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Tea Chat: King Paimon

Posted: Fri Feb 04, 2022 7:26 pm
by windyjune
November 12th 2022- King Paimon


Tonight’s tea chat will be about the amazing Dark Lord, King Paimon. There are different layers and versions of Paimons’ that people can connect to. The King Paimon that Akelta works with particularly is from the Outer Spiritual World (OSW). Akelta has worked with King Paimon for many years now. He is an incredible demon who has helped her not only in personal matters but business, creative, and aspects involving mindset. He has helped Akelta overcome many obstacles and hurdles in her path especially the parts that were being manifested due to her mindset. One thing Akelta focuses a lot with King Paimon on is to identify new and various perspectives and to preserve despite anything that happens. He has helped her to overcome fears and shed things that have held her back from going forward.

King Paimon in the OSW is a fallen angel. He was once a holy angel and then was infused with solar demonic dark energy (DDE) to become a fallen angel. From an OSW perspective the definition of a fallen angel is a being that was once an angel that was infused with demonic energy to become a demon with angelic energy. He was infused with solar demon energies, so when connecting to the OSW King Paimon there are a lot of connections to the desert and the solar energies. In the OSW he has camel he rides on, and he rules over territory where he’s a King and a Commander, so he has legions and an army. He has a palace in the OSW, and he is a very skilled warrior.

King Paimon is skilled in numerous things, one in particular being music and he will often play various instruments. Therefore, many people will find a strong connection to music when working with him and can hear musical currents. Many report, after inviting King Paimon to a space being met with music before his arrival. He has a deep understanding of music and how it connects and is interwoven between the realms. He knows how to fuse these energies together. There is a creative and brilliant aspect to King Paimon that can be tapped into when working with him. It’s especially great to connect with him to work in any form of art. He can also help inspire creativity in music. Music has many purposes such as being able to stir creativity in unique areas, so it’s not only musical creativity he can work with. Music can awaken different aspects of creativity there is a transformative and evolutionary process of connecting to music through King Paimon.

King Paimon is a very skilled alchemist. He is skilled in traditional alchemy as well as soul and musical alchemy. There are different elements of alchemy that revolve around experimenting with the vibrations and blending them to transform them into something profound and powerful. Akelta has worked with King Paimon in alchemy to transform many of the energies that were directed to her into something that is inspiring. This allows her to be empowered by things that happened instead of brought down. He also teaches traditional alchemy that involves playing with different substances in order to see how they react together and how they change. The essence of alchemy exists within much of the energetic component of the universe. The mind is one of the components of the universe that allows for the change to happen. When you inject the mind into what is going on around you, you can transform and change the outcome. King Paimon works deeply with mental mastery and how to train and utilize the mind to connect to the energies around you to usher in transformation.

King Paimon is very adept and knowledgeable within mental mastery. He has helped Akelta with changing her perceptions to be more empowering. For instance, there were things she perceived as painful and harmful, and Paimon was able to help change her outlook on certain events. He has told Akelta before that her mind only feels pain because her mind categorizes it as pain. By changing her perception, it allows her to view what’s going on from another angle and get a more well-rounded view of what’s going on. After being able to shift our mindset, we are able to align ourselves with the perception that is most empowering instead. Paimon has a lot of advanced talents and skills that he can help teach and unlock within us.

Alchemy with King Paimon

The most alchemy work Akelta has done with King Paimon is soul alchemy, mind alchemy and experimenting with different energies. She hasn’t done much physical alchemy with him, but King Paimon can teach all the layers of physical, mental, energetic, and soul alchemy. He has a deep and vast understanding of it. If it’s something you want to learn he can teach that.

The mental alchemy that Akelta has done with King Paimon revolves around how the mind impacts the world and how the minds’ energies interact with the world. He can teach how to change and alter these energies through our mind and transmute them. The instructions King Paimon has given Akelta for that is to use the vibrations in her mind and focus those energies into different frequencies and vibrations that are around, directed or impacting her. We can utilize our minds and learn to shift any of these energies.

There is a component of how the mind fits within the universe that is a blending of the shadows and the light. You can hold them in perfect balance within your mind and find powerful truth within. When you are connecting to the various energies you can hold two vibrations and find the space within. While doing that your mind can go into the center and peer within the space to see how the energies merge and separate. You can learn how to shift and change energy into another through studying it. An essential aspect in this work is to hold the focus on the different energies to see how your mind blends with them. An example of this is holding the energy of earth and the energy of water and assessing that. Then you can proceed to hold them separately to see how your mind interacts with them, how various energies comes together and how the mind can inject different energies and change them. Through this work you can also see how your mind is projecting into the world. By stepping back and observing your mind you can begin to analyze it. There’s an interesting component to this work as the mental and emotional aspect can come into play.

The emotional aspect can corrode and destroy the mental work, or it can empower it. The emotional aspect can be a catalyst for change, but we have to be careful because it can be volatile and can come up in different ways. This ties into mental mastery learning to shift your emotional vibrations in order to inject the energy you want without getting an undesirable result. King Paimon can teach us how to hold these various states and work with them to infuse it in different areas and direct our minds. There is a mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical body aspect. The physical perspective of who we are can act on things as well so it’s fascinating to work on the layers and King Paimon is brilliant with this. A lot of Akelta’s work is within clairsentience which makes it a fun process to try to translate it into words; often Akelta sits in silence to work through the energies. There is an understanding where King Paimon will show Akelta how to do something and she will follow along and do it. He’ll help guide her through the various elements and aspects.

Can King Paimon’s energy connect us with any disconnect from mental mastery?

He can help us build a foundation in mental mastery. There is an advanced element of what he does, but he can help build up foundational work. Much of mental mastery is being able to control where our mind goes and where we focus our attention on. Emotional mastery is being able to control our emotions and our reactions to things. The higher your emotional mastery the better you are able to control your reactions to things. Mental mastery is controlling your own thoughts and directing your mind where you want it to go. Paimon often will demand discipline and set expectations to anyone that works with him. He can be rigid which is good if you want to push yourself and your goals. He is a warrior so he has a militaristic side to him, and he can be rough to work with. Paimon can assess a situation and know exactly what needs to be done so he can be very blunt on directions and you would be expected to do it.

Working with King Paimon and mental mastery he can teach someone how to get into different states. He weaves a lot of artistic layers with the work that he does. It’s like you’re channeling your mental mastery into different areas that you get to keep working with it. Focus is one thing that needs to be upkept but that is a wonderful aspect that it can constantly be trained. A great book for anyone that wants to increase their focus is the Power of Concentration by Theron Dumont.

Can King Paimon help people with kinetic abilities?

Yes, he can. He has the mental training to help teach us to sharpen our mind in order to improve our focus and skills. He can help us enhance our connection with our psychic eye. Regarding kinetic abilities you can learn different techniques to channel various energies through the mind. Also, by changing any limiting perceptions and beliefs within the mind we can amplify our abilities and make them stronger. It’s recommended to go into your mind and study your internal dialogue about your abilities because you can pinpoint areas where you are undercutting yourself or your abilities. Once any doubts or negative dialogue is identified we can work to shift how we speak about ourselves which will empower us. Doing this we can change the entire course of energy within our mind and awaken our skills.

Working with Music

Music can activate different regions of the mind and the physical brain. This can allow stimulation within the connection points in the brain and your third eye chakra. It can remove blocks through the vibration of music and open the channels. Music can be a great tool to strengthen your connection with your third eye. It can also help improve creativity- when you listen to music it can shift you into different states of consciousness that open new centers and creative spaces in the mind. There are various mental states which are ideal for creativity and the creation process that can be attained through music. Music can also be used to align and connect with King Paimon, and he can help open those creative regions within you. It’s very powerful work.

There is a multidimensional complexity to music. Akelta has noticed that there are certain things that she cannot listen to or watch. Some things can emotionally overwhelm her, and if the energy upsets her, she stays away from it. If you are picking up different regions and layers within the music that is a sign of very sensitive clairsentience. There is no one size fits all especially with the psychic senses, not everything will work for everyone. Some people do much better with visual stimulation, others with silence, or with music it’ll depend on the person. Everybody’s psychic eye is different and has unique skills and abilities that are open. Depending on what’s open within you, various sensations will affect you different.

Akelta has found that when working with Paimon and music she can easily get into translation states where everything is flowing in and out. There are a lot of different realms that we can tap into and ways to stir the mind through music. She has noticed that by listening to certain songs her art will change, which can show it affects us differently. She loves experimenting with different ideas, mediums, and elements because it can help open various centers in the mind. A lot of music that Akelta has made for the meditations she makes is on the scale of 432 Hz, as it’s one of the numbers in sacred geometry.

Can you use pop music to connect with Paimon?

Akelta has never used it personally to connect with him, however she found it’s a personal choice. You will find yourself inspired and drawn to specific music to work with him, so the best choice is the one that resonates to your work together. Akelta uses a lot of music that sounds very classical or desert like. Again, it will be personal so go with what feels right for you and your work with Paimon.

Preferring silence

If you need silence, it is likely linked to clairaudience and/or clairsentience operating within you. One thing Akelta finds is that people don’t realize they are psychic. We’ve been told by the mainstream media what being psychic should look like, but there are some senses that are so interwoven into our life, so we don’t realize we utilize our psychic senses. For example, if you look at a painting and feel the energies and your mood is affected by it that’s a psychic gift that is clairvoyance mixed with clairsentience. If you can recall a memory and you can hear the people in the memory talking that is clairaudience. Our psychic gifts are interwoven into our daily lives where we have strong components of clairaudience and clairsentience that we don’t realize we have because it’s so embedded into our physical senses that we associate them as physical. However, they are our psychic senses amplifying our physical. This goes for everyone as we are all psychic, we are just used to things being categorized as physical so we don’t realize we are using our senses.

Having Doubts in Skills
Akelta recommends that when you begin learning to utilize your psychic abilities don’t doubt anything. Write out everything you get don’t try to second guess if it’s right or wrong. Being able to write down everything you perceive is the best place to start and later you can begin to fine tune things. You are getting something which is moving through your third eye it’s just a matter of figuring out where it’s coming from.

The questions to ask yourself when learning is: Is it coming from your mind? Is it coming from you internally? Your higher self? Or an external force like a spirit companion? You don’t want to shut down the flow of energy with doubts, you want to let it move through you freely. As you learn to decipher where the energy is coming from or if it’s from you, you’ll be able to process it more easily.

Can King Paimon work with the sun?

Yes, Paimon can because he does work with solar energy. Even though he is a fallen angel he still has solar demon energy due to the infusion. He can help someone work with solar energies.

Are Paimon and Lucifer friends?

Paimon and Lucifer are very good friends, and he is loyal to him. They have worked together for many years and connected.

King Paimon Offerings

Akelta always prepares a lot of expensive offerings or regal looking items for Paimon, and he is one of the Demon Lords that really enjoys them. He likes gold and demon kings in general enjoy gems. On Akelta’s altar for King Paimon she has a brass base for him, a gorgeous perfume bottle with a camel on it, a statue that represents him as well as other items.

Akelta likes to offer oud, frankincense or sandalwood as an offering. Additionally, she will offer gold, black, yellow, orange, purple or red candles. For tea Paimon enjoys oolong tea and she has offered green tea before. She also has offered various meats like steak and chicken to him. Anything in the shape of a camel can make a good offering for him too.

When Akelta first connected with King Paimon she created a very elaborate altar with a lot of offerings to raise the energies. When working with him, Paimon likes to make a grand entrance for meetings. Many people have related that Paimon is often accompanied by music, other demons, or entourages that can show up with him. Akelta likes to provide a lot of things to raise the ritual space like candles, crystals, meat offerings, tea and energy into the space. Akelta has her own ritual that incorporates many elements like geometrical structures into it. The book they are currently awaiting to get published has this ritual Akelta does to raise the space inside of it. Crystals Akelta likes to use for Paimon are citrine, sunstone, carnelian, smokey citrine, smokey quartz and those types.

What if you don’t have a lot of space for altars, can it be shared?

Yes, Akelta’s bedroom is filled with different altars and spaces. One thing that can be done is to have a central space with an altar and have specific items for different companions or dark lord altars in boxes that is stored when not using it.

Not having funds for expensive offerings

Akelta started working with Mammon when she was a barista at Starbucks and had barely any money. She started with only a few candles and a gold coin gifted to her from her father. The demons can and will help you build it up. It’s the intention, effort, dedication and focus that is most important to them. Handmade pieces or art is also a great offering and something they enjoy. Doing art with them is another good method for offerings. Any personal treasures or antiques are also great. Time is another very valuable gift; you can always get more money or objects so spending time with them is a highly appreciated offering.

Akelta has noticed that when Mammon has asked her for very expensive items it was because he was pushing her to another level. Usually by the time she figures out how to get it for him her income has jumped, so it’s like he’s doing it to help her to get past any blocks. Mammon has always challenged Akelta to find resources and push herself. With Paimon she began working with him at another stage in her life, so they were working on different things particularly mindset, perspectives, and alchemy. Akelta had to work for her relationships with Paimon and Mammon. They challenged her to do full rituals and they guided her to develop methods for connections, and she enjoys to do them.

What to do before connecting with a Dark Lord

Before Akelta does any work with a Dark Lord she will first meditate with them. She has a formula to work with demons. First, she will chant their enn and practice sigil gazing. The purpose of this is to establish an energetic connection with them, so doing this will help create that. When you are chanting a demons’ enn you are vibrating with their energies, so you are tuning in to them energetically and through your aura. As you do this, you’re vibrating your body to communicate and open a channel to them, with sigil gazing you are doing the same thing. These techniques help to establish the vibrational attunement to hear them better.

Akelta will meditate with them and ask what they desire on their ritual altar and what offerings they would like. She will follow any impressions, thoughts, feelings, and visions that she gets. It’s super important to let yourself receive and trust yourself because they will inspire you with different objects to connect with them. After this is done Akelta will prepare the various ritual components which are designed to raise the ritual space. Akelta likes oil diffusers, but incense can be used as well as candles. Food/tea offerings are welcomed at that time and then Akelta will insert energies to the space to make it easier to connect with them. If you can raise the energies of the space high enough you can have physical manifestations and they can appear before you.

Can you connect with Dark Lords or demons using cards?

Yes, Akelta likes to gaze at their sigil before the card reading which connects her to their energies. Then she will ask specific questions she feels from those vibrations and when shuffling infuse the cards with those vibrations. Afterwards she will ask the questions, so it’s connected to their energy.

How do you know if a Dark Lord doesn’t resonate well with your energies?

Akelta has never experienced this with a Dark Lord, but she has experienced it with archangels and knows Michael and Gabriel aren’t for her. It was a clear disharmonious and clash in energies, so she knew instantly they weren’t a match to her. There was no pull for Akelta when she tried to connect with those archangels.

Working with Mammon

Mammon is strict. He pushed Akelta too many breaking points to help transform her from any limiting thoughts especially towards anything that didn’t serve her. Akelta had to educate herself to work with him which included reading a lot. She was put in a lot of situations to break any limiting foundations and beliefs. It’s been a journey working with him, but Akelta wouldn’t trade it for anything. He’s still teaching and showing her things to this day.

Mammon vs Paimon Characteristics

Mammon has a calmer roughness to him and Paimon can be more militaristic and rougher when working with someone. Mammon’s attitude is if you don’t do something it’ll just blow up in your face so do what you wish. Paimon definitely has a warrior side to him, and he does like offerings.
Akelta has worked more with Mammon than with Paimon but the experiences she had with him have been life changing. Paimon has helped her find her soul origin and discover who she is on the inside. Mammon is very business oriented and Paimon can help with business too, but Paimon also has a strong artistic element to him.

Can Dark Lords present themselves differently to each person?

Yes, they can. There are also different layers that people can connect to so there are many factors for why they can appear or act differently. If you experience something go with it and if you’re drawn to a certain Dark Lord or demon go with it.

The End! :devilflame: :devilviolin: :devilpaint: :devilread: