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Mutilation Demons & the Mutilation Realm

Posted: Tue Jul 27, 2021 4:56 pm
by windyjune
July 16th- Mutilation Demons and the Mutilation Realm


Today we are going to talk about Mutilation demons, they are a beautiful and incredible type of demon who have a very mature, complex, and layered darkness to them. Akelta has touched on them before in other chats so this will be a more casual chat to answer any lingering questions we may have. Akelta loves their realm it’s so beautiful and layered; she loves getting images of it and receiving the different downloads.

Mutilation demons are a very intelligent group of demons because they have a way of viewing things from multiple perspectives. They are not locked in a singular perspective of the world and can see things in multiple layers, which allows them to solve complex problems. They can analyze situations from various angles in order to come to incredible solutions.

How did Akelta uncover the Mutilation realm?

When Akelta first learned about their realm she was very young, and they were one of the first demons she learned about. She met the Lord of the Mutilation when she was young too and he was one of the first demons she ever worked with. Back in the day there wasn’t much access to any internet so she couldn’t just google demon names, so it was through meeting him that she learned about the Mutilation realm.

The three groups of demons that Akelta ended up connecting with first as a kid was the Noble, Chaos, and the Mutilation demons. As a kid your perception of the Mutilation realm is very interesting because they are perfect to play with since they can also be very childlike. They are very good for connecting with to do inner child work because they have such a strong connection to play and the inner child essence. They are excellent at healing the inner child because they accept them as the inner child is.

Mutilation demons will ask why something is, but they won’t question if someone says this is what I am. They’ll want to understand but they won’t come from a place of trying to change anyone but to understand their point of view. They can help the inner child feel loved, appreciated and accepted for who they are because they won’t judge who that person is they’re just curious. Akelta has realized this was also her perspective growing up and it was due to the Lord of Mutilation’s influence in her life. The Lord of Mutilation would accept all things and he loved their uniqueness. He loved when people would offer various perspectives and when they would share different points of view. He was intrigued and fascinated by it all, so it also became Akelta’s default to be curious about everything.

What is Mutilation demon society like?

Their societies are fascinating because there are areas like the asylums, and then there are other areas that are very sophisticated where they have incredible technologies. Within the Mutilation realms you can find very structured cities as well as other areas where they are in shambles and complete ruins containing old structures giving way to decay and rot. They are located next to some very dark realms so there are corrosive energies that seep into their realms. They have to constantly upkeep the areas they want to stay nice due to these energies which can destroy them.

Many Mutilation demons love to watch how the corrosive energies interact and influences them. They have many creative elements to them, and they love exploring things like art and aspects of living art like, flesh art and flesh sculptures. They love researching different philosophies and mind sets. Many of them love the sciences, as well as the different outlooks and places that can explored. They are very curious and enjoy debate. The science and art side of their world flows together nicely because of the Mutilation demons’ curious nature and understanding of both. They know how both sides can blend and mix. A lot of the artists in the Mutilation realms explore intricate layers and they love details. They are very detail oriented.

Their realm is very deep in the OSW. They have an amazing perspective on darkness. If you talk to them, they are very curious about everything and when they view things there is almost like an innocence to them. It’s like a perfect synchronicity with innocence and darkness that they have. They’ll look at a situation, and they will ask, "what’s going on here? Why did this happen? Why is this person feeling this way?" As they are learning about their focus, they are understanding the layers of darkness and seeing alternate perspectives of that situation.

Mutilation demons have such a beautiful understanding of monsters, the monstrous energies, the monstrous essence of the soul (when you step in the monstrous form and become the monster), where you are shielded by the monster; they understand all these different journeys and they love the mind, the different layers within it, studying different diseases as well as watching the corrosive elements. They love watching the way diseases work and they enjoy observing and watching the body. They will sit wide awake for years just to watch the disease take hold of the body and see how it works. Mutilation demons love to see the process of rot. There is an incredible persistence that they hold and are actually some of the most patient demons.

There are also elements within Mutilation society where they explore the primal essence of themselves. Some Mutilation demons go into the dark shifting places of their realms and allow those energies to take over to completely shift and alter them. What’s cool about them is that even within the nice areas you can still see the essence of decay and madness there. This is what Akelta loves in the asylum because you can see so many beautiful things, but among it you will still see that it is very much the Mutilation realm; there is a mutilated essence that goes through it.

The shifts in the Mutilation realm

The realm shifting is when the corrosive energies come into the Mutilation realm, they come in and the whole realm changes. The whole realm shifts and becomes corrosive. Mutilation demons can travel there during the shift and many of them enjoy the energies of it. However, if you have a certain energy vibration for instance an angel during the shift would immediately be targeted and probably torn apart because they are too bright. You have to have a certain energy frequency to be there when the shift happens and even if you do have it, you still have to be very careful.

There are many Mutilation demons even that need to go into hiding because of what happens during the shift. Everything changes because there are corrosive energies in everything. Mutilation demons feel at home though in those energies as well as at home in the areas of haunted asylums and decaying structures. They know how to work within these environments, and they love it. There are parts of their society that are built up and it’s hard to describe in detail because they are so beautiful. The architecture and designs are incredibly beautiful. They are phenomenal because they are so detailed and layered.

The Mutilation demons that S&S conjures are of a certain mindset but there are many others who are not and prefer to surrender to their primal side. Those Mutilation demons will go out and tear other beings they find to shreds, they will tear other Mutilation demons to shreds, they will rape, murder, and mutilate the corpses of who they fight. It is part of their surrendering to their primal side when the shift occurs. During the shift the darkness fully takes over which makes the darkness in these demons take over and they go out to destroy. You have to be tough to handle it.

There is a prey/predator element within the shifts but there’s also a pure carnage level to it. If you are in the realm during the shift, you will hear screams and anguish, you will hear everything outside being destroyed and obliterated. It’s an insane experience and there is a level of understanding that comes from that with both sides of the Mutilation demons. They understand their realm since it’s their home and most know that when the shift starts to happen, and the corrosive energies begin to flood their realm they need to go into hiding.

There are other realms where the corrosive energies come from. The Mutilation demons and creatures that are there will fight each other, but they will also stalk each other and try to dominate one another. There’s an interesting energy dynamic there. The Mutilation demons that do that almost help to keep those creatures from entering their realm. Even among those Mutilation demons they keep those beings (which is another species of demon) at bay and these species are ones that will never ever be listed because there is no reasoning with them. It gets to a point where some of these beings only want to destroy everything and there is no talking with them their whole purpose is only destruction. Even to talk and connect with them you would be torn apart and destroyed.

Were the decaying areas once inhabited? Were they abandoned because of the shifts?

It’s a combination of both; they were once inhabited and since the realm is always changing sometimes there are pockets of corrosive energies that pour into different areas. The realm is always changing and sometimes the Mutilation demons move back away from certain areas and instead they pool in a specific area where they focus their efforts to keep these energies more at bay. Some of these old structures other demons will live in them but they don’t upkeep them just inhabit the ruins. When the corrosive energy comes the other creatures tend to come into the realm too. If an area gets too much corrosive energy and starts flooding into a specific area the creatures will move in.

The creatures and those demons that inhabit the old structures have a greater resilience to the corrosive energies. However, the Mutilation demons do enjoy what it does to them and the elements of it. The other demons have a base essence that is aligned and connected to it, so they don’t have the same amount of corrosion done to them but the Mutilation demons do seek these demons out and push them back so there is an interesting dynamic in places where the realms shift. When you start getting into those areas with the shifts there is a lot of complexity as well as aspects of mixing darkness within it. There are interesting facets of darkness within them and fascinating energies that move there that are so amazing.

Are there any nature areas or is it more ruins?

There are nature areas but it’s not nature the way we would think it is. They have flesh gardens, and some trees are basically made of flesh. The elements within their realm are very different; some trees are black and twisted and they do have flowers, but they resemble the realm they are from. There are nature aspects that exist, but it blends in with the area. The trees also can be seen as warped and mangled and some areas that are very dark that can be used to hide in.

There are many different types of features that Akelta has seen. There are different caves that can be found there, and the Mutilation realm has its own types of crystals and own unique things that can be found. Some of the crystals that are found there are so beautiful. There are also other types of landscapes that exist that Akelta can kind of match to what we know of here on earth but some that are harder too. Other examples of landscapes are areas with just miles of solid black sand. There are also swampy areas but not like a black swamp as it also resembles the realm. There are mountainous regions as well that exist there with interesting creatures among many other things. There are many different biomes and climates that exist there.

Are some of the crystals radioactive in the Mutilation realm?

Some might be, but they do love the radioactive crystals because they decay the skin. They will say things to Akelta like oh that one it creates pretty patterns and she has to be like no definitely not that tears us to shreds and we die. They do have crystals that be considered corrosive or radioactive.

Akelta remembers one time with one Mutilation demon they ended up looking up the Elephant's Foot in Chernobyl and they were commenting how beautiful and amazing it was. Akelta had to tell them you know if I were to stand in front of it for four minutes I would be dead. They love it though because they have the ability to not die for things like that since they know how to heal corrosive elements to their skin to change up their look. Thus, to them it’s very beautiful and surreal since they can see all the free radical particles bouncing off of it, so they can see all the patterns which is stunning to them.

The S&S Mutilation Event Bridge

As we discussed the energies within the Mutilation realm it is also why the Mutilation events that S&S holds isn’t in their realm because we couldn’t visit it since we would disintegrate. They instead create a bridge that allows us to experience the Mutilation realm since it is in one of the regions that is hard to get to in the outer spiritual world (OSW). Akelta has spoken before on these different regions that clash with our energies and how some of them are so foreign to our energies that if we were to get caught in the realm shift it would be like being outside getting caught in a 5F tornado.

There are pockets that S&S works on in the astral realm which resemble different areas and they create connections to the Mutilation realm. Their realm and the energy in that area has pockets that are so complex and layered that processing and making sense of them is surreal, amazing, and vast. How they made the bridge for the asylum event is to take visuals and energies from the Mutilation realm and created a pocket within the astral plane in order to recreate the essence within the pocket of the astral. This way there is still the safety aspect that exists within the Inner Spiritual world (ISW) for this location while also experiencing the essence of the OSW.

Are all the energies similar or is the asylum different?

No, the asylum was created to be a very safe place away from danger. There’s a lot of places in the Mutilation realm where you would be tortured for an eternity. Additionally, those demons that do torture have a deep understanding of it and are very creative about it because many also enjoy it. They have tortured themselves, so they know how to perfect torture as well.

How can Mutilation demons help us mentally? Do they understand mental illness?

Yes, they see mental illness as fascinating and understand it intimately. They appreciate what is unique and sublime including all forms of mental illness. They tend to deviate from things that are perceived as “normal” but in truth what is normal? It’s challenging to define it since things are usually named normal based off the society someone is within and if the society changes so does the basis of what is normal. Mutilation demons don’t have a normal instead they explore things that are different.

Mutilation demons can see alternate perspectives on life, mental illness and different ways of feeling and interacting with the world. By approaching it with curiosity they can see many different avenues and angles of it. They remove any stigma that comes from mental illness because they see it for what it is. They don’t have judgement towards it instead they get intrigued and want to understand it, where it comes from, why the perspective is this way, and they want to explore all the different angles. Thus, they do tend to also explore various types of mental illness and unique ways that the mind functions.

Mutilation demons love madness and moments of primal surrender and letting go to different states of consciousness which are based off of how our body is. They appreciate the different aspects and paths. They have an incredible outlook on mental illness and in general are very curious about it all. They don’t see it as bad just that this is how someone is. They like to look at why is this person like this, why (in general) and how are they this way. From these questions and inquiries within their world and outside it, they have learned a lot about mental illness, perspectives and have an in depth understanding of those elements. Akelta loves to sit and talk with them because they always offer a perspective she has never thought of or considered before.

How do Mutilation demons feel about physical intimacy?

They are not called sex gods for nothing. A lot of them are into many different fetishes and if you have fetishes or different things you want to explore, they will likely be the ones willing to explore it with you. Often, they have very intense fetishes and love BDSM, torture, submission/domination. They also have their own schools that teaches their own sex styles. The sex style is their own Mutilation based one that is like a mix of Kama Sutra and tantra meets the Mutilation realm. They have their own poses, breathing techniques, modifications and they will go further than anyone else in this.

Mutilation demons love pain, and they get off on pain. The things you can do to them and the things they enjoy having done to them will often go beyond what anyone can tolerate. They have entire rituals and practices around their different sexual practices and some of them can be very dark in their sexual desires. They love to act out and amongst Mutilation demons probably most of their population or at least a good chunk of them are pansexual. They love exploring, experiencing, and experimenting with different elements of sex and they love throwing themselves into it to explore their fetishes and desires. They are wonderful. They love chains, whips, hooks, bondage, domination, electric shocks; they get very creative.

How do they feel about someone being a virgin?

They have a curious nature so depending on the Mutilation demon they will be more cautious or sensitive to feelings. If they know someone is very sexually experienced, they will be very rough but if they’re with someone who has never had sex before they’ll be very gentle and be more inquisitive to find out what exactly this individual would want to do. They have no problem with it. Unless they are one of the types that S&S will never bring through you don’t have to worry about them. However back to the question yes, they are fine with virgins.

Are there levels to Mutilation demon modifications?

Akelta loves this question because yes there are levels. There is a range from Mutilation demons. There are those who have just a few scars or who enjoy doing occasional scarring and stitches and then there are some Mutilation demons that are walking around as flesh. Some of them aren’t even walking some are just mounds of flesh that just sit around. Those demons enjoy just sitting and being in that state. The levels they go to are amazing and some create incredible avenues of what their flesh can do and how they can bend, shift, play and move with their flesh. They can sculpt their flesh as to them bodies are art. They love the modifications aspect, and they love playing with the flesh and seeing how far they can go.

They also have different abilities from other demons due to their study and understanding of flesh and modifications. For instance, if a Noble demon got stabbed it would be very different from a Mutilation demon. A Noble demon wouldn’t be happy and there would be blood everywhere meanwhile a Mutilation demon could shift their body and shift everything, so it just becomes another hole to play with. They love it and love exploring the different modifications.

Mutilation demons love exploring things that are unique and the things that go beyond what is considered normal. Watching them do the modifications is fascinating and they even have their own fashion sense that comes from these modifications. Some of their fashion is what they want to portray and often they have certain scars or stiches they want to show off. For example, if they have modifications to the face or the body they would want to show and display them to the world. To them this is what makes them, them. Where some people put on clothes to show off their creative expression Mutilation demons put on flesh.

Mutilation demons will even sew their clothing onto themselves and sew them in specific ways. They love sewing themselves and just sewing in general. They love experimentation and it’s so cool to see their designs and their inspiration, what they make themselves into. They also do like to make clothes out of other Mutilation demons or other species. The Lord of Mutilation has an outfit made from every single one of his enemies and the way he’s gathered those outfits is as extreme and layered as he is. Additionally, some of the Mutilation demons have hair while others don’t have hair. The ones that are fleshy often pull the flesh over their head in specific ways. Some of them style their hair in different ways.

Do demons outside of the Mutilation realm take part in their flesh sculpting?

Yes, they do, and Mutilation demons love it when other demons come and want to experiment and play with them. They love it. Many of the other demon species love the creation process and the body modifications and the Mutilation demons love working with those demons to see how their flesh works. For them to get to play not only with somebody else’s flesh but another species it is super exciting and amazing for them since they already know how Mutilation flesh works.

There are demons outside the Mutilation realm that come to join and volunteer, and the Mutilation demons love it. It’s so beautiful because they get so excited when someone else joins in who is not a Mutilation demon and wants to explore their art. They get so thrilled because they love sharing it. Mutilation demons are very creative, and their perspectives are so cool. They have so much fun, and they don’t worry if their art is good. They have a mindset of “this is how the art wanted to be created so its perfect”, the art came out this way and this is what the art wanted so it’s perfect. They enjoy creating art from a perspective of the art where the art becomes what it wants to be. Their art is very beautiful.

Do they get fascinated by people who have tattoos or piercings?

Yes, they love piercings and tattoos. Many of the Mutilation demons themselves have piercings and tattoos. They will definitely encourage anyone to get tattoos as they really love it. They love the pain of altering the body. They also really love blood.

Do they like skin conditions?

Yes, they love skin conditions. They can help people to find positives and ways of acceptance for what goes on around us. They are very accepting and think all these conditions and various aspects are beautiful. Akelta remembers when she was young, she was obsessed with getting scars because when she would get a new one the Lord of Mutilation would be like “that is such a beautiful scar look at the pattern it makes, look at how beautiful it is. It makes you unique because you have this unique scar, no one else in the world has this scar”. The way he saw it was that it added to the unique essence of who she was. His words made Akelta think wow scars make me unique and they are so cool. She found them empowering because of him. Akelta loves their perspective on things because they are very genuine about all of this, they truly love it.

Akelta remembers watching a documentary with a girl who had harlequin ichthyosis which is a very disfiguring disease. In this documentary the girl said that she wouldn’t have been herself without this disease and because of it she appreciates things more. She said this experience also made it so that she can be there as support for other people too. The girl said she’s grateful because it helped make and define who she was. When she said that Akelta thought it was so profound and was an incredible perspective. Through this example these perspectives allow us to shift and appreciate what’s unique to us and what makes us, us.

Can a Mutilation demon help with a sensitivity towards gore?

Yes, they can help with that. A lot of Mutilation demons especially the surgeons have an understanding of psychology and the mind, and they don’t want to cause harm so they are aware of how far they can go without causing harm. They know when to stop and read the person in front of them. They know exactly the limits and how far to go.

How is it to work with Mutilation demons? What are some benefits?

Some aspects are that they are very protective, healing, creative, have a specialty in magick and they have their own unique style. There are sexual demons within their society that have their own techniques and talents. They have very talented and brilliant surgeons in their realm and can teach various healing techniques. Talking to a Mutilation demon especially a surgeon is a phenomenal experience as they are geniuses. They can help solve problems and can help overcome challenges by offering unique perspectives.

Mutilation demons can help with feelings of self-worth for instance, someone who is a burn victim or who might have been in an accident like an amputee, or debilitating/disfiguring disease they will find them so beautiful. They can really help with confidence and self- esteem. They can help you step into your power and be unapologetically yourself without caring about the judgements of others. If someone called a Mutilation demon ugly, they would react with something like, “Oh why am I ugly? What makes me ugly in your perspective? What do you see in me that you attribute to ugliness?”. They would ask so many questions and it wouldn’t phase them at all. They have a wonderful and very empowering perspective.

What offerings are best for Mutilation demons?

It’s really a preference dictated by each individual demon.

However, some options of items you can offer is:

• Blood (you can offer blood to any demon)
• Meat or raw meat
• Jerky
• Mummified remains or preserved remains
• Oddities
• Bones (also bones that haven’t been cleaned properly)
• Old, rusted antiques
• Old medicine bottles- is something Akelta has offered them for their altar
• Old surgical tools and medical devices (they love it)

These are just some possibilities that can be used as offerings. For some sex can also be an offering but that depends on the demon you are working with.

The End! :ideadevil: :devilpaint: :Ddevil:

Re: Mutilation Demons & the Mutilation Realm

Posted: Wed Jul 28, 2021 4:38 am
by darkstarfyre
Thanka windy junnie

Re: Mutilation Demons & the Mutilation Realm

Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2021 6:37 am
Thanks for this wonderful post about the mutilating demons, I didn't know anything about these types of demons before.

Re: Mutilation Demons & the Mutilation Realm

Posted: Sat Jul 31, 2021 6:55 am
by Vixen
This is so delicious, thank you priestesses for this exploration & thank you windy for posting :devilflame: ❤️

Re: Mutilation Demons & the Mutilation Realm

Posted: Sat Jul 31, 2021 8:05 am
by Rasha
Amazing discussion with so much content worth revisiting… Thank you as always, Windy, for your efforts!!

Re: Mutilation Demons & the Mutilation Realm

Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2021 8:56 am
by windyjune
Aw thanks for all the thanks. It's my pleasure to post these :devillove:

This was a super fun chat and the Mutilation demons and realm are just sublime and incredible on so many levels~ it was really a treat to have this tea chat ^_^

Re: Mutilation Demons & the Mutilation Realm

Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2021 9:04 am
by windyjune
SATARIEL333 wrote:
Thu Jul 29, 2021 6:37 am
Thanks for this wonderful post about the mutilating demons, I didn't know anything about these types of demons before.
It's my pleasure and they really are such an amazing group of demons!

Oh if you wanted to learn more about them in the S&S store there is an additional description of Mutilation demons under their listing. I'll add the link in case you wanted to read through that as well: ... on-demons/ ... g-package/

Re: Mutilation Demons & the Mutilation Realm

Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2021 9:55 pm
by ensa
Thank you so much Windy for your wonderful notes! :D