all out with decorations
Celebrations, and festivities. He loves to plan lavish feasts and do things
For the kingdom. He is the favourite of the three monarchs and he is the
Most social.

He is very social and is the life of the party, speaking to everyone and ensuring
That everyone is well taken care of and that they are having a great time.
He also is responsible for communicating with the people and ensuring that
They are happy, protected, and that they have what the need. Those who have
Concerns speak with him and he takes action to fix problems that he finds.
He is a great problem solver.

He has styled black hair with purple streaks and his eyes are bright red and fiery
He is very stylish in the way he dresses and he has large red and black horns that
Rise from his head. His wings are red and black as is his tail. He is very
Friendly and approachable, if you have any questions in the realm, look for him.


She loves the storms, the violent the better!
She is a Necromaner of Thrunos
And she is on the council of the Queen
She hears teh whispers of the dead
And she knows when the Deadly Storms Approach

She will sound the warning when the sinister dead descend upon the city
She knows when the spirits are restless
And when they seek vengeance and violence
There are many storms to watch for during this seasons
She has studied them and knows them all

She knows the dead that will approach
And she knows when the violent winds will arrive
She is in tune with the elements
And in tune with the storm element of Death
She is wise and powerful and she serves the Royal Council
With loyalty and Dedication.

She has long flowing blond hair and vibrant light blue eyes
She wears black necromancer robes and has black skeletal wings on her back
Her tail is black with a white mark on it, she has red horns that rise above her head
And she radiates power and purpose.


She is in tune with the creatures of darkness within the mine
She knows them and she understands them
A powerful warlock who understands the currents of darkness
And readily embraces the monstrous essence of her world

She loves the mines and creatures that dwell within
Something sinister stirs
She has felt the disturbance and asked for aid in solving the mystery
What is upsetting the monsters of the deep
What is causing this great disturbance in the sanctity of the mine

Something sinister lurks in the shadows
She asks your aid in uncovering the mystery
And bringing to her information of what is happening in the darkness
There is more terror in the darkness then you can imagine
Are you brave enough to venture?

She wears very skimpy clothes and outfits that she can move with ease in
She has long white hair that is alwasy styled and held back by different jewelled headbands
She has deep purple eyes and she has purple horns that rise above her head
She has deep purple and indigo wings
And her tail is a magnificent indigo colour

Come Join the Festivities
And Join the Fun

The Tempest Realm Awaits!