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Tea Chat: Making Grimoires

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2022 2:11 pm
by windyjune
May 27, 2022- Making Grimoires


Today we will discuss crafting grimoires with demons. To begin we must first answer, what is a grimoire? A grimoire is quite simply a book that contains spiritual or magical work that you do. In the process of its creation, you can choose any book or notebook you wish to utilize. Within it you can have writings, drawings, or sketches. You can create magick with different spiritual beings or even just your own energies as you build your grimoire. It’s a place that contains the record of your magical work. You can have grimoires that are physical as in a notebook or online versions like a blog to contain it. There are many ways to create one and you can be as creative as you wish to be with it.

Creating a grimoire with spirit companions or with demons is something that Akelta enjoys doing. Over the years she has created volumes of many different grimoires. One of Akelta’s favorite gifts is the leather notebooks her stepmother gifts her every year. She likes to have an individual grimoire for each of her companions and every dark lord that she works with. When Akelta begins to work with a specific companion she gets a grimoire (notebook) she wants to dedicate to them. This will contain all the work that they do together, what they teach her, the projects they do together, as well as experiences from dreams or reality. The grimoires will contain all the work they do together, which becomes sacred.

Once you have the grimoire (notebook) it will turn into a record of your time together, so Akelta will dedicate it to that companion through a ritual. She will place the notebook in their altar and do a ritual by saying “this is a record of our work; a tome of our journey together please add your energies to it” after this it will be a gateway for you to connect. You can also use your grimoire as a point of contact to your companion because as you write about them and detail your journey together it will enhance your connection and improve communication. In addition to your journey, you can write about your communication sessions to detail your preferred method, results, and what you received. It becomes a record that you can look back to. After doing a ritual to dedicate the grimoire you can ask them to come forth to add their energies and cast magick together. Thus, after this the grimoire could also act as its own altar to them.

If you have a virtual grimoire, you can still do a ritual for it too. Let’s say you want to create a blog that you can dedicate to a companion. You would ask them to come forward and to enhance/add their energies to the blog or virtual space. Akelta has some online programs that she has cast things onto so when she opens it, she can connect to them and download the information better. On top of writing things, you can create sketches, draw sigils in the grimoire or download rituals and spells to conduct. It’s something for you and your companions on your magical journey, so it’s about figuring out what you want it to look like and what you want to do with it.

Types of Grimoires

A grimoire can contain many different fields of interest it could be a place to document psychic development, manifestation, rituals, dedicated to a specific companion or dark lord, or simply your day-to-day journey with them. Akelta has grimoires dedicated to many different topics one example is conjuring. In her conjuring grimoire it contains all of her notes, experiences, explorations, and guides to name a few things. She has very specific grimoires that she works with, and some with certain companions.

One wonderful possibility is creating a grimoire specifically designed for manifesting. You can have grimoires with companions dedicated to manifesting specific things. If you have a companion skilled in manifestation you can create a grimoire that will aid you in manifesting. By adding to it, it will further help you create and bring that thing to your life.

As mentioned, you can have a different grimoire for companions or even the different dark lords that you work with. Akelta likes to dedicate and create one or a few pages to the companion she is working with in the grimoire before they start to do the work. When you take your grimoire out with you and weave magick with it, it’s so powerful. Another grimoire Akelta created is dedicated to her rituals. These rituals range from protection, various circles, opening energy spaces, talking to the dead, and all the rituals from the Queen Mary video within it.

You can have various spaces that you write in your grimoire for example a specific location to write it. Try to turn the grimoire writing process into a ritual, it can fun. To begin you can light some candles or diffuse essential oils to create the atmosphere for it. Enjoy the energies of what you are exploring and writing/typing. Journaling and creating a grimoire is meant to be a creative process. It is about you and the direction you wish to take it and who you want to dedicate it to. Remember the words you weave into the grimoire will become powerful.

What can you add in the grimoire?

For the grimoires that you dedicate to your companion you can draw their sigil, write their enn, or elect to write information from their scroll in the pages of the notebook. Writing stories, spells that they share with you, and rituals that you do together are all fantastic things to include. Grimoires are great for detailing the things your companions share with you whether it is funny or serious. You can write what you appreciate about your companion in the grimoire as well as any goals you are working on together. It’s great to incorporate things that are personal to you and mean a lot. Including art that your companions inspire you with will also help add to the energies. You can also include similar aspects when you create grimoires for the Dark Lords that you work with, you can have different indexes where you write in the grimoire.

Any dreams you have with your companion or astral experiences are also wonderful things to include in your grimoire. Dreams can take you places and there’s a subconscious element within it which can offer deep meanings to our lives. Therefore, a good tactic is to write the dream in the book and work with your companion to decode it. You can ask your companion to help you find messages in the dreams. We all have our individual dream language so learning to decode the symbols is important. Your demons can help you with lucid dreaming and this can be a component added to the grimoires. Additionally, your companions can help with guided experiences, which is another great option to mention in your work together.

As you continue to develop your grimoire you can add incantations to connect with your companion or rituals to do together. If you plan to do a ritual with your companion you can write it out including the method, desired results, and any materials you require. Writing these details will help you build up your energy connection between you and your companion, so the book will become an energy point where you can work together and connect. The grimoire creates a massive manifestation point that you can take with you which is another great benefit. You can have code words between you and your companion or secret messages you write in there. Anything can go in there if you think of it. For online ones you have the benefit of your phone being often easily accessible so even if you travel you can do so with your grimoire virtually and connect that way.

Why should someone make a grimoire?

It’s a bridge between the physical and the spiritual world, so when you are creating the grimoire, you are adding energy to that space. This lets you create a bridge between yourself and the spiritual world. It is also a good habit to keep track of your progress and experiences. Grimoires give you a space to reflect and allow you to improve upon things that you tried or experienced. It allows you to make decisions to expand on certain practices, or you can document and follow the development of an interesting topic with your companion. Making grimoires lets you go deeper into a lot of things, and it can be a sacred connection point between you and your companions as well.

How do you start a grimoire on a budget?

Akelta recommends the dollar store for notebooks, this is what she actually did when she first started out. Back in the day she would even use pens she received from hotels to dedicate to her writing the grimoires. For online versions of a grimoire, you can look into free apps or with a physical copy to start with a pen and a cheap notebook. Magick is found in words and in the process of weaving words into your notebooks, so there are many ways to create these energies and connection points.

Is it better to write the grimoire physically or to type it?

That depends on the individual. If you find more connection and ease from physically writing do that however if you enjoy typing it and find a deeper connection that way, do that. There are ways to create online grimoires that are beautiful and elaborate. Any medium is fine as long as it works for you- that will make it a good choice. You need to create your practice based on what works for you. There’s no one right way to do things, only what is the best for you.

How do you dedicate a virtual grimoire to a companion?

First select the program that you will use and then Akelta recommends uploading your demon’s sigil to it. As you’re working on it you can chant their enn or set your intent in the beginning saying something along the lines of “this virtual grimoire will belong to my personal companion on this day, we will work together on this journey and explore and uncover many secrets together”. This is an example of how you can phrase it however you can say anything you desire.

Dedicating a grimoire is about setting the intention. If it will be based off of something specific you can say, “we will work on necromancy or we will explore the realms of the dead or explore dark magick”. If you enjoy creating or drawing art, you can also place that into the grimoire. Through the grimoire you can offer art to your companion, create something together with your companion, or you can add sigil art. If you did this virtually you can save new files for different companions. There are lots of online programs you can utilize to make a grimoire. Notion is a good program that Akelta recommends.

How does Akelta begin to form a grimoire?

Akelta prefers to simply begin writing things down. Some people like to organize their grimoire in advance and make indexes. In Akelta’s online grimoires she has set up indexes but, in her books, she usually writes it as she goes. Usually, she writes everything online first and then will copy it down into a physical version in her book. She learned not be to upset over formatting the grimoires because it stopped her from creating. Now Akelta just writes and lets it evolve as she goes along.

What would Akelta recommend for someone whose method of organizing is messy?

Akelta says her desktop is incredibly messy, so she likes to write things into her notepads to have an index of where everything is located. She creates indexes so she knows where things are, and will use the index feature on her computer, or resort to memory. Akelta likes to use code words to keep track of things and has her own chaotic way to keep things organized. However, don’t worry about organization if it’s not your preference. If you thrive in organized chaos go for it, everyone is different.

How to do one grimoire for multiple demons?

You can have multiple chapters dedicated to each demon or you can have a dedicated grimoire to a group of demons. If you are all working on something specific together you can combine it or if it’s different things, you can choose to separate it into sections. If you wished within the grimoire, you could write about how the energies align altogether in the grimoire.

If you wanted to dedicate a grimoire to multiple demons, you could create a ritual to have them all join in and add to the energy of the book together. They can all come and add their desired elements to the book.

Can you have too many grimoires?

You can do as many as you’d like. It’s more about how many you can handle. For some people they prefer to have a few, others will have a lot. Stephen King for instance has written so many books in a short span of time and he thrives in it yet for others it takes a long time to even write one, it depends on the individual. If you feel overwhelmed Akelta suggests focusing on one at a time and build from there.

Any online examples of grimoires?

During Akelta and Eilana’s filming with a YouTube group called Overnight at the Queen Mary Akelta brought her own grimoire dedicated to the ritual work. The banishing ritual to banish sludge that is up in the blog is another example of what is in the grimoire.

Can you have specific writing tools for the grimoire?

Yes, you can have special pens that are dedicated to a companion or to write in a specific grimoire.

What grimoire is Akelta working on now?

Akelta has several she is working on now. She is currently transcribing all the spells the coven does like the big rituals on the site into one book. These include the spells they do in the paranormal sites they visit, and it will include the rituals they’ll put up on YouTube. Akelta has another book she is working on where she is writing out the reiki rituals that she was taught because she used to have a reiki master teach her all the techniques. Since then, the demons have worked with Akelta and they have expanded off of that. She is writing out all the levels and the demonic healing practices she learned on top of that. The third one is a journal that includes a general overview of her daily experiences.

Akelta also has her main personal grimoires that she works on for her companions like Tiger since they do a lot of work together. She also has an online one that she has begun for the necromancers that she works with. She loves collecting and writing in journals. She has journals with different conjuring notes, things she experienced or is exploring, there are many things you can choose to write or draw.

Manifest with Grimoires

If you wish you can dedicate a grimoire to manifestion. When you are crafting it you can write out the manifestation you wish to have, the method you used, the demon you’re working with to achieve it and the results. In this space it’s great to record any of the manifestations you do get. This allows you to see what manifestation methods work best for you and which demons are working with you to manifest and to bring into reality what you wish.

What’s a good rule of thumb for timelines to manifest?

It depends on how many blocks are present. Manifestation is an art. Akelta’s mentor when he first began to practice manifestation, would take a couple of months however he trained and got to a point where he could manifest something in 30 minutes. The way to improve is to train that ability and to work on focus to put time and attention into it. When you have the energies moving in the direction you want, and you need to know how to clear the energies, so it’ll come about more quickly. Most people will usually sabotage their manifestations because they think they can’t or there are limiting beliefs inside of them. The manifestation energies will hit those thoughts if they aren’t removed and can hinder it. Often the delay will happen when we are blocked with doubts or limiting thoughts. Once you see the tangible results begin it becomes easier for your mind to get out the way and trust the process to allow something to manifest which speeds it up.

In the beginning it could take months to bring about manifestations and depending on what it is, it can take longer. Akelta has had some things take a few years to manifest but those were big things. Start by practicing manifestation with smaller things, it’s all the same but for us its usually easier to envision having smaller things first. Begin with small things and it’ll give you more confidence when trying to manifest the larger things later. Aim to try to manifest things throughout the day. This is also where a grimoire can be a handy way to keep track of it.

Akelta has a grimoire specifically dedicated to everything her demons manifest for her. Making a list allows you also to see who is good at manifesting what, as some are better at manifesting specific things more than others. This can help you see the patterns and their true talents will start to shine. If you know your companions’ preference and capability in manifestation it can also help you recognize when one of your companions is trying to get your attention. It can be a great indicator for who is trying to communicate with you. From there you can add your energies to manifest together. There are ways to manifest with your companions and blend your energies to get what you want.

Extra Questions

How to tell if it’s really Mammon and not an imposter?

What Akelta likes to do is when you connect with a Dark Lord make sure that you have a spiritual foundation set first. A spiritual foundation means you know how to ward, cleanse, banish, shield, ground, and how to define your space. When Akelta first contacted Mammon she was told to read a list of books first. He wouldn’t even talk to her at first because he said she didn’t have the necessary understanding of certain concepts yet. These concepts were necessary as a base for any of the things he would later share. If he told it to her then it wouldn’t make sense and he couldn’t help her. It wasn’t until she did the work could she understand it, which is why she got homework first. After she finished her studying and reading all the books on the list, he could begin to help her and has ever since.

An imposter on the other hand will often promise you things but you’ll begin to feel that things don’t feel right, or things will begin to fall apart. For Mammon specifically he’ll likely start with tasks to do as he enjoys leading through education. Akelta has been working on methods for people to learn if they are working with a demon or an imposter since it’s a big problem. Akelta generally knows instantly when it’s not a demon because she gets a sick feeling in her stomach, and she knows something is wrong. Therefore, training your instinct (trusting it) and honing your intuition will help you greatly in telling demons versus imposters apart.

When you connect with the enns and sigils of a demon and combine it with a solid spiritual foundation you have an increased ability to keep unwanted entities or spirits from showing up. It’s best to cast a ward first before you invite say Mammon into your space and program the ward to keep out entities that wish you any harm. After having a ward set up for your space, it’s suggested to program a shield around yourself too so nothing malicious can get through. By creating and defining the space before inviting Mammon you are already ensuring success from any imposters getting in. Further using his sigils and chanting his enns will really help. When you work with Mammon, he gives incredible advice, and he will test you. He tends to remove what doesn’t serve you and he will give you tasks to do on your journey with him.

What is it about spirits and testing people?

The function is to help someone release any unhelpful perceptions. Sometimes we are unable to grasp certain things with our current perception, so it needs to be shifted to allow us to grow and step into what we desire. They are often helping us to expand our minds through things like “tests” and can help reveal any limiting outlooks. These tests will help us in the long run and they can better guide us from it. Using Akelta’s experience with Mammon and real estate, she had to break many of her mindsets to achieve what she desired. He couldn’t help her until she had a base understanding on what investing was. He could send Akelta all of the most incredible deals but unless she knew what to look for and had that base understanding it wouldn’t work. Often when we begin working with demons or spirit companions this method of testing is to break our limiting perceptions so they can communicate in a way that is more beneficial for us.

What’s the difference between witch, wizard, medium and psychic?

A witch and wizard are different schools of magick. Witch is someone who weaves and works with magick. Akelta hasn’t seen many people call themselves wizards but it’s another way to work with the energy. Mediums are people who can connect or receive messages from the dead. While psychics are people who have their abilities open and can communicate with spiritual beings. Psychics can also read and assess various symbols in the world around them.

If you want to learn more about any of these paths reading books or delving into psychic development is the best way to begin.

What is the difference between a nature spirit, angel, demon, dark lord and sludge?

This is a massive question that will have to be for another chat, in short:

A nature spirit is a spirit from the natural realms. An angel is a being with the angelic divine vibration and a demon has demonic vibrations, so they exist in the spectrum of the demonic divine. A dark lord is a demon that has significant rank and power. A sludge is a nefarious and sinister entity that enjoys eating and consuming us.

The End! :devilpaper: :devilpaint: :devilread: :devilcomp:

Re: Tea Chat: Making Grimoires

Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2022 4:32 pm
by Nighthawk
This is wonderful! So much great advice. Thank you Akelta and windyjune.

Re: Tea Chat: Making Grimoires

Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2022 4:37 pm
by windyjune
Nighthawk wrote:
Wed Jul 06, 2022 4:32 pm
This is wonderful! So much great advice. Thank you Akelta and windyjune.
Aww I'm glad!! It's our pleasure, and thank you for your words :devillove:

Re: Tea Chat: Making Grimoires

Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2022 10:53 am
by Eilana
Thank you lovely ladies :devillove: