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Ordo Ascensum Aetyrnalis Book Workthrough

Posted: Sun May 22, 2022 1:00 pm
by Mizu-Taki
Since I don’t have a blog yet for now I will post my progress and experiences from this book and it’s exercises and meditations here.

So just to explain real quick for those you don’t know, I have been working through EA Koettings book “Ordo Ascensum Aetyrnalis” or OAA for short.

Now I know that a lot of people don’t really like the guy, I personally don’t because of his gimmicky advertising. But his books are good for learning different stuff and helping in my ascension.

Anyway, I decided to post what I’ve done so far here.

I however, don’t remember where I documented my experience with the first 2 exercises in the book. But in short they were to help you get into a meditative state and keep your mind clear.

The candle exercises and where I actually remembered to write down what happened. In short, I am supposed go through the candle colors and feel the energies and attributes inside of them. Then afterwards, I had to put that energy back into said candles.

April 30, 2022, around 2 PM
So today when I had some free time, i did the candle exercise. I decided to do 1 a day since I am extremely busy throughout the day.
Anyway, the first candle I chose was white, so after I sat down and got into the correct state of mind, I lit the candle.
I gazed into the flame and felt peacefullness flooding my being, like a cloud slowly drifting upwards, once I did this for a few minutes, I inhaled and gathered all of that peaceful energy into my center.
Then I exhaled and felt as the energy went into the muscles of my right arms and through my veins. It felt gentle and calming…
After that, I started to do my breathing and little by little, pushed the energy out of me into the candle like directed to do. It felt like there was a orb in my chest that got smaller and smaller, after probably about 10 minutes of this, I felt the orb disappear and my intuition guided me to stop.
The atmosphere around me is still calm and it is very nice.

**May 1st, 2022**
So I moved on to the color yellow for the next color. It pretty much went the exact same route as the first, though something notable to mention is that the emotions that were welling up I could feel giving off a sort of protective vibe.
It felt pretty different from when I did the white candle before and I could actually see the energy going into the candle and being burned away, it was really weird.

**May 3rd, 2022**
**Around 3 PM**
So I chose the color orange for todays meditation and I relaxed as usual until my surroundings came alive, then I directed my attention to the candle after I lit it.
I sit there contemplating the attributes of the color, and I felt a sort of feeling of accomplishment, like I had just been awarded something. And this got stronger as the color and energy built up inside of me.
After this I proceeded to push the energy into my arm, and after a bit I directed the energy from my core back into the candle, stopping once my intuition told me.

**May 4th, 2022**
Around 3 PM
So today’s color was Red, a color of passion and love, but also a color symbolizing Hatred, M*rder, Blood, and Rape.
After I entered the right state of mind, I began to feel this candles attributes welling up inside of me, and it was very strong, after only a few seconds of feeling it, I felt my nose start twitching and I felt my teeth grit hard.
Even though I tried to relax, it always returned, so I let it stay and continued with the exercise.
After I felt like I was brimming with attributes, I started pushing the attributes and emotions out into the candle, and little by little, I could feel those attributes and emotions growing weaker in me until I felt like there was nothing left.
I don’t know if there is any significance to this, but in the smoke of the candle after I blew it out, I saw what kinda looked like a cobras head. The image of the cobra head was the first thing my mind thought as I looked at this smokey thing.

**May 5, 2022**
So tonight I chose the color Black, which is funny because I ended up doing the candle meditation around midnight in the pitch blackness of my room.
Anyway, after the usual prep I got to raising my energy. This time the energy felt slightly thicker, as if it was endless, and I felt this darkness consume my entire insides. It made me feel empty, like there was nothing but just that energy….
After raising the energy and attributes within myself, I did the same thing I did with the previous candles, and slowly but surely, I felt the energy and attributes leave me and go into the candle wax. Burning away as the wick itself burned, after I contemplated the meditation, I blew the candle out and went to bed.
Side Note
As I was staring into the flame, in the smallest blue part of the flame, I though I saw a skull, which makes sense, as black symbolizes death.
Second Side Note
Also, I looked up the symbolism for Cobras and found this interesting.
“The cobra symbolizes wisdom, changes, enchantment, hypnosis, protectiveness, danger, poison, determination, fear, strength, sexuality, sexual urges, courage, confidence, transformation, royalty, death. They are also a symbol of speed, defensiveness, and gracefulness.”
(Quoted from : ... d-meaning/ )
The main attributes of the cobra that make sense in context are “Sexual Urges” and “Death” as they can be connected to “M*rder” and “Rape”.

**May 7th, 2022**
So I went for the Indigo Candle this time, and I really didn’t know what to expect when the the energy and its attributes started to rise inside me. I just tried to not think to much into it and just continued the exercise.
The energy felt very Ticklish as it rose and it felt almost clearing, my third eye area also felt cleared. Probably because one of the attributes of Indigo has to do with Intuition and Clairvoyance.
Anyway, after that I proceeded to do as the instructions asked in the exercises previously and after I contemplated the meditation, I blew the candle out and grounded myself.
I didn’t see anything in the candle flame or smoke this time

May 9th, 2022
So today I chose the color green for the candle, Green symbolizes nature, mother earth, and among other things, it symbolizes Birth and Life.
As I raised the energy and attributes of the candle in front of me, I felt this energy as calming and embracing, as if Gaia herself were holding me close in a motherly embrace. And I felt the energy of life and the powers of nature flow within me.
After doing this for 5 minutes, I released the energy and attributes back into the candle and when I felt that all the energy was gone, I blew the candle out.

May 10, 2022
So tonight was the final candle of the second OAA exercise. The final candle was violet, symbolizing Unity with the Self, Divinity, Mastery, and unlimited growth.
After I got into a relaxed state of mind, I lit the violet candle and gazed into the dancing flame, while doing this I could slowly feel the the usual feeling of the energy and it’s attributes building inside me.
This energy made me feel as if I was complete and tickled slightly building up. This isn’t as extreme as some of the other candles energies, but I still felt it.
After building up the energy enough, I began channeling it back into the candle and when I finished, I simply blew out the candle and went to bed.

May 15th, 2022
So after taking a few day break because of a hectic schedule, I’m back tonight I moved on to the next meditation. This meditation involves quieting your mind and visualizing (and feeling) a giant ball of golden light above you. Then proceeding to inhale and bring the energy into yourself until you are glowing brightly with the golden energy.
Then at the end, you put your head back and exhale, feeling the energy leaving you.
I had a hard time getting relaxed, so I grabbed my mp3, then for some reason I was drawn to one of Conner Kendall’s meditations that I had downloaded. And this meditation was literally what I needed and also involved visualizing a golden light and breathing it into yourself.
As I went through the meditation I could feel myself being filled up with bright energy, and I could feel the warmth build up inside of me, it took a bit but I managed to get it built to a climax.
And when this happened, I put my head back and exhaled, feeling the energy leaving my body. It felt warm and slightly thick.

**May 19th, 2022**

So tonight I did the next exercise, this one involves bringing divine golden energy into my self again. But as I exhale, I need to vibrate “El ShaddaiYod He Varv He, and Sat Nam on my exhales.

When I vibrated “El Shaddai” the energy around me felt slightly heavy and warm.

When I vibrated “Yod He Varv He,” the energy around me became lighter and tingly and it also felt like I had a warm blanket around me.

And when I vibrated “Sat Nam,” the energy turned tingly and cool, like a cool summer breeze. I knew that it wasn’t from an external source because I had both my bedroom
Windows closed during this exercise.

Re: Ordo Ascensum Aetyrnalis Book Workthrough

Posted: Mon May 23, 2022 9:19 am
by Mizu-Taki
**May 23rd, 2022**
**12:30 AM**

So tonight I did the final exercise before the “Initiation of the First Flame” section. (The IFF is basically combining all the exercises from the previous pages together by basically doing them one after the other.)

Anyway, for this I did as the book instructed and faced east, kneeling on my knees. I relaxed myself and rid myself of negativity, stress, and tension. Once I did that, I put my hands together above my head with only my index fingers pointing up and the tips touching.

Once I did this I started to pull in white, golden energy from above me and channel it through my being, nearly 5 seconds after doing this. I suddenly felt weightless, like I was just suspended in mid-air; it felt kind of like what I imagine being in zero gravity would be like.

After doing this for a few minutes (like 5), i channeled the white light to my fingertips, and placed all 10 fingers on ground. Almost immediately I felt and also saw in my minds eye a sphere of sparkling white light surround me almost immediately after my fingertips touched the ground.

Tomorrow or the day after I will perform the initiation of the first flame.

Re: Ordo Ascensum Aetyrnalis Book Workthrough

Posted: Tue May 24, 2022 9:58 am
by Dragonoake
I poke around the BALG forums from time to time. It's not a "go to" source, but I find interesting ideas there from time to time.
From what you're posting, it sounds like good, solid basic magick

Re: Ordo Ascensum Aetyrnalis Book Workthrough

Posted: Tue May 24, 2022 11:36 am
by Mizu-Taki
Dragonoake wrote:
Tue May 24, 2022 9:58 am
I poke around the BALG forums from time to time. It's not a "go to" source, but I find interesting ideas there from time to time.
From what you're posting, it sounds like good, solid basic magick
It actually is for me. As it gives me a solid direction to go.

I’m on the spectrum so it can be hard to figure out what to do at times, but it is easier when there is some sort of list or order for me to follow.

Re: Ordo Ascensum Aetyrnalis Book Workthrough

Posted: Tue May 24, 2022 4:42 pm
by Mizu-Taki
March 24, 2022

So tonight I did the Initiation of the first flame.

I began by grounding myself and cleansing the area around me, I also had some of my Legion members form a ward around the area I was
Performing this in.

Anyway, I got into a meditative state and cleansed myself of all my negativity, and the stress and tension in my body. Once I did this, I faced South and began.

After about three minutes, I began to see black mist fill my room and the area around me through my minds eye. And as I breathed in, I observed the mist come closer and I felt it covering my entire body, and as I breathed out, I felt and saw it retreat back a bit.

I repeated this process and observed this mist for 5 minutes. After I did this I moved on to the next part.

For the second part I had to visualize and watch a pendulum swing for 5 minutes, there is nothing really notable that happened during this. I put on some music to help my brain stay in tempo with the swings. (It’s not required to do that but OCD, lol.)

I then moved onto the candles. I consecrated each of them in the same order I did before.

Some interesting things did happen when I was meditating and raising the energy of some of the candles inside me.

When I was focusing on the Black candle, I saw multiple figures in the flames. The first was the Grim Reaper (I could see his robes silhouette pointing a bony finger at something and his robe swayed with the candle.)

Then I saw Sadako from the Japanese Horror film “Ringu” slowly making its way along. And finally I saw a man on a throne, when I saw this the name “Lucifer” popped into my mind.

All these things had to do with the attributes of the color black. The grim reaper and Sadako represent Death, and Lucifer on his throne symbolizes Darkness, as Lucifer fell from light into the darkness.


With the Indigo candle, the flame few increasingly brighter and taller the moment I finished pushing energy into it.


While I was gazing at the green candles flame, I got a vision of a young looking red headed woman wearing a green hood thing, smiling softly. I figured this was Mother Earth as Green is the color for Nature and also Earth.


While I was gazing into the last candle, the violet candle, I felt suddenly as if I was gigantic. As if I was a god overlooking humanity, and I continued to feel as though I was massive as I felt divine energy flooding through me.

After this I faced East, kneeling with my hands to my side. I pulled white golden light from above me and channeled it through my being. Once I was full of it, I vibrated SAT NAM and put all 10 fingers on the ground.

Just like before, immediately I was surrounded by a white golden sparkling light. But as I sit there, I felt a pretense, I knew what this was and I quietly said, “I accept the First Flame”.

Immediately after this I felt an amazing energy and feeling course through me, akin to that of an intense orgasm. And my entire body felt warm with this energy. After this I was pretty tired, so I went to bed after this.

Re: Ordo Ascensum Aetyrnalis Book Workthrough

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2022 1:16 pm
by Mizu-Taki
June 8th, 2022

Around midnight because why would I do it during the day like a normal person, lol[b/]

So I know its been a bit since I posted my experiences from OAA and that is because I was dealing with family issues, and then I got grounded from electronics, lol.

Anyway, so as usual, I cleansed myself and my surroundings, grounded myself, and then got into my meditative position (I have been using the lotus position a lot when I meditate).

After I was relaxed, I brought in white golden energy using the technique learned in the previous lessons, and I brought a white glittery shield down around me. Once I did this, I then imaging the element of fire and I used all my senses for this, and when I thought I was ready, I began to let the element pour inside the sphere, surrounding me.

I could feel the fires warmth around me and climbing up my body, I saw in my minds eye and felt the fire set me on fire, as if I was made of gasoline. I could hear the fire crackling and could smell the smoke around me; after the sphere was completely filled and I was engulfed in the flames, I breathed in an brought the fire and its energy into me, feeling the warmth flow through me. I could also feel the power of fire going through me, I felt like a Lion and I felt like I could do anything, I felt as if I was a leader and I felt like I was ready to fight.

I could feel the courage flowing through me, and the fires power flowing through my veins.

After I filled myself with this energy, I dropped the shield and let the fire out and I let it dissipate into the air. I went to sleep feeling very empowered.

Re: Ordo Ascensum Aetyrnalis Book Workthrough

Posted: Fri Aug 05, 2022 7:31 am
by Mizu-Taki
August 4, 2022
Sometime in the afternoon.

So I know it has been 2 months since I posted any updates but I finally moved on to the next element, I chkse water for this as I legit was on one of those floating dock things in about heart deep water.

As i sat on the floating dock, I got into position and brought down the white sparkly energy into me and I them created the sphere around me. I calmed myself more then I visualised water pouring into the sphere from above, I could feel the coolness of the water engulf me until i was completely covered with it.

Once this happened I breathed in and felt the pour of the water surge into my being like a strong rapid torrent, but it also felt like calm water too. I felt the energies flowing through me and started to feel melancholy but also at peace. I looked at the water in front of me, I watched the waves as I felt the waters energy enter me, after a few minutes of this I felt completely calm and I felt like I was home being embraced by a motherly hug.

After all this I ended the meditation and stayed relaxed, I actually started talking to the water spirts and we talked for a while, in my minds eye one of the ones I was talking to had a face that looks native american. That makes since seeing as how there are alot of native americans around the state.